What Is a Simple Agreement for Future Equity (SAFE)? (2024)

A simple agreement for future equity (SAFE) is a financial instrument first offered in 2013 that has gained popularity in the startup ecosystem, particularly among early-stage companies.

SAFEs do not represent a current equity stake in a company.Instead, the SAFE terms must be met before you receive this stake. A SAFE is usually triggered when a specific amount of funding is met.

Key Takeaways

  • Simple agreements for future equity, or SAFEs, are flexible agreements providing future equity rights without immediate valuation.
  • SAFEs are commonly used for early-stage startup funding.
  • Conversion terms are triggered by specific events like equity funding rounds or acquisitions.
  • They differ from traditional financing methods, not accruing interest or having a maturity date.

How SAFEs Work

SAFEs emerged as a popular fundraising option after 2013 when Y Combinator, a tech startup company, introduced it. Since then, they have become more widely used, especially among early-stage startups, as a more straightforward and faster alternative to equity financing or convertible notes.

Startups use SAFEs to receive funding without determining a valuation or issuing equity immediately. Investors invest in the startup, but rather than getting shares right away. Their investment converts into equity only once a predefined triggering event occurs.

Common triggering events, also known as conversion terms, include an equity financing round, an acquisition, or an initial public offering (IPO). Conversions usually happen at a discount or valuation cap as an incentive to invest early. Suppose the triggering event does not occur before the maturity date. In that case, the investor can ask for a payout of the original investment or convert it into equity at the company’s discretion.

A SAFE is not a loan; it doesn’t accrue interest and doesn’t have a maturity date. This makes it different from traditional financing models.

Benefits of a SAFE

SAFEs have several benefits for both the startup and the investor. For both parties, the most significant advantage is their simplicity.

SAFEs are typically shorter and less complex than traditional equity or debt financing documents, which speeds up the negotiation process. This enables startups to focus on their business rather than getting bogged down in lengthy funding negotiations.

SAFEs also often have customizable terms that can be tailored to fit the specific needs of the startup and its investors. This flexibility can include valuation caps and discount rates, allowing startups to negotiate terms that align with their growth strategy and funding needs.

Since investor returns are directly tied to the equity they receive, their success is aligned with the startup’s success. This can encourage investors to contribute more than just capital. They might offer mentorship, industry contacts, and strategic advice to help the startup succeed.

Benefits for Startups

Startups often struggle with accurate and fair valuation in their early stages. SAFEs let them postpone this challenge until a later funding round, usually when more information is available to determine the company’s worth. This can prevent founders from undervaluing their company early on.

Early-stage funding rounds can also lead to significant equity dilution for founders. SAFEs can be structured to lower this dilution compared with traditional equity financing, enabling founders to keep more control over the company.

Unlike convertible notes, SAFEs are not debt instruments and don’t accrue interest. This aspect is helpful for startups since it avoids the pressure of accumulating debt and the obligation of making repayments. This can be challenging for companies still working on generating revenue or with high burn rates.

Benefits for Investors

For investors, the primary attraction of a SAFE is the potential for high returns. If the startup succeeds, their equity could appreciate substantially.

Since SAFEs are used primarily in early-stage startups, the initial investment is typically lower than in later funding rounds. This lower entry point reduces the risk for investors while still allowing them to be part of a potentially successful venture.

In some cases, SAFEs can include provisions that give early investors some priority over future investors. This can consist of early access to new shares or discounts in future rounds, which can attract investors looking to maximize their investment benefits.

SAFEs also have a straightforward exit strategy. Once the agreement is converted into equity, investors can stay invested or exit through secondary sales, an acquisition, or an IPO of the startup.

Risks and Considerations of SAFEs

When a startup defers its valuation to a later round, there’s a risk that it will become overvalued. If the company doesn’t meet its expected growth benchmarks, it might face difficulties raising funds or satisfying investor expectations based on the agreed-upon cap.

While SAFEs initially lower the risk of dilution, converting these instruments into equity during subsequent funding rounds can dilute the founders’ stakes later. This could be more than originally anticipated, especially if the startup has to raise more funds at a lower valuation.

For investors, SAFEs don’t provide immediate ownership in the company. This means investors won’t have equity or voting rights until the SAFE converts, which might not happen if the company doesn’t survive until its later funding round. If the startup fails before the conversion event, SAFE investors may end up with nothing. Unlike debt instruments, SAFEs typically don’t protect investors like creditors if there’s a company liquidation.

In some cases, triggering events in a SAFE might not occur, leaving investors without equity. For instance, if a startup becomes financially self-sufficient, no longer requires additional funding, and isn’t acquired by another entity, then the conditions for converting the SAFE into equity might never be met. This scenario could mean the investor doesn’t receive equity despite the initial investment.

SAFEs vs. Other Early-Round Financing Instruments

To better understand SAFEs, it’s helpful to survey the landscape of startup financing and compare the instruments commonly available to entrepreneurs and early-stage investors. Each carries its own set of features, benefits, and considerations. This table offers a concise yet comprehensive overview, highlighting the key differences in structure, conversion mechanisms, and investor rights.

Early-Round Financing Instruments
FeatureSAFEsConvertible NotesEquity FinancingLoans
StructureEquity warrant (future equity rights, not debt)Debts that convert to equityDirect ownership in companyDebt
Conversion to EquityAt next funding round or liquidity event, often with valuation cap or discountConvert at specified triggers, often with interest and discountImmediate equity issuanceDo not convert to equity
Interest AccrualNoYesNoYes
Maturity DateNo maturity dateHave a maturity dateN/AHave a maturity date
Investor RightsLimited until conversionCreditor rights until conversion, then equity rightsImmediate equity rights (voting, dividends)Creditors’ rights
Valuation DeterminationDeferred until conversionCan be determined at conversionDetermined at investmentN/A
Immediate EquityNoNo, until conversionYesNo
Debt ObligationNoYes, until conversionNoYes

SAFEs have become increasingly common among startups since they were introduced by the venture capital fund and incubator Y Combinator in 2013. SAFEs have been used by countless startups for early-stage fundraising.

Legal and Regulatory Considerations of SAFEs

From a legal perspective, SAFEs are generally viewed as derivative contracts providing rights to future equity ownership (i.e., warrants without an expiration date). As such, they fall under specific state and federal regulations.

Once triggered, shares issued from a SAFE are considered securities. As such, they must comply with securities laws, requiring registration with or an exemption from the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). A Regulation D filing is commonly needed within 15 days of the first investment.

It’s crucial to consult with legal and financial experts to understand the full implications of a SAFE, including potential tax consequences and compliance with securities laws.

For investors, SAFEs don’t usually entail voting rights. However, agreements may grant voting rights on specific matters related to the SAFE. Some SAFEs may include terms allowing the company to repurchase the investor’s future equity rights instead of conversion. Should the company be dissolved, the terms will state what happens to the investments in the SAFE, which could include a total loss.

What Is the Valuation Cap in a SAFE?

A valuation cap in a SAFE sets the maximum value in equity you can get in the agreement. If the company’s valuation when a triggering event (like a funding round) occurs is more than the cap, then your SAFE is converted using the valuation cap’s value. This can result in you receiving more shares. The cap is designed to reward early investors for taking on more risk by getting in at an earlier stage.

What Is a Pre-Money vs. Post-Money SAFE?

Pre-money and post-money SAFEs differ in how the company’s value is determined in a SAFE investment. For a pre-money SAFE, the valuation cap is set before including the amount raised in the SAFE round, which can lead to a greater dilution for founders since all SAFEs and funding affect the valuation. In a post-money SAFE, the valuation cap includes the SAFE investments.

Originally, pre-money SAFEs were used when startups raised smaller amounts before a priced round. These were seen as early investments in the future priced round. However, as fundraising evolved, startups began raising larger amounts in seed rounds, now considered separate financing. In 2018, the post-money SAFE was introduced, allowing for a clearer calculation of company ownership after accounting for SAFE investments. This had advantages for both founders and investors in understanding the dilution and ownership stakes.

How Is a SAFE Taxed?

While the initial investment amount into a SAFE would not cause any tax liability for the investor when investing, its conversion into equity means it becomes taxable. When the SAFE is converted into equity shares, any gains above your original investment are subject to capital gains tax should you sell your shares. For the company, although a SAFE is not debt or equity at first, the proceeds from investors do count as taxable revenue.

Can a SAFE Be Used at a Later Funding Round?

SAFEs are typically associated with seed stage funding, given their simplicity and the flexibility they provide to manage an uncertain valuation. While uncommon, they can be adapted for use in later funding rounds. The key is to tailor the SAFE terms to suit the more mature stage of the company by adjusting the valuation cap and discount rate to reflect the company’s growth and market conditions.

How Does a SAFE Impact a Startup’s Cap Table?

A SAFE influences a startup’s capitalization table (cap table) at the time of conversion, not when the SAFE is initially issued. This means that the investor’s potential equity stake is not immediately reflected in the cap table. Once there is a triggering event like a funding round or a sale, the SAFE is converted into equity, increasing the number of shares outstanding and altering the ownership percentages, potentially diluting earlier investors’ shares.

The Bottom Line

A SAFE is a popular financial instrument in the startup ecosystem, primarily used by early-stage companies. Startups can use it to adapt to changes while securing funding without providing immediate equity stakes or determining a set value for their shares.

SAFEs let investors convert their cash investments into equity when specified events occur, often at a discount or a maximum value. Key benefits include simplicity, customizable terms, aligning investor and startup success, and lowering the potential for diluting founders’ stakes.

However, since SAFEs do not confer any shares or rights until conversion, the investor may lose all their money if the company never reaches the predetermined milestones.

What Is a Simple Agreement for Future Equity (SAFE)? (2024)


What Is a Simple Agreement for Future Equity (SAFE)? ›

They are accounted for as equity on the balance sheet. When the Simple Agreement for Future Equity converts to preferred stock, the accounting entries are that the SAFE entry is removed and the amount is credited to preferred equity (ignoring any APIC implications).

What is a Simple Agreement for Future Equity accounting treatment? ›

They are accounted for as equity on the balance sheet. When the Simple Agreement for Future Equity converts to preferred stock, the accounting entries are that the SAFE entry is removed and the amount is credited to preferred equity (ignoring any APIC implications).

What is the meaning of future equity? ›

A simple agreement for future equity (SAFE) is an agreement between an investor and a company that provides rights to the investor for future equity in the company similar to a warrant, except without determining a specific price per share at the time of the initial investment.

What is the subscription agreement for future equity? ›

Specifically, the “Subscription Agreement for Future Equity – Discount only” enables investors to pay in advance the subscription price for company shares/quotas (typically pre-seed and seed funding) with such shares/quotas to be issued by the company receiving the investment at a later date, so that valuation of the ...

What is the discount rate for the Simple Agreement for Future Equity? ›

Discount rate: It allows the SAFE investor to convert to equity at a discounted price in the course of a subsequent round of financing. Discount rates typically range between 10% and 25%, and the discount factor is calculated as follows: [100 – discount rate]%.

What is a simple agreement for future equity SAFE? ›

Simple agreements for future equity, or SAFEs, are flexible agreements providing future equity rights without immediate valuation. SAFEs are commonly used for early-stage startup funding. Conversion terms are triggered by specific events like equity funding rounds or acquisitions.

What is simple agreement for future tokens or equity? ›

A Simple Agreement for Future Tokens is a contract between a blockchain developer and a buyer, who contributes a certain amount of capital for the promise of an equal amount of tokens when the project meets specific goals. An SAFT is similar to an SAFE, which is for equity.

What is futures equity? ›

Equity Futures are financial contracts in which the parties are obligated to buy or sell the underlying at a pre-determined price at the future date. Equity Futures come in with a maximum three-month expiry period with the last Thursday of that particular month being the settlement day.

What is an example of a futures contract? ›

Futures contract example

You can enter into a futures contract to sell a specific quantity of wheat at a fixed price to a buyer, say, six months from now. If the price of wheat falls below the contract price when the contract expires, you benefit because you get to sell your wheat at a higher price.

Which is better equity or futures? ›

Futures are a common vehicle for hedging and managing risk; If someone is already exposed to or earns profits through speculation, it is primarily due to their desire to hedge risks. Future contracts, because of the way they are structured and traded, have many inherent advantages over trading stocks.

Why don't investors like SAFEs? ›

Legal fees can be modest, but so are the protections. Like all early-stage investments, SAFEs can be especially risky because when you provide the funding, you don't end up owning anything. In the event of a liquidation or wind-down, you may get nothing if the SAFE hasn't already converted.

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Cons of SAFE agreements

Potential for misalignment: SAFE agreements can sometimes lead to misalignment between founders and investors, particularly if the future valuation doesn't meet expectations.

How does an equity agreement work? ›

A home equity agreement is a financial arrangement between a homeowner and an investment company that allows the homeowner to access some of the equity in their home. By granting the investor a lien on the home, you receive a lump sum of cash in exchange for giving up a share of your home's appreciated value.

What happens if a SAFE never converts? ›

If a SAFE note never converts, the investors who provided funding through the SAFE will not receive any equity in the company. The terms of the SAFE will typically specify what will happen in this situation, but in most cases the investors will simply lose the money they invested through the SAFE.

How are SAFEs taxed? ›

If a SAFE is treated as a nonqualified option under Section 83, the SAFE would not be taxable upon issuance, but the spread between the up-front payment and the amount received in a liquidity event or dissolution, or the value of the preferred stock received upon conversion, would be taxable compensation upon ...

What is the 20 discount in a SAFE? ›

The discount rate gives the SAFE note investor a discounted price per share compared to the price paid by new investors in the next equity round of financing. For example, a 20% discount means the SAFE investor gets shares at 80% of the new round's price.

What is the simple agreement for future tokens accounting? ›

It is a contractual investment agreement that involves the agreement of the authorized investors to finance the crypto developers' projects in exchange for discounted crypto tokens at a future date. The contractual agreement, SAFT, is considered a security and falls under the U.S. securities regulations.

What is an equity agreement? ›

An equity purchase agreement, also known as a share purchase agreement or stock purchase agreement, is a contract that transfers shares of a company from a seller to a buyer. Equity purchases can be used to acquire a business in whole or in part.

What is the accounting treatment for equity? ›

The equity method is a method of accounting whereby the investment is initially recognised at cost and adjusted thereafter for the post-acquisition change in the investor's share of the investee's net assets.

What is an agreement to give equity in a startup? ›

An equity agreement is like a partnership agreement between at least two people to run a venture jointly. An equity agreement binds each partner to each other and makes them personally liable for business debts. When two partners sign the equity agreement, each partner is responsible for each other's actions.

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