The Unanticipated Risks of Maximizing Shareholder Value (2024)

"Learning about risk from an academic is like learning about flying from an airport ice cream vendor.”

Nassim Nicolo Taleb

Milton Friedman’s book, Capitalism and Freedom (1962), is a beautiful poem dedicated to a vision of economic freedom.

His article in September 13, 1970, in The New York Times was a political manifesto to achieve that vision. It aimed at unshackling the evil forces that were constraining the capacities of capitalism by creating a sole managerial focus on maximizing shareholder value.

The detailed engineering of the vision was spelled out in 1976, in an article that became one of the most widely cited economic articles ever written: “Theory of the Firm” by Michael Jensen and William Meckling.” That article presented “a theory of the firm” that revolved around reducing agency costs, i.e. the risk that managers would not act in the interests of shareholders. The article presented a detailed case “to establish incentive compensation systems for the manager or to give him stock options which in effect give him a claim on the upper tail of the outcome distribution.” A subsequent article by Jensen coauthored with Eugene Fama in 1983 further elaborated the issues.

In the 1980s, Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher gave the idea political cover. Very quickly, shareholder value became the gospel of capitalism.

The risk of pervasive short-termism

There were however certain risks with the thesis of shareholder value that the academics who launched it didn’t explicitly envisage.

The Meckling/Jensen article focused only on single decisions and the short term impact of compensating executives with stock. The long-term impacts of pursuing shareholder value were described as “important issues which are left for future analysis”—an analysis that Meckling and Jensen never got around to doing.

The article did envisage a risk that an executive might make “decisions which benefit himself at the (short–run) expense of the current bondholders and stockholders.” The article was satisfied that this risk wouldn’t happen: “If [the executive] develops a reputation for such dealings, he can expect this to unfavorably influence the terms at which he can obtain future capital from outside sources. This will tend to increase the benefits associated with ‘sainthood’ and will tend to reduce the size of the agency costs.”

The risk of combines of executives and shareholders

Meckling and Jensen’s article didn’t foresee the risk that that the “sainthood” involved in looking after the interests of shareholders might turn into combines against the organization and society. Executives might conspire with shareholders interested in short-term gains to extract value from the corporation at the expense of customers, employees, of the organization, the community in which the organization operated and ultimately society as a whole.

Nor did the article perceive that this risk might materialize on a macro-economic, even gargantuan, scale, with some $3.4 trillion being used for this purpose from 2004 to 2013, as shown by the research of economics professor William Lazonick.

The risk of stock price manipulation

These theorists were not worried about the risk that the executives might manipulate the stock price through the use of share buybacks. In 1976, such practices were illegal. But they did not imagine that if that legal constraint were to be removed, executives—the very leaders of society—might engage in self-serving behavior, involving trillions of dollars, in what is in effect wholesale stock price manipulation.

Nor did theorists foresee the risk that executives might be able to time the mix of various actions at their disposal so that their personal benefits were significantly higher than those of the general shareholders, as Roger Martin has documented in the case of Cisco [CSCO].

The risk of executive cronyism

Nor did they foresee the risk that if firms started to act on the basis that executives could only be motivated to work on behalf of the shareholders for monetary gain, this might turn into a nightmarish self-fulfilling prophecy. Executives might, far from aspiring to the “sainthood” of looking after the interests of shareholders, might turn into grotesque caricatures of self-interest and greed, not only grabbing extraordinary compensation and pension benefits for themselves, but also feathering the nests of their colleagues by assuring their bonuses even where there were performance shortfalls. They didn’t foresee that the most highly paid people, who should be actively leading in remedying systemic malfunctions, would be busy helping their friends extract rents from it.

The risk of turning talent into vampires

Nor did they envisage, as Roger Martin has recently pointed out in his recent HBR article, that much of ‘the talent’ would be seeking ever greater returns for themselves. They didn’t perceive the risk that the leaders of corporate America might become, not the wise stewards of the national well-being or the swashbuckling innovators of fictional capitalism, but rather vampires, systematically extracting value rather than creating it.

The risks of dismantling whole organizations

These academics didn’t worry about the risk to the organization itself, because an organization was to them a mere “legal fiction.” In the theoretical world inhabited by these economists, if one organization failed, it could be replaced by another. They didn’t perceive the risk that there might be very heavy economic and social costs in dismantling whole corporations and the social capital embodied in them.

The risk of losing whole industries

Nor did they perceive the risk that, by shifting production to other parts of the world where the short-term production costs were lower, the damage to whole industries might be irreparable. Once lost, the productive capacity could not easily be retrieved or rebuilt: Amazon can't make the Kindle in the US, even if it wanted to.

The risk of treating employees as disposable

The article was even less worried about any risks to employees. To the theorists of shareholder value, employees were regarded as fungible, even disposable, instruments to serve the interests of capital: if employees lost their jobs they could always seek employment elsewhere. As Milton Friedman had written, “The employee is protected from coercion by the employer because of other employers for whom he can work.”

The authors didn’t foresee the risk that the extraction of value from corporation might become so great that there might be few “other employers” offering employment. Nor did they envisage the risk that if this process was continued, the impacts might become so large that there would eventually be a shortage of customers for real goods and services and no business opportunities to invest in. In the language of the macro-economists, there would be a massive problem of “lack of demand.”

The risk of locking in obsolete management practices

Nor did they perceive the risk that a total focus on making money for shareholders and the top management might be perceived by the firm’s remaining employees as an inherently dispiriting goal, so that management would require ever tighter command-and-control to achieve it. They didn’t perceive the risk that adopting the goal of shareholder value would in effect lock organizations into the obsolete 20th Century management practices of hierarchical bureaucracy, thereby making the organization even less able to compete in a rapidly evolving economy.

The risk of dispiriting employees

Since employees would not spontaneously be committed to making money for the executives and the shareholders, there was a risk that they would have to be compelled to focus on the goal. The authors didn’t envisage the risk that if employees were working under compulsion, they would be less likely to be engaged, let alone passionate, in its pursuit. As a result, corporations would be even less able to innovate and compete. The fact that only eight percent of workers overall, and only 20 percent of senior managers, are passionate about their work shows how deep this problem has become.

The risk of failing to renew human capital

Nor did they perceive the risk that the total focus on immediate returns to shareholders might lead corporations to refrain from investing in training and retraining their employees, and instead to shift work to wherever labor costs were currently lowest. This could boost returns to current shareholders and executives. But it ran the risk that if all firms pursued this course, there might come a day when there was an inadequate pool of trained workers from which they would draw on for the creation of future businesses.

The risk of undermining communities

Nor did they worry too much about the risk of damage to communities by shifting work to other parts of the world. They assumed that “the magic of the marketplace” and the process of “creative destruction” would heal any damage that a short-term extraction of value might cause. They didn’t envisage the risk that the extraction of value might reach such a scale and cause such damage that there would be insufficient resources available to the economy as a whole to heal the damage to the communities so harmed.

The risk of killing international competitiveness

Nor did they perceive the risk that the resulting focus on short-term share price would kill international competitiveness. As three distinguished professors at Harvard Business School—Michael Porter, Jan Rivkin and Rosabeth Moss Kanter, have pointed out, “virtually all the net new jobs created over the last decade were in local businesses—government, healthcare, retailing—not exposed to international competition. That was a sign that the U.S. businesses were losing the ability compete internationally.”

The risk of short-changing customers

Nor did the theorists worry too much about customers. If customers didn’t like what corporations were offering they could as Milton Friedman had written, take their business elsewhere: “The consumer is protected from coercion by the seller because of the presence of other sellers with whom he can deal.”

They didn’t perceive the risk that if most corporations favored shifting resources to shareholders and executives instead of investing in innovation for customers, customers might become dissatisfied and give their business to corporations based in other parts of the world, so that eventually the dynamism and survival of entire industries might be compromised.

The risk of undermining investment

Nor did they foresee the risk that by creating strong financial incentives to do the easy thing of low value to the real economy—i.e. increase the stock price—while creating no incentives to do the difficult thing of high value to the organization and the real economy—i.e. invest in and create new business opportunities—they were virtually guaranteeing that executives would spend most of their efforts on self-interested activities of low value to the organization and the real economy.

The risk of undermining economic growth

Nor did they foresee the risk that diverting resources to shareholders and executives from investments in the future might reach such a scale that the capacity of the economy grow or provide livelihood for all its citizens might be compromised. If large numbers of big corporations began acting in this way, the dynamism of the economy would be put at risk and that we would be facing a period a sustained economic stagnation.

The risk of malfeasance becoming endemic

Nor did they envisage the risk that the corporate world would be plagued by continuing scandals, such as the accounting scandals in 2001-2002 with Enron, WorldCom, Tyco International, Global Crossing, and Adelphia, the options backdating scandals of 2005-2006, and the subprime meltdown of 2007-2008.

They didn’t foresee that banks and others would be gaming the system, at first with practices that were shady and but not strictly illegal and then with practices that were actually criminal. They include widespread insider trading, price fixing of LIBOR, abuses in foreclosure, money laundering of drug dealers and terrorists, assisting tax evasion and misleading clients with worthless securities that led to settlements entailing tens of billions of dollars.

At first, these were seen as isolated cases of corporate missteps—just a few rotten apples like Enron in the barrel of mostly good apples. The presumption was that most firms and their executives were acting in the best interests of their corporation and society. What has become steadily more apparent is that we have gone beyond a few isolated examples of corporate missteps. Most of the apples in the barrel are rotting.

The risk of successive economic crashes

“It isn’t just about the money for shareholders, or even the dubious CEO behavior that our theories encourage,” writes Martin. “It’s much bigger than that. Our theories of shareholder value maximization and stock-based compensation have the ability to destroy our economy and rot out the core of American capitalism. These theories underpin regulatory fixes instituted after each market bubble and crash. Because the fixes begin from the wrong premise, they will be ineffectual; until we change the theories, future crashes are inevitable.”

The risk of increasing income inequality

Nor were these economic theorists concerned about the risk that as the resources of a corporation were systematically shifted to shareholders and executives, at the expense of employees and customers, income inequality might significantly worsen, or that there were be an excessive concentration of economic power in the hands of the few that might be even worse than the concentration of economic power in the hands of the government. The lack of prosperity shared widely across society undermines the prospect of any sustained future economic growth.

The risk of concentration of economic power

Milton Friedman was fond of pithy and brilliant one-liners. Perhaps the most famous quote of his entire career was: “Concentrated power is not rendered harmless by the good intentions of those who create it.”

Friedman was referring, of course, to government, to whose excesses he was exquisitely sensitive. But his insight has turned out to be prophetic critique of his own legacy in the private sector, to whose excesses he was blithely indifferent. The headlong stampede for profit alone, with the self ahead of everything, has led to concentrated power in the hands of the few, along with large harm for many—the very concentration of economic power that Friedman was so keen to avoid. The concentration might distort the very process of democracy, with special interests garnering ever more benefits for the few.

The risk of corrupting society itself

“Real power,” Gautam Mukunda wrote in his article, “The Price of Wall Street Power,” in the June 2014 issue of Harvard Business Review., “comes not from forcing people to do what you want but from changing the way people think, so that they want to do what you want.”

The final irony of shareholder value, that the academics didn’t foresee, is that society as a whole would become complicit in supporting the mythology that shareholder value is good for shareholders and society. CEOs receive extraordinary compensation and open boast of extracting value from their firms. Chief Financial Officers act as guardians of “the single objective financial function” by which the value extraction is enforced in decisions taken throughout the whole organization. Business schools teach their students how to implement such policies and practices. Institutional shareholders are complicit in what the C-suite is doing and often urge it. Regulators pursue individual wrong-doing but remain largely indifferent to systemic failure. Prosecutors hesitate to pursue criminal prosecutions on the grounds that firms are “too big to fail.” Rating agencies reward the profits hat flow from malfeasance. A chorus of analysts applauds short-term gains and ignores obvious long-term rot. Politicians, who benefit from lavish campaign contributions from the entrenched financial interests, stand by and watch.

In effect, the academics didn’t perceive the risk that a whole society might lose its way.

The risk of failing even on its own terms

In short, the academics who launched shareholder value didn’t perceive the risk that shareholder value theory might not only fail on its own narrow terms of making money for shareholders but would also corrupt and destroy the very productive capacity and dynamism of the economy as a whole.

Yet these were precisely the risks that materialized over the next four decades. In the period since shareholder value theory was born in the 1970s, executive compensation and the use of share buybacks exploded while corporate performance, business dynamism, competitiveness and economic growth have steadily declined. Despite a booming stock market, we are staring at a period of secular economic stagnation.

The unanticipated risks of shareholder value that materialized were thus significant. To summarize, shareholder value:

  • Caused endemic short-termism
  • Generated combines of executives and shareholders
  • Fostered executive cronyism
  • Led to widespread stock price manipulation
  • Undermined organizations, communities and whole industries
  • Dispirited employees
  • Failed to renew human capital
  • Short-changed customers
  • Locked in obsolete management practices
  • Caused secular economic stagnation
  • Killed international competitiveness
  • Led to rampant income inequality
  • Caused an unhealthy concentration of economic power
  • Sparked successive economic crashes
  • Caused unhealthy concentration of economic power
  • Corrupted society itself

Of course, none of this was the intent of the academics who promoted shareholder value. The consequences of these ideas were not rendered harmless by good intentions. The economic cure that they offered turned out to be worse than the supposed disease.

At some deep level, we are still connected with their poetic vision of a free society, with entrepreneurs free to propose new ideas, customers free to choose whether to accept, employees free to choose where to work and everyone getting the benefit of a smoothly function economy in a world of perfect competition.

Sadly, that vision has been degraded in implementation and has turned into its very opposite. So we can embrace the original intent behind the vision, while recognizing the failure to envisage, or deal with, the unanticipated risks that occurred in implementation.

An emerging consensus on the need for change

In recent months, leading pro-business journals such as Harvard Business Review, The Economist, Financial Times, The New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, the Washington Post and, have all published articles denouncing these management practices and calling for major change.

These thought leaders are not speaking in euphemisms or hedging their bets. These are flat-out denunciations of, not just one firm, but the whole management culture that prevails in big business. Phrases like “stock price manipulation” (Harvard Business Review), “corporate cocaine” (The Economist) and “zombie managers in the grip of management ideas that refuse to die” (Financial Times) are typical. Jack Welch has called shareholder value “the dumbest idea in the world.” Xavier Huillard, the CEO of the Vinci group has called it “totally idiotic.”

We are also seeing incumbents of the C-suite speaking out, such as Tim Cook at Apple, Eric Schmidt at Google, Paul Polman at Unilever, and John Mackey at Whole Foods.

As usual with the shock of recognition at a disturbing, previously-hidden truth, there is a disquieting sense that the accepted coordinates of knowledge have somehow gone awry and the universe has come out of whack.

An emerging consensus on the alternative

But bad ideas don’t die just because they are bad. They hang around until a consensus forms around another idea that is better. This is what’s happening now with maximizing shareholder value. A consensus is forming around a better idea.

That was the news coming out of a report from the Aspen Institute earlier this year which convened a cross-section of business thought leaders, including both executives and academics. The report’s most important finding is that majority of the thought leaders who participated in the study, particularly corporate executives, agreed on Peter Drucker’s insight of 1973, namely, that “the primary purpose of the corporation is to serve customers’ interests.” In effect, the best way to serve shareholders’ interests is to deliver value to customers.

And read also:

Has Capitalism Reached a Turning Point

Capitalism’s Future Is Already Here

Why the World’s Dumbest Idea Is Finally Dying

From CEO Takers To CEO Makers: The Great Transformation

The five surprises of radical management


Follow Steve Denning on Twitter @stevedenning

The Unanticipated Risks of Maximizing Shareholder Value (2024)
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Name: Arielle Torp

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Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.