The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

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The Plain Dealeri

Cleveland, Ohio

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48 CLEVELAND PLAIN DEALER THURSDAY OCTOBER 8 1959 PREERRED SCOTCH AT 4031 LIRE A BOTTLE ow A In Italy and in 82 other lands Grand Macnish is an honored name in scotch whisky Try it Grand Macnish Imported Scotch Whisky in the Dimpled Decanter I rite nisi gm KVl Grand ng VT TIBiyt" ytz BLENDED SCOTCH WHISKY 88 PROO IMPORTED BY JAS BARCLAY A CO LTD DETROIT MICHIGAN INANCIAL NOTES SPACE AGE STOCKS GAIN GROUND IN MIXED MARKET Credit Unions Called Key Stocks Glamor Issues Up and Down in Low Competitors of Banks airly Active Trading 414 X10 39i 11 49 49 18 16 6 44 44 37 26 67h 21 36 4 30 5 55 15 44 Am 59 58 46 46 46 38 1 i zlO 73 3 93 4 110 50 80 18 118 33 33 5b ha 31 20b 23 210 40 39 5V 50 29 330 120 Hjtniplircy 19 14 fn 49 High Low er and Business Personal i In Business 39 63 '2 Programming Insurance 76 ESTERBROOK SELLS 69 17 1S INSURANCE CO PROVIDENT MUTUAL LIE 16 18 20 11 49 new idea in pen sets 109 SU 1 1900 ii 2 60 13 in 11 11 911 12 87 1211 31 8 47 to the men who own business and industry 47 1L 47 46V 4M 3 6 ire risk and premium cost can he 31 29 29 46X 47 a materially reduced by competent ire 1 9 12 39 10 Insurance Engineering 11 50 39 130 120 Service is our business 9 'd 2 20 54 a 5: 50 z50 Jg 1 1 530 Hanna Bldg MA 1 3065 Cab! Addr 60 26 j) THE AGENCY MAKES THE DIERENCE 60 6 7 100 1 94 66 83 30 30i ULTON REID CO INC 44 INVESTMENT SECURITIES 43" 43 1 5 How should you pick a Broker? 8 3 12 1 27 1 1 3 96 6 i We are pleased to announce that 20 90 SCHUYLER HASKELL 8 1 12 27 26 19 1 is now associated with us as a 106 1 120 7 1 35 55 4 Registered Representative 0 78 1 z300 1 30 6tp Pl 16 Differences customer service in i ulton Reid Co Inc 14 43 in 4 53 in 40 Vi 17 40 1186 Union Commerce Bldg Cleveland 14 6 13U personnel training 14 in i0 '0 16 CHerry 1 1920 a Ji 31 31U 4 112 6 160 Hr 20 A 67 83 53 17 87 97 31 6V 6 Vi 8 TIMELY 4) WHY CONVERTIBLE BONDS SUGGESTIONS 51 ARE NOW ATTRACTIVE 89 Department AX52 210 7 12 Issues Recommended li: 32 ft) 3: in our current Previews 13 14 26 16 82 2 43 JOV 113 lit 1 39 30 78 95 56 pwaey 67o ADDRESS CITE ZONE STATE Key Capital nd Su plui D50000 CUD Tpfton: SUperlor 1 9100 OICES IN 39 CITIES Paine Webber 8 ADDRESS Union Commerce Building Cleveland TOwer 1 5300 DEPOSITS INSURED TO $10000 INVESTMENT SECURITIES ULTOjN REID 4 CO INC 135 30d lb 40 56 40 16 14 11 7 1 5 10 61 3 3 6y 1 1 9 6 11 6 5 11 30 6 77 14 18 20 9 11 14 3 4 14 12 5 1 4 8 34 4 14 6 I bd 68 12 80 1C 6 7' 34 14 5 38' 36 1) Dt De Di 1 De lb 1 oO 3 14 49 48 88 50 66 42? 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pf 450 pr35U10 Net Last Ch 30 40 75 20 16 15 5 19 6 1M 56 18 70 dy 80 Hud Ill Lt 152 lit Lt pf450 111 PS 176 Net Last Chj 2u 33 IP 90 30' 109 18 13 33 46 39 pf 221 Z160 pt 204 260 45 40 59 13s 59 104 20 9 100 22 69 11 89 143 50 3i 29 27 11 33 41 X10 29 7 0 80 6 8 18 4 1 7 31 30 65 33 97 61 14 23 5MV Gt Gt Gt Gt Gt 63 106 3 13 ROADVIEW SAVINGS 39 31 32 32 7 13 20 17 47 50 98 118 58 76 39'1 18 30 19 94 18 Net ast Chfi 41 38 40 7 26 67 the 48 63 16 33 37 50 41 20 IS Morrell 50d Mot rnri 160 3 5 5 ZoU 11 115 13 6 117 31 19 19 33 91 19 45 6 1 LiLPG tlVilbi 50 10 50 80 26 335 1327 29 21 23 20 50 141 16'zi 36 49 20 17 70V3 36 41 51 18 55 48 hl 1 18 43 31 113 28 29 6 70 36 19 18 44 88 58 75 18 6 57 3 17 83 Dynam 2 Elec 2 ds Tntru 15 Millv 120 y)trrfi 2 Mot vf 5 Mot Pf 375 Cem 1 Tree 431 45 40 18 18 49 62 38 1 17 49 1 4 71 41 S9 39 20 15 3l 81 1 76 56 18 70 78 48 49 50l JO 2 Z170 10 13 49 20 20 3 19 14 Z20 50 1 20 1 50 13 3 Tel Tel 1 155 Utl! la 32 41 89 39 19 29 16 28 10 :58 45 47 88 17 Z19O 3 70 36 2 I Bat 2 130 1 180b 42 81 28 1 i nue eend me a REE copy at yew currant NAME 116 4 2 10 35 20 33 6 46 39 18 14 10 urewryj Lwian Pom 20 167 47 50 77 78 16 i 37 70 11 90 Mot Wheel 60 Motorola 150 Mueller Br 1 49 Munslnfw IM Murphy 2a Murray NAI Natco bti Nat Nat Nat Nat Nat Nat Nat Nat Nat Nat Nat Nat Nat Nat Nat Nat Nat Nat Nat Nat Nat Nat 6 1ST60 18 zlOO 43VJ 1 4O 18 Am Am Am Am Am Am Am Am Am Am Am Am Am Am Am Am Am Am Am Am Am Am Am Am Am Am Am Am Am Am Am Am Am Am Am Am Am Am Am Am Am Am Am Am Am zlO 58 Z120 30 6 41 5 79 El Emei bmo End Equit Erie Erie Sales Hids) 17 INSURANCE OR INDUSTRY OR INDIVIDUALS 30 13 Air dh50 St! 90 Kod 11 Ih 360 51 16 27 81 19 33 50 36 17 119 23 16 143 3 6 20 11 di du Pont au ont uuq Lt i 4 pi DWG Cig Eagie E3 Ea Ea Ea Eas Eat Eat Edi Da: Dpi Deere Cel LAW 3 6 31 3v 36 1R 33 36 3 1 "Bankers are supposed to be leaders of economic the Michigan bank leader told nearly 600 northeastern Ohio bankers are supposed to be skilled in financial service "Banks are part of the free enterprise system As such in my opinion the job is to point out that credit unions by their very nature are co operative collectivists even socialistic by nature and there fore incompatible to a degree with free The best way Ohio bankers can do this job Is by offering better service to the public Sherwood added He revealed his bank had a plan "which wc are sure can do It features payroll deductions for both loan payments and de posits the banker explained approach the employer and offer to provide his employes with the same type of service that a credit union normally provides "We can do it cheaper thus benefiting both the employe and the 3 9 i 160 9 102'i bi1 27 59 8'm 53 29 70 191 40 6 14 27 34 36 11 67 19 23 38 Gen On Gen Gen Gen Gen Gen Gen Prec 3 pf 3 Prep pf 29l Gen Pub Sv 05 9 28 2h 64 18 43 20 3oVi" 34 6 31 29 68 45 3Uj 40 36 's 48 52 91 47 45 20 21 6 110 31 im 84 26 52 24 ion Z20 5 Bak 220 Can 180 70b Ins 2b Mot 60 Oil 160 St 2a 4r1 52 48 19 44 17 81 48 91 60 392 89' 31 8 29 45 3 3 6 19 3 1 41 51 Z140 141 18 6 32 117 34 5 20 0 33 91 I 40 62 10 41 29 53 26 43 90 41 34 48 67 34 28 38 Atl At! Atl Atl Atlas Cp Atlas Pdr Aust Nlch Autom Cant Avco Corp Babbitt 20g Babco*ck Bald Lima Balt BaltG pfB 450 Han A un ioua Balt pr 4 Barber Oil 18 Basic Pd 120 Bath If Wk 3 Bausch A 1 Bayuk Cig 2 Beat pf 4 50 seaumt ai Beckman In Beech Aire i Beech Crk 2 Beech Sav ell Aire Bell How Av Benef in Reneuet J5e Bestwall 11 0 32 39 80 31 8 29 46 79 96 24 33 56 102 xlOO 13 Z10 5 2S zlOil 3 8 6 19 23 31 43 40 18 24 29 53 Peth Pteel Beth Stl nt 7 Bigelow Rlack A Dec Blaw Knox 140b Bliss 105g Bliss EW Boeing Air lb Bonn Alum Bond Strs Rook of Mon Borden 180g Rnrz Warn Rorg pf 350 bos bms rt Ros A Me pf Bran Airw Rrldg Brass Briggs Mf Brlffis A Sr Brist My 20h Bkly Ga Brown Bg Brun Balke i Buckeye PL 140 bucv Erie Rudd Co 75g Bullard Rulova 60 Burl Ind 120 Bud Pf 450 Burl 4 pf 4 Burroughs 1 Rutte Cop Byers pf 7 Cal Tack 115 Callah Mng Calum A 1 Camb Lk 35a Campb Soup L80 ijrn i try i Can Sou Ry 3 Cdn Par 150 Gannon 3 Capital Aid Carborun ltO Carey Phil 160 Carn rO 5 Caro PtL 132 Carpen SM 2 Carrier Cp 120g Carrier pf'2 25 CarrA Gen 45g Carter Pd 1 Case JI Case 2d pf15 Cater Trac 25h Celanese lb Celan p(7 Celotex 2 ven Can Con Cen Cen CenSW 10 Century Ind 40 Cer de Pas 75d Cert teed lrt Cessna Air 2 33 91 40 40 bl 10 20 128 1S 11 59 ii 53 39 37 29 30 76 24 2) 32 11 1) 6 3 32 23 20 44 21 9 6 44 46 7 z20 112 10 10 120 menu which in our 'opinion gives them particular interest at the present ana at tjieir present prices Harshaw Ch 1 Hart 2 Hat Corp 75f Haves Ind 25e Heinz 220 Heller 140 Helme 16Ua Helme pf 175 Here Pdr 75g Here Pur pf 5 Hertz 1 Hew Robins 2 Hoyden Npt 30g 19 HeyN piA 3 3U i Hot 120 Hoff Elect 60 Holland 60 Holly Sug 120 Homestk 160a Honolu Oil 2 Hooker Ch 1 Hotel Cp Am Hotel Cp pf 125 Houd Ind 1h Houd'Ind pf 225 1 Househ in 120b 5 House pf 375 zSD riOUjt Lr Howard SU Howe Snd Hud Ray Hunt ds Hunt ds pf 5 Hupp Cp 25f Huss Refr Ih Idaho Pw 170 Idea) Cem 80 III Cent 150g III Pw 150 35 20 35 6 47 39 18 50 29 7 39 38 Chad Goth Cham Belt 160a Champ Pap 120 Champ pf 450 Champ Spk 150 Champlin Oil 1 Chance Vgt 2 Checker Mot Chemetn 75g Chemwav ins' Ches Cp Va lCOb 2 Ches 4 Oh 4 12 Chi Ill Chi Gt West 2b 1 Chi Gt pf 250 1 ChMSPi Pac 150 Li Ch MS PAP pl 5 2 pf Chi Pncu Chi RIAPar Chock 120 27 Chrysler 75g 113 Cin 1 50 11 Cin pf 475 zlO on ut pr 4 CIT inan 260 Cities Svc 240b City Invest 40a City Prod 260 City Str 1 Clark Ecjuip 2 Clev Ei III 1W1 Clev El pf 450 i Clev A Put 350 Clevite 8S? Cluett Pea 21 i oca cola la Colg Palm 120 Colg Pal pf 350 Coll Aik 6Og Colo lS7f Colo rf 275 Colo A So 1 pf 1g CBS 120 Colum Gas 1 Col Pict If Col Carb 240 Oh El 160 Comb Eng 112 Coml Cred 20 Com! Solv 15g Comw Ed 2b Comw Ed pf525 Comptometer Conde Cone Mills 80 Congoleum Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Con Consol Consum Con Pw Con Pw Con Pw 4 10 16 in X375 zlOO 140 2 1 14 85 42 81 62 38 4 17 5 25 25 43 90 40 34 48 67 34 28 37 47 15 33 32 42 63 18 85 38 ufacturers use Busi ness the business magazine of 750000 readers in the important owner executive market Often they findit helps their salesmen get direct to the "hard to decision maker create accept ance that exist before get re orders when salesmen are unable to call Start taking this productive route to the owner executive market today Adver tise in Business Uuilding Cleveland 15 Ohio Cigar 160a Edis 280 Edis pf5 Electrod 40 El Ind oods lb Gas Ut 90 Gas 210' KR 7 53 55 4 Acme Airlin A viat Dc Bis pt 1160 an Cash 120 City 2 Dairv 2 Distilll 30 Dist pf425 uelG 110a Gyps 2b Lead 225 Lead PfA? Mai 150g Stand 160a Steel 3 Sug Ref 3a Tea SO Thea 50 US Rad 40b Natomas Neisner 80 Neptune 140 Newebrry 2 Newbep pf375 NewEngEI 108 NT PwA Lt pf4 1Btrmnnt 2 Newpt NSh 140a 70 NY AirBnc 1 NY Central NY ChtSL 2 NY NW Hart NYNHA Pf NY Shipbd 2 Cp 1 120xd 180 120 1 Club 187fquo ag 120a Jb6070 LISg 18 46 18 38 90 8b 82 Young i Rubicam ads aimed at owner executives Sometimes a sale is a circuitous affair But no matter how cir cuitous one thing is true at the buying end when selling to business: you sell most effec tively when you sell the men who own the company or the ones who have to be sold before you can write an order why so many man Nation's Business 1622 Hanna 14'4 82 Sales iHds High 41' 40 '4 143 Nat Lut cis im S2H 1H Differences Differences H8 43 li 26' 1714 '4 83 i 535 39 36 31 30 64 33 97 82 55 47 28 30 75 32 41 12 24 20 31 A short paragraph on each of these widely varied opportunities describes recent deve ot tttpnfa uhJnVi ci 58a( 32 91 1 60 i z20 130 13 25 73 20 28 22 3 6 45 11 1 24 31 z20 100 Z120 85 65 20 51 13 50 Selected convertible bonds are particularly good investments in the current market Goodbody Co analysis state in 'a new Bond Bulletin Two important reasons for this arc: uiam a Diam a Diana st i nners Disney Diveo ur Penner Dome Min Domin i our Aire 43 631 85 38 9 47 1 15 33 78 4 77H 7 31 36 11 100 35 2 45 1 3 8 6 6 3 30 15 16 143 143 44 129 5 70 6 254 19 77 78 49 39 39 29 29 '4 412 2s 51 51 141 141 JU 19 48 39 29 59 2 11 60 104 20 II) 19 11 lb 140g19h 0 El Rad 37t 136 aim 160 Iran 17a KK LR nf 5 Evans ra Eversharp Ev CeU airch air air Wh pf 160k 3 airmont 160 2 alstaffBr 120xd 5 ram Mn ibO ansteel lb awick 30g edd Corn 1 ed Pap Bd 2 ed Str 2 enestra erro rp 90' ibre Tap 120b Jfih Av Lin iltrol ISO irestone 2 60b irest pf 450 irst Str 2a irstamer 80 irth Cpt lintkote ISO lint ev pf 450 la Pw 72 Kia 88 luor 80 ood air 1 ood Mkt 62f Mkt pf 10 ood Mach 120 rood Mart M) oote 80b lord Mot 160g orem Dair 1 ost Wheel rancis 30 rcept Sul 120 ruen rra ruch Pf i Gabriel 45g Gamble Sk Gamewell Jg Gar Wood Gardner Den Carreit 2b Gen Accept 1 Cen AmTndn Am Jnves 30g 8 Ger Am Oil 40 22 GenAmTran 190 16 ien hn Gen Bak pf 8 Grn Banc 30j Cen Bronze 150 Gen Cable 2 Cbl nf 4 Gen Cigar S0 Cont in 30g control 60 Gen 11 9 8 5 4 8 S3 73 29 13 30' 39 33 32 110 6 5 14 2 1 1 3 14 I 3 19 45 46 46 39 39 physical facilities research aid 404 3 4 90 35 18 14 206 14 5 3 2 21 6 z30 630 56 115 Previews ia the timely investment bulletin prepared by our Research Department spe cialists It pin points stocks carefully selected by them for income profit or growth prospects 6 17 32 83 I 14 42 Z290 3 10 1 0 11 44 165 3 45 13 50 79 4 1 68 16 19 53 hi 123 281 ZlOO 36 West 120a West of? Green HI Id Greyhound lb Grum Aire 150 Guant ug 175g Ljuir Gulf Gulf Gulf Hall Halliburton 240 10 Harm! Wat 73g 2 Ham Wat pf4 zlO Hammer Pan 75g 3 Hmd Org 2a 5 Harb Walk 160 5 Harris IntloOb 2 z30 2 9 46 6 3 19 10 39 74 40 4 Sales iHdj) High 8 2 HalefHds) High 66 20 51 14 31 46 10 46 1 87 5 26 MH 13 Bale iHds) Him 17 93 a 43 45 40 18 18 50 63 38 4 Cub of Coal 120 4 Pw 2h0 pf 452 pf 450 pf 416 Container 1 von Cnnt Cont Cont Coni Cont Cont Coop Bess 160 Copper Rnrr 50 Copw Stl 150g Corn Pd 2 Cornell 43 Corning G1 la Cosden Pet lb Coty inc Coty Inti 20g Crane Co 120 Crane pf 375 Crm of Wh 160a 1 crescent ret if Cresct pf 125 rown Coric Crown 7pII 1 Crown pf420 zl20 vruc tti so unit Cub 1 Gen Pub Ut 5on Gen Ry Sig la Gen Realty 47y uteri neiiac Tel A El 220 71 Tella pfB130 1 Gen lime 1 Gen Tire 70 enesco 150 Ga Pae Cd lb GerberProd 160a 8 Getty on Gillette 2a Gimbel 180 Glad McE 1 Glen Aid Glidden 2 Globe 120 Goebel Br Goodrich 220 Goodyear 240b Gould Bat 2 Grae 6 Co 120d Grab Paige Grab Pg pf 60 Granm Grand Un 160 Gran Stl 2 Grant 220 Grant pf 375 Grays Rob tAAP 90g lr Ore 2e No Pap 60 riwe send me without cot your Bulletin KAM 41 41 135 135 78 i 11 3 Him to LutOlA 17 107 109 27 34 48 26 14 13 54 18 26 52 151 9 58 28 50 30 93 22 55 in 149 39 51 96 35 18 10 12 6 13 29 40 75 20 79 inn 84 1 ctnow! Learn why these 6 stocks are fea tured in current Previews or your free copy of PREViEws just one of the many investment services we provide use coupon below i 3 16 z300 37 52U 152 10 9 53 28 51 30 93 22 55 112 1 149 1 39 51 96 35 18 12 6 13 30 40 75 20 79 75 40 32 33 151 1 i 9 58 28 51 4 30 93 22 55 111 22 34 z10 113L 25 11 3 z50 3 64 1 21 This an opportunity to buy securities combining the capital gains potential of common stocks with the relative safety and stability of bonds The new' Bond Bulletin now available to investors recom mends twelve good quality convertible bonds sell ing close to both investment value and conversion parity or your copy fdl out and mail the cou pon below in i 54 102 M1U 15 40 39 46 41 40'i 2 57 56 2 57 57 31 5 5 2 so rrm l0 241 nr Rp ja Merrill Lynch Pierce enner Smith Inc Members lew York Stock Exchange and all other Principal Exchuiges 1375 Euclid Avenu 55 Public CLEVELAND 15 CLEVELAND 13 Tel: PRospect 1 7900 Tel: MAin 1 7500 OTHER NEARBY OICES: 9 irst National Tower Tel: HEmloclr 4 4571 St rancis Hotel Bldg Tel: GLendale 6 0561 3IMJ 94i 1S 1 119 1 5a 139 II Crowell Mgr 717 SUPERIOR AVE Ill Pw Ill PW Indpls 170 1 inn ei Aiex aag Indust Ray Ing Rand 3a Inland Stl 0h i Interchem 63h Interlak Ir 105g Int Bus Meh 2 Int Harv 2 Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Interst DStr 120h 3 InterM Pw 90 8 Iowa El 160 1 Iowa 111 15i)b 3 Is! Crk Coal 2 13 ITE Ckt Brk 180 2 Jaeger Meh 120 2 Jeat Lak Jewel Tea 120 Johns Man 2 Jones 250 Jones pf 5 Joy Mfg 2 Kaiser Al 90 Kais nc pf237 Kan 220 KC pf450 Kan 4 Kan 148 Kan 136 Kayser Rotn Kellogg 1 Kelsey Hay 210 Kendall Kennecott 450g Kern Ld 2a Kerr McGee 80 Kerr McG pfi12 Keystone 2 Kirnb Clk 180 King SeeI2 a KLM Air! 106g Hoppers 120g Korvette Kresge SS 160 Kress SH 2 Kroger 110 Laclede Gas 90 La Cons pf 23g Lee Rub 120 Lees Sons 2b luehigh Leh Port 1 Izh Vail nd LehV Ind 2 pf Leh Vai RR Lohman 162g Lehn 2 I erer Str 120 IX) Glass 2 Uh McNAL 40 Ugg My 5 Ligg My pf 7 7 TJly Tulip 1 Lionel Litton Ind 2f Lockh A re Izzwe's Inc 120 Thea Lone Cem 120 Lone SG pf4fi z50 113 3si Hits 'Mediocrity' John A Wallace president of the association and of the Willard United Bank Willard 0 charged time we re examined the 'cult of mediocri which has been developing in this country in recent Wallace said bankers and others have tended too long to glamorize the so called "com mon to force everyone into tne same mold and bring the capable down to level of the least Conformity in dress in bits in attitudes in beliefs "are foreign to our nature and our he asserted "We must again seek to give the rewards to those who dare to be differ ent It's high time we resumed the search for the uncommon Oilier speakers at the OBA Group Nine annual meeting in cluded Dr Jacob Kamm economist and president the Cleveland Quarries Co Am herst and Dr Harvey (Continued on Next Page) Lowenstein 80 Lukens Stl 75f Lykes S3 1 Mack Trk 180 Macle pt ww 2S2 1 Macy 2 2 Madison 177 11 iaa uar ig Magma Cop Magnavox 150b Mallory 140 Manati 20 Mann Shirt 70 Marac Oil 15g Manne Mid 1 Mar Mid 1 5'uirsh ield 2a Marsh pf 425 Martin qp 160 Masonite 120b Mav Str 220 May3 40pf340 Maytagl 60 McCall 60b McCord 220 McCord pf250 McCro McL 80 Mcnerm 60b McDon Air lb McGraw Ed 140 McGrawH 140a McGreg Don A 1 Mclntvre 2a McKesU 150 McLean 40 McQuav Nor 120 Mead Cn 170 Melv Shoe 150 Melv Shor pf 4 1 Merck 140aMerffen I inn Mrrr Ch 120 25 Mesta Meh 250a 1 Mrt Ed pf 390 zlO vuamt cop Meddle Ut 190 Midi Ross 3 Midi Oil 105g Miner ch 20? Mpls Hon 160a Mpls Mol Mol SPSSM 1 Minn 160 Minn Ont 160 Minn 160 Minute 50? Mission Cp 225r Mission Dev Miss Riv 160 Mo Kan Tex Mo Par A 240 Mo Cem Mo Pub Sv 72h Mohascnind Monon RR Monsan ch Mont Ut 1 Mont Pw 80 Montccatmi 92? Monter Oil 1 Mont Ward 2 This PREVIEWS dlscussest AMERADA PETROLEUM ROCKWELL MANUACTURING CENCO INSTRUMENTS GIANT YELLOWKNIE GOLD MINES UNION PACIIC RAILROAD INDIANAPOLIS POWER LIGHT 1S4 3V 56 90 30 75 34l 42 13 NEW YORK Gains by space age stocks and some other volatile issues featured a mixed stock market yesterday Trading was fairly active Gains and losses of key stocks ranged from frac tions to about a point while lhe more glamorous is sues posted advances running to 2 or 3 points Losses in that range were taken by some stocks affected by special developments Rails held pretty firm on balance following their recov ery of Tuesday on news that the Taft Hartley Law had been invoked in the dock strike With the steel strike still dead locked in its 85th day the industrial section of the market lacked confidence and drifted off The major steel and auto makers took a monotonous string of losses Most oils were off Aircrafts turned ragged after an early advance The trend was higher among tobaccos and rubbers lhe space age stocks reflected hopes that the govern ment would keep spending for rocketry now that the Rus sian satellite is rounding the moon Thiokol the rocket fuel maker topped the list of most active stocks rising to i on 64600 shares A Thiokol spokesman was quoted as sajing a solid fuel propellant rocket engine producing 10 mil lion pounds of thrust is now being developed Studebaker Packard up at 18 was second most ac tive Third was American Motors up 3 at 62 American Mo tors spurted late in the day after clients of a major invest ment house were recommended to buy it Schenley Industries down 3 was heavily traded A large brokerage firm re moved this stock from its selected list 1 Texas Instruments advanced Zenith and Interna tional Paper IN Directors of ruehauf Trailer took no ac tion on dividends and the stock dropped Western Pacific Railroad which gained Tuesday in apparent anticipation of the news dropped lit to 72 as directors recommended a 3 for stock split North American Aviation which is developing a 1500 000 pound thrust liquid fuel unit for a rocket continued to gain adding IN Brunswick Balke dropped The firm has called convertible debentures which if converted fully would represent a dilution of the earnings ratio per share of present outstanding stock the company said Cen tral South West Corp rose 14 Directors proposed a 2 for split TEL nuM ruxr 32 55 90 is 109 18'4 12'4 1TH 90 By JOHN BRYAN inancial Editor While credit unions have made sig nificant contribution" to society they are of banks for savings and for Ioans and therefore must be met as com This was declared yesterday at the 41st annual meeting of Group Nine Ohio JOHN BRTAX Bankers Association in Hotel Statler Hil ton by Sherwood Jr president Security irst Bank Trust Co Grand Haven Mich 15 55 3 0 9 4 Abbott ISOa ABC Vend AC Ind 250 AC Writ 40 Acme Stl 120 Adams Ex 45g Adams MHJis 2 Adaressog 150b Admiral Aeroquip 40b Air Reduc 250 A Ind Ala Gas 160 Alco Prod 1 Aldens 120b Alleg Cp Aileg 6 pf6O Alleg Lud 2 6Ulen Ind lb Allied Ch 3 Allied Kid 1 Allied Mills 2a Allied Pd Allied Strs 3 Allis Chai 75g Alpha 150 Alum Ltd 42g Alcoa 120 Amal Lea pf Amerace lb Amerada 2 Az Ch L60 Airlin 1 Atrl pf 350 Baker 240 Bk Note 120 Bosch 120 Brk Sh 240 Bd Par 1 Cbl 30 Can 2 Can pf 175 Chain 250 Chicle 160 Barce 1 Cryst 180 Cyan 160 Distill 160b El Pw 180 Enka 140 Export 2 A Pw 1 Hardw 160a HomPd 360a Ice 75g Inv 1 2 p(390 Met Cl 120 Met Pd 160 Mol ass 70 Motors 240 1 Gas 260b News 160 Optical 2 Potash 120 Seating 160 Ship Bd Smelt 75g Smelt pf So Afric 20? Sul 45g Stl Ed 240 Stores 2b Susar ltiOa Suz pfl75 Z1760 Terrel Tob 4a Tob pf Viscose Wks WW 6 nf 150 1 no 37? Ampex Cp Amph Borg 140 Anaconda 2 Anae 75g Anch 90g Ander Clayt 2 And Pri 140 Argo Oil 120 Armco Stl 3 Armour Co 262! Armst ck 140 Artloom Arvin Ind 75d Ashl Oil lb Ashl Oil pfl50 ask rrod Assd Dry As DG pf3 Assoc Inv Atchison lzOa Atchison nf d0 city El I cst Li Refin Ref pf 61 10 35 12 82 1 7 3 7 20 3 20g 1 26 1 Lone Gs 180 5 lying Isl Lt 130 12 Long II pfB Lnriflard 2 Lorillard pf 7 Louisv 1 Lou A Nash 5 A number of convertibles today are selling close to their investment values as bonds disregarding the convertible feature This means that they are available at prices com parable to those of non convertible bonds of similar quality The prices of these convertibles are close to lhe value of the common stocks into which they can be com cried As stock prices rise the convertible bonds should also advance Thus at present levels these bonds have a valuable capital gains potential unusual situation provides investors with for uncertain market Jackson Curtis MEMBERS THE NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE pf 525 130g Press 80 Pub 35 lROntKO' 5 Wr 250 78 42 i I 7 31 16L 1 3 4 41 Z40 Z100 51 41 Z60 115 115 115 4 29 29 6 Differences and most important of all Differences in fundamental policy To help yon decide about just prepared a 32 page booklet that explains in detail just who we are just what we stand for just what you can expect when you do business with Merrill Lynch We'll he happy to mail a copy of is Merrill Lynch Pierce enner to anybody who owns stock or wants to We think you'll find it makes interesting reading Just address 6 37 88 34 a a GOODBODY CO ESTABLISHED 1891 Member: of leading Stock end Commodity Exchange: NATIONAL CITY STH BUILDING CLEVELAND 14 OHIO TEL TOwlR 1(300 JOSEPH HARTZMAIIK RESIDENT PARTNER 53 49 INDUSTRIAL CREDIT COMPANY and Columbus financial In ititulion for commercial and comumer loan: and finance Etlablilhad ID Di ROSE 1100 1080 EAST llh IT CLEVELAND II xn a 79 99 Z49ft J13 54 5 4 3 i 2 Z140 4 In a word carefully Not because there many fine firms to choose from there are But even among the finest you still find differences 35 34 ton a ton i Br Elat El I "'I 5 McBride Co 4 Ian IKS XLJ MM 9 jg Z'' 11 in 111) 1H 32 19 19 19 3 2 28 21 79 78 79 1 11 4 4 4 5 31 4 30 o0 8 1 18 1 12 37 37 37 284 12 12 12 34 42 41 42 1 6 5x 57 58 130 97 97 97 2 II 20 20 21) 10 115 114 115 3 18 18 1 39 39 1 10 10' 10 7 57 57 57 49 35 35 7 35 35 120 34 34 34 21 110 110 110 ZlO 41 41 41 2 46 45 46 44 71 73 741 11 30 30 30 30 26 25 26 1 125 125 125 3 47 47 47 I 17 32 32 26 27'4 27 27 7 49 49 49 34 2S 28 2 10 9 9 9 44 44 43 6 37 36 37 3 54 54 54 2 49 49 49 5 24 23 23 1 41 41 41 40 57 56 8 43 43 43 46 50 49 14 36 34 34 1 3 28 2S 28 160 10 9 9 1 33 33 14 164 162 163 2 16 16 10 la 18 26 89 88 89 Z20 77 77 65 25 24 24 10 27 26 27 4 14 14 14 554 62 57 62 3 35 57 57 57 7 47 47 47 1 46 46 46 8 43 42 42 4 35 35 z90 68 66 68 20 44 44 d50 135 134 105 1 li 29 29 29 47 14 14 14 23 63 68 68 20 75 74 75 5 30 29 29 I I DEPOSITS INSURED TO $10000.

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The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)
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Author: Sen. Emmett Berge

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Views: 6049

Rating: 5 / 5 (60 voted)

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Author information

Name: Sen. Emmett Berge

Birthday: 1993-06-17

Address: 787 Elvis Divide, Port Brice, OH 24507-6802

Phone: +9779049645255

Job: Senior Healthcare Specialist

Hobby: Cycling, Model building, Kitesurfing, Origami, Lapidary, Dance, Basketball

Introduction: My name is Sen. Emmett Berge, I am a funny, vast, charming, courageous, enthusiastic, jolly, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.