The Outsiders One-Shot Mega Collection - sagebabe69 - The Outsiders (2024)

Table of Contents
Chapter 1: The Box Under the Bed (Jally) Chapter Text Chapter 2: Money & Buck Merrill Troubles (Jally) Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 3: This Lonely Motel (Jally) Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 4: White Silk Ribbons (Jally) Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 5: A Growing Secret (Purly - Mpreg) Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 6: Re-Writing The Stars (Jally) Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 7: Fly Me To The Moon (Jally) Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 8: The Change of The Tides (Jally-Bit) Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 9: I Wanna Get Better (Jally) Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 10: A Forever Home (Johnnypop) Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 11: Baby's First Halloween (Little Space - Jally) Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 12: The Little Things (Little Space - Jally) Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 13: His Never-Ending Daydream (Jallyboy) Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 14: I'll Do It Myself (Jally) Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 15: You're Worth The Pain (Purly) Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 16: Lemon Tree (Johnnypop Mpreg) Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 17: Yesterday's Past (Jally Mpreg) Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 18: What Tomorrow Will Bring (Jally Mpreg) Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 19: Sleepless Nights (Jally - Boypuss*) Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 20: A Boy With A Man's Desires (Jally) Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 21: I Can't Breathe (Jally) Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 22: Johnny, Baby! (Jally) Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 23: See Inside Me Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 24: Lies The Devil Told (Jally) Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 25: He'll Wake Up Soon Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 26: Spoiled Rotten (Jally) Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 27: Arrested (Jally) Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 28: Honey, I'm Home! (Jally) Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 29: The Passionate Night After We Left The Lot (Jally) Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 30: Later Johnnycake (Jally) Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 31: Speechless (Jally) Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 32: Fantasies Of A Star (Jally) Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 33: Our Missing Link (Jally-Bit) Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 34: You're Nauseating (Purly) Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 35: A Deadbeat Mother (Jally) Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 36: I'm Just A Broken Record (Jally) Summary: Chapter Text

Chapter 1: The Box Under the Bed (Jally)

Chapter Text

Johnny and Ponyboy sat on the bed, that Johnny and Dallas share, in Johnny and Dallas' apartment. Johnny was quietly rambling on and on about something Dallas did. Ponyboy would say reassuring words now and then. But, he wasn't paying attention. Ponyboy was looking around the strange room.

Ponyboy found a box under the bed. There was writing on the outside that read, "Secret Tapes". Not a very classy name for a box someone was supposedly trying to hide... Ponyboy reddened as he looked through the box.

There were many DVDs with obscure names written on them. There was one Ponyboy was particularly interested in.



"What's this DVD that says 'Thirsty Boy', in this box that says 'Secret Tapes', have on it?" Johnny ripped the DVD out of Ponyboy's hand. Johnny threw the DVD back into the box and pushed it back underneath the bed.

"Don't touch that, please." Johnny blushed a deep red. What was Ponyboy even doing digging through that stuff? Johnny didn't know being a house guest meant free reign of the place...

"What's on that DVD, Johnnycakes?"

"Nothin', don't worry about it." Johnny was trying to get the other male away from it. He was embarrassed about the box and the contents of all the DVD's inside of it. Ponyboy didn't need to see any of that. It was just supposed to stay between him and Dallas, after all.

"There's got to something on it if you're being so protective of it." Ponyboy protested.

Johnny bit his lip, "You don't need to know." Johnny was beginning to remember what was on the DVD. His body was confused about how to feel about it's contents... "I'm going to go take a shower." Johnny got up and gathered some clothes. He was about to leave the room before he turned back to, Ponyboy. "Stay out of that box."

Ponyboy nodded and waited for Johnny to leave.

As soon as Ponyboy heard the shower running, he pulled the box back out. He dug through the DVDs and pulled out the one he had originally picked up. "'Thirsty Boy'? This has to be good." Ponyboy went into the living room of the apartment. He put the DVD into the DVD player that was hooked up to the TV. It couldn't be that bad, right? Johnny was a sweet boy, there's nothing bad he could possibly be hiding. Ponyboy turned the volume almost all the way down and sat back as the tape began to play...


Johnny sighed as the warm water hit his sensitive skin. Johnny began to think about the DVD that Ponyboy had found...


The recording faded up from black. What could be seen was Johnny sitting on his knees in front of an unknown figure. Although you couldn't see who it was, it was obvious it was Dallas from the skull ring on the hand that wasn't holding the camera. The hand was petting Johnny's face. Johnny's hands were on Dallas' belt; Johnny's eyes were pleading as they looked up at Dallas and sometimes into the camera. Johnny looked to be desperate.

"Please, Dally~"

"Please what, Baby?"

"Please let me see your co*ck." Johnny bit his lip.

"Why do you want to see my co*ck, sweet thing?"

"I want to put it in my mouth; I want to taste your cum." Johnny tugged at Dallas' belt.

"Yeah, do you want to swallow my cum?"


"Look into the camera and tell them what you are." Johnny looked down shyly. He mumbled something. "What was that? Speak up, Hun."

"I'm a thirsty boy for your cum." Johnny blurted. He knew what Dallas wanted to hear. If Johnny wanted to get any sort of relief during this session, he would need to submit the way Dallas wanted him to. Johnny didn't mind, he appreciated what Dallas did for him.

"Get undressed for the camera, then we'll see."

Johnny stood up and backed up so his whole body was in the frame. Johnny began to slowly take off his clothes, starting with his shirt. He unbuttoned his pants and slowly pulled them off. He would look into the camera now and then. Johnny stood in front of the camera in his briefs, he crossed one arm over his chest, holding the other that laid on his side.

"Lose the underwear too, Babe." Johnny blushed and took them off, exposing himself completely to the camera. "There you go, you look so beautiful without all those clothes blocking the view."

"Oh hush with the smooth talk. You could at least take off your shirt." Johnny crossed his legs.

"Hold the camera and I will for you."

"Okay." Johnny took the camera from, Dallas. Johnny shakily aimed it at, Dallas. Dallas smirked and took off his shirt, throwing it off to the side.

"Now, come back over here Baby Boy, and show me what that mouth can do." Johnny walked over to Dallas and sat on his knees. He aimed the camera up at, Dallas. "They want to see you, pretty boy. Not me." Dallas took the camera back, which made Johnny whine. "Don't get whiny with me now." Johnny put his hands back on Dallas' belt and tugged.

"Please, can I see your co*ck, Dally," Johnny begged. Johnny had did what he was asked of, so now he wanted what he was originally promised. Dallas could be such a tease... Although when given the chance, Johnny was really no better.

"Now you may." Johnny eagerly took Dallas' belt off when he was finally given the okay to. Johnny licked his lips as he pulled down Dallas' pants and underwear. Johnny didn't wait any longer, he put the tip in his mouth. Dallas groaned and put his hand on the side of Johnny's head. He ran his thumb over Johnny's scar. It was interesting to see how Johnny's scar changed shape when Johnny's mouth was being stretched out like this.

Lewd gagging and gurgling could be heard. Johnny's mouth and saliva creating a suction. The sound was intoxicating.

"If you want it, you have to work hard." Dallas laughed in a low, husky tone. Johnny furrowed his eyebrows and bobbed his head faster and down further. Giving head was one of the only things he put a lot of focus into. Not much else was really worth his time.

Johnny looked up into the camera with teary eyes. Dallas wiped the tears away and cooed. "You're doing so good; working so hard." Dallas praised. Johnny would have smiled if there wasn't a co*ck in his mouth. It would always make him feel good to receive praise, even if it was from a sex act. It's not like anyone would watch this video of his bedroom life on full display. At least, that's how it should have been.

Johnny put his hands on Dallas' thighs for support. The younger boy tried to go faster and deeper. Spit mixed with pre-cum bubbled out of Johnny's mouth. "Careful baby, you're gonna make a mess before I even cum into that pretty little mouth of yours." Dallas laughed lightly. You couldn't see it but, Johnny had begun to swirl his tongue. He slid his tongue around Dallas' base repeatedly. "F-f*ck, I'm going to cum, Johnny."

Johnny kept going, keeping his eyes closed and deep-throating Dallas' co*ck. Dallas bucked his hips causing Johnny to open his eyes and gag. Dallas gripped Johnny's hair and forcing the boys head all the way down. Johnny teared up. Johnny was staying strong, though. He would likely have a bit of a bruised throat, but that would be okay.

Dallas came into Johnny's mouth with a deep groan. Johnny's eyes relaxed as he swallowed all of the cum that flowed into his mouth, and down his throat. Dallas pulled Johnny off his co*ck so he could breathe. Johnny panted and quietly gasped for air. Dallas shot a few more strings of cum onto Johnny's face. The younger boy smiled and took the facial happily.

"Thank you, Dally. Can you take me now?" Meaning Johnny was ready to get railed into the bed now. Dallas always made him feel good, and he was ready now that he had given Dallas a fun warm up of sorts.

"Anything for my thirsty boy."

Johnny stood up from the floor, walking over the bed and laying down. Dallas readjusted the camera so it could catch it all. Dallas was still practically faceless during most of this. Johnny spread himself out as Dallas got things adjusted. Dallas put a pillow under Johnny's hips to help him be more comfortable. Johnny reached down and helped guide Dallas's co*ck inside of him.

The raven haired boy leaned his head back, groaning in pleasure as Dallas sunk inside of him. It felt like heaven and Johnny's face reflected that. Dallas didn't wait long before thrusting. Johnny jerking up the bed slightly with every thrust. Noises streaming out of Johnny's mouth like the boy had no shame.
"S-so deep, Dally. O-oh f*ck-" Johnny momentarily clenched around the other.

Dallas was pounding into Johnny like he was a toy. Johnny had no complaints. Johnny had been sitting on the edge of his seat the entire time he pleasured Dallas, so he didn't think he would be lasting long. "Can you feel me deep inside of you?"

"Y-yes! f*ck, yes! I feel it so deep in me, baby." Johnny reached up to hold onto Dallas's forearms to ground himself. Johnny was huffing like he was outside in high temperatures. "Cumming-I'm cumming-A-ah-AH-!" Johnny's legs tried to close on his boyfriend as he came. Dallas soothed the fussing boy under him, slowing down and gently f*cking him through his org*sm. Dallas didn't try to pull out as Johnny calmed himself. He just leaned down and gave him soft kisses.


The screen faded to black as the DVD ended. Ponyboy Curtis sat in shock in front of the TV as the DVD ejected from the player. With wide eyes, Ponyboy took the DVD. His face and ears were a bright red.

In the background, Ponyboy heard the shower turn off. He quickly got up from his place on the floor. Ponyboy ran back into the bedroom and dropped to the floor. He pulled the box out from underneath the bed and threw the DVD into the box. With a second swift movement, Ponyboy pushed the box back under the bed.

Johnny walked into the room, still drying off his hair. Ponyboy scrambled onto his feet and plastered a big fake smile onto his face. Johnny sniffed and threw his towel onto the floor and looked at, Ponyboy. He was already dressed. Johnny squinted his eyes.


"Hey, Johnnycakes!" Ponyboy sounded over-excited. He shook his head and coughed, "I mean- hey, Johnnycake." Ponyboy slouched and put on a cool, relaxed face.

"I'll never understand you, Curtis." Johnny shook his head. Ignorance was bliss.

Ponyboy laughed nervously, "Yeah?"


Chapter 2: Money & Buck Merrill Troubles (Jally)


Originally posted in 2020

What do you do when you're 50 dollars short on rent and you can't do anything illegal?
Talk to Darry, that's what the f*ck you do.
Not talk to the man that molested your boyfriend.

CW: Mentions of Sexual Assault
Smut (Not related to the SA)

Chapter Text

"Would you ever just listen to me!?" Johnny yelled.

"I'm listening now, aren't I?" Dallas yelled back.

"You're obviously not because we're still fighting!" Johnny crossed his arms across his chest.
Johnny and Dallas were currently arguing over basic couple stuff: Money, living arrangements, etc.

They have been going at it for at least an hour now.
Johnny and Dallas have been dating for a year now and have been living together for a month. The problems just never seemed to stop coming for the couple. They both felt like they were at the end of their ropes. Nerves scraped up like they had been rubbed by sandpaper.

The rent was due soon and the couple realized they weren't going to have enough money. They were only 50 dollars short but, that's still money they didn't have. Who knew how important $50 could be when it came to whether or not you got to keep the roof over your head.
"I'm trying my best here, man! I have two jobs and I can only make so much money, in such a short amount of time." Dallas said. To him, it always felt like Johnny found some way to make it all his fault. Dallas felt like he had been mentally working double-time on top of everything else. There was no time for himself when there were bills to be paid, and Johnny needed Dallas mentally and physically present when they were home together. Dallas didn't feel like Johnny appreciated all the hard work he did to keep them afloat.

"Well maybe, you should try a little harder!" Johnny slammed his arms against his sides like a toddler. Johnny realized what he said and stopped. Johnny felt tears sting his eyes, "I-I'm so sorry, Dal. I-I didn't mean it. I k-know how hard you try. I dunno w-what's gotten into m-me!" Johnny let a tear slip his eye. His body felt all shaky and anxiety felt like hot lava in his chest.

"Hey baby, please don't cry." Dallas slowly approached the younger boy. Of course the comment hurt, but Johnny was still his lover and best friend. This wasn't the way Johnny usually was, so of course there maybe was something else going on, that he didn't know about. Johnny tended to be a doormat, making unnecessary sacrifices that only caused more harm than good.
"I-I'm sorry," More tears fell from Johnny's eyes. "I'm being a f*cking jerk."

"Johnny, it's okay. Hey, look at me." Dallas gently pulled Johnny's face towards him with one finger. Johnny struggled to control his breath, he didn't even want to try to look the other in the eye, "I'll get the money, Baby. Don't worry about it."



"You're not going to do anything illegal are-are you? You-you've been doing so good staying out of trouble and a-all." Johnny was scared Dallas would get into a situation where he wouldn't be able to get out of legally. Dallas had created a very long wrap sheet for himself, and the courts were probably sick of seeing him. Dallas hesitated to answer. There were some sacrifices he needed to make now for the betterment of their future together. It was worth the risk of more
legal trouble, for Dallas.

"I don't know Johnny... I might have to talk to Buck-"

"N-no! Please don't go talk to Buck!" Dallas had stopped talking to Buck, and finally decided to move on in life. Buck tried to make advances on Johnny. He touched Johnny, sexually harassed him, and crossed majors lines. "A-anyone besides Buck!" A home was a place where someone is supposed to feel safe. It took a while even after all of that happened to even get out of the place they were renting from Buck. Johnny spent a lot of time sleeping outside or crashing on the Curtis' couch. Johnny was having nightmares of Buck waiting for the right time to pounce and do something more than forcefully groping Johnny. Nothing was worth that- that was part of the definition of sex trafficking. He wasn't going to start having survival sex, which was basically rape in Johnny's mind, just so he and his boyfriend had a place to stay.

"Johnny, I know-"

"No Dallas! We swore not to talk to him EVER again! I never want ANY of us talking to him! He touched me, Dal. He forced himself on me! We should talk to Darry or somethin'..." Johnny took a deep breath. "Please..." More tears threaten to escape from Johnny's eyes.

Dallas felt bad because he did promise to cut off all contact with Buck. "I'm sorry, Johnny." He pulled the younger boy into an embrace. Johnny sobbed into Dallas' chest. "I promise I won't talk to Buck. I'll go talk to Darrel tomorrow." Dallas rubbed Johnny's back; Johnny wrapped his arms around Dallas' waist. "I'm sorry I let him hurt you..." Dallas whispered.
Johnny continued to sob into Dallas' chest. Dallas sat Johnny on the bed, "Johnny, hey, look at me please." Dallas moved Johnny's face towards him like he did before. "I promise to protect you. I promise that soon, things will get better. I'll make more money, and I won't have to borrow from Darry. As long as we're together, it'll get better. I love you, Johnny."

"I love you too, Dallas." Dallas leaned in and kissed Johnny passionately; Johnny kissed back. It seemed a little f*cked up to have sex right after talking about sexual trauma, but Johnny could cope however he felt fit to. Dallas laid his hands gently on Johnny's sides, caressing them. Johnny wrapped his arms around Dallas' neck.

Dallas laid Johnny down on the bed, Dallas towered over the younger boy. Dallas' dog tags dangled over Johnny's face. "Now, show me how much you love me." Dallas said, chuckling. Johnny giggled and sighed happily.

"Okay..." Johnny leaned up and kissed Dallas softly. Dallas put his hands on either side of Johnny's head. Johnny wrapped his arms back around Dallas' neck.

"Before we get too comfortable, let's take these off," Dallas cooed, gesturing towards Johnny's clothes. Johnny nodded and moved his arms away from Dallas' neck, lifting them right above his head. Dallas removed Johnny shirt and then discarded his own.
Dallas kissed all the way down Johnny's chest and abdomen, stopping just above his navel. Dallas looked up at Johnny, who was staring back at him. Losing eye contact, Dallas removed Johnny's pants. Johnny watched Dallas intently as he took off his clothes. (In summary, Dallas took off all of both of their clothes. Both of theirs, Dallas took off both of their clothes.)
Johnny and Dally were both naked now. Dallas marveled over the younger boys body. It's been a while since they've done this so, it was a nice refresher.
Dallas placed his lips back onto Johnny's. Both boys were full of lust and were hungry for intimacy. Dallas pulled away to speak, "Johnny, I love you."

"I love you too, Dal. Now please, let's have sex, so I can de-stress." Johnny laughed. Dallas playfully rolled his eyes.

"Come 'ere, baby~" Dallas attacked Johnny's face planted kisses everywhere causing the young boy to giggle. Dallas slowly made his way down Johnny's face to his neck. Dallas began to suck on Johnny's neck, leaving behind a hickey. Johnny let out soft whimpers that soon turned into moans.

Dallas smiled to himself. He sat up and went into the bed-side table to get out the lube. Dallas popped open the cap to the bottle and lathered a generous amount on his co*ck. Dallas aligned himself with Johnny's entrance. "Ready?"

Johnny wrapped his arms around Dallas' neck and looked down so he could watch what was happening. "Yeah." With that, Dal slipped the tip in. Johnny let out a gasp as Dallas entered.

"You okay?" Dallas whispered in Johnny's ear.

"Y-yeah." Johnny said breathlessly. Dallas entered the rest of his co*ck and waited for Johnny to adjust.

"Damn, how many times do we need to do this, until your not as tight as a virgin?" Dallas chuckled, swallowing a groan. Johnny blushed a deep red.

"Guess we'll have to find out," Johnny whispered. "Now move." Johnny demanded. He had always been naturally tight down there.
Dallas began to move at a slow pace as he started to get into his rhythm. After a few minutes of that, Dallas went faster, and deeper. Johnny began to moan softly and arch his back until his chest hit Dallas'. "F-faster, Dal." Johnny panted.
Dallas obeyed and began to thrust faster into Johnny. Johnny's moans got louder and louder. Dallas began to hit Johnny's prostate with which made Johnny scream. "f*ck I think I'm close, Dal~"

"Ugh, me too~" Dal said. Johnny tightly wrapped his legs around Dallas' waist. "J-Johnny, you need to move your legs, or else I can't pull out." Dallas said looking at Johnny.

"That's the point," Johnny bit his lip and shut his eyes tightly. "Oh God, Dal~" Johnny came all over the both of them.

"f*ck, Johnny!" Dallas buried himself deep inside Johnny and came as well.
When they both came down from their highs they got cleaned up. They both slid back on their underwear and got back into bed. They cuddled underneath the blankets and quickly drifted off to sleep. They would talk to Darrel tomorrow...

Chapter 3: This Lonely Motel (Jally)


Originally posted in Jan. 2022

Dallas and Johnny have been friends with benefits for about a year now. Maybe a little more. Johnny feels like there's more did their relationship than they think. Well, what is Dallas think of this? Will their relationship still be?

Chapter Text

Johnny and Dallas were not an item, they weren't dating whatsoever. Much to Johnny's dismay. He had genuine romantic feelings for the older male. Dallas and Johnny had been friends for years. Something must have come from it, right? Well yes, something did. But it wasn't all that Johnny wanted.

Be careful what you wish for.

Although the couple did have feelings for each other, Dallas wasn't looking to date the younger. So they made an agreement. They could hook-up, have sex, smoke together, whatever. But absolutely NO dating. At the time of this agreement, Johnny was so desperate for some kind of love he said yes. He thought it would give him the fix for his addiction to Dallas.

He was wrong, Johnny was so wrong.

It made Johnny fall more in love with Dallas. The sex, just hanging out together. He just wanted to do it all of the time. Johnny would try to manipulate the situation so it seems like they were dating. Without the label. It was enough for Johnny, but only for a short while. Johnny kept the games going until he felt like he had cornered Dallas in the right place. They had been fooling around for over a year now. Dallas must feel more of a connection now, right?

Johnny was love sick, he could also get jealous super easily. When they would go out together Dallas would flirt with girls and lead them on. There was also that one time there was a waiter at a restaurant that vaguely looked like Johnny. A short boy with tan skin, small frame, obvious twink. His name was Ralph. Johnny was just trying to enjoy his meal.

But when Dallas offered to give Ralph a tip that WASN'T money, Johnny almost lost it. Seeing the two interact like that made Johnny's blood boil. They still weren't even dating! Looking at the two from Johnny's perspective, it made Johnny think that that could be him. He wanted that with Dallas. He wanted to be Dallas's property. Johnny wanted the label of boyfriend, not side chick. Johnny was very much so done playing games.

Johnny vowed to get Dallas to be his. One way, or another.


It was official, today marked the 1 year anniversary of Johnny and Dallas being friends with benefits. Johnny thought he had buttered up Dallas long enough. He was ready to make his move and just ask the older boy out tonight. It wasn't very bottom of him, but Johnny stopped caring about it. He didn't always want to be that soft, timid, quiet boy. He wanted to stand up straight and take what was rightfully his.

Dallas didn't even realize it was technically their anniversary. He didn't pay attention to any of that, because he didn't see the significance of it. Whom marks their calendars about the anniversary of how long you've been friends with benefits with someone? Nobody Does that. Weird people do that. Don't do that.


Dallas asked Johnny out tonight for a reason, but it wasn't because of their anniversary. He didn't even know about that. Dallas was going to break the news that he wanted to stop hooking up with Johnny. He wanted to cut off the friends with benefits thing. He was done. He was going to take Johnny out to dinner, let the two of them have one more night together, and that would be the end of it.

The two of them had no idea how much their plans contradicted each other. This was going to be a very very long night.

What was Dallas's reasoning behind leaving Johnny so suddenly? Their relationship is great, they never necessarily crossed the line. Johnny was respecting Dallas's decision of keeping it on the down low. So what was so wrong?

Dallas, that's what was wrong.

Dallas had awful internalized hom*ophobia. He didn't know how to handle it. He himself identified as bisexual. But his relationship with Johnny made him realize that he never really been emotionally attracted to a woman. Only physically. The only person he had ever been emotionally and physically attracted to, was Johnny. Oh sweet Johnny Cade. Dallas broke him in so many ways, no matter how much Dallas tried to protect him. Dallas tried to Shield Johnny from the horrors of the world. But in reality, Dallas should have been protecting Johnny from himself, Dallas Winston.

That pill was too hard to swallow.

Dallas didn't want to deal with his heavy emotions with Johnny anymore. It was just too much. Dallas thought dropping Johnny all together and just finding some random a girl would make him feel better. He knew he would end up missing Johnny, but it was the risk he was willing to take to escape all of his emotions.

The thought of breaking Johnny's poor little hard made Dallas twitch. Johnny had been trampled on his entire life, and yet here was Dallas- About to kick Johnny in the stomach some more. Dallas just couldn't get a grip of himself.

Meanwhile, Johnny was at his awful abusive home. Getting himself all dolled up for tonight. He wanted to look his best for the special occasion. He wondered if Dallas actually remember their weird anniversary and was doing this on purpose. He doubted it, though. Johnny loved Dallas, but there was no way Dallas could possibly pick up on something like that.

Johnny put on a little bit of makeup for tonight. He did this on the occasion. Nothing heavy, but something to bring out a lot of his features. A little mascara, blush, and lip gloss. He curled his eyelashes and smiled into the mirror. Johnny was happy because he knew his looks made Dallas satisfied. Dallas's satisfactory is all that really mattered to Johnny anymore.

Sometimes Johnny would wear eyeliner or concealer. But that was mostly for when he went to school. At least the eyeliner was. Johnny rarely used concealer, because he could never find something that would actually match his skin color. He had bags under his eyes, but it seemed like most people did anyway.

Johnny had worn mascara one of the first times he ever had sex with Dallas. From then on he almost always wore it when they hooked up. Why? Because Dallas liked the way it looked when it would run when they would f*ck (making love sounds better, but that wasn't what they were doing per say). It was a classic p*rn star look. They way it ran made Dallas more heated, so Johnny continued to wear it.

It also helped Johnny with his confidence and how he viewed himself. So it was a win for everyone.

Johnny was finally done getting ready for the night. He was ready to head out. He always had to walk because he never wanted to risk having Dallas picking him up and bothering his parents. Johnny's parents never noticed when he came home or left. But a foreign body near the house would definitely set them off.

Johnny's outfit was simple, but everything to Dallas' liking. Skin tight jeans, a cropped black shirt, his classic jean jacket, along with his black high top converse. For a boy it was considerably skimpy. It always made Johnny feel good, so it didn't matter. Plus, it's not like people ever really noticed him. Johnny had always been able to blend in fairly well. His stomach was slightly toned for being underweight.

Johnny put on his chain wallet and he was off. His father was passed out in a recliner while his mother was quietly watching television. No one noticed him leaving, even though him opening and closing the door was quite obvious.

Johnny easily made the mile and a half walk to the bar. They would meet at the bar and then Dallas would drive the two of them from there. They would sometimes meet in the middle, but Johnny liked to get his exercise in. It would war, up his legs for what he would be doing later with them.

Johnny made it to the bar. He had his jean jacket unbuttoned, it exposed his flat stomach. He didn't even think about it. If he had, he would have covered up by now. Buck Merrill was sort of a creep. You never wanted to be caught without a lot of a clothes around him.

Buck opened the door and saw Johnny standing there. He knew exactly why the smaller boy was here. "Dallas?" He asked.

"Yes please," Johnny said softly. He avoided eye contact with the much bigger male. He knew if Buck really wanted to, he'd keep Johnny in the basem*nt.

Buck chewed on his lip, looking Johnny up and down. "You seem to be trying extra hard tonight, you two up to no good again? You know he ain't into ya that way, right?" Buck said, pointing out the obvious. Johnny immediately got self-conscious. He noticed what he was wearing. Johnny quickly covered himself up.

"Please just go get Dallas you pervert," Johnny said bitterly.

"You know kid, you need a real man to treat you right. I could be that man," Buck reached out to try and stroke Johnny's cheek. Johnny flinched away from Buck.

"Don't touch me you dirty old man!" Johnny shrieked. It was almost ironic because Buck was only in his twenties. Johnny was still only 16, which only made it more gross.

"Awh, c'mon baby. Look at those clothes. You're just askin' for it." Buck purred.

"Clothes aren't consent, it's expression." Johnny gritted his teeth. Right when he was about to just kick Buck in the balls and leave, Dallas came bounding down the stairs. He nudged Buck out of his way.

"Go on, go find a broad to chase. I'll talk to you later tonight." Dallas said roughly. He left the bar and grabbed Johnny's wrist, taking him over to the car. The car was also Buck's. He opened the car door for Johnny. "I'm sorry about that, John." Dallas said. He was always apologizing for Buck's behavior. The man couldn't control himself. This wouldn't be the first time he preyed on Johnny, either.

"It's okay, he didn't get to touch me this time." Johnny said coldly. He wasn't going to let Buck ruin their fake date night. Johnny had to keep his mind clear and not distracted. He had big plans for tonight.

Dallas had already started driving, "You look beautiful tonight, man." Dallas complimented, he knew his compliments never fail to make Johnny feel better. Johnny smiled. baby occasionally getting sexually harassed by Buck Merrill was worth it.

"Thank you, Dal."


They were sat down, eating. Johnny didn't have a lot, he just didn't have a big stomach. It also kept up his very thin figure. He wasn't sure if he didn't eat a lot because he had a small stomach, or he had an underlying eating disorder. Most of the time it felt like both.

Johnny had french fries and a chocolate milkshake that he dip them into. He had a thing for sweet and salty.

Dallas's meal was a lot bigger, he was still a growing man. He also had a fast metabolism, which means no matter how much he ate, it would burn off fairly quickly. Just like most of the Curtis Brothers. Ponyboy had a pretty messed up metabolism, the boy could never get any fat on his body. He was mostly muscle as he advances further in his track career.

Johnny's metabolism is slow, your metabolism slows down when you stop eating. It's a way of your body starting to store more of that fat. That's why a lot of people whom are anorexic can actually become overweight once they get better. Your body will still continue to store that fat. You'd never guess Johnny was that way. He had just always been malnourished.


"Dally, is there a specific reason you took me out tonight?" He asked curiously. Johnny was hoping to get the answer he wanted out of Dallas. Which was the anniversary thing. Even though that was a long stretch. Johnny's voice was hopeful.

"Nope, we can talk more after dinner." Dallas said gruffly. Johnny nodded. Dallas was acting a lot more cold than usual. Johnny wondered what was up with him. He didn't take it personally, though. Johnny was still gushing over the compliment Dallas gave him in the car earlier.

Oh the small thing...


After dinner, the couple ended up making out in the car for a while. Johnny's body was like Cocaine to Dallas. He was just addicted. Dallas could never keep his hands off of the other.

Dallas let his hands wonder around the younger. Mostly caressing Johnny's stomach to make stimulation. Dallas knew all of the right buttons to press on Johnny. Dallas already had his tongue down Johnny's throat.

Johnny thought now would be the right time to make his move. But he couldn't seem to pry Dallas off of his face. Eventually he gave and just rolled with it. When Dallas did finally pull away, it was so he could drive away. They were going back to the bar to have sex for the last time.

But Johnny didn't know that last part. He was panting and catching his breath the entire ride back. He was also trying to fight off his erection, Johnny didn't want to just show up with one of those. That's weird. He knew Buck would be waiting for them, so that would make it all worse.

Buck knew all about Dallas's plan to break it off with Johnny. It was the main reasoning behind his motivation to harass Johnny earlier. He knew soon Johnny would be broken, vulnerable, and desperate again. Buck couldn't wait to jump on that. It was one of the reasons Dallas was so hard on him for being pervy towards Johnny either. Maybe Johnny could take letting Buck being a pedophile with him into consideration.

Dallas was still just trying to push all of his thoughts and feeling for Johnny out of the way. He kept forgetting how much he really did lover the boy. His mind was clouded with his self-hatred.


When they eventually got back to the bar, they completely ignored Buck. They went straight up to the room. Johnny knew he couldn't let this get much further oh, he really needed to spill his guts. Although he was having a good time with Dallas, the thing weighing on his mind couldn't be ignored any longer.

As soon as Dallas had shut and locked the door to the room, he turned around to tackle Johnny in affection. Only to have Johnny stop him by putting his small hand to Dallas's chest.

"Dal, wait a second," Johnny said softly. He looked up into Dallas's eyes with his dark brown orbs that Johnny had for eyes.

"What, what's wrong?" He asked.

"Nothin's really wrong, there's just something I've been meaning to ask and talk to you about... it's taking me the entire month to come to this verdict. But I really need to talk to you about it before we go any further." Johnny bit his lip. He still truly thought Dallas was going to be happy with his question. Johnny thought that after this talk they were going to have wild and passionate live making.

Dallas's mind immediately went off the deep end. He thought Johnny was about to tell him he had an STD he didn't know about. Dallas simply nodded and led Johnny to the bed. They sat down on the edge. Dallas look down at the smaller greaser.

"Well, what's up then Johnny?" Dallas asked. He had his hands covering his erection. It made things a little less awkward for this seemingly serious conversation.

"Dallas, I know you said what we do together isn't serious. But as the year or so has gone by, it feels like it has gotten serious. Especially for me. I'm pretty sure you share feelings with me, that we're not necessarily portraying physically to each other. Dallas, I can't put it in any other way. I'm in love with you. I want to be in a serious relationship with you. I want to be your boyfriend. I felt this way for a very long time. It's the whole reason I decided to be friends with benefits with you. Because I knew it would be a way to get closer to you. I couldn't think of any other way, I hope you understand. Dallas, can you do me the honor of going out with me?" Johnny had just poured his entire heart out for Dallas. Putting his feelings and everything out on display. Proving how vulnerable he really could be.

Dallas looked absolutely horrified. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. He didn't like it one bit. No, no this isn't how it was supposed to go! Dallas knew this was a bad idea. Johnny did exactly what he was hoping wouldn't happen.

"What?! Johnny, have you completely lost your goddamn mind! No, I won't be your boyfriend. I don't want to. The whole reason I took you out tonight was to tell you I wanted to cut it off. We shouldn't see each other anymore." Dallas said. His mind was racing quickly. He knew Johnny was about to interrogate him on a reason he was breaking it off. It didn't help that most of Dallas's statement just now was full of lies. Dallas would love to be with Johnny in a romantic relationship. But his own stubbornness was stopping that from ever happening.

Johnny felt his heartbreak, he was too confident in himself and now he got himself hurt. Dallas' words hit Johnny where he was the weakest. Johnny felt the tears bubble in his eyes before quickly streaming down his face. It had completely ruined his makeup, making visible streaks going down his face. It made Dallas twitch when he saw Johnny start to cry.

He sniffled, "I see how it is. Don't worry Dallas, I'll never bother you w-with my presence again!" Johnny shouted. He quickly grabbed his jean jacket, putting it back on and buttoning it up. Johnny was leaving.

"Wait, Johnny- C'mon let's talk about this." Dallas said, following the other around.

"What, w-what could there possibly b-be left to t-talk about? I already told y-you I-I got your m-message. So fine, I-I'll leave." Johnny said bitterly. He angrily ran out of the place, flipping Buck off as he bounded out the door.

Johnny walked the frigid mile and a half back home. He sobbed the entire way.


Johnny was still crying, just now he was in front of his bathroom mirror now. Johnny was wiping all of his make up off now. He hated himself- he was such a fool. All the time he spent putting himself together just to make Dallas happy tore him in half. None of it was worth it, Johnny still got his heart crushed in the end.

"I'm so f*cking stupid to ever think I was good enough for anything. I'm just some f*cking toy," Johnny sobbed and threw the dirty make up wipe into the trash. He wanted to punch the mirror, he hated to even look at himself. "whor*d yourself out to make him happy. Well now look at you. He used up your body to an extent and now he's done. Dallas never loved you, Dallas Winston doesn't love anything. Not even himself." Johnny said to himself. He was yell-whispering everything. Johnny went back to his bedroom.

He collapsed onto his bed, burying his face into his pillow. Johnny continued to sob his poor heart out. As if it would really make him feel better about anything.

Johnny continued to cry until he eventually cried himself to sleep. He hadn't even realized it. His cry slowly turning into whimpers, him desperately trying to breathe. Eventually, he just fell asleep. Honestly though, this was some of the best sleepy and gone in a while. Johnny always slept pretty well when he cried. It just made him so tired, and it made him sleep for so long. Johnny liked sleeping, it was his own little Escape. There was no Dallas Winston playing with his heart in his dreams.


As soon as Johnny left, Dallas was consumed with guilt. He was ashamed of himself. Dallas Winston was usually never sorry for anything. But when it came to Johnny, he would be on his knees, praying to any God above for forgiveness. This time was no exception. Dallas knew he f*cked up big-time. He needed to fix this. He needed to get Johnny back.

But first, Dallas needed to back up a little bit. He needed to collect himself and know exactly what his feelings were before he jumped back into this. Dallas didn't want to just go up to Johnny, make a speech about wanting him back. Only to get cold feet again.

Dallas took a good long look at himself in the mirror. How did he feel about Johnathan Andrew Cade? Well, it was hard to describe him in more than just one way.

Johnny was a pretty boy. He was very slim, had a slight curved, hourglass shape to him. He was barely five foot five, and his best friend in the world was Ponyboy Curtis. Dallas would say he was Johnny's best friend, but what they had this wasn't friendship anymore. Although that's exactly what it was, that was felt uncomfortable labeling it as friendship. He didn't know why, it just wasn't friendship anymore.

What did all of these details of Johnny make Dallas feel of him? Well, they made Dallas feel funny. They gave him butterflies in his stomach. The thought of spending time with Johnny made him feel like he was walking on air. Seeing him smile and his dimples show was like a beautiful painting. The way Johnny slightly swayed his hips as he walked. Johnny purposely wearing flavored chapstick just so Dallas would kiss him longer. To see if he could look all of it off.

All of those details made Johnny sweep Dallas off of his feet. But was it enough to drive Dallas out of this picture of internalized hom*ophobia? Dallas was hoping that was the case, because he wanted out. He wanted out so badly. Dallas wanted to go embrace Johnny, holding him close and promising to never let go.

After considering all the things Dallas thought about, he made a conclusion. Dallas didn't fact have romantic feelings for Johnny. He did in fact want a romantic relationship with Johnny. All of the things he said to Johnny before were a lie. Dallas needed to go find Johnny right now. Make things right before things got worse.

Not a lot of things made Dallas sick, but that was for starting to find that he himself made him sick.

He needed to go find, Johnny.

Before Johnny did something he would regret.


Johnny was in the middle of a deep sleep when he suddenly heard a loud knocking on his window. And absolutely ripped him from his Blissful sleep. He jerked up in bed, gripping a pillow to his chest. He was still wearing that crop top from before, he never realize how cold it was to wear it to bed. Johnny always slept in his clothes, some people thought he was Satan. Johnny just didn't have the energy or pajamas to actually change.

Johnny jerked his head around, trying to figure out where the noise was coming from. Since he had just opened his eyes, he was still kind of delirious. Eventually he located that the singing was coming from his window. He looked over there to see a figure in his window. That's never something you want to see, especially when you're half awake. Johnny nearly sh*t enough bricks to build a house.

He wanted to scream, but all that came out was a squeak. Eventually the figure out his window kept knocking, he stared on, completely dumbfounded. Eventually Johnny got out of his bed, running over to his light switch and turning on the lights. In case he did get murdered, he wanted to see his Killer's face.

He was disappointed to see it was just Dallas.

Although Johnny was scared, he was still slightly disappointed he wouldn't be released from his misery.

He sighed and shook his head, going over to his window and just opening it. It was beyond upset with Dallas, but if Dallas already made the long stretch over to his house and made an effort to climb in through the window. He might as well give the guy a chance.

Johnny close the window but stayed completely silent. He sat down on the edge of his bed, Dallas sitting down right next to him. It was completely silent in the room. Johnny didn't really have anything to say about the situation. All of this sh*t happening was mostly coming from Dallas's side. So if anyone was going to say something, it was supposed to be Dallas.

Before anyone could really say anything else, Johnny quickly got up from the bed. He realized that his overall bedroom light was on. That would easily wake up his parents and get them caught. Johnny turned off his light and turned on his lamp instead. There was just enough night for the both of them, and it wouldn't wake up his parents. Johnny almost never used the regular room light. When Johnny was home, it was in the late hours of the night. Which means he couldn't have the regular light on. He would have to have on the lamp. Johnny sat back down on the bed, waiting for Dallas to talk.

There was only a few more moments of Silence before Dallas spoke up.
"Listen, this is going to be a lot to swallow. But I just want you to hear me out, and hear all of it." Dallas whispered softly. He had his hands in his lap, he looked over at Johnny. Johnny simply nodded.
"Johnny, I almost never say these words. But I love you. Those are such bitter words, yet they're so simple. They've haunted me my entire life. I'm sure you're already aware of that." Dallas shook his head, he was already rambling and getting off track.
"What I'm trying to say is, I want us to work out. You're right, it wasn't right of me to just be friends with benefits with you. I've been very selfish, and ignoring the signals you've been giving me. I take total responsibility for that. Johnny, I don't know if you're familiar with the term, but I have internalized hom*ophobia. While yes, I'll still mess around with guys and be totally fine with it. But on the inside I'll secretly hate myself. Does this make sense so far?" Dallas looked at Johnny to make sure he was still following along.

Johnny nodded again. He could definitely see where Dallas was coming from. It took Johnny a long time to come to terms with the fact that he was gay. There was a lot of times where he just hated himself, and wished he could just be "normal". Johnny made the connection, nonetheless.

"Well, I wanted to break it off tonight because I couldn't handle it anymore. Being around you drove me crazy, and all the good ways my inner self wouldn't let me. It's like I have a disease, and it's just eating all of the happiness in me. You make me happy. You're the only thing that is ever made me happy, Johnny. And I'm just pushing you away, it sucks. Because I want you so badly, but at the same time I think it's sick. I know I shouldn't push such a heavy subject on you. But, if you're willing to help me out and we can figure it out together. Do you think you'd be up for that, Johnny? We can be together, for as long as you want. We can officially date. You just have to be patient, and walk me through it sometimes." Dallas sounded almost exactly like a child. Trying to bargain with their parents about doing their chores or something along those lines. Dallas was close to tears again. He wanted Johnny so badly. But he was sure that Johnny didn't want the emotional baggage.

Johnny completely understood the risks he was taking going into a relationship with Dallas. He understood Dallas was going through some stuff emotionally and physically. But Johnny was willing to help him figure it all out. As long as Johnny was there to help him. Nobody else. He just wanted it to be the two of them. Johnny felt so happy in the moment. It was crazy to see how he could hate Dallas one second, only wanting to be in his arms in the next.

But the issue now was that Dallas had lost some of Johnny's trust. Yes, Johnny was always quick to forgive. Something about this made him stubborn. He was scared to get hurt again. He didn't want to cry himself to sleep anymore, it was making Johnny sick. He had been walked on and given false hope his entire life. Was this instance going to be any different from the rest?

Johnny looked over at Dallas with hurt in his wide eyes. It was obvious Dallas had struck a sensitive chord in the smaller boy.

"Dal... I understand, but I just don't want to get hurt again. I did have genuine feelings for you for a very very long time. But after the events of tonight, I don't know if I feel anything anymore. You know when people do things, and suddenly your whole perspective of them changes? Yeah, well that happened tonight. I still like you and all, I'm just scared of falling in love again. Since all I know anymore is I get hurt and betrayed." Johnny said softly. He looked down at his hands in his lap.

Dallas felt his heart twinge, he could hear and feel the heartbreak Johnny felt. It was starting to open his eyes a little bit more. Dallas had been blind to the pain he's been causing the other for so long.

"I understand..." Dallas said softly. He got up off of the bed. "I think that maybe it's time for me to go. I've caused enough her tonight." Dallas said. His voice was course and rough.

Johnny didn't know if he should stop Dallas or not. He didn't necessarily want Dallas to go. But he didn't know what he would do if he made Dallas stay.
"Could we regroup in the morning, maybe? I want to think on this. I don't want to make a decision now." Johnny was trying to be rational.

"Alright... I'll see you around. Good night." Dallas said. He opened up the window so he could crawl out of it. But before he could go, death has quickly turned around. He went over to Johnny and kissed him on the lips. It was a ling and hard kiss.

The kiss sent Johnny into shock. His eyes were wide when Dallas finally pulled away. That was didn't say anything else before finally going out the window.

Johnny felt his heart break and cry out for the other.

Johnny was stuck living on Heartbreak Avenue, and he just didn't know how to move.


The next day Johnny found himself in a very similar situation he was in yesterday night. He stood in front of his bathroom mirror, just looking at himself. He wanted to cry; he felt dirty. Johnny sniffled as he slowly took off his clothes. He needed a long hot shower before he went to go see Ponyboy.

Ponyboy was the only emotional support Johnny has ever had. He was just Johnny's best friend, and Johnny couldn't ask for anyone better. Ponyboy knew of Johnny and Dallas's relationship. Johnny couldn't keep such a detail from his life from Ponyboy, so of course he told the younger boy. Although Dallas never knew Ponyboy knew. If he did he would have flipped his sh*t.

Johnny needed to catch Ponyboy up on the latest news of his life. Such as the whole Dallas Fiasco that was going on right now. Johnny didn't know whom else to turn to, nor did he want to turn to anyone else.

Johnny took an hour in the steaming hot shower, by the time he was done he was lightheaded and pruned.


After Johnny had explained the entire situation to Ponyboy, there is a lot to think over. Johnny and Ponyboy whenever the key parts of the situation. Did Johnny really want to leave Dallas, or was he willing to give the older man a chance? That was the big question. They made this compare contrast type thing. All of Dallas's good attributes, all the good things he's done. As well as all of the bad attributes, and all of the bad things he's done to affect Johnny.

Most of the bad things Dallas had done were contradicted in made up with the good things he's done. Dallas was always trying to clean up the messes he made to keep Johnny. The two of them pointed out although it felt like a good trait, it was toxic as well.

Johnny had made his verdict, now he just had to wait to run into Dallas.

Oh how the stars were finally falling into place.

Johnny bid his goodbye's and waved as he exited the Curtis home. Johnny hoped he was making the right decision with this.


Johnny was in the lot, just gathering materials to perhaps make a fire for when the sunset came about. He could hear his parents fighting from the lot, so he didn't want to take any chances going home. So he stayed in the lot, the place he knew best. Johnny knew he could go back to see Ponyboy, and just crash there. But Johnny didn't think it was worth taking up the space. He already leaned on Ponyboy emotionally, he didn't need to take up his bed as well.

Johnny didn't care how much everyone said he didn't bother them, it didn't make him feel like any less of a burden.

Johnny sighed heavily and flopped down on the ripped out car seat. He leaned his head back, looking up at the sky. He held his box of matches in his hand. He wished he had a lighter, they were just expensive. He wanted to get a nice one he could reuse as well.

He didn't even hear the footsteps coming up behind him.

It was Dallas, he had been trying to hunt Johnny down all day to get more answers.

Johnny had fluttered his eyes shut, just for a moment. He could feel the cold settling in. He didn't feel like moving yet still. He was lost in his thoughts. Johnny felt like giving himself to the cold and letting himself die of exposure. Yeah, that sounded good to him.


"AH-!" Johnny screamed and rolled off the ripped out car seat. He nearly fell on a pile of rocks. He whipped his head around to see Dallas there. He put his hands up in defense. "Dallas! What the hell, you scared the sh*t out of me!" Johnny clutched his chest and slammed his small body back into the seat. "I didn't even think I would be seeing you today..." Johnny added softly.

"Sorry- I didn't mean to scare you. I meant to see you earlier in the day, but I couldn't find you anywhere." Dallas said.

"I was with Ponyboy all day." Johnny said.

"Oh- well, the point is I'm here now. And that's what I'm counting. Did you sleep on it?" Dallas asked desperately. Johnny sighed, now whom was the desperate one?

Johnny ended up ignoring Dallas. He got up and started his fire. Well he did this, he took a second to think. Is Dallas anything worth it? She just going to hurt Johnny again? With Dallas's history, and the situation he's in, he'll probably do it again. Maybe not in the same way, but he'll certainly do it again. Johnny was contemplating if the pain was worth it. It was worth it before, what was the difference between now and then? Johnny knew better now?

But did he really?

Dallas waited patiently while Johnny made the fire. He held his own hands, just leaving them in front of himself. He was scared- yes scared, what Johnny's final verdict was. Because it seemed like Johnny was really set on saying no this time.

"Dallas, let's make a deal. Alright?" Johnny said. He turned to Dallas, the fire burning behind him.

"Sure, anything." Dallas nodded.

"You take me on a date, show me how you care, do what regular couples do together. For now I will say yes, but cross me again and I'll have Darrel bury you alive. Clear?" Johnny said.


Chapter 4: White Silk Ribbons (Jally)


Originally posted in 2021

Hey Baby! What's up? Are you seriously reading p*rn all by yourself? Well, while you're here, you might as well give kudos and check out my other stories. What are you waiting for, you horny bastard?!

Chapter Text

Johnny and Dallas were in their shared bedroom, passionately making out. They were in an upright position and Johnny was straddling Dallas' hips. Johnny had his arms wrapped around Dallas' neck, while Dallas' arms were wrapped around Johnny's waist.

Dallas had his tongue violating Johnny's mouth. He found the taste of Johnny's mouth intoxicating. Dallas let his hands roam and slip underneath Johnny's shirt. Johnny found these "Violations", quite enjoyable.

Johnny wanted this to go farther. He began to rock his hips back and forth on the older boys crotch. Dallas moaned without thinking.

Johnny rubbed against Dallas, wanting friction. He was beginning to become restless. Johnny pulled away, "Dally~"

"f*ck, Johnny." Dallas was breathless. He watched as Johnny continued to grind down on him, helplessly. Johnny's face was flushed red, he desperately wanted something more to happen.

"Dally?" Johnny swallowed thickly, he looked down at the man he was grinding on.

"Y-yeah?" Dallas left is hands on Johnny's hips.

"Use me," Johnny placed his hands on Dallas' shoulders.

"What?" Dallas knew what Johnny wanted, but he wanted to hear Johnny say it.

"Tie my limbs to the bed, and use me." Johnny looked lustfully into Dallas' eyes. Johnny had been used his whole life - it was amazing how trauma manifested into weird kinks as you got older. Johnny learned, in a safe environment, it felt good to give someone else like Dallas control over his body.

"I don't want to hurt you," Dallas panted. Johnny stopped what he was doing and smiled devilishly. He scooted back a bit so he wasn't sitting directly on Dallas' clothed member. Johnny looked down and giggled, "What's so funny?"

"Nothin'~" Johnny playfully slapped Dallas's co*ck through his jeans. Dallas gasped at the sensation.

"I didn't know slapping my co*ck, was under the, 'Nothing' category." He growled. Johnny shrugged and giggled.

"Maybe you should show me how to behave?" Johnny kissed Dallas' neck and playfully bit his earlobe. Dallas knew the younger male was doing this on purpose. "Tie me down and make me helpless." Johnny whispered and Dallas groaned. He didn't want to say no to his Johnnycake but, he knew once he started, he wouldn't be able to stop.

"You know what your signing up for, right?" Dallas whispered and looked into his lovers eyes. Johnny bit his lip and nodded eagerly.

"Please... Sir?" Dallas sighed, giving in.

"Fine," Johnny's face lit up, "But you need a safe word." Johnny couldn't think straight, he chose a random word from something he saw in the room.


"Lights is the safe word?" Johnny nodded, Dallas nodded back.

"Hold on, I got some stuff that we can use." Johnny said, quickly getting off of, Dallas. While Johnny was rummaging through a drawer, Dallas took off his pants, leaving him in his underwear. He never wore a shirt in the house most days.

Dallas co*ck ached, as he just wanted to be the younger so badly. Johnny pulled out some pieces of silk cloth out of his side of the chest-of-drawers. "You can use these to tie my arms to the bed. You can leave my legs untied so you can have better access." Johnny smiled and walked back towards the bed.

"Yeah okay, are you ready?" Dallas was getting impatient.

"Yes, Sir. Hold these while I get undressed." Johnny handed the silk ribbons to, Dallas. Dallas held them carefully and examined them extensively. They were just two long, white, wide, silk ribbons. They were obviously designed for BDSM, and not crafts or clothes. Dallas looked up after a while, he saw Johnny taking his clothes off.

Johnny took off his shirt and shook his hair out of his face. He threw his shirt to the floor. Johnny quickly undid his pants and let those hit the floor, as well.

Dallas stood up from the bed once Johnny was done getting undressed.

"Lay down,"

"Yes Sir." Johnny liked seeing Dallas uptight around him. Dallas was usually sweet and caring around, Johnny. Well, Johnny wanted a change. Johnny wanted Dallas to make him feel helpless and equal to how he treated others. But, Johnny means that loosely.

Johnny laid down on the bed, "Arms up." Dallas ordered. Johnny obeyed. Dallas laid one of the restraints down on the bed. He held onto the other; Dallas held one of Johnny's wrists to the bed post and tied it in place using a slip-knot.

Johnny eyes lit up in excitement. He wasn't one for trying new things, but this was an exception.

Dallas made the same slip knot, tying the other arm in place to the other bed post. This made Johnny completely vulnerable. He had no control.

Dallas cracked his knuckles, the cracking noises echoed through the room. Johnny bit his lip and bent his legs into a V-shape. Johnny liked the feeling of being exposed and having no control. Just being vulnerable.

Dallas went over to the younger, grabbing his knees and pushing them down into the bed. The bed creaked as Johnny's collided with the old bed. Johnny quietly gasped, he looked down at, Dallas. Dallas slowly took of Johnny's underwear, revealing the youngers painful erection.

Dallas smiled devilishly as he dropped Johnny's underwear onto the floor. He let his own underwear hit the floor as well. Dallas roughly spread Johnny's legs, he massaged the squishy flesh of Johnny's thighs. Dallas' rough pale hands against Johnny's soft tan skin was a nice physical example, of how different the two were.

Johnny trembled from the roughness, f*ck did it feel good to just let his boyfriend take care of it all. He needed it so badly...

Dallas laid soft kisses up Johnny's inner thigh; as time went on, those kisses turned into bites. "Dally," Johnny tugged at his restraints. Dallas ignored him and continued to nip at the sensitive skin. "Come on~" Johnny rolled his hips upward, "Bite me harder."

"You can't tell me what to do," Dallas scoffed.

"Please bite me harder?" Dallas rolled his eyes, "Sir." Dallas suckled on Johnny's skin, like a kitten kneading a blanket. Johnny moaned quietly. Dallas sucked for a while, diverting Johnny's attention. Once he knew Johnny's mind was gone enough, he bit down roughly.

"Ah~" Johnny moaned loudly. Dallas chuckled.

"I'm bored of this, let's carry on, shall we?" Dallas' voice was deep and meaningful. Johnny nodded slowly. Dallas nodded back, he gently ran his finger tips over where he had just bit, Johnny. He smiled at his work.

Dallas laid Johnny's legs flat against the bed once more. He spread them wider then necessary, he got in between Johnny's legs. Dallas grabbed Johnny's thighs and closed the legs around himself.

Dallas' hands traveled down Johnny's thighs. He left both of his hands on Johnny's ass, massaging then harshly.

Johnny's dick twitched, this was becoming unbearable. "Dallas, come on!" Johnny whined. He was getting needy. Not that he wasn't always like that, because he was.

Dallas frowned, "Why can't you just be patient, hun?"

"I asked to have rough sex, not to be teased."

"You said you wanted to beused." Johnny did not like that answer, because he knew Dallas was right. That's exactly what Johnny had said.

Johnny huffed and accepted fate, he laid there and just admired the moment. Which was nice too, it just wasn't the sex he had asked for, originally.

Johnny was distracted again, falling for Dallas' tricks every time. Johnny was staring off into space, enjoyed the feeling of his flesh being kneaded.

Since he wasn't paying attention, Dallas took this opportunity to get into position. Johnny wanted it rough? Okay then.

Dallas lined himself up with Johnny's entrance. Johnny could feel his boyfriend's erection poking him, but his mind unwillingly brushed it off. Dallas found this amusing.

Without any warning or more thinking, Dallas slid into Johnny's tight heat. Johnny gasped at the feeling. The skin-to-skin contact felt weird, they had always used lube or a condom. Dallas had never just gone raw. Although it was weird, it was an amazing new experience.

Dallas didn't wait for Johnny to say he was ready, he just started thrusting in-and-out. Johnny tightened around Dallas' co*ck and pulled at the silk restraints. Dallas began thrusting faster; every time Dallas pushed back in, Johnny let out a girlish moan. It was a beautiful noise.

Dallas was having fun using Johnny's body for his own pleasure. Johnny was having fun being used by, Dallas.

Johnny's mouth began to drool and run out of the side of his mouth. His co*ck twitched for attention, begging for Dallas to touch it. "D-Dally, uhn~ Please touch me!" Johnny arched his back before going back into his original position.

Dallas smirked and swallowed a groan, "What if I don't, mph~ want to?"

"Please, please, please-" Dallas slammed into Johnny harder. Johnny jerked and twisted in the restraints as Dallas basically bruised his insides.

"I will you use how I please, baby." Dallas said. Johnny whined but, he accepted it. "Thank you for being such a boy. Taking my co*ck like such a good boy."

"Y-you're welcome, s-sir." Dallas smiled sweetly and kissed Johnny gently. Dallas liked it when Johnny used proper with pronouns. 'Sir' and 'Ma'am', 'please' and 'thank you'. Dallas thought it was cute. He usually was never respected enough to be called, 'Sir'.

Dallas was getting closer to the edge, he was tired but determined. His face was just inches away from, Johnny's. Since they were so close together, Johnny took advantage of it, to finally get what he wanted.

Johnny grinded his hips upward to create friction between his twink co*ck and Dallas' body. Dallas smirked at the younger boys attempt, he decided he would let the boy have what he wanted. Dallas closed the gap between his and Johnny's bodies. It was direct skin-to-skin contact.

"Uh, yeah, yes- Ah~" Johnny moaned as he rubbed his aching co*ck on Dallas' body. "P-please cum inside me," Johnny panted, "Sir."

After a few more thrusts, Dallas came inside Johnny. Johnny released when he felt the warm, sticky cum fill his ass. Dallas pulled out and shot more strings of cum onto the youngers stomach. He watched joyfully as his cum leaked out of his young boyfriends ass.

It was such an amazing feeling- the couple definitely didn't do stuff like that often. Dallas always knew how to please him.

Johnny moaned quietly as the sensation of the cum flooding his insides.

Chapter 5: A Growing Secret (Purly - Mpreg)


Originally posted in Feb. 2022

Jack and Jill went up the hill to do it in the water. Jacks slipped, the condom ripped, and now they have a daughter.

CW: Mpreg, crude humor, slight sexual content

Chapter Text

Ponyboy whimpered loudly as he saw the results, that were printed out on the paper in front of him. He shook as he held the paper tightly in his hands. He felt like a fool...

Ponyboy Curtis was in fact pregnant.

WithCurly Shepard'sbaby.

They had been sexually active, like most teenagers. But they were also reckless, sexually active teenagers. They were horny most of the time. So they just did it whenever, with whatever they had at hand. The condom is expired? Don't worry about it. What could possibly go wrong?

This, this is what could go wrong, Curly Shepard.

Ponyboy wasn't sure whom he was more mad at. Himself or his dumbass hood boyfriend. This was both their faults. Ponyboy was shaking with every emotion over this. How the hell was he going to explain this to Darrel? Or even Curly for that matter?

Oh God, oh f*ck.

Ponyboy has had the feeling that he was pregnant, for the past month. He got Curly to take him to a walk-in clinic. Well, the results were very displeasing to say the least.

His gut turned at even the mere thought of this recent incident... the incident that caused all of this havoc.


'What the f*ck did you just do?!' Ponyboy whisper yelled. He was on his hands and knees, in front of his boyfriend. He felt something off going on behind him.

Meanwhile, behind him, Curly Shepard was panicking. 'Uh...' He said softly. It was the middle of the night, 16-year-old Ponyboy Curtis was two hours up past his bedtime. Not to mention he let an uninvited guest in through his window.

Darrel would murder both of them on the spot, if he knew Ponyboy was dating Curly in general.

''Uh'what? The f*ck is going on back there?' Ponyboy tuned his head to try and see what in the hell Curly was doing. Curly was sitting up-right on his knees. He was glancing around, like he was looking for something.

'I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but the condom broke...' Curly said shyly. He had a 'yikes' look on his face, shrugging his shoulders.

Ponyboy's eyes grew wide, they were both very aware of the fact that Ponyboy was a carrier.

'Say sike right now.' Ponyboy begged quietly. He felt like he could cry. His boner was gone to say the least.

'Here- Uhm, it's fine, I'll take care of this. I'll clean you up and we'll take out what we can. Okay?'

'What do you mean by, 'take out what we can'?' Ponyboy asked bitterly.

'Just relax.' Curly pushed Ponyboy's chest down onto the bed, his hips raising into the air. Pony gasped when he felt fingers inside him again...


Ponyboy shuddered at the memory. He felt his ears heat up. He needed to tell someone.Now. The anxiety was eating him alive. He needed to put this burden on someone else as well. He shoved the letter back into its envelope, shoving it into his hoodie pocket.

He needed to find, Johnny.


Johnny was minding his own business, just casually walking down the hallway. He was trying to get to his last class of the day. It was weird for him not to try to skip class. He was trying his best to fix all the bad habits he had made. Getting his grades up, keeping his attendance and behaviour in check. He was trying to make something of himself.

He was almost halfway down the hallway, when suddenly someone grabbed his arm and yanked him into the men's Lavatory. Johnny thought it was Socs after him, but when he heard the tardy bell ring, and the person let go of his arm. He knew whom it was.

f*cking Ponyboy Curtis, that's whom.

Johnny adjusted his backpack, "Ponyboy, what the hell, man? I was going to class! You know how I've been trying to get my sh*t together..." Johnny whined. Of all the people that could be dragging Johnny from doing what he was supposed to, he wasn't expecting Pony.

Two-Bit maybe, but not Pony.

"Your attempt of getting your life together can wait. Because mine just fell apart, Johnathan!" Ponyboy snapped.

Johnny rolled his eyes. He assumed Curly did some stupid sh*t again to piss Ponyboy off. Ponyboy would always take Curly's shenanigans personally. Thinking it was his fault he was a no good hood. It's not like he was raised like that or anything. Sarcasm, of course. Ponyboy once talked Johnny's ears off because he was so torn up about Curly being put back on probation for tagging someone's car.

Johnny just did what he usually did.

He sat there and listened to his friend ramble and rant. When Ponyboy was done going off on his tangents, he usually felt better by the end. Then he would go to Curly and chew him out. That's another reason Johnny would just take the verbal burden of listening to Ponyboy. He knew someone else would get to listen to Ponyboy's perfected speech.

Johnny was just the practice person Pony would rant to. May God have mercy on the man that actually gets to hear Pony go off. That man was usually Curly Shepard. He was usually the reason Ponyboy was upset half the time, anyway.

"Rude. But what is it this time?" Johnny asked.

Ponyboy rolled his eyes. He yanked the envelope out of his pocket, pulling Johnny's hands toward him and shoved the envelope into his hands. "Read it carefully," Ponyboy said lowly. Johnny raised an eyebrow, Ponyboy was being awfully more serious than he usually was when he was upset with Curly.

Oh God, what happened?

Johnny was already assuming the worst. Only bad things happened when it was associated with serious letters and envelopes. Like cancer diagnosis' and paternity tests. Johnny opened up the envelope, pulling out the letter. He scrunched his eyebrows together, trying to understand what all this medical mumbo-jumbo was trying to say on the letter.

But in big cursive font in the middle, it said: "𝓒𝓸𝓷𝓰𝓻𝓪𝓽𝓾𝓵𝓪𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷𝓼, 𝔂𝓸𝓾'𝓻𝓮 𝓹𝓻𝓮𝓰𝓷𝓪𝓷𝓽!" sh*t-

Johnny's mouth hung open in surprise. He knew the letter was referring to Ponyboy, and not some girl. The entire gang knew of Ponyboy's situation of being a carrier.

This is abigmess. But it was about to get a hell of a lot worse. He placed his arms down at his sides, looking blankly at Ponyboy.

"So done knocked you up did he, huh Ponyboy?" Johnny stuck out his top lip and rocked on his feet. His Southern accent and grammar shinning through.

Ponyboy socked Johnny in the arm, "Shut the hell up! What am I supposed to do, Johnny?"

"Uh, fall down the stairs?" Johnny said. That earned him another punch in the arm.

"Besides that you ass," Pony hissed at the older boy. Taking back his letter. He put it back in the envelope and put it into his backpack this time.

"Well, you got no choice but to talk to, Curly. Talk to him, see what youbothcan agree on doing. Just remember, it's your choice. It's his fault you're in this situation in the first place." Johnny explained. "Plus, if he can take you to the doctors, maybe he can take your baby up to see their grandparents." Johnny said nonchalantly. His dark humor was getting worse, the more he was coming to terms with his trauma. And he hung out with Two-Bit and Steve too much.

Ponyboy slapped him across the face that time, "JOHNATHAN ANDREW CADE-"


"Oh hell no, I'm taking you to the clinic up state. You're aborting that thing." Curly said, handing the letter back to Ponyboy. He had a slight tremble. Curly was not ready to be a father.

Ponyboy whined and angrily took the letter back from his boyfriend. "You're not taking me anywhere." Ponyboy snapped.

"There's a flight of stairs on the other side of school. You could walk over there yourself-" Ponyboy slapped his chest.

"What is it with you people and pushing me down a flight of stairs? If there is anyway we are aborting a baby, it is not by shoving me down a flight of stairs. Now would you shut the f*ck up and take this seriously for two seconds?" Ponyboy absentmindedly put his hand on his stomach. Feeling like he needed to protect himself from these evil people wanting toshovehim down stairs, to kill his unborn child.

"'You people?' You've already told people about this?" Curly wished he was home, doing something not legal. Smoking weed or getting drunk. Something to make him not feel and just forget for a minute.

"You're dumber than I thought, if you thought Iwasn'tgoing to tell Johnny first." Ponyboy said.

"I can't believeJumpy Cadebeat me to the punch on that joke." Curly called Johnny 'Jumpy Cade' sometimes. Johnny was scared of his own shadow since Bob and his gang beat him half to death. "I didn't even think Johnny could be that dark..." Curly contemplated his thoughts about Johnny aloud.

"He's been hanging out with Two-Bit and Steve a lot recently. I think they're finally getting to him... Hey wait- This isn't about Johnny or any of them! This is about you and your sh*tty pull out game!" Ponyboy said harshly.

Curly put his hands up in defense, "This has nothing to do with my pull out game! Just my sh*tty condoms-" Curly corrected. Ponyboy glared daggers into his skin. "Listen Pony, just think about the clinic, alright? I can get the money, and it'll be quick and easy, over with in a minute. Huh?" Curly tried to convince his lover, Ponyboy was not impressed.

"Curly, the closest abortion clinic is a day away in the more Southern part of Oklahoma. More questions will be raised if I suddenly disappear with some hood for a day or two. Just randomly. I'm not even allowed to be friends with you, Curly! Let alone date, f*ck, and have babies with your dumbass!" This was all going down in a different boys bathroom on the other side of the school. Ponyboy caught Curly in there smoking a cigarette. Skipping class, as per usual.

"Just say you're with, Johnny." Curly shrugged. "Spending a few days at his house."

"Curly," Ponyboy started, "Johnny isn't even allowed to sleep in his own house. I'm not going to anyone else about this. You know what? I've made up my mind. I'm keeping it out ofspiteof you." Ponyboy crossed his arms over his chest, turning away from his lover. Curly looked offended.

"Do I even get a say in this? Oh, and you're seriously going to carry my child because of how stubborn you are?" Curly put his hands on his own hips.

"No and yes. No, this is my body, my choice. Yes, I am going to haveourchild JUST because you said no. There isnothingyou can do to tell me otherwise." Pony huffed. He was putting on this tough act because he was scared out of his mind. He was shaking and felt like he was always on the verge of tears. Ponyboy was just a scared 16-year-old kid. Curly was 17. What business do they have having children at this age? They don't!

It's not that Ponyboy was against abortion, he just couldn't see himself doing it. He believed in fate, he believed this was God's way of telling him it was time to grow up. Start a new chapter in life. It was a bitter pill to swallow...

Curly rubbed his temples in a frustrated manner.Was Ponyboy smoking literal crack?He couldn't really be serious right now, because in Curly's mind, he was acting delirious.

"Ponyboy, a couple of kids like us don't have any business having our own kids. Didn't you want to go to college? There is no way in hell you can handle a child and going through the kind of stress getting a higher-level education will bring you. I know you're scared n' sh*t. But you gotta think about yourself for a minute." Curly said, he hated being serious like this.

Ponyboy started to shake harder. He was one month and a week along in his pregnancy, already. He couldn't hide this forever. He was a pretty skinny boy, so he would start to show sooner than most people.

Curly did have a point... but none of that mattered to Ponyboy. The only person that truly mattered to, was Darrel. Darry was pushing his dream onto Ponyboy. He couldn't go to college, he couldn't have his dream job. So if he couldn't, Ponyboy would.

Darry and Sodapop gave up their whole lives to give Ponyboy a better chance to make it. Ponyboy just wanted to be a writer. A daydreamer lost in his own fantasies for the rest of his life. Was that sincerely asking for too much? Ponyboy didn't get it. He didn't understand why his older brother wanted him to live his dream so bad. Ponyboy was his own person.

The more Ponyboy thought about it, the angrier he got. He whipped around and stabbed his pointer finger into Curly's chest. "Y-you just shut up!" Pony yelled in Curly's face. He could feel the emotions pile up in his throat. He wasn't able to keep the tough act up for long. Ponyboy was falling apart at the seams.

Darrel would kill him for sure. There was no way he could handle all the news at once. But Ponyboy hope that it would be better just to put all this sh*t out there at once. Just quit saving it all for later. Just throw it all out onto the table.

Ponyboy dropped his arm down to his side. His bottom lip quivered, tears starting to fall from his eyes. Ponyboy began to cry, his body shuddering and legs growing weak. Ponyboy went into all-out hysterics. He sobbed into his hands, standing helplessly in front of his older boyfriend.

Curly was a hardass, but he could feel sometimes. He didn't know what it was about Ponyboy, but he was always got Curly to feel something.Real, genuine, emotions. Not just lock everything away and pretending not to feel anything. Ponyboy brought that out in Curly.

"Awh Babe... Ponyboy please don't cry." Curly took the sobbing Ponyboy into his arms carefully. He was gentle when Ponyboy was in a fragile state of mind, just like right now. He could soft if he wanted to.He could also stomp your balls back into your pelvis if you ever messed with his sister. But That Was Then, and This is Now...(If you don't get this, I'll explain it at the end.)

Ponyboy sobbed harder into Curly's chest. Curly slowly rocked him in his arms until Ponyboy calmed down. He hiccuped softly, controlling himself. Pony spoke up, "Will you please come over for dinner tonight, so we can tell my family what's happening?" Ponyboy asked softly. Curly's chest was warm and comforting.

"Yes, I can do that..." Curly finally agreed. He was really in for the long-haul now.

"Thank you, I love you..."

"I love you too, Ponyboy," Curly said softly, kissing the top of Ponyboy's head. "So should I say goodbye to my balls now or-?"

"Shut the f*ck up." Ponyboy said nonchalantly.


Ponyboy had ended up just blowing off the last part of the school day. He never even went to his other classes- He was too upset and distracted to actually properly function in class. So he ended up just sticking to the bathrooms with his boyfriend all day. It wasn't that bad. But that does mean it was another thing Darrel was going to kill him for, when he got home.

Ponyboy and Curly were talking a little about how they would break the news tonight. They were casually holding hands in the front entrance of the school. They weren't waiting for anyone, they just stopped to talk for a moment.

"For the last time, I am not getting rid of it." Ponyboy sighed softly, as Curly suggested the God damn stairs again. He wasn't sure if his lover was being serious, or it was a joke at this point.

"You can't even say it," Curly retorted. He had a stick up his ass, he was preparing himself for when Darrel shoves his fist up Curly's ass.

"I am not aborting our unborn child, now shut the f*ck up and listen to me, tough guy." Ponyboy snapped. Curly was listening. "We'll tell him that we're dating, and when he tells us he forbids it, I'll drop the bomb of our growing secret." Ponyboy smiled a little. He was already attached; it made Curly cringe.

"Our growing secret?" Curly asked, he sounded almost bored.

Ponyboy rolled his eyes, he took Curly's hand and gently placed it on his stomach. "You heard me," Ponyboy whispered softly. His tone was happy for feeling so lousy on the inside.

The two of them continued to go back and forth, but that's when Johnny showed up. He watched the couple talk back and forth to each other. He didn't say anything. He was just waiting for them to notice he was there, listening. When Pony and Curly finally agreed to Ponyboy's morekamikazeplan, Curly nearly screamed when he noticed the older greaser.

It was hard to believe Johnny was 18 now. Although he still looked 12. Maybe that's why Dallas was so into him. Had that youthful look most people sought out for.

Kind of creepy of Dallas now that something was said about it... Anyways-

"Jesus Jump Cade! A little privacy?" Curly yelled. Curly had a death grip on Ponyboy's hand.

Johnny flinched when Curly yelled at him. It was something Johnny would probably never get used to. He hated being yelled at. He couldn't understand how it DIDN'T make people nervous.

"Babe, don't you yell at him! He's sensitive to that." Ponyboy slapped Curly's chest with his free hand. That also made Johnny wince. He could be just like the rest of the greasers, but he was selective when he would show it. He used to be like everyone else, he still was. Just Johnny was quiet about it.

"Didn't you say he made the stair proposal before you even came to talk to me about any of this? So he can offer to push you down the stairs, but if I raise my voice because I was frightened by him. I'm the bad guy? Alright, I see how it is." Curly muttered.

It was silent for a moment, Johnny couldn't find the quite right words to say just yet. "So uh Johnny, what did you need?" Ponyboy asked, smiling at his friend.

Johnny was quiet still, he shuffled uncomfortably in place. He wasn't comfortable being himself around Curly Shepard. He had a loud mouth. "Why are you guys holding hands in the hallway? Steve and Two-Bit could see ya y'know." Johnny knew he was the only other person that knew of their relationship.

"Steve and Two-Bit finding out is the least of our worries. Steve would go and blab straight to, Sodapop. That would just make things easier on our end honestly. I'm pregnant Johnny, there is no use in trying to hide the father."

Curly shifted uncomfortably in place, "I don't know how my mom and stepdad are going to take me being hom*osexual still, Pony. Man, Tim and Angela don't even know! My folks hate me as is... Add a bastard on top of that, and we got ourselves a homeless hood on our hands." Curly said. His family would probably never look at him again... He didn't have much of a family to begin with. To lose the little that he already had, hurt him deeply.

Ponyboy sighed, he gave his lover a hug. "I'll figure it out, you'll probably end up staying with me." Pony reassured him. Curly nodded slowly. Ponyboy turned to Johnny. "Are you going to be there with us tonight?" Ponyboy asked. He was hoping Johnny would be there so he could diffuse the situation with his presence. Nobody was really allowed to raise their voices too high in front of Johnny. They knew how it made him feel.

They all had pretty sh*t home lives. So the Curtis home was supposed to be a sanctuary of peace. It never really turned out that way, but it was an attempt. It was still better than what most of the guys in the gang had.

Johnny shrugged, "I don't want Darry to kick my head in because I didn't narc on you two." Johnny had a point there. Darry didn't believe in snitching on your own kind. But when it came to Ponyboy and Sodapop's business, he expected everyone to tell him everything. Johnny wasn't like that, though. He kept his mouth shut around cops, adults, strangers. Didn't matter, Johnny was loyal in that sense.

He wouldn't lie, he had dropped hints about it to Dallas. But Johnny knew that Dallas had the skull as thick as Steel. Same as Keith, Steve, or Soda. They wouldn't get it unless it would outright said to them. Dallas wasn't that thick in the head, he was probably just brushing it off, because he didn't see Curly inthatway. He could barely see Ponyboy as gay.

It shook the entire block to the core when Ponyboy came out. He was a loud mouth most of the time. When he wasn't being as quiet as Johnny with most things. Ponyboy just couldn't keep that kind of secret to himself. It was too heavy on his shoulders. Thankfully, the gang was accepting. Darry was just glad he wouldn't have to deal with a bunch of crazy girls. He had enough with that issue with Sodapopalone.

Since the dating scene for gay men in Tusla, Oklahoma was sparse, so Darry knew that Ponyboy would be able to focus on school. Not boys. Little did he know, there were many closeted gay boys at school, just waiting for one brave boy of the bunch to come out. That way they knew whom was available in that sense.

One of those boys being Curly Shepard.

"He doesn't have to know," Ponyboy defended. Darrel didn't need to know Johnny's involvement with this.

"Ponyboy, we're best friends. They're going to make the connection. There's no way in hell that you would have done something like this, and not have told me. They're gonna know." Johnny hooked his thumbs in his backpack straps.

Johnny had a point, "Yes, you're correct. But, would they really take any of it out on you? If you were me, they would be a whole lot easier on you. I know that for a fact." Ponyboy went back to simply holding Curly's hand. "Plus, you're just a Rook in this game of chess." Ponyboy said. Curly didn't know sh*t about chess, so he was already lost.

"I feel like Darrel would be the Rook, since you're stuck inside his castle walls. Get it?"

"I think he might be the King though, for obvious reasons." Ponyboy said.

"Enough of the nerd talk! Are you coming tonight or not, Johnny?" Curly's voice boomed.

Johnny sighed, "Yeah whatever, I'll go."


"Who is coming over for dinner?" Darrel felt like he was starting to hear things. Maybe he was the crazy one in this house of clowns.

"Curly Shepard. We're friends, we always have friends over for dinner." Ponyboy had to bite his tongue.

"I already told you not to be friends with that hooligan. He's a bad influence on you. You should be focusing on school. He'll take you down a wrong path, Pony." Darry protested.

"Dallas literally threatens people with guns for sh*ts n' giggles. Why can't I be friends with Curly? He's like a knock-off Dallas." Ponyboy said.

"I-" Pony had Darrel cornered, "Fine, but if he starts sh*t in this house, he goes back out onto the streets."

Ponyboy smiled happily, "Thank you, Darry!" He chirped. Darrel smiled and hugged his younger brother. It felt good to not be at each other's throats.

"Sure little Colt. Now, go set the table. I'll have dinner ready in an hour. I think we're having a full house tonight." Darrel ruffled Ponyboy's hair. Ponyboy went off on his own way. They were going to have quite the audience for tonight's show...


Ponyboy had finished setting the table 30 minutes later. He was readjusting everything unnecessarily, just needing something to occupy his mind. That's when Curly finally showed up. It made Ponyboy's stomach sick with anxiety, but he was relieved to his lover.

They stood next to each other in the dining room, pretending to fix the already perfectly aligned Cutlery. "You're not high, are you?" Ponyboy said lowly. They had to keep their voices down, the house was full of people. Anyone could listen in on the conversation.

"I wish, oh God do I wish I was." Curly whined. Ponyboy just rolled his eyes at the older boy.

"I know you don't want to be here, you whiney baby. But it's better to do this now rather than later. Do remember all the stuff we talked about earlier today?" Pony asked.

"Kind of, refresh my mind." Curly grumbled, looking up at the ceiling fan.

"First off- hey, look at me and pay attention dumbass. First off, we have to make sure Johnny is protected. He had no idea we were dating, he had no idea I am... you know what." Curly nodded and Ponyboy kept going. "Be respectable, this is the only chance Darry is giving you. If you even dare to give someone a dirty look, he's kicking you out. Have manners- keep your elbows off the table, and put your napkin in your lap." Ponyboy rambled off a couple of rules, but at that point Curly stop listening. He got the gist.

"I don't even remember the last time I used a napkin. Isn't that what pants are for?" Curly was sounding ridiculous now. "Unless we're talking about yours, then they belong completely off and on my floor." He added immaturely. Ponyboy glared daggers at him, slapping him in the arm. "Owie..."

"You'll being saying a lot more than owie, when my brothers shove their steel-toed boots up your ass." Curly rubbed his arm to comfort himself, nodding at his boyfriend's threat.

"You know, you're a lot more mean and testy pregnant... That or I'm just finally rubbing off on you." Ponyboy was about to say something else, but Curly interrupted him. "It's kind of hot." He smirked.

Ponyboy's mouth was hanging open, but he closed his mouth and the corner of his lips turned up into a smirk. "Hot you say,Mr. Shepard?" Pony purred.

"Yeah, I like my bitches sassy." He laughed lowly.

"I ain't a bitch, but you could call mekitten." Ponyboy gawked back.


Dinner was going fairly well so far. It was mostly Steve and Sodapop, talking about all the freaks they saw at the DX today.

"There was only one saving grace. A chick with BIGGEST tit* walked in. Like holy hell, forget double D! Those must have been F's! The only F's I would ever want in my life." Steve raved.

"I think you're seeing things from the dehydration, from working in the shop all day. I think you just saw me and imagined titt*es. You need to stop looking at those dirty magazines during your break, they're messing with your hallucinations." Sodapop giggled and fluttered his eyes. "I saw a boy walk in with the prettiest shade of grey eyes! It was like a storm clouds that you could cuddle with." Sodapop recalled.

"Now Ithinkyou're talking about, Two-Bit." Steve and the rest of the table immediately went to make eye contact with Keith. Two-Bit choked on his cornbread as everyone stared him down. Sodapop squinted at his friend, but shrugged his shoulders and went back to eating.

Everyone seemed tired from their long days of doing whatever. Either it be work or school. Dinner was starting to wrap up, so Ponyboy thought now was a good time to finally speak up.

"So..." Everyone except Curly looked at him. The anxiety was starting to course through his veins. He knew exactly what was up. "You're all probably wondering why Curly is here." Before he could continue on, Sodapop chimed in.

"Yeah, why is he here? No offense, Curly."

"None taken." Curly responded.

Ponyboy stood up and sighed, Curly looked down at his lap. Johnny was pretending he wasn't even in the room. "Darrel, I know I said we were just friends. But that's far from the truth. Curly and I have been dating... for six months." Ponyboy finally ripped off half of this old band-aid. It felt nice to have some of it off, but this was still just the beginning.

Darrel looked angry and confused. "Ponyboy Micheal Curtis, I am very disappointed in you. After I told you not to even be friends with Curly Shepard, you went against my word and you started to DATE him. For six months?! Good God-" Darry rubbed his temples. He knew he would have to put Ponyboy on birth control. Little did he know it was FAR too late for that.

Curly winced, it was weird to feel invisible after all. Darrel was talking about him like he wasn't even in the room. When in reality, he was only sitting a few chairs away from him.

"Wow, I think I'm mostly just impressed he kept it a secret for that long without anyone finding out." Steve said. He was amused by the whole situation. He had no idea Johnny was also a part of this operation.

Sodapop mostly just looked concerned. Ponyboy's health and safety always came first in his mind. Ever since they stopped sharing a room and a bed, Ponyboy had become officially independent. Sodapop felt like he was a mother watching her son go off to college out of state.

It hurt his heart knowing Ponyboy didn't need him as much as he used to.

Johnny was trying his hardest to act as surprised as everyone else in the room. For the most part nobody was paying attention to him, nobody usually did. So this was working in his favor.

"Alright alright, you can be angry about that all you want. But it's not all that I have to say..." Ponyboy put a loving hand on Curly's shoulder. He massaged his flesh a little bit. "We're pregnant, I got the results back today. I'm a month and one week." Ponyboy put the paper down on the dinner table. He had it crumpled up in his pocket the entire time.

Everyone's reactions were different. Ponyboy remained emotionless and relatively calm for the most part. Johnny didn't really change his expression, he was still trying to pretend he wasn't there. Steve looked like he was about to laugh, he knew this what's going to happen to one Curtis Brother at some point. He just thought it was going to be Sodapop, not Ponyboy. Two-Bit had a worried expression on his face. He knew what was going to happen in this house. Hell was going to break loose. He felt great sympathy for these two young lovers. And hoped they would get to see another day.

Sodapop looked offended, like someone had just called his mother a bitch or something. Darrel... Darrel was hard to read. He looked like he wanted to lash out. He was so angry, that nothing came of it. The flame of anger died in his eyes.

He took a deep breath through his nose. Darry was about to say something when Steve chimed in. "I thought he was getting fat-" Steve stopped himself because he thought of something better to say. "Did you want me to show you to the stairs, Ponyboy?" Steve cackled. Johnny's eyes widened as he tried to contain his laughter. Curly was hiding his face in Ponyboy's side, like a shy child would it's mother.

Sodapop punch Steve. "You shut your big mouth right now!" Steve yelped and went to protect his arm.

"Everyone, shut up!" Darrel stood up and stared the young lovers down. "Well, what's your plan?" He asked. He was being a lot more calm than anyone expected. Sodapop, of everyone, seemed to be taking this the hardest.

Ponyboy put his hands on his stomach, "I'm keeping it. There's nothing anyone can say to change my mind."

Darrel stood there, trying to figure out how the hell are we going to be able to afford this. He had a feeling Curly's family wasn't in the loop about this either. Even if they were in the loop, Darry had a feeling they wouldn't understand. Or be accepting of this. He had to take all of that into consideration.

"Welp, hope you two can find another source of income." Darry was still going to help financially support them, only because he was legally required to. Since he was Ponyboy's legal guardian. But that wasn't the issue. His tone of voice made it sound like he was kicking Ponyboy out. As if they had to fend for themselves now.

"Are you kicking me out?! I'm pregnant you monster!" Ponyboy could feel his hormones getting the best of him. Curly honestly wished he could crawl underneath a rock and just die. That sounded a lot better than any of this sh*t. Or he wished he was Johnny right now,unproblematic.

"Hold your horses, Ponyboy. That's not what I'm saying. You two can stay here, but you guys have to find another source of income. I will continue to support you as children, but you guys will have to get a job too. Or at least Curly. If you're going to start a family, you better learn how to help support one. My income and Sodapop's income won't cover squat." Darry said with finality in his tone.

Ponyboy could feel a wave of relief wash over him and his lover. "I'll find a job sir, I promise." Curly finally spoke up, standing to his feet as well. Ponyboy liked to see this side of Curly. He never saw the other boy so respectful before.

"I'll try to look for something too, but-" Ponyboy started to say, but Curly cut him off.

"No way, you're pregnant and in school. That's just asking for a stress-induced miscarriage. I'll get a job, a real one. I'll turn some things about myself around, huh. That sound fair?" Curly was slick with his words. He said he would make a change now, but him actually following through with that is another story.

Either way, even an empty promise made the Curtis Brothers happy for now. Curly could get money, sure. But it was alwaysdirty money. As in, he got it from drug dealing, or from doing crimes. Or just under the table work that wasn't legal.

And Ponyboy wondered why Darrel was so stubborn, about the two of them JUST being friends.

Ponyboy gave Curly a tight hug.

Maybe things would work out.

Chapter 6: Re-Writing The Stars (Jally)


Originally posted in 2021

Drunk sex!

Chapter Text

Understanding people can be difficult. It's a proven fact that if you don't truly understand yourself, you can't understand others. Feelings are hard to express and have a solid understanding about them. Especially if you're someone like, Dallas Winston. One of the toughest hoods in Tulsa, Oklahoma. One of the reasons he was the toughest guy here, was because he wasn'tfromhere.

Dallas Winston was from New York, the state where it truly is rough all over. When you're a little kid, age 10, running around those streets alone. No parents or adults to care. sh*t happens, and it's never good.

Dallas is 17-years-old now. Years of being in and out of Juvenile Detention and Jail itself have gone by. He was an alcoholic to an extent and smoked cigarettes because he knew it'd help cut his life-span short. Dally didn't really have anywhere to go, or a place to call home. He hung around his "gang" and crashed in Buck Merrill's motel rooms above his bar. He was allowed to sleep there in exchange for riding horses and keeping quiet about the fixed races Buck puts on.

Buck knew Dallas was underage and shouldn't be doing the things he does. But Buck doesn't care. He's Buck f*cking Merrill. Plus, Dallas is a strong kid, he can learn to take care of himself. He's done it just fine all these years.


Dallas sat at the bar, slugging down his 15th drink of the night. He just wanted to get slammed, maybe f*ck a broad, and then sleep with the shame. Nothing out of the ordinary for Dallas to do. He hadn't been with the gang in a while, he felt stuck and didn't want anyone to see him anymore.

Although he felt this way, he also felt very lonely. The guys in the gang were the only people Dally had in his life. He missed seeing Johnny's sweet face, hearing his soft, nervous words. Dallas would never say it verbally, but he does love that kid. He thought Johnny deserved the world, nothing less.

But that was weird, Dallas always thought. Liking and thinking about Johnny that way he was, was gross.Unnatural, even. Dallas also had to put it this way:No one accepts me for anything now. So what's one more thing to not like?But he did have to think of Johnny in this situation too. Dallas doubted Johnny shared his feelings.

Talking about things like that made Dallas nervous. His entire life he had been told liking the same gender was wrong and unnatural. It was a disease that could spread to anyone and everyone you were around. Dallas was coming to the conclusion that hewaswhat he thought that is. And if he was right, he didn't want to spread to the people he knew. The main person being, Johnny Cade.

Little Johnathan... Dallas just wanted to protect the kid. Maybe everyone was right, maybe people should be protecting Johnny from Dallas himself. Even Johnny's parents would Rave about how bad of an influence Dallas and the rest of the gang was on, Johnny. They have no room to talk, though. Dallas never thought he would be protecting Johnny from himself. He thought maybe one day he'd be protecting Johnny from Johnny, but not Johnny from Dallas.

Dallas swirled his drink around in its glass bottle; he watched it swirl like a whirlpool. His mind ran off with him- his thoughts grew deeper and more sinful. All the thoughts about being an natural freak of nature came around.

He was started having these thoughts about Johnny. These thoughts were sinful and surely condemning him to Eternal damnation.

He held an arm around his waist, holding himself. He felt sick to his stomach. Dallas quite honestly made himself sick sometimes. Besides nausea and the sudden urge to pee really bad taking over him, he continued to drink.


Johnny Cade, the softest juvenile delinquent you'll ever meet. He use to be real good in rumbles, fighting in general, really. He could talk back and give you a piece of his mind if he really wanted to. That was until theincident;he had gone nearly mute. Robert Sheldon's gang had cornered Johnny in a field one day. They tortured him, threatened him with everything under the sun.

The entire gang remembers that day they found Johnny doubled over, almost dead in the field. That was probably the last time they ever heard him say more than a sentence at one time. Because as they were walking back, Johnny managed to sob out his story of what happened to him. Sodapop had carried him back to the Curtis residence that day...

Anyways, with being a quiet kid and keeping to yourself, you have a lot of time to think. A lot of thoughts are kept to yourself. With this, Johnny was starting to learn a lot about himself. He never realized before how much he thought about, Dallas. Sure, Dallas was handsome and how he had a beautifully sculpted body. Before, that was just a Mindless compliment he would say. But now, Johnny thinks that he means something more when he says that.

Johnny's compliments were no longer friends being nice to one-another. It meant something so much more. Johnny had heard what he felt was wrong, but quite frankly, he didn't care. Johnny was one to care about everything, anything anyone thought about him or the things he did. But this was the one thing he let go. Johnny didn't care what others thought about this. These feeling's Johnny has about Dallas, feels so good and- and so right! How could it be so wrong...?


Johnny wasn't really one to drink. He hung around people that drank, sure. That doesn't mean he liked to do it. He saw what Alcohol does to people; Johnny would rather destroy himself in any other way.

Even though his beliefs told a very true story, tonight was an exception that told a different story.

Johnny walked inside the bar. Buck knew whom he was and why he would be there. So, he didn't say anything and let the minor wander inside his bar. Johnny ordered a generic beer with the 25 cents he had to spend. He hated the taste of the adult beverage, but sucked it up. Payed for it, no going back now.

Why was Johnny even drinking here in the first place? Well, he wanted to see Dallas, he also wanted to not stand out. Johnny also thought this would be a nice opportunity to drink since he didn't do it often. He was a man, he was supposed to enjoy this. But Johnny wasn't having fun, none of this was enjoyable.

'Whatever...' Johnny thought. He got up and decided to migrate, he didn't get far before he ran into someone. Johnny blushed and frantically muttered out an apology.

"Relax John, it's just me." The person slurred. Johnny did a double take, it was Dallas.

"Oh... Sorry I ran into, Dal." Johnny trying to speak at a reasonable voice level. It was loud in the bar, and his voice was soft. So he wanted to make sure Dallas was actually able to hear him.

"S'okay. What're you doin' here, man?" Dallas had a slur to his words. You could tell he was more than a few drinks in already.

"Oh y'know, I just needed to get away for a bit. Didn't know what else to do. Plus, I guess it's shelter as long as I keep buying drinks." Johnny realized he suddenly had more things to say now that his mental filter was fuzzy. He was usually real quiet about everything. No more than a few words would come out as a response to conversation.

"I can give you some shelter if you come up to my room." Dallas winked. Johnny blushed wildly. Sure he had a crush on the older man. But he was still hesitant on taking up any offers from the older boy in the state they were both in.

But Johnny decided to say, 'f*ck it'. He couldn't care less right now. "Yeah alright. Show me your room." Johnny still wasn't drunk, he didn't really want to get there either.

Dallas kind of stood there in awe for a moment. He wasn't quite sure what Johnny's answer would be, but he didn't see that being his reaction. Dallas accepted this. "Follow me." Dallas whispered. No one could hear him, everything was too loud to whisper and expect someone to hear you. No matter how close they were to you. Dallas didn't really take that into consideration. He took Johnny by the hand and dragged him upstairs.

Johnny stumbled along behind him. He gasped slightly as Dallas drug him inside the room. He shut the door and locked it. Dallas pushed Johnny onto the bed; he was excited to say the least.

Johnny held onto Dallas' forearms as his back hit the mattress. His drink now spilled and abandoned on the floor. That made him gasp again, "W-what're you doing, Dal?" Johnny was scared, he felt like the world around him was crumbling. He felt awfully embarrassed.

"Relax, Johnny. I know what I'm doing. Don't you want me?" Dallas hovered close to Johnny's face. It was dark in the room, but the moonlight made it easier to see each other. Johnny wasn't sure if that was a blessing or a curse in this situation.

"Well yeah... But you're drunk, I don't want you to do something you'll regret. I'm nothing special to get all upset about." Johnny stated shyly.

"Don't say that, you'll ruin the mood. Man, I haven't gotten this hammered in a real long time. I feel like I can do anything. I can conquer my fears and address the things I'd never do sober. This is one of those things, Johnny. I want you in more ways then I can describe." Dallas caressed Johnny's cheek lovingly.

Johnny honestly felt as if he were at a loss for words. Did he really want this? Was Dallas just trailing him along like he would do with any other girl? Johnny was very conflicted about this.

Johnny then had a thought... 'He won'trememberanything by tomorrow, anyway. This is whatyou'vebeen waitingfor.Don'tlet thischancegotowaste.Takeit.Take all of it.' Johnny bit his bottom lip and breathed deeply.

"I want it, Dally. I want you." Although Johnny felt brave enough to finally say words, his body felt frozen. He couldn't bring himself to move his arms anywhere else on Dallas' body. Nervous was one of a million ways to describe the state Johnny was in. Here he was, laying underneath Dallas Winston. Something Johnny had many dreams about, erotic or not, he just couldn't believe he was finally here. It was so surreal.

"Good to know we're on the same page. Now, you have understand something." Dallas' voice was low and sharp. You could cut yourself on the edge of his voice.

"W-what is it?"

"You call me Sir from now until we finish." Dallas suddenly sounded sober. His words sent shivers down Johnny's spine. "Now I want to hear verbal confirmation you understand." You could taste the alcohol on Dallas' breath.

"Yes, Sir." Johnny replied. He felt incredibly turned on.

Dallas nodded. He took off his shoes and jacket, starting to work on Johnny's collar bone. Johnny felt timid, no one had touched him like this before. Dallas helped the younger boy out of his shoes and jacket as well.

Johnny didn't know what to expect when it came to sex. Sure he did things on his own... (don't check what's in the sock, dad. And I'm not talking about cum, either.) But no one has ever given him a hickey, or even a kiss for that matter.

Johnny writhed and attempted to dry hump the older male. His hormone flushed body losing touch with reality and all self-control. Dallas slid off his own shirt before removing Johnny's. Johnny was glad that it was dark, he didn't want anyone seeing what was hidden beneath his shirt. He was very embarrassed of his body. It was bruised and pretty roughed up most of the time. Scars seemed to be one of his best friends.

His body was pitiful compared to what Dallas had. Johnny will always compare himself to others, no matter how unhealthy it is or what people tell him. This realization didn't help Johnny calm down. Now he was embarrassed and wanted to crawl underneath the house so nobody could see him. He put his arms over his chest as a lame excuse to cover himself.

Dallas wasn't really noticing all of this at first. He tugged off his and Johnny's pants to keep this show on the road. Johnny wished he could turn off the moon light so his body wasn't visible. But Johnny couldn't do that, so he had to lay there and dream-on. His legs shook as he let out a shaky moan. Dallas had grabbed his manhood through his underwear, roughly.

"P-please sir, f-faster." Johnny moaned and pushed his hips into the older mans touch. Dallas picked up his speed, but then he suddenly stopped. "N-no, please sir." Johnny writhed.

"Let's get the last of our clothes off first. It'll feel a thousand times better when it's just skin-to-skin." Dallas hiccuped. Johnny was so in engaged into the situation, he totally forgot Dallas was drunk. He didn't think anything of it when Dallas was fiddling around, trying to get his hands to work properly when he was taking of their clothes. Johnny is only that way because he's never done this before. At least, with another person that is...

"O-oh okay. Hey Dally?" Johnny might regret asking this question.

Dallas stopped, "Yeah?" He firmly held Johnny's side, "That's not my name."

"I mean- ah, I'm sorry sir. I mean, can I uhm, take them off myself please sir?" Johnny asked nervously. His voice shook and his sentences were running-on. He's never been so vulnerable and exposed in his life.

"Why?" Dallas asked bluntly. Wouldn't it just be easier if Dallas did it for him? Dallas usually would have asked his Johnny a lot nicer if he was sober. But he was not, and Dallas had gone predatory.

"I just- I don't know... I'm sorry, I know it's stupid. But please, sir?" Johnny asked again.

Dallas sighed and backed off, "Okay, fine." He waited for Johnny to do whatever. Johnny slipped off his briefs and let them hit the floor.

"Done." Johnny whispered. Dallas nodded and took off his own underwear. Dallas' eyes wondered but not for too long. He just wanted to go back to making out with Johnny's clavicle. Johnny held onto Dallas and moaned softly into the older boy's ear. The sounds the younger made, made Dallas more drunk, just in a metaphorical sense this time around.

Dallas laid Johnny down comfortably onto the bed. His eyes felt heavy and his senses were hazy. Dallas began to mindlessly grind his penis into Johnny's without warning. The sudden skin-to-skin contact made Johnny gasp. He moaned, his mouth agape and eyes wide open. Johnny felt so awake in this moment he wouldn't understand how Dallas was about to pass out on top of the younger.

Johnny bucked his upwards to make some friction. Johnny was starting to feel good. He felt grown-up for once. Dallas wasn't treating him like a kid; they were being grown-up's. They were grownups doing grown-up things that would make a sailor blush in shame! For Christ's sake- "Oh God, yes sir, please faster." Johnny whimpered. He never knew being so intimate would feel so good.

Dally simply went faster as he leaned down and began making-out with Johnny's neck. He didn't have intentions to make marks on Johnny, but it did end up happening. He'll regret that later and hate himself for it. Dallas sat up straight, he opened his drunken eyes and looked into Johnny's. Johnny had this innocent glimmer in his eyes that made Dallas do a double take.

No matter what he felt for that second he was looking into Johnny's his eyes. His morals were out the window a while ago. There's no way in hell either of them were backing down now. Dallas swallowed thickly, "Can you open the uh, drawer? There's lube in there, man." Johnny nodded nervously and obeyed. He opened the drawer and dug out the lube. Johnny fell back down onto the bed from the previous uncomfortable position.

Dallas took the lube from Johnny and got to work. He lathered a generous amount onto his co*ck, barely getting the cap closed before throwing the bottle back onto the bedside table. Johnny felt electricity jolt through his body as Dallas aligned himself with his tight ring of muscle. Dallas leaned down, passionately kissing Johnny as he swiftly entered the younger.

Johnny gasped and moaned at the sudden pressure. He'd never had a dild*, as thick as Dally's co*ck, enter him before. Johnny felt himself stretch which made his body go rigid at the feeling of being full.

Dallas began to thrust, making Johnny's breath hitch. Johnny moaned and gasped every time Dallas thrusted back in. It felt so good having relations with a real person. It was Johnny and Dallas, not Johnny and the dild* he had to jump 7ft tall hurdles to get. Nor was it Johnny and his left hand.

Dallas threw Johnny's leg up to get a better angle, he thrusted in a little harder and faster. Johnny basically screamed when this new position that helped Dallas find Johnny's prostate.

Drool came out of the corners of Johnny's mouth. He began to writhe harder underneath Dallas. To the point he was almost cramping up his leg muscles. Johnny took the older mans hand and drug it down his body, leading the older's hand to his own neglected co*ck. The sensation of Dally's hand run down his body almost made Johnny cum right there n' then. His twink co*ck twitching more positively than ever. Johnny never knew how hot it was to have someone grope or simply touch him while they were making love.

This was no waymaking love, but it was somewhere there in that ballpark. Dallas was a little rougher than what he would have been sober. He was too drunk to care in the moment, but again something else he would regret later. Dallas held up both of Johnny's trembling legs to make things easier.

Johnny's co*ck twitched positively, "F-f*ck, I'm gonna cum!" Johnny clenched around Dallas as he shot his hot seed onto the both of them. Johnny went limp; he let Dallas f*ck his, org*sm bliss ridden body. Johnny's eyes rolled back and he had his lip caught lazily in his teeth.

"Mm, Johnny~" Dallas pounded into Johnny mercilessly out of drunk passion. He gripped onto Johnny's calf's like his life depended on it. Dallas came heavily into the younger boy's body; voice cracking as he moaned at the blissful feeling of finally org*sming.

Dallas pulled his now flaccid penis out of his friend. He rolled over and almost instantly fell asleep. Dallas was drunk and people almost always fall asleep after sex anyway, so Johnny wasn't surprised to see his one-night-lover drift off.

Johnny bit his lip and smiled happily. This was everything he could have ever wanted. Hands down the best night of his life. The cum dripping out of his bottom was weird, but a small sacrifice for greatness.

Maybe Johnny should drink more often...

Chapter 7: Fly Me To The Moon (Jally)


Originally Posted Jan. 2022

Song-fic; Time For Me To Fly by REO Speedwagon
CW: Cheating, self-harm, and suicide attempt

Johnny has hurt Dally's feelings. But Dallas hurt Johnny's back what seems to be twice as bad.
Broken promises hurt sometimes the worst.

Chapter Text

I've been around for you

Johnny sighed sadly. Holding a bouquet of flowers close to his chest. He was going to go see Dally tonight.

Been up and down for you

Inside the bouquet was a note. It was kind of like a love-note. But it was more like an, "I'm sorry" note.

But I just can't get any relief

They got into a fight the previous night. Johnny wasn't being the nicest person. He used sensitive things that Dallas told him privately, against him. Johnny felt deeply ashamed of himself.

I've swallowed my pride for you

Dallas said it was alright after Johnny started crying and repeatedly apologizing. But Johnny still felt awful about it; he wanted to make it up to Dallas in some way.

Lived and lied for you

Johnny doesn't know what he would have done if he was in Dallas' position. He would have kicked Dallas to the curb, honestly.

But you still make me feel like a thief

Now, Johnny was well aware of the fact that Dallas was nowhere near a materialistic person. But Johnny always thought that the saying, 'It's the thought that counts' could go go both ways. As in, 'I thought hard about getting you the simple gift, I hope you like it.'

You got me stealin' your love away

It was dark outside, the sun had just finished setting. It was too dangerous to be out this late for a fragile greaser like Johnny Cade to be outside, all by his lonesome.

'Cause you never give it

Thankfully, it was Johnny's lucky day. He had no problems walking from the store where he bought the flowers, to Buck Merrill's bar. Johnny had the note pre-written, sticking the note into the bouquet after he had purchased them.

Peeling the years away

Johnny knocked on the door to the bar. There wasn't a party going on tonight, which Johnny silently thanked God for. Buck opened the door, his eyes imminently landing on the bundle of white roses in Johnny's hands. "Whatcha need, kid?" Buck said, chewing on a toothpick.

And we can't relive it

"I uhm, came to see Dallas?" Johnny ran his hands through ungreased hair. it was weird for Johnny to do that- not grease his hair. He usually only did it when Dallas told him to. Dallas preferred it when they would hang out that Johnny's hair wasn't greased. It made it easier for the other greaser to run his fingers through. Not saying he didn't like it when it was greased or anything.

Oh, I make you laugh

Buck shifted uncomfortably in place, "He said he didn't want to see anyone, uhm... right now. You can come back in like and hour, and I could talk to 'im for ya." It was obvious Buck was hiding something.

And you make me cry

"Listen, I don't know if he told you anything about what happened last night, but I'm not in the mood to deal with this right now. I'm coming in to consul and apologize to my boyfriend. Now move before I tell a responsible adult you let minors into your bar." Johnny shoved pass Buck and ran up the stairs.

I believe it's time for me to fly...

"Wait kid, you really shouldn't go up there!" Buck tried to call out to him.

You said we'd work it out

Johnny didn't listen, he was determined.

You said that you had no doubt

Johnny was running off of an adrenaline rush from talking back. If Johnny wasn't so stressed out about other issues, he wouldn't of said anything back to Buck. He most likely would have handed him the bouquet and told him to give it to Dallas when he had the chance.

That deep down we were really inlove

Johnny was oh-so naive; innocent. He opened the door without knocking.

Oh, but I'm tired of holding on

"Dal, I'm still sorry abo-" Johnny's sentence was cut short by his utter shock. He looked at the scene that laid before him. He saw his very own boyfriend lying with another person. "D-dally..."

To a feeling I know is gone

Dallas and the girl lying next to him gasped as they scrambled to cover themselves. "Johnny, oh my God what are you doing here? I thought I told Buck not to let you in!" Dallas could have kicked himself for his idiotic rushed words' actions. "I mean, uhm-" Everyone was too stunned to make another move.

I do believe that I've had enough-

Johnny dropped the flowers onto the floor. The note flying out of the beautiful bouquet of white roses.

I've had enough of the falseness

Johnny sobbed into his hand; heart shattered and disposed of. "I-I'm sorry." Johnny sobbed out those words as he turned on his heels to run away. Johnny made it down the stairs and almost out the door. He did everything in his power to ignore Dally's pleas to come back.

Of a worn out relation

"I tried to warn ya, kid." Buck said solemnly.

Enough of the jealousy

"Go to hell! You covered for him you slimyhick!" Johnny spat out the slurs before he could even think once. Buck flinched internally.

And the intoleration

Johnny ran out of the bar and down the street. He was going for the lot. Buck called out to the younger tan boy, "You ain't tattling on me still, right?"

Oh, I make you laugh


Dallas looked at the confused blonde girl in his bed. "I think it's time for you to go..." Dallas got up and threw the girl her clothes. He quickly put on his own, including his jacket and shoes. He needed to go find Johnny. Before he left he read the note Johnny had written:


I'm so incredibly sorry for the things I said to you. I had no right to say anything or use those things you said against you. I'm a really sh*tty person for doing that. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me. Truly forgive me. I know you said last night it was fine, but deep down I feel like it's still not fine. I don't know what I would do if I was in your situation. So please take my words to heart when I say I love you.

I'm sorry and I love you.



And you make me cry

The random broad slipped away and disappeared into the night. Dallas walked outside into the now pitch dark. The words from the note haunting him. It was cold- where could Johnny have gone? The Curtis', the lot? He'd flip if he found Johnny in the lot on a night like this. Even though Dallas knew his opinions were no longer valid.

I believe it's time for me to fly

Why had Dallas even slept with this girl in the first place? He had a reason, but a sh*tty one at that. He felt invalidated yesterday when Johnny used Dally's own personal issues against him. Dallas honestly thought he had forgiven Johnny. He saw how broke up the boy was about what happened. Johnny didn't mean it, he just slipped up.

Time for me to fly

Dallas got angrier the more he thought about what Johnny did to him. It was like lashing out, just Dally wasn't direct with his attack.

Oh, I've got to set myself free...

Dallas knew howawfulit was to be cheated on, and yet here he was.

Time for me to fly

He approached the lot, looking around in the thick darkness. he sincerely hoped that Johnny wasn't in the lot. But, knowing Johnny he was most likely there. And Dallas was right, there Johnny was, just like always.

That's just how it's got to be

Johnny having a small fire burning. He was hunched over, playing with the switchblade. He sniffled and coughed. Johnny was digging at his skin with the blade. The young Greaser did have a history with self-harm. Just nobody talked about it. It was better that way. Not a lot of people knew about it either, just Pony and Dally. They both swore to secrecy.

I know it hurts to say goodbye-

Johnny remembered the night Dallas found out about the self-harming. They cried and Dallas made Johnny swear up and down he'd never do it again, as long as Dally was still alive. Yet, here he was...

But it's time for me to fly

Dallas choke on more tears as more emotions ran through his body. He saw what Johnny was doing with a switchblade. Dallas' heart broke into millions of little pieces. Dallas made Johnny swear he wouldn't do it, and now Dallas was the reason Johnny was doing it. "Johnny stop, you're hurting yourself!" Dallas cried out but didn't try to reach for the younger.

Oh don't you know, it's time for me to fly

Johnny's breath hitched as he noticed Dallas' presence. He flicked the switchblade closed and awkwardly tried to move his throbbing arm. It felt like it was on fire.

Oh, I've got to set myself free (time for me to fly)

"John you promised..." Dallas said softly. He approached the younger boy with caution.

Oh baby, that's just the way it's got to be

"We both promised each other a lot of things." Johnny said bitterly.

Oh, I know it hurts to say goodbye...

Dallas sighed, he took a handkerchief out of his pocket. "Can I...?"

But it's time for me to fly

Johnny sighed and nodded in agreement. Dallas sat down and held the handkerchief onto Johnny's bleeding arm.

It's time for me to fly

They both took the few minutes of silence to think. To really think about what they each should say next- what to even do next. Neither of them said anything until the bleeding had stopped. Dallas moved the blood soaked rag and shoved it into his pocket for him to deal with later.

It's time for me to fly (it's time for me to fly)

"We both made mistakes we regret greatly... We can choose to forgive each other, or start another Grudge war and end back up where we are now. I messed up, I was catastrophically wrong to sleep with that woman. I honestly don't know how I could ever make it up to you, Johnny. You deserve the world and I give you nothing. How sh*tty of a person am I to make you relapse? You deserve better, John." Dallas was deeply ashamed. This would be a stain he would never be able to scrub clean from his reputation.

It's time for me to fly (it's time for me to fly)

"I messed up pretty bad too. I know all the voices will say not to let this go, Dal. But, I- I think I can't let you go. Not like this. I didn't want it to end like this. Dal, I don't want it to end." Johnny's eyes glossed over, it seemed more like a fog to Dallas. Those foggy eyes dead people have. Dallas wrapped his arms around Johnny's small frame quickly, holding him tightly.

It's time for me to fly (it's time for me to fly)

"Don't let me go... Please..." Johnny's words were as shaky as the boy himself.

It's time for me to fly...

"I ain't lettin' you go, and don't you try to go and kill yourself now. Not now, not ever. Don't go..."

Chapter 8: The Change of The Tides (Jally-Bit)


Originally posted Jan. 2022

Special ship: Johnny/Dallas/Two-Bit

CW: Mentions of abuse, substance abuse, and Major Character Death

Johnny - 20
Dallas - 21 going 22
Two-Bit - 22
Ponyboy - 18
Curly - 19
Tim - 22
Angela - 20

Chapter Text

Johnny, Dallas, and Two-Bit had been living together for over two years now. Which means they were coming close to their three year anniversary as a polyamorous relationship. Johnny was honestly the happiest boy he could be. He loved the attention that he got from both of the older males. It was crazy to think they were all in their twenties now. It was pretty crazy in Johnny's mind. When he was 16 he thought he would always be technically homeless, sleeping on a ripped out car seat. Freezing to death almost every night. But now Johnny never slept cold. Nor did he sleep alone.

Dallas was just about on the same beat. Johnny and Two-Bit made him incredibly happy. Watching the two of them get excited over things just made his heart flutter. He became kind of a mother hen for the other two, but that was mostly because he couldn't think for himself. Johnny was young and had always needed some guidance. As for Two-Bit, well he was Two-Bit. He did questionable things from time to time, and sometimes someone had to show him what was right from wrong. He was just a big goofball.

Two-Bit was able to show Johnny how to lighten up a little bit. Before Johnny was just quiet and looked like a thug. Now Johnny was a bit bubbly and dressed like a ho sometimes. Two-Bit and Dallas really liked that detail.

On top of it all, all three of them just grew as people. Johnny was healthy, Two-Bit didn't drink that often, and Dallas was a lot calmer. They were finally evolving into functioning members of society. It would bring a tear to your eye.


"Guys, keep up! Keep those legs pumping!" Two-Bit called out to his lovers. To keep his mind off of drinking and stress, Two-Bit had taken up jogging. On this particular day, he had somehow convinced Johnny and Dallas to come with him. Johnny and Dallas could not run, they can barely walk. Their lungs or other garbage from years of smoking. Johnny had been smoking since the tender age of nine-years-old, while Dallas was ten or eleven. To say they quickly fell behind the eldest boy would be accurate.

Two-Bit did smoke at some point, but he had quit a few years ago to focus on being an alcoholic. He had battles, but at least he would pick and choose.

"T-Two-Bit, I can't do this a-anymore. C-can we please go home, and l-like shower or some- some sh*t?" Dallas panted. He had to stop and hold his knees. He was standing there, just heaving while his lungs and stomach burned. Johnny fell onto the sidewalk right next to him.

"Come on guys," Two-Bit whined, he wanted to get his lovers more in shape. But it was nearly impossible with how they were. Sure, they were all healthier than they were a few years ago, but they had their struggled. "Oh my God, Johnny- get off of the ground."

"Nope, I'm dead. Take my body straight to the morgue." Johnny panted. He spread his arms out miserably. Two-Bit rolled his eyes.

"Fine boys, let's go home and shower. I can smell Johnny from here." He said. Two-Bit specifically pointed out Johnny, because Dallas didn't really sweat. It was his blonde genes. Not to mention Dallas hated sweating when he did do it. It made him feel incredibly gross.

"Yeah, well, I can smell the sweat on Dallas' balls from here." Johnny said, looking up at the sky.

"You leave my balls out of this!" Dallas stood up, his legs were shaking.

"You're not the one who has to put your mouth near them, you don't get to say sh*t!" Johnny spat back.

"Ladies ladies! Put your hoops and panties back on! Gosh- we can go home! Dallas, just make sure you wash your balls before Johnny has a hernia." Two-Bit shook his head and walked over. He picked Johnny off of the ground, putting the smaller boy over his shoulder. Dallas didn't argue, he just walked along with the other two. Johnny was limp and groggy over Two's shoulder, but Keith and Dallas were holding hands.


"I called dibs, I get to shower first!" Dallas yelled. The three of them were arguing over whom got to get in the shower first after the jog.

"Yeah, but I'm the most tired. So I should get to go first! I got work in two hours!" Johnny said back. It was almost 8am now. Dallas wasn't really a morning person, so he was extra crabby in this situation.

"You two have been absolute nightmares all morning. I swear to God. Compensate!" Two-Bit was trying to diffuse the situation. "We can't afford the water bill of three different showers in one morning. What is we all just showered together?" Two-Bit said calmly. Johnny relaxed, he was fine with it. He wasn't that self-conscious about his body anymore. So that didn't seem like an issue that would arise.

"Fine." Johnny and Dallas said at the same time.

"Now kiss and make up, I'll go get the shower started." Two-Bit said. He walked off to get the shower ready.

Dallas sighed, he could feel a headache coming on. It was too early in the morning for this. He shouldn't even be awake right now. Dallas usually worked the night shift over the weekends bartending. It paid well because it was the night shift on weekends, and those are usually the hardest to fill. Nobody usually wanted to work at night, especially on a weekend. Dallas usually went to work at 10PM, came back from work at 3AM, and then woke up at 2PM. Which would give him a few hours alone to do whatever before Johnny and Keith got home.

Johnny worked from 10AM to 7PM as a personal assistant for a lawyer. It was definitely not something he would expect to do. But, it paid okay. The hours were long and time consuming, but he thought it was easy work. He usually ran errands and cleaned, sometimes picked their kids up from school or extracurriculars. He had to dress in nice clothes and keep his mouth closed about things he saw there. At least it was a quiet work environment; it was a hell of a lot more calm than what Dallas had to do.

Now, what about Two-Bit? Did that lazy sack of bones ever find a job? Surprisingly, yes. After months of fights over money and barely being able to make rent on time, he had no choice but to get one. He was getting really tired of hearing Johnny and Dallas fight over bills. It felt like one of those, 'Are mom and dad going to get a divorce?' moments. It just made things go a lot smoother. Not to mention it let them live a little more comfortably now that there were three incomes coming in. They could afford things, and it was crazy.

Two-Bit worked in part-time construction. It wasn't a stable job, but for the jobs you did you got Bank. You didn't really have to have much schooling, as long as you knew geometry and could build sh*t, you were in. You also had to take a couple courses for basic and advanced Construction. Two-Bit worked for the same company that Darry did.

They missed Darry sometimes; about a year ago he had passed away from a heart attack. It brought up memories for Two-Bit everytime he went to work. It was painful, but the gang was healing slowly. There wasn't a day that went by they didn't think of him.

The entire Curtis family kind of went to sh*t. Ponyboy and Sodapop couldn't afford the mortgage without a third party. So they had to sell the house. Ponyboy cried because there went all of his memories from his childhood. With no home the two of them had to compensate. They had to split up. Ponyboy moved in with his boyfriend Curly Shepard and his family. It was a disaster because Curly was a junkie, and his home wasn't too safe place. Not to mention Curly could be aggressive most of the time.

Sodapop had to move in with Steve and Steve's dad. Which was hell because Steve's father was abusive physically and emotionally. He was manipulative and waved over their head that he could kick them out at any time. Sometimes Sodapop and Pony would crash on the couch of the apartment when they needed space. Ponyboy usually went to Johnny when Curly had roughed him up.

But at least the trio was still happy.


Johnny hugged Dallas' waist, he felt a little bad for letting his emotions come before Dallas. Dallas sighed, hugging the other back. He was on the same page. Without Two-Bit the other two wouldn't know how to function in a relationship. Dallas was usually to cut up being a mother hen. Johnny was just rebellious, trying to prove a point. Two-Bit just wanted his boyfriends to get along.

The couple pecked each other on the lips. Johnny looked up at Dallas with his big brown eyes. They had an entire conversation with just their eyes. That was a skill they picked up when Johnny was still pretty mute. Johnny didn't like talking, so they did a mutual thing where they just stare and try to read each other's minds. It's surprisingly work.

Before anything else could be shared, Two-Bit called out to the other two. "BOYS LET'S GO, WE GOT A WATER BILL TO WORRY ABOUT-" He called out. Johnny and Dallas just walked to the bathroom. They could see the pile of Keith's clothes on the floor. He was already in the shower, whistling tune. It sounded likeSteamboatWillie. Which wasn't surprising to either of them.

The two of them didn't waste any more time. They quickly got undressed and hopped into the shower. Two-Bit had a big dumb smile on his face. "Yay, you made it! Did you two make up?" Two-Bit asked, he handed shampoo to Johnny and body wash to Dallas.

Johnny chuckled and shook his head, he stood on his tiptoes and pecked Dallas on the lips. Showing that they did make up. "Yes Two-Bit, we made up." Dallas said.

"Good, I feel like a kid in the middle of an ugly divorce." Two-Bit scoffed. He rinsed out his hair and the soap off of his body.

"I find it ironic since it was the other way around when we first met." Dallas said.

"No, then it was just two abusive parents trying to figure out what to do with their waste of space son." Two-Bit said. In the beginning of their relationship, there was a lot of favoritism. It always felt like Johnny and Dallas were against Two-Bit instead of with him. It hurt a lot.

"Dallas, drop it." Johnny mumbled. They all tried to forget about the puzzle incident. Johnny and Two-Bit now hated puzzles, and rightfully so. After a while, Dallas and Two-Bit were done with their part, which just left Johnny alone to finish up.

Dallas and Two walked into the bedroom. While Dallas had the towel around his waist, Two-Bit had it over his shoulder. Two-Bit was a nudist, which means for the most part when he was in the comfort of his home, he didn't wear clothes. He didn't believe in it. Keith believed everyone should embrace their bodies and just be naked. Dallas thought it was gross and be hell for a teenage boy. Two-Bit agreed and decided to keep the party inside.

While Dallas got done drying off, he was setting out the clothes he wanted to wear. Not paying any attention to whatever the hell Two-Bit was doing. Dallas grunted as his underwear fell on the floor, along with his towel. Two-Bit was just waiting for this moment to happen since they got into the room.

He twisted his towel, deeming it whip worthy. Two-Bit then proceeded to smack Dallas in the ass with the towel. Dallas screamed and tried to cover his ass.


"HAHAHA-" Two-Bit nearly keeled over he was laughing so hard. Johnny heard the commotion and he knew he had to go do something to break up whatever the hell was going on. He quickly finished his shower and went out into the bedroom. Unlike his lovers, Johnny wrapped the towel up to his chest, making it more like a dress. Instead of a skirt like Dallas, or none at all like Keith.

"What the hell-" Johnny started. Both of his boyfriends were standing naked in the bedroom. Dallas was yelling and protecting his buns. While Keith was trying to catch his breath from laughing so hard.

"HE f*ckING ASSAULTED ME WHILE I WAS PICKING UP MY UNDERWEAR!" Dallas boomed. Keith just kept laughing.

"Keith, put on some f*cking pants and go to time-out. Dallas finish putting on your clothes. We don't have time for this this morning. I'm tired, we're all tired. Just get your sh*t done and get going." Johnny said.

Dallas and Two-Bit looked at each other. Having a silent conversation with their eyes.


"I want a baby," Johnny said randomly. He was sitting in between his two boyfriends. It was a Thursday evening, coming up on 9PM. Dallas had woken up from a nap, so he was barely awake to begin with. He thought he was honestly fearing things. The two older males looked at Johnny.

"No." Dallas said quickly.

"I could give you a baby," Two-Bit said. He smiled happily. Johnny took it as an invitation, crawling into his lap and struggling his thighs. Dallas immediately shut it down. He picked Johnny up I moved him off of the eldest boyfriend.

"Absolutely not, we cannot afford such a thing right now. We can barely afford to keep Keith around."

"Ruff," Two-Bit barked like he was a dog. Making fun of the fact that Dallas was calling him an animal. Well, more like comparing him to an animal.

"Awh... I got baby fever. How do I cure this sh*t?" Johnny grumbled.

"Get pregnant?" Keith said.

"Be around a baby," Dallas said. "Just be around a baby, even for a little while and see how it makes you feel. Really absorb all of it." Dallas added.

"Hm... I guess I could go see Ponyboy. I know somebody over there had a baby recently. Maybe Angela? Not sure." Johnny inquired. He was being serious about this. He wanted to see how it would make him feel. He would have to call Ponyboy later.

"Imagine if Curly got Pony pregnant," Two-Bit snorted.

"I'd kill him. Ponyboy might have gone down the wrong path oh, he might be a bit of a junkie now. But he knows better than to do that. Especially if it is Angela that has that baby right now. He's probably the only one saying over there, Ponyboy is probably the one raising it." Johnny did have a point. Angela Shepard was not really the one you'd consider motherly. She probably let that kid grow up with a lot of trauma because of her.

"Maybe one day Johnny, do you really want to see Pony? Like now?" Dallas said. They honestly didn't have the same relationship with the remaining Curtis brothers as they did three years ago. It was crazy to think it all boiled down to lack of contact after Darrel's passing.

"Well, not today or anything. But I do miss him and Soda. I don't know about, Steve. But, Ponyboy and I used to be best friends growing up. And now we're strangers. It really hurts, and I do miss him dearly." Johnny said softly. He truly meant his words. He missed the days back in high school when he would skip class with Ponyboy to go smoke in the bathroom. Or hang out at Ponyboy's place after school.

Johnny missed the nights where Ponyboy would show how much he cared. Ponyboy would always try to convince Johnny to stay the night, so he wouldn't sleep in the lot or have to go home to his abusive parents. Ponyboy always tried to make things a little easier for Johnny. It made Johnny feel cared for. Most of the time Johnny felt like he didn't matter. Or lonely even. But his friends always made it better.

Thinking of all those things brought a year to Johnny's eye.

"Oh how the tides turn." Two-Bit said, sitting down on the couch to put his socks on.

"Oh how the ocean drowns us." Dallas said back.

Maybe, just maybe this wasn't the end. But Johnny would find that out another day.


It had been almost a full year since the passing of Darrel Shayne Curtis, whom died of a heart attack. He never married or had children, but he did raise his younger brothers. In his passing, a domino affect happened. By Darrel passing away, that left Sodapop to have to carry their younger brother Ponyboy to College financial aid. Without two incomes coming in, there was no use. They had their house reclaimed when they couldn't afford the mortgage anymore, and then they were homeless.

Desperate and homeless, the two Curtis Brothers had no choice but to move in with new people. Which means they would have to split up and lie to the social workers that Ponyboy was safe, and was in a caring/loving home.

That wasn't how it was in real life.

Sodapop had to move in with his boyfriend, Steve Randle, and Steve's abusive father. Steve's father was mentally, emotionally, and physically abusive. He would beat Steve and then wave over their heads that he could kick them out at any time. Neither of them made enough money to live on their own, so they had no choice but to suck it up with the abuse. Sodapop didn't even have a high school education, so it was hard for him to find work that wasn't just hard labor. While Steve had nothing more than a high school diploma.

Ponyboy had to move in with his physically abusive boyfriend Curly Shepard. 'But he's not that bad once you get to know him.' Is something that Ponyboy says a lot. Ponyboy had no choice but to move in with Curly. Dallas, Johnny, and Two-Bit were barely making ends meet at the time. They certainly couldn't afford having Ponyboy they're on top of it all. Ponyboy stays over every now and again, after curly gives him a 'hard time'. There were a lot of nights of Ponyboy and Johnny staying up together while Ponyboy tried not to fall asleep while having a concussion, that Curly gave him.

Johnny was finally able to go see Ponyboy again. They had to figure out a time when Johnny wasn't working and not a lot of people were home on Ponyboy's side. Ponyboy said today looked okay because he just had to watch Angela's daughter, while everyone was out of the house for the day.

Ponyboy had to basically raise Angela's baby because Angela was never there. She was never able to grow an attachment to her daughter, even after childbirth. But you didn't want to get rid of it. Which means that Ponyboy was left with the baby most of the time. Angela would make the excuse that Ponyboy likes her better anyway, so it was just common knowledge to leave Ponyboy with the new born. For the little girls safety Ponyboy would just agree just to get them away from her. The poor thing got neglected by Angela. Technically Ponyboy was the little girl's uncle, in a way. Because Curly is her real uncle, and Ponyboy is dating her uncle. Which makes him her uncle as well.

Ponyboy spent most of his time alone with the little girl. While Curly slings drugs, Ponyboy just gets to stay home and be a sort of house wife with the other three people living there. Ponyboy would always just keep his mouth shut and do as he was told. He didn't want Curly to beat or hit him like Curly would usually threaten. The few times Ponyboy did speak up for himself, it just went wrong. He couldn't leave the house in fear of somebody questioning all of the bruises.

But when things got too rough, like mentioned before he would just go to Johnny, Dallas, and Two-Bit's apartment.


Johnny knocked on the door of the beat down crackden. Ponyboy and the Shepard gang called it home. it was really weird for Johnny. He couldn't help but be overly cautious of the fact that that baby had to live in these conditions. He had to reflect and remember that he grew up the same way. Same sort of conditions, same sort of sh*tty environment of adults.

Johnny could only hope that Ponyboy was making the best of it.


Ponyboy heard the knocking from downstairs. He was putting Angela's baby down for a nap when he heard Johnny knock at the door. He decided to just take the baby with him downstairs.

"Whom could it be, honey? Is it Johnny? Ooo I hope it's Johnny~" Ponyboy cooed to the baby. He checked through the peep hole, just making sure it was whom he thought it was. Johnny.

Ponyboy opened the door and smiled happily, he ushered Johnny inside. "I have never been to happy to see your beautiful tan face, Johnathan..." Ponyboy huffed. He sat down on the couch. He readjusted the infant in his arms.

"It's good to see you too," Johnny chuckled and sat down next to Ponyboy on the couch. "So... how're things?" Johnny asked a question with a very obvious answer.

"Well, I'm taking care of my abusive-boyfriends-sister's-baby. I'm just peachy, Johnny." Ponyboy said softly. He knew Johnny's main intentions of being here was to get a taste of parent hood. So Ponyboy just quietly shifted the infant into Johnny's arms. Johnny's face lit up happily when he was handed the baby girl.

"Sorry... Has he done anything to you- uh... recently?" Johnny asked carefully. Ponyboy sighed sadly.

"Man, I'll live. But I nearly lost my sh*t the other day with Angie... dumb bitch was shaking the baby again. She was high on somethin', couldn't handle the crying. I had to stop her form making this poor girls brain soup..." Ponyboy recalled bitterly. Angela Shepard was too dumb to be a parent, and when she was around to parent, she was under an influence and just made everything awful. That was no way for a child to grow up. "I honestly have just been slowly bringing the baby's most Essentials into Curly and I's room. Curly doesn't mind the baby because he's never here, and when he is here she's quiet. I don't know how he'd react if she woke Curly up or somethin'... but hopefully I won't have to find out the hard way."

"Oh..." Johnny looked down at the innocent baby in his arms. This kid didn't deserve the treatment she was getting from just being born. She didn't ask for it, it ain't her fault. "Any plans of getting away?" Johnny asked softly.

"Before this little one came along, I would have been out of this place by last week. But I can't just leave her here. Do you think Angela would even notice if I ran off with her? I have no idea. I still have nowhere to go." Ponboy said. He gently brushed the baby's face.

Johnny felt bad. He wanted to bring Ponyboy home with him, they had the room, sure. But did Ponyboy have the money to help support himself in their apartment? Or was everybody on the other end willing to take on the baby coming into their lives as well. All parties still had yet to consent. For Johnny, this was just a situation that twisted his heart and every which way. The way Ponyboy was acting now reminded Johnny of the way he acted when he was younger, when Ponyboy would try to get him to come to his house to get away from his abusive parents.

By Johnny bringing Ponyboy and the baby home with him, he would be pleasing himself in two ways. He'd cure his baby fever, and he and his best friend would live together. All together there was just a lot of holes that weren't being filled in.

"Ponyboy... you're acting like me when I was... 12 to 16-years-old." Johnny shook his head slowly.

"Funny how the tables turn..." Ponyboy said, he was sat up straight. He was awful skinny, from the lack of food and drugs he'd consume. He had a lot of scars and a few bruises that you couldn't see that his hoodie was covering up. His hoodie was covered in cigarette Burns, it used to be Curly's hoodie. Ponyboy didn't have a lot of clothes. The few things he could carry when he had to leave his childhood home, and a couple of things that Curly gave him.

Curly did beat Ponyboy and force him to do drugs. His sister did basically forced him to raise her child. But at least he could stay there. That was an awful and sh*tty situation he was still in. But, Ponyboy was too afraid. He still had nowhere to go. So he had to suck it up and roll with the punches. Literally.

There was more silence.

"Does she have a name?" Johnny asked.

"No," Ponyboy said simply. "I got and unsigned birth certificate. Angela was too high during the delivery to come up with a name. She signed the certificate and it was over." Angela was on probation again after that. She almost got her baby with no name taken away. But Ponyboy vouched at the hearing, as technically the closest kin, to take care of the baby. He signed some papers and walked away with her. Once Angela was off probation, she was allowed to have full access to her daughter again. So the cycle continued. It would take a lot for Ponyboy to convince a court just take a baby away from its mother. He still needed more evidence.

Ponyboy and Johnny had been collecting enough evidence for Ponyboy to make a case against Angela. It was just taking a while.

"Well... with the situation we're in, I don't see why we're having so much trouble seeing if she's an unfit mother. We have all the evidence, what else do we need?" Johnny compalined.

"Johnny, it's not that simple. It doesn't matter if the mother is straight-up beating her child, as long as it's the biological mother. She has the biggest rule over all. If you're not blood, you're defenseless in that court. I'm not blood, if I really wanted to win this case. I would have to get Curly on her ass too. Testify he's seen her shake the baby. Whatever." Pony said.

"Isn't there a way you can just convince Angela to sign over custody? Do it all hush-hush like a peaceful divorce?" Johnny asked.

"No divorce is peaceful, and they're hard to get. I just need out of here before Curly makes me marry him... I love Curly, with all my heart. It just hurts." Ponyboy sniffled, starting to get a little emotional. He wiped his eyes with his tattered sleeves. "I think so, but I'm not sure. Again, I think that's something only the biological mother and can hand over to another biological kin. I could be wrong... I think I can work around it if I could just convince Angela when she's High to sign some papers." Ponyboy said.

Pony and Johnny both knew that Angela's mind was toast. She would do anything for a couple of bucks, or just to get you out of her hair while she's under an influence. If they just made it clear and did it at the right time, Ponyboy would sure he could convince Angela to hand over custody. He knew Angela didn't want to be a parent in the first place, so it only makes sense.

"Yeah, you could totally do that." Johnny was just trying to cheer on his best friend.

"That's still a lot of money. I'd need a lawyer, we'd have to get all the papers signed and put in my custody. Eventually in the middle I think Curly would catch up or to us. Me trying to get away from him. He's a junkie, but he uses his two brain cells to sniff out rats. We are the rats, and he is the cat. We have to remember that Johnny." Ponyboy preached. Ponyboy was very paranoid about all of this. Something that came on from the drugs.

"Man... I just want to pack you up and take you home with me now... I can't stand to think that this little girl would be in such a predicament with you. It doesn't help, I don't want to sleep at night knowing that." Johnny said worriedly.

"Oh Johnny, I don't want to be a leech or anything." Ponyboy said.

"Don't think of it as being a leech, think of it as just trying to regain your energy/strength until you get back on your feet." Johnny said. He gave the baby girl a kiss on the forehead.


"Ponyboy Michael Curtis." Johnny shot back before Ponyboy could even try to talk anymore smack. "I know no matter what you'll still feel weird and uncomfortable. But at least now you get how I used to feel. Now take that feeling and stay with me." Johnny pouted. Baby no name began to fuss.

"Me too." Johnny and Ponyboy said at the same time.

"Dallas just think I'm annoying and will bring drugs into your house. Which is only half true. I'll be a distraction and a lot of space you could be doing something else with." Ponyboy just continued to argue.

"Well... maybe next time. If you ever get a window like this again, let me know. I want to see you and baby no name again." Johnny said. He gave the baby girl a gentle kiss on the forehead.

"I really should talk to Angela about giving her a proper name." Pony said softly.

Chapter 9: I Wanna Get Better (Jally)


Originally posted in 2020

In Johnny's POV at the beginning, 3rd person halfway through.

Chapter Text

What's wrong with me?

I ask myself the question, Every. Single. Day.

I have nothing to complain about anymore. I don't have to live in my abusive household, I have a loving boyfriend, and I have friends who care about me.

I have all of these things and yet, I'm still suffering.

The gang doesn't really get it. They think once you get what you want/need, the depression must just disappear.

Well, it doesn't. Not a lot has changed.

I wake up every morning, wiggle out of Dallas' embrace, and cry in the shower until the water gets cold.

Dallas has a job now. By the time he gets home I am asleep.

I usually cry myself to sleep.

I usually wake up in the middle of the night. I am burdened with night terrors, reflecting my past. I wake up Dallas with my screaming and he basically has to rock me back to sleep like a baby. I hate it. I hate being the burden in his and the rest of the guys' life.

I wish I could just go to sleep, and stay asleep.

I mean, that's all I ever do anymore anyway. I sleep for 12 hours and mope around the house until Dallas gets home. He tries to make me feel better, get me out of the house and such.

We never really go anywhere besides the Curtis'. If we don't leave the house, we snuggle on the couch. Which, is something I look forward to everyday. It makes me feel loved and a little less empty.

Our sex lives are empty now, too. We use to be like rabid animals.

Now it's just slow thrusts.

I let him have his way with me. I don't care anymore.

We don't do it that often.

I think he would want to have sex more often if I would let him. I just kind of lie there and let him take the lead. I think it makes him uncomfortable since I just go kind of limp.



Heavy breathing was a familiar sound. Two young boys fooled around under the bed sheets at Midnight. Dallas slowly thrusted into the younger boy lovingly. Dallas soon pulled out and came onto Johnny's stomach. Dallas looked down at the younger boy as he grabbed tissues and wiped his cum off. Dallas threw away the tissues and collapsed next to the younger boy.

Johnny pulled his boxers back on, and laid on his side without saying a word.

Dallas was confused. Why did Johnny never seem interested in sex anymore? The younger boy didn't even ask to finish. He just sort of... laid there and took it all. Dallas would probably have more animated fun with a pillow at this rate.



"Are you okay?" Johnny felt his breath catch in his throat. Johnny couldn't remember the last time someone asked him if he was okay. Johnny turned to face Dallas.

"Why?" Johnny didn't even answer the question.

"You never seem interested in anything anymore. You sleep for like, 20 hours and you still say you're tired. We have sex but I feel like I'm f*cking a doll. You don't even moan anymore, Johnny. Are you okay, man?" Johnny didn't know how to answer that question. Johnny knew that he wasn't okay but, he didn't know how to put it into words. "Is it something I did...?"

"What? No! It's not your fault, Dally. Don't think that..." Johnny said. How would he even explain his thoughts if he had to?

"Then what's going on with you? I know I'm doing something wrong, I just wish you would tell me what. Do you not love me anymore?" Those last words Dallas said made Johnny feel like he was being stabbed in the heart.

"No, I-I love you, Dallas!" Johnny sounded desperate. "It's just- I don't know if you would understand..."

"How can even try to understand if you won't even tell me?" Dallas had a point.

"You guys think that just because I'm no longer stuck in the past, that I'm fine. I'm not fine! Everyday I wake up and I get mad because I didn'tf*ckingdie in my sleep like I had hoped to! I sleep all the time because it's the closest I'll actually get to being dead. I'm just a burden, you guys don't need me. I would be better off dead..." Johnny blurted. Dallas was afraid things would turn out like this. Johnny had always seen like the type of vulreable soul who got dealt all the sh*t cards in life. He deserved better- and Dallas quite honestly wouldn't even know what to do with himself if Johnny wasn't here with him.

"No you would not! Stop talkin' like that. I don't know what I would do if you died, Johnny! I'd probably kill myself!"

"You're just sayin' that. You would just stick me in an asylum somewhere if you could!" Johnny cried.

"I would never do that, Johnny! What will it take to convince you, that I love you?"

"I-I..." Dallas grabbed Johnny's face and kissed him deeply. For the first time in a while, Johnny felt something. He wanted to kiss back. Johnny wanted to feel something with Dallas.

Johnny wanted to beloved...

Dallas pulled away, "Just a kiss doesn't show a lot, but it's something. Right?"



"I wanna get better."

Chapter Text

I like, where we are.

It was late at night, the entire Curtis house was dark. All the bodies inside were sleeping peacefully.

When we drive, in your car.

It was freezing outside, which means it is certain to kid couldn't sleep in the lot this night. That kid, being Johnny Cade.

I like, where we are,

Johnny either slept in the lot, slept at the Curtis house, or slept at Two-Bit's house. He never went home anymore. He hated it there, and his parents didn't want him there anyway.


Johnny didn't want to go to the Curtis house tonight. But he had no choice. If he didn't he would freeze out here. Plus he promised Sodapop to stop sleeping outside or at his parents house. Which Johnny respected that.

'Cause our lips, can touch,

Sodapop and Johnny were dating. They seemed like an odd combination, but it happened. Johnny was honestly baffled when they started going out. Sodapop seems like he could have whomever he wanted. So he chose Johnny? It just didn't make sense to him.

And our cheeks, can brush.

Johnny always thought that Sodapop started dating him out of pity. But as time went on, he started to warm up to him a little more. He relaxed and realized... hey, maybe this is love. It made Johnny tingly; feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

Our lips can touch,

Their relationship was simple. Sodapop liked that the most because he was done with complicated girls. Or just complicated anything. He wanted to settle down, no more drama. Johnny was perfect, he was quiet and shy. It made Sodapop just want to squeal. He could be so cute sometimes.


Johnny was always just the most adorable thing when he was asleep. At least, Sodapop thought so.

Well you are the one,

Johnny was real shy. So he wasn't one for PDA or cuddling. But it was amazing when Johnny did finally did break and let Soda touch him.

The one that lies close to me.

In the meantime, here Johnny was. He walked up onto the Curtis brothers houses porch. He made sure to shut the gate behind himself. Johnny just stood there, on the porch, unsure of what to do with himself. He was use to being guided, or just not doing anything in difficult situations. He was used to other making decisions so he didn't have to. He preferred it that way.

Whispers, "Hello,I miss you quite terribly..."

He sighed loudly. He really didn't want to do this. He knew he would be Sodapop really upset if he didn't show up, though.

I fell in love,

Johnny just didn't want him to find out he was still trying to sleep outside.

In love with you suddenly.

Johnny walked inside the Curtis home. Gently closing the door behind him. Johnny glanced at the coat rack next to the door. He noticed that Ponyboy's stuff was gone. Shoes and jacket. He must have been spending the night at a friends house.

Now there's no place else I could be,

That must mean Sodapop is in bed alone. Johnny bit his lip, he knew how much Sodapop had grown to hating sleeping by himself. No one else in the bed to cuddle with made it hard for him to sleep. He wondered what would happen if he went into the room...

But here in your arms.

Johnny took off his shoes. He hung his jacket on one of the hooks. He suddenly felt like he was in Antarctica now that he had lost another layer. Johnny shuffled into the hallways, down to Pony and Soda's room. He saw the door was cracked. Johnny didn't think he would ever not feel awkward coming here... for help, seemingly. Johnny hated bothering people, even if they told him 100+ times it wasn't like that at all.

I like, where you sleep,

He opened the door, it quietly creaked open. He saw that Ponyboy really wasn't there, he could see shapes through the darkness. The moonlight was shining through the window. He couldn't help but feel a little relieved that he could possibly have a private conversation with, Sodapop. That and get his boyfriend all to himself- as selfish as that might be.

When you sleep, next to me.

Johnny approached the bed slowly. He saw that Sodapop was facing the opposite direction. He lifted up the blanket, slowly sliding himself into the bed. It was warm, it was so warm.

I like where you sleep.

Johnny basically melted into the feeling. Like his body was Ice against the warm bed sheets.


He snuggled in, pulling the blankets around him tightly. This was so much better than the newspaper blankets he's made in the past. There was warmth and shelter here. A loving environment. A lack of fear of being woken up with violence.

Our lips, can touch,

Everything was still for a moment. Nobody was moving. Johnny was all comfy in bed and Sodapop was still. It seems like everyone was at peace. Johnny felt like he could finally take a deep breath out-

And our, cheeks can brush.

That's when Johnny felt Sodapop move in the bed. He could feel the older boy rolling over to face towards Johnny. Johnny could feel that he was coiling in on himself. He felt*t.

Our lips can touch.

Sodapop wrapped an arm around Johnny, pulling him close and kissing his cheek. There was a long pause for a moment. Sodapop knew this wasn't his baby brother in bed with him anymore. Ponyboy had left hours ago to spend the night with a different friend outside of their group. So... that meant it could be his boyfriend, Johnny, or Steve, his bestfriend. Darrel could be on his darkest day and Sodapop still didn't think his older brother would cuddle with him.


"Johnny...?" He asked.

Well you are the one,

"Y-yeah, Soda?"

The one that lies close to me.

"I was just checking that it was you. Ponyboy left to spend the night at a friend's house. I was confused for a moment." Sodapop said tiredly, "What're you doing here handsome? It's pretty late." Sodapop kissed his boyfriend's cheek again.

Whispers, "Hello, I miss you quite terribly."

"Oh uhm, it was getting pretty cold outside. I decided to come in..." Johnny admitted shyly. He couldn't see it, but he could feel Sodapop frown. He hated admitting it, because he promised his boyfriend time-and-time-again that he would quit sleeping outside. With how often he would verbally promise and break that promise, you would think it was hard drugs Johnny was lying about.

I fell in love,

"What were you doing outside? You weren't planning to sleep out there, were you?" Sodapop's voice sounded desperate. He thought Johnny was keeping up with his promise. Which technically he was by being there now, but Sodapop would be upset if he was outside of the first place. That would mean Johnny had already been outside for a while.

In love with you suddenly.

"I'm not going to lie to you, Sodapop. I was planning on sleeping in the lot." Johnny got tense, he tried to pull away. He was nervous about how frustrated Soda would be with him. Johnny knew how he could be very irritating sometimes, because of how stubborn he was. He was always scared that trait of his would scare his boyfriend straight to the hills.

Now there's no place else I could be,

Sodapop sighed sadly, "Don't pull away now. Look at me, Johnny." Sodapop moved Johnny so he would look at him. Johnny was scared Sodapop was going to hit him. He hid his face when Sodapop tuned him. "John, I'm not trying to hit you. Please look at me..." Sodapop knew he shouldn't take Johnny thinking he was going to hit him, personally. Sodapop was a gentle soul that wouldn't hurt a fly. And so was Johnny. But he still couldn't help it.

But here in your arms...

Johnny slowly opened his eyes and uncovered his face. He knew that Sodapop didn't feel good when Johnny thought he was going to hit him. Johnny didn't mean it, he couldn't help it.

Our lips, can touch.

"Johnny, I wish you wouldn't run off the lot to sleep there. You act like you don't have a family and a home." Before Johnny kid even dared to protest that he didn't, Sodapop continued. "You have a home here. With me and the gang. We're your family. I love you Johnny, please stop running away from me. I just need you to be safe." Sodapop pleaded. His brown eyes were glossed over.

Our lips, can touch.

"I- I know... I- I just don't want to bother you guys a-anymore then I already do..." Johnny was started to get emotional. But at least now he was warm- He was glad it was dark in the room. He hated crying in front of anybody. He's been beaten by 2x4's and not barely made a sound. But when it came to true emotional connection like this, Johnny fell apart by the seams.


"Johnathan Cade, you are not a bother. Not to a single one of us. Please stay here with us. O-or even Two-Bit's house. We just can't sleep soundly knowing you're out in the elements risking your life for no reason." Sodapop held Johnny's face in his hands. His hands were quite cold.

Well you are the one,

No reason? Johnny how to million reasons to be sleeping outside. "I don't have a home, Sodapop. I have no choice." Johnny said solemnly. He felt bad for making Sodapop this upset with him.

The one that lies close to me.

"Don't say that, Johnny! You do have a home, you have a home here. I wish you'd stop running from me. I love you, you're home is here, Johnny Cade." Sodapop said desperately.

Whispers, "Hello,I miss you quite terribly."

"M-my home is here...?" Johnny asked again.

I fell in love,

"Yes. Johnny, will you move in with me? Let here be your forever home." Sodapop made it sound like he was talking to a pound pup he wanted to adopt. Although, Johnny was close enough to one.

In love with you suddenly.

Johnny was stunned. Did Sodapop just really ask him that? He really shouldn't be that surprised, but he was anyway.

No there's no place else I could be, but here in your arms...

"Y-yes Sodapop, I'll move in with you. I want here to be my forever home. Here with you." Johnny's mood suddenly changed. He wanted change. He needed to change.

You are the one,

Sodapop kissed Johnny passionately. He pulled away slowly. Soda wished he could get this boy to just see things from his point of view. He would always be too stubborn, too tough of a nut to crack.

The one that lies close to me.

"I- I," Sodapop was cut off by Johnny.

Whispers, "Hello, Imiss you-"

"I love you." He kissed Sodapop again. He never felt love until he met Sodapop. He showed Johnny how to love and let go of the pain.

"I've missed you-"

After a few moments, there was just silence. Johnny looked into Sodapop's warm hazel eyes.


"Thank you for dealing with my sh*t..." Johnny said shyly, avoiding eye contact.

I fell in love,

"Johnny, don't say that either. You know what, just enjoy this tender moment. Okay?" Sodapop was honestly dead tired. He wanted to move this along and have more emotions in the morning or something. Not to ignore Johnny's feelings or anything. He just wanted to enjoy the tender moment.

In love with you suddenly.

"Alright, I guess I can get behind that." Johnny said softly. The dark pools of black in his eyes sparkled in the Moonlight. It was beautiful and Sodapop. Everything about Johnny was beautiful to Sodapop.

Now there's no place else,

"I can also get behind you. Roll over so we can spoon." Sodapop giggled. Johnny play fully rolled his eyes and rolled over on his other side. They took turns being the big and little spoon, despite their size difference. Sometimes Johnny wanted to, sometimes Sodapop wanted to.

I could be, but here in your arms...

Johnny snuggled his back into Sodapop's chest, Sodapop holding Johnny close to him.

Here in your arms.

"Goodnight, Johnny..."

Here in your arms...

"Goodnight, Soda..." Maybe he would really stay inside this time.

Chapter 11: Baby's First Halloween (Little Space - Jally)


Originally posted August 2023

Johnny is an age regressor - meaning now as a little, he was making up for all the time he had lost actually growing up. Since his age regression is trauma-based, there's a lot of child-like wonders Johnny has always wanted to do. One of them being enjoying a full-experience Halloween! Trick-or-treating, carving pumpkins, and more! Follow little Johnny through his very first Halloween.

The Unicorn & The Storm Drain


NOTE: Little Space is not a fetish, you are thinking of things like DDLB or DDLG, or whatever else. You will NOT find that here.

AJ- Adult Johnny
LJ- Little Johnny

Chapter Text

Johnny was a little. Considering the rough time he had from just about everything he had going on growing up, it wasn't much of a shock. It was a way for Johnny to take back what was taken from him as a child.

His innocence.

His joy.


Johnny's age regression took him to about 4-years-old. Little Johnny (LJ) was the average toddler, in love with dinosaurs, sparkles, toys, and all of the tasty snacks that he probably shouldn't have when so small. Adult Johnny's (AJ) interests honestly weren't even far off from LJ's.

AJ enjoyed coloring after a long day just as much as LJ did just for fun. Adult Johnny sometimes used his pacifier to help lull him to sleep, just like little Johnny did. Although little Johnny used his binky more for casual use.
Johnny didn't let his sh*tty upbringing take everything from him. He was taking full control of his life back.

This year was going to be the first year that Johnny would participate in Halloween as a little, completely in his headspace. In the past Johnny always stayed out of his head space or simply didn't leave his apartment (that he shared with Dallas, his boyfriend and caregiver). Johnny's growth was stunted, so he was physically smaller than the average person his age, 21. Ponyboy, his best friend who is currently 19, was even bigger than him. Johnny was also visually very youthful looking. He wanted to take this to his advantage to live out a part of his childhood that was ruined by his situation.

Johnny never got to do things for most holiday's, so it wasn't exclusive to just Halloween. By the time he was 13 though, he started going to the Curtis home around Christmas time for at least a hot meal. He never expected presents, but Mrs. Curtis did surprise him when he was 14 with a carton of cigarettes. It was pretty amazing, although Johnny no longer smoked. He really missed her... Dallas really did, too. she was a ray of sun in his storm of a life. LJ would have loved her.

Coming back to now, Johnny had already picked out his costume and everything. He was going to be a dinosaur! He found one of those pairs of pajamas that also doubled as a costume.

Johnny simply couldn't wait for Halloween.


Dallas quietly walked into the nursery that they had for Johnny. It was nap time and he was off to wake him up for a snack and then to finish out their day. It was the day before Halloween and Dallas wanted to make sure all of their affairs were in order before carrying on with everything. He gently started to rub Johnny's shoulder to wake him gently. He didn't believe in shaking (bad for little brains), turning on the lights abruptly, or making loud noises. Those actions were really jarring and could be triggering to LJ.
Johnny made a small whine as he slowly opened up his eyes. He rubbed them gently as he stared up at Dally. He still had his pacifier in his mouth, onesie for his clothing, and his comfortable custom crib to sleep on.
"Hi angel," Dallas greeted gently. Johnny whined again, this time ending it off with a big stretch. "It's time to get up, okay?" Dallas said. Johnny slowly blinked his eyes open at the older male. Eventually lifting his arms up toward him, wordlessly asking to be picked up.

Dallas brought down the wall of the crib, leaning in and picking up his baby boy. Dallas held Johnny, placing him on his hip to make it easier to hold him. Johnny nuzzled the plastic of the pacifier still in his mouth against Dallas's cheek, like he was giving him a kiss. Dallas carried Johnny off to the kitchen, sitting him down at the table. Dallas gently removed the binky from Johnny's mouth, letting it fall to Johnny's chest. LJ always had a pacifier clip on, so it didn't go anywhere.

Dallas put a smallZoo Palsplate of goldfish, fruit, and cheese in front of Johnny. Then a sippy cup full of water went right next to the plate. Johnny had always been bad about his fluid intake, not just in his little state. So it was something Dallas always kept tabs on.
"Fank chu." Johnny thanked gently. He happily nibbled on his snack.

"After snack and you wake up a little more, we need to talk about tomorrow." Dallas said. Johnny immediately frowned. Dallas's tone made it sound like he was going to cancel Halloween. Johnny's eyes filled with tears of disappointment.
"Honey, why are you getting upset?" Dallas asked. He really couldn't read his own tone most of the time and didn't realize to LJ it sounded like he was canceling their plans for Halloween.

Johnny pushed his plate of food away from himself. "Chu take away Hoween."Howeenwas how Johnny pronounced Halloween. Tears were already running down his face as he grieved yet another Halloween that wasn't going to happen again. How could daddy do this to him?

"Oh- baby I'm not canceling Halloween. I just want to talk about our plans for Halloween. Make sure we have everything planned out so nothing unexpected happens." Dallas said. He went over and rubbed Johnny's back, kissing the top of his head. "I want to make sure we have something like... a safety plan. So you know what to do in case you get lost or something." Dallas assured. "I'm sorry I came off that way, honey. I promise you we will still go trick-or-treating tomorrow and everything. You're going to get the whole experience." Dallas had decided he would do snacks and some other fun things for home so it wasn't only trick-or-treating.

"Otay, daddy." Johnny said, his tears stopping. He brought back his plate and started to eat again. Sometimes Johnny went from 0-100 very quickly. He had a lot of anxiety about being disappointed and things similar to those feelings. LJ really struggled with emotional expression. Dallas didn't say anything, he let his little boy finish his snack. When Johnny was done he still had his drink left, so Dallas just took care of his plate and let him sip while they talked. He went over and picked Johnny up, taking him to the living room and sat him down on the couch with him.

"So, my main concern is you wandering off. I love you so so much, and I don't want you to get lost. I want to put some reflectors on your candy basket, and I will be with you the whole time. By no means will you be by yourself at any point of the night. Can you promise to stay close?" Dallas asked. Johnny was swinging his legs a little bit off the edge of the couch.

"Yeth daddy, I pomise." Johnny agreed gently. He was really excited to go trick-or-treating. He was going to be the cutest dino ever and get all of the candies!

"I also want to make sure you say please and thank you." Dallas added. He wanted Johnny to have morals and all the things kids his mental age didn't have developed just quite yet.

"Otay." Johnny put his empty sippy cup in Dallas's hands, no longer wanting to hold onto it at all. Dallas took the sippy cup no problem and simply sat it down on the coffee table. He had a small smile on his face, he was happy to do this for LJ.


It was the night of Halloween. Dallas had Johnny carve pumpkins, bake pumpkin seeds, watch movies, and do everything else the average child might do on Halloween. He was really sticking to his promise to deliver a full Halloween to Johnny.

Johnny was skipping down the sidewalk in his dinosaur costume, blue pumpkin treat bucket with some reflectors daddy put on there. LJ and Dallas had a sit down before leaving the house to go over the expectations for that night again. Dallas did not end up dressing up at all, much to Johnny's disappointment. Johnny was holding hands with Dallas to stay close to him, their arms swinging together.

Dallas was nervous for bedtime. It could either go smoothly because LJ will be super exhausted. OR- he wouldn't want to sleep at all.

"Alright Johnny, go up to the door. Make sure to say please, thank you, and trick-or-treat." Dallas said, gently pushing Johnny in the direction of the front door. LJ wondered if Daddy meant in general, or in that specific order. He was too small to tell the difference.

Johnny suddenly got a little nervous about going up to the door. He was starting to second guess himself. What if these people were mean? What if the other kids were mean? He didn't finish his thoughts of doubt until he got to the door. Johnny went through the motions, mostly following along with what the other kids were doing.

LJ didn't know when he was in his headspace that some people might see what he does as wrong. That was an AJ problem.

Johnny echoed "Trick-or-treat!" with the other kids. He watched as kids approached the door, received candy, and then said thank you. Johnny did as the others and it went off without a hitch! He was so excited! It was like he was high on the sugar already.

Johnny was finally able to experience Halloween.

It was baby's first Halloween!

Dallas was incredibly proud of Johnny and how far he had come. Johnny came running back to his daddy, showing off his Halloween candy he had got by opening up his bag and lifting it up for him to look inside. "Daddy wook!" He was beaming with joy and it could bring a tear to Dallas's eye if he actually knew how to cry.

Dallas had been domesticated being with Johnny, but he had yet to develop emotionally very much. He was stunted in his own ways, he was only human.

"Great job baby boy! Are you ready to go to the next house?" Dallas asked the excited little. Johnny nodded quickly. Johnny was pretty limited with his words, but it was only amplified when he was too excited to make a sentence.


Dallas felt like they had hit every house in Tulsa, Oklahoma by the end of the night. He was dog tired and Johnny was still running around like he had an IV of caffeine actively pumping into him.
"Dummy beaws! Choc! Taffy!" Johnny was naming off a bunch of the candy he had secured from the night. "Daddy, tan I has some when we get home?" Johnny asked excitedly. Dallas didn't know how Johnny, or people in general, could consume so much sugar! They made candy apples and Dallas couldn't even finish one of them. Johnny had his own, the rest of Dallas's, on top of all the other yummy snacks they had made today.

He wanted to believe it was Johnny being able to survive on anything. The poor boy used to go at least a couple days without eating when he was struggling with being homeless in their teen years. That was something even Dallas was touchy about, but he always had Buck Merrill or Tim to fall back on. Johnny didn't have that, he was also too stubborn to even go anywhere he was welcomed. Like Two-Bit's or the Curtis's house.
Johnny probably had a liver and kidneys made of steel.

The older man wanted to tell Johnny no, but f*ck it, it was only for one night. He might have the tummy ache of the century tomorrow, but that was all a part of the Halloween experience in his mind.
"Sure baby, just make sure to take care of your trash. I'm your daddy, not a house maid." Dallas had his hand on Johnny's back as they made their way back to the car so they could drive home.

Although as they made it closer to the car, Johnny stopped dead in his tracks. Dallas was a little flustered because he really just wanted to go home at this point. He turned to see why Johnny had stopped.

Johnny was staring at another kid sitting on the sidewalk with who he assumed was a parent. The woman was trying to soothe the hysterical child sobbing on the sidewalk. It seemed to be a little girl in a unicorn costume. Dallas definitely had his attention on whatever this was now.

"Honey, I'm really sorry. I promise when the stores are open tomorrow, I will buy you all the candy you want." The lady pleaded.

"You don't get it mommy! I worked hard for all my candy! Halloween is RUINED." The little girl cried.

"Things happen sweetie, it's no one's fault your bag broke..." Dallas observed that the little girl was holding what seemed to be a ripped pillow case. Johnny nervously looked at Dallas, he wanted to do something. He was very anxious with all of the loud crying, loud noises were overwhelming, but he also felt really bad for this girl. Johnny wondered what happened to her candy. He tugged on his daddy's sleeve, wanting him to go talk to the pair to see if they could help. Dallas sighed and immediately caved in. Might as well...

"Excuse me miss, is something wrong?" Johnny held onto his daddy's hand tightly as they approached them. What if this was a ploy of some kind? Johnny was just a bundle of anxiety. Although his daddy swaddling him and leaving him alone in his nursery for an hour wouldn't help him in this situation.

"Oh! Sorry sir- My daughter's candy bag ripped at the worst time possible. Most of her candy fell into the storm drain, if it didn't fall in the drain, unattended kids came and snatched up whatever their hands could carry..." The lady rubbed the sobbing unicorn's back. She didn't know how to make it better. Mentally, she was thinking that people really needed to keep tabs on their own brats. It was Halloween and would be the perfect time to kidnap a small unattended child.
Not saying you should do that, though. Obviously, she wouldn't say that out loud.

Johnny felt terrible for her, he knew how unfair it felt to work hard for something just for it to still lead to nothing.

It reminded Johnny of a time where he had cleaned his room almost perfectly. Johnny's mother was very precise about how things turned out and presented. Despite them living in a borderline rat's nest full of alcohol bottles, she was very stern about how Johnny's area looked. Because of course she did... Johnny had worked really hard to not get yelled at or hit by his mother. But before he could even get her attention to come check his room, his dad had destroyed it in a drunken rage. Something about him assuming it was Johnny's way of guilt tripping them... Johnny was just trying to do what he was asked to do. He was trying to comply! He worked hard to please his parents just for it to blow up in his face anyway.

Sometimes Johnny missed his biological parents, but then he remembered things like that and got upset all over again.

They didn't miss him at all... Not the same way Johnny missed them.

He knew he needed to do something.

Before Dallas could try to respond, Johnny let go of his hand and went to sit next to the little girl on the sidewalk. "Y-you can have some of my candy." Johnny offered her shyly. The little girl stopped crying and looked at this random boy very confused.

"You would really d-do that?" She sniffled. Johnny nodded; he pointed to the pocket pouch on her unicorn costume. It was similar to the pajama build that Johnny's dinosaur costume was.

"M-maybe you could open t-that pocket in your costume and I can p-put some of my candy in it." He said. The little didn't usually have a stutter, but he was trying not to use a baby voice with a stranger. The woman and Dallas were shocked by Johnny's actions, it wasn't often you still saw acts of kindness like this.

"I-I would really appreciate that, thank you." With that, Johnny stuffed a few handfuls of candy from his full bucket into her pocket. Her tears were dry now, perking up now that the night wasn't a total loss. The little girl was really happy. "I can't thank you enough for your kindness... Can I hug you?" She asked.

"N-no thank you, but you're welcome. I have tons o-of candy, and you deserve to have some too." Johnny said. He was scared of touching a stranger. The little girl was understanding. Dallas was happy that Johnny was able to set a boundary and not just let people do whatever. Even if it made him uncomfortable.

After exchanging a few more words, they left.

Johnny and Dallas were back in the car now. Dallas had a sweet smile on his face, "I'm really proud of you baby, you did a really good thing sharing with that little girl." He said gently. He leaned over and gave Johnny a kiss on the cheek. Johnny made a couple of happy noises and he was content with his actions.


Johnny had dumped his bucket of candy on the living room floor. After eating about 10 pieces, he fell asleep on top of his pile of candy. Dallas thought it was a pretty sweet sight to see. He gently carried Johnny and got him dressed into some pajamas. Actual ones, not the dinosaur costume that was also technically pajamas-

Dallas laid Johnny down in the big bed; they could co-sleep tonight. He gently popped a pink, white, and blue pacifier into his sleeping mouth. Johnny's mouth happily took it in to suckle on. Dallas crawled into bed with Johnny and held the sweet boy close.

"Happy Halloween, Johnny... baby's first Halloween was a success." Dallas murmured.

Chapter 12: The Little Things (Little Space - Jally)


Originally posted Jan. 2022

Binky Dilemma

Chapter Text

Johnny yawned and rubbed his tired eyes. He blinked gently as his eyes adjusted to the light. He was still in bed. He looked around curiously, he didn't know where Dallas was. Johnny looked at the clock and it read 9AM, he decided now would be a good time to wake up. He showered, got dressed, and went into the small living room of their apartment. Dallas was still no where, huh.

Poor Little Johnny felt distraught that he wasn't there, especially since he woke up feeling small today. He sat on the floor in front of the couch. Johnny held a light blue stuffed bunny to his chest; he got it from the couch. Sometimes Johnny left his toys out, which was against the rules. But, half the time Dallas didn't notice because he was so used to the apartment being a mess. So Johnny got away with it most of the time. It may Johnny secretly happy, because he usually got away with nothing with his real parents. But let's not talk about that, they aren't real if we think hard enough.

Johnny yawned again as he rubbed more sleep out of his eyes. He wasn't sure where the remote to the TV was, he was still a too sleepy to think coherently. Johnny turned the light blue stuffed rabbit to face him. He spoke softly, "Where Dada go?" Johnny nuzzled his face into the soft plush toy, it made him feel safe. Johnny rubbed his face on most things, kind of like spreading his scent.

The young boys eyes drooped slightly, he wondered where his binky was. He called it binky because the word pacifier was too big of a word for him. Johnny had many binkies, and he lost them frequently. So you were bound to find one crammedsomewhere. Johnny shyly peaked over his stuffie to look at the coffee table, and lo and behold, there was one there. It was one of his nicer ones with a shirt clip too. He wasn't necessarily crazy about the ones with the shirt clips, but Johnny didn't hate them either. They were just nicer in general. Johnny didn't really mind.

He frowned slightly, he liked it better when Dallas clipped it to his shirt. this sudden Revelation made Johnny upset. He fussed and threw the pacifier back onto the coffee table. He held the stuffed rabbit by its ears as he searched around him. Johnny didn't understand why him not being able to find a pacifier made him so upset. He felt frustrated tears prick his eyes. Johnny sat on his knees and dug his hands between the couch cushions. Nothing.

Johnny whined as he sat down on his knees, defeated. Frustrated tears ran down his tan cheeks. He threw his light blue bunny against the floor and it made him stop. He didn't mean to throw it, he was just upset. It was a rule to not throw or be mean to toys. Dally spent his money on you, so you need to treat them with respect. Johnny cried harder at the thought of getting punished, he really didn't mean it.

Dallas still wasn't even around. Johnny was having a rough morning, he wished Dallas was there to hold him and make it better. Johnny crawled over to where the stuffed blue bunny had landed, he gently picked up the stuffed rabbit and held it in his arms. "I sorry..." Johnny said quietly. He rubbed his face against the toy.

Johnny held the light blue rabbit its long ears as he went back to the bedroom. He needed to find a binky and go calm down. He knew for a fact he left one on his bed side table, so Johnny went there to look. Johnny kept a couple binkies in his bed side drawer, they would help soothe him to sleep. Dallas was already pretty good at that, but extra support is always nice.

As soon as Johnny walked into the bed room, his eyes landed on his bed side table. There was already a singular binky sitting out. It was black and the middle was light grey with a skull. He happily walked over and put the pacifier into his mouth. Mission complete.

While Johnny was already here, he decided he might want to clean some of his stuff up... It kind of embarrassed him that his stuff was all over the place. He also thought it would be a nice surprise for Dallas to come home to. Maybe Dallas would reward him if he did something like cleaning without being asked to. Johnny drooled at the thought of Dallas getting him Gummy Bears. Johnny got to work.

He started by taking the stuffed toy already in his hands and putting it away in the toy box they kept in the closet(fitting). He kept the lid open as he walked around the room, throwing toys into the box from afar. It was a like playing basketball. Johnny giggled as more toys made it into the box. After about twenty minutes, although it felt like five, Johnny had finished picking up his toys that were in the bedroom. He even found a few binkies from underneath the bed. Johnny tucked those safely into his bed side table drawer.

He left the lid to the toy box open while he went into the living room to pick up more things. He brought back only an armful of toys from the living room. Johnny was pretty sure he got everything, so he closed the toy box. He also found a few more Pacifiers and put them into the drawer.

Little Johnny sat down on the couch; all that cleaning and still no sign of that dreaded remote. He felt sad and missed Dally a whole lot. Johnny looked at the clock, it was now approaching 2PM. Johnny was getting hungry, he didn't even eat breakfast. He was used to suppressing his hunger, but it was different this time. This gut wrenching hunger made him sick. The pain made him want to roll over and throw up.

Little sock covered feet hit the ground, heading towards the kitchen. Johnny honestly didn't want to make himself anything. Toddlers don't make food for themselves; this made Johnny upset again. He had to grow up for a moment while he made himself macaroni n' cheese for a late lunch.

Johnny took his meal to the couch and decided he'd enjoy it there. Usually Dallas would make him eat at the coffee table, like on the floor so Johnny wouldn't get food onto the couch. But, Dally wasn't here to say what goes, now was he?

Johnny finished his food and washed the utensils he used. He curled up on the couch, sucking gently on his binky. He had nothing else to do, so why not take a nap?

The young Greaser was just about to fall asleep before the front door opened. This making him suddenly very awake. It frightened him quite honestly. Johnny was now slightly confused and upset by the sudden intrusion.

He looked upon the door way to see the one and only Dallas Winston come bounding through the door. Dallas brushed off his slightly dirty jeans and jean jacket before making eye contact with, Johnny. Before Dallas had anytime to react, the door accidentally slammed behind him. This new loud noise pushed poor little Johnny over the edge. The binky fell from his lips and hit the floor. Dallas' eyes went wide as Johnny began to sob. The poor boy was just so overwhelmed by all this sudden emotion.

Dallas slowly approached the crying boy, "Oh no, I'm so sorry, honey. I didn't mean to make ya cry, baby boy." Dallas reached over to the coffee table to where the pacifier from that morning laid. The one Johnny threw back on the table. He picked it up by the ribbon and clipped it to Johnny's shirt. "Shh, it's okay baby. Here look, now it won't fall no more." Dallas slightly tugged on the binky that was connected to the shirt clip, that was connected to, Johnny. Dallas gently put the pacifier in the crying boys mouth to try and soothe him.

The baby boy continued to sob, even with the now acquired binky. Dallas quickly took off his leather jacket and shoes so he could take the crying boy into his arms. He rocked Johnny gently, after about a good 8 minutes, Johnny finally calmed down. Johnny's tear ridden eyes met Dallas' sympathetic ones. His eyes asked Dally the question he couldn't verbally say.

Johnny didn't talk much already, but when he was little was basically mute.

"I'm real sorry I left you here all by your lonesome. Buck called me in at 7 o'clock in the morning out of nowhere. It was an emergency down at the track, and I uh- yeah, I forgot to leave you a not or something. I'm so sorry, baby boy." Johnny sniffled and nuzzled his face into Dallas' chest. "Hey, c'mon and look at me." Dallas lifted Johnny's face by his chin so he was looking at him.

Johnny gave Dallas those sad, kicked, puppy dog eyes. Dallas honestly did feel really bad about what he did. He couldn't imagine how scared and alone the boy must have felt. Johnny had abandoned by many people, but Dallas never thought he would be one of those people. "I promise it won't happen again. And if it does... I don't know, how about you put me in the time-out corner." Johnny furrowed his brows. He looked over to the time-out corner. Johnny moved his head, gesturing towards the corner. Johnny wanted Dallas in the time-out corner now.

"Right now?" Dallas asked. Johnny nodded his head. He stood up and tugged Dally's arm towards the corner. Dallas sighed, following after the young boy. He knew he had to face the consequences. Anything to make his baby happy again. Dallas stood there, facing the corner. Johnny let go of him and ran off to do something. Dallas just stood there, accepting his punishment.

Johnny came back with a piece of paper with a bit of tape on it. Johnny stuck the paper to the wall and waited for Dallas to look. Dallas looked at the piece of paper on the wall, it read, 'Bad boy corner. Where bad boys go. You're a bad boy.' The note was obviously directed towards, Dallas. He wanted to laugh, but instead he kind of just smiled and shook his head slightly. "Yeah, Dada's been a bad boy..." Dallas humored.

Johnny wrapped his arms around Dallas' waist, hugging him tightly. He knew it never really felt good to stand in the time-out corner.

Dallas hated putting Johnny in the time-out corner. the young boy really got in trouble, so when he did get in trouble, there had to of been a solid reason to it. Johnny would usually fall to his knees and sob his eyes out in the corner until his time was up.

The young boy tugged Dally's shirt so he would turn around. Dallas turned and looked at the younger boy, "Am I done?" Johnny made grabby hands, wanting to be picked up. Dallas smiled as he picked up his precious little prince. Johnny wrapped his arms around Dally's neck, and his legs around his waist. Dallas gently rubbed the younger's back soothingly. "I love you, Johnny..."

"I love you too, Dada..." Johnny mumbled through his pacifier.

"And thank you for picking up, Honey. I'll have to get some sweets for my good little boy." Johnny giggled and snuggled closer to his Dada.

It was the little things like this that kept Dallas and Johnny sane.

Chapter 13: His Never-Ending Daydream (Jallyboy)


Originally posted in 2021

Johnny and Dallas like each other. But Ponyboy likes Johnny, and now Dallas likes Ponyboy.

CW: Slight angst & smut

Chapter Text

Johnny and Dallas were the perfect couple. It was something you would read out of an angsty erotic novel. Dallas was that classic bad boy and Johnny was a shy boy. Like in most of those novels, shows, or movies, Johnny falls for Dallas. Wanting to break free from his usual self and wanting to experience what it was like to live fast. Dallas didn't necessarily get soft when he started going out with Johnny. But he just wasn't as mean. They were good for each other. Dallas got less mean, but not that much. And Johnny started to come out of the Shelf. It was a win-win.

The couple were happy with each other. There was almost never a dull moment. Dallas had too much of an angsty personality to ever live like that. Dallas was always on the run for something. Trouble, getting away from trouble, getting others out of trouble- usually something to do with that. Johnny always got worried about Dallas's safety, but he knew Dallas knew how to take care of himself.

Johnny always wanted to wallow on Dallas, using it as an outlet to step out of his comfort zone.

They couldn't be happier!

But something was missing...

Months passed and the passion was dying, they weren't as happy as they used to be. They spent less time together. Their sex life was empty. Johnny was depressed, he didn't feel like he was enough for Dallas. Washethe problem? Dallas felt empty because he felt like he wasn't providing enough for their relationship. WasHEthe problem? There was a lot of internal self-blame game going on, it seemed.

The two of them needed to have a serious talk. Johnny knew Dallas wasn't one to really introduce such a thing. So he knew it was an issue for him to try and fix. Johnny was so stressed out and tired, just mentally and physically exhausted. He desperately needed a friend to lean on right now. Johnny needed someone that knew how to give helpful and critical feedback.

The only person that came to mind was Ponyboy Curtis, Johnny's long-time friend.

They were all friends, but Ponyboy and Dallas tended to butt heads a lot.

Technically all three of them were friends, but Johnny knew Ponyboy's true feelings about Dallas. They were NOT romantic. In fact, Ponyboy flat-out didn't like Dallas all that much. He wasn't that supportive of his and Johnny's relationship. Pony kept his opinions to himself for the most part. He knew Johnny was happy, that's all Pony really wanted.

Something Johnny didn't know, was that the only person Ponyboy had romantic feelings for, ever, was Johnny. They were so much alike in Ponyboy's eyes. Although that was not very true. The two were mostly just close friends, they knew how to be there for each other. Johnny looked and acted like a hood behind closed doors. But, Johnny knew how to act like a gentleman face-to-face. It made Ponyboy's insides feel like it was full of butterflies.

When Johnny and Dallas started to date, Ponyboy was internally crushed. Watching Johnny be so happy with someone romantically, that wasn't Pony, was absolutely soul-crushing. The two didn't talk for a while after that. Johnny didn't notice that much since he was so caught-up with Dallas. Ponyboy would fall apart at night while he was trying to sleep. Not being able to pry the thoughts of Johnny out of his mind.

Johnny had no idea any of this happened, or Ponyboy felt this way about him. He just thought Pony didn't like Dallas because of how much of a hood he was. That was only part of it, in reality.


Johnny had an awful feeling in his gut. He was lost deep in his thoughts about his relationship with Dallas. He was heading for the Curtis home to talk to Ponyboy about what he should do about him and Dallas. Johnny knew Ponyboy but actually never do this, but Johnny would feel bad if Ponyboy rubbed it in his face that Dallas was no good for him. Like how Ponyboy had previously predicted when they had first gotten together, or even before they got together.

He felt bad about it all, because what if Ponyboy was right? They really weren't good for each other, and now they've just spent nearly a whole year together for no reason. All that time and money went towards nothing. Johnny gave up his virginity to you for no reason.

Johnny certainly did not want that to be the case here.

He jogged up the steps of the front porch, lurking into the house. He let the screen door fall closed behind him. The broken down plastic made an awful whipping noise against the door frame. It was such a familiar noise it was justnumbingto hear.

The house wasn't buzzing as much as usual. Mostly because Two-Bit wasn't there and neither was Dallas. Whom the hell knows what they were up to at the moment. Johnny observe the scene that was in front of him. Sodapop and Steve were playing poker at the table. Darrel was in the kitchen cooking. But where was Ponyboy? Although you could not see him, you could hear him playing his record player. He was playing his favorite Beatles album. It was his favorite to study or read too. Because it was relaxing to him. It was he easiest to listen to while doing other things.

That gave Johnny the big hint that Ponyboy was in his bedroom, probably busy doing homework or just wanting some time to himself. Blocking out all of the noise. It wasn't loud or anything, but it was loud enough to hear the faint sound of The Beatles from the living area. No one was complaining, they all liked The Beatles.

Except for Dallas, he thought most music was for girls. Which he wasn't completely wrong about. Most corporate pop songs were directed towards young girls, pre-teens, etc. Romanticize falling in love to the point that you think that you need it your life to be happy. Not everybody needs somebody, but it's what most people think they need.

Dallas didn't believe in that corporate bullsh*t. Nor does he understand how people fall for that sh*t. He just liked Johnny, he could say he loved him. But not everyone has a Johnny in their life.

Johnny was about to walk into the hallway to head towards Pony's room, but he was stopped by Darrel. "Johnny, nice to see you. Come here a second." Darrel said. Johnny raised an eyebrow and went into the kitchen. Darry had just finished making a fresh loaf of rustic bread. It looks quite good. Darry had also just finished shaking up a fresh thing of butter.
"I know you're here for Ponyboy, but have a slice of bread. Take one to Pony while you're at it." Darry said. Johnny simply nodded. Darrel yelled at the boys in the living room, asking them if they want some bread. Of course the both of them said yes.

Johnny picked up one of the pre-sliced two pieces of bread, taking some of the butter and spreading it on there. He leaned against the counter and gently chewed on the food. He yawned softly, this would be a nice brain break.

When he was done, he wiped all the crumbs off himself and got another slice. Putting light butter on it and taking it with him to Ponyboy's room. He knocked on the door, waiting for an answer. Ponyboy yelled that the door was open and to just walk in. Johnny did so, standing in Ponyboys door way like a dork, holding a piece of bread. Ponyboy was quite confused by the sight. But he sat up in bed. He wasn't doing anything. Johnny walked into the room, closing the door behind him. He walked over to Ponyboy and offered him the bread.

"Darry made it, said he wanted you to eat it." Johnny said. Ponyboy took the slice and ate it without any further questions. Ponyboy needed to eat more than others most of the time. His diet was different because he ran Track. He ate like a race horse so he could act like one out on the Track field.

Ponyboy sat there and happily ate his bread, he was just happy to see Johnny again. They weren't attached at the hip like they were last year. It was a lot to adjust to. Considering Ponyboy's predicament and all.

"Man, thanks for bringing it to me, Johnny. I hope Darry wasn't calling for me. I never hear him it feels like. But forget about that, fancy seeing you here Johnny Cade. I haven't seen you in a while. Although it is a big relief to see you again. I think I was going to throw up if I had to spend another night alone while Darry has his boyfriend over. You know how Soda just wants to be with Steve nowadays. Well, Darry thinks it's cool to bring his boyfriend over and think I won't hear him get nailed in the middle of the night." Ponyboy could barely catch his breath he was talking so fast. He hadn't had any sort of genuine contact like this was somebody he could genuinely open up to, in a while. So he was just letting it all out now.
"They don't make noise. But I can sure as hell hear that damn bed creak- ew. I already have enough nightmares without hearing that sh*t. I like Paul and all, that rhymed- but I want to sleep without being mentally scarred." Ponyboy gasped for air and stopped talking, finishing up his bread.

Darrel had a boyfriend, his name was Paul. He was a buddy from high school that was on the same football team as Darrel. Darrel didn't give away any details about their relationship. Or how they even met, how things were before they were dating. He kept things pretty vague. Although Ponyboy heard more than enough details in the night, when the two were together. No need to explain.

Ponyboy sighed and finished his bread, "Sorry, I shouldn't just vent without saying anything. What's up Johnnycakes?" Ponyboy asked.

Johnny felt a little awkward now. How do you just continue on with this after that was just dropped on the conversation? Ponyboy probably didn't see it that way. Johnny just decided to go with it and keep going with what he was going to talk about before.

"Uhm... I need to talk to you about Dallas." Johnny said nervously. God, please don't say 'I told you so'.

"What about him? Are ya'll having trouble?" Pony asked. God damn it, he was already onto Johnny. Ponyboy was trying to keep his cool so Johnny didn't know he was excited their relationship could be done for. Ponyboy was being a vulture.

"I hate to admit it, Ponyboy. But you're right this time. Not if I was totally everything, but we are having a lot of trouble. That's Park we had a year ago is nonexistent. It feels like somebody dumped a bucket of water all over our passion. Or Pig's blood likeCarrie. But sadly this isn't some horrible nightmare or horror movie, this is my real life. "What do I do Ponyboy? I still love him, it just seems like he wants more now." Johnny explained his situation, admitting to Ponyboy that he was correct about his assumptions. Johnny hated admitting others were right. Nobody ever liked doing that.

Ponyboy had to think for a minute. He wanted to jump for joy, but at the same time he knew that was a piece of sh*t thing to do. His best friend was suffering from the side effects of a relationship, not just any relationship, a serious relationship. Things weren't getting any easier at this point. Ponyboy was willing to help his friend.

"Johnny, I understand your frustrations. I'll tell you what, what if I talked to Dallas and ask him what he thinks about the whole situation? Where else to go but the source." Pony shrugged, "He probably won't tell me a lot, but I'll just say that I made some pretty big observations cuz I'm smart. Knowing him he'll fall for that." He finished saying. Ponyboy was curious what the hell else would have to say to him. Would he refuse the comments because it was a personal matter? Would Dallas open up as well?

Johnny bit his lip when Ponyboy offered to talk to Dallas. It would distract the both of them long enough to get Johnny the chance to think a little more to himself. At this point, he was heavily questioning his feelings on the two of them. Johnny thought it was awfully sweet Ponyboy would selflessly offer to help like this. It made his heart flutter and tummy bubble. Johnny had started to feel this way around Ponyboy recently.

He was so utterly confused by himself. He had all the love in the world for Dallas. But now was he... developing feelings for Ponyboy. Johnny felt dirty because of it. He was committed to the both of them mentally.

"You would do that for me, Ponyboy? That would mean the world to me," Johnny smiled softly. Seeing Johnny's rare smile made Ponyboy giddy as well.

"Anything for you, Johnny. You're my best friend." Pony said. Those simple words made Johnny want to crawl under a rock. He felt so bad for looking at another man like he was.

"Well thank you, Ponyboy. Is there anything I can do to repay you?" Johnny asked softly, putting his hand on Ponyboy's upper arm. It was gentle and welcoming. It sent electricity through Ponyboy's body like he'd been struck by lightning.

"Uh- uhm- I don't know, just consider it a gift from a friend." Ponyboy said nervously. He put his hand on top of Johnny's they both felt the electricity. Johnny hadn't felt such a strong need to kiss someone, since Dallas asked him out.

"Awh... well, if you do need anything, I'll be here for you. Thank you so much for talking about this with me, Ponyboy. It really does mean a lot..." Johnny dragged on the last of his sentence, letting his hand gently go down Ponyboy's arm. Ponyboy shivered and that's when Johnny took his hand away. Ponyboy's face was bright red and Johnny glanced away.
"I should get going, I'll see you tomorrow." Johnny said sheepishly, getting off of Ponyboy's bed.

"I'll try to talk to Dallas when I get done with track practice around 5. I probably won't see you until 6 or 6:30." Ponyboy said, rubbing the back of his neck. Johnny nodded, he understood what his friend was saying.

"Alright, catch ya then." Johnny said, he waved goodbye and Pony waved back. Johnny wanted to kiss him on the cheek, but that would be crossing a line right now. Johnny was pretty nervous about tomorrow. He hoped Dallas wouldn't take offense to anything and murder Ponyboy for coming into their business.


Ponyboy was getting more and more nervous the closer he got to Dallas and Johnny's apartment. He knocked on the door once he got there. He knew Johnny wasn't there. He was off with Two-Bit at the moment. You wouldn't think they were as good of friends as they actually are.

Dallas heard the knock, he went over and opened it. He was confused when he didn't see anyone at first. Only to glance down a bit and see Ponyboy. He was surprised to see Ponyboy was here. Wouldn't he know Johnny wasn't there? Dallas didn't think he would ever come to the apartment looking for him and not Johnny.

"Oh, hey. Johnny's not here," Dallas said plainly. It's like when you're a kid going to a friends house, then their mom answers and says they can't come out to play.

"I'm actually here to see you... if you don't mind. Can I come in?" Ponyboy asked. He had to put his relationship therapist hat on and resolve this as best he could.
Dallas was immediately very confused. Ponyboy was here to see him, Dallas Winston? Dallas looked at Pony suspiciously, but let him inside anyway.

"Yeah, come in." He sat down on the couch, letting Ponyboy close the door behind him and then follow.

Ponyboy sat down on the other end of the couch. He was as far away from Dallas as he could be. The older male was quite intimidating. Dallas stared Ponyboy down. He now had a couple ideas of why Ponyboy was there. Maybe he needed to tell Dallas something about Johnny. Maybe something was wrong at home and he needed to tell everyone individually. Now he was curious and intrigued.

"Alright... you're probably very confused as to why I'm here. To put it simply, I need to talk to you about your relationship with Johnny. He said some things that are pretty concerning, I just wanted to talk to you about it. I did ask if it was okay to come talk to you, Johnny said it was fine. But I just want to help ya'll out a bit." Ponyboy said. He was scared for Dallas's reaction. Dallas didn't like it when people got into his personal business. Especially when it came to his business with Johnny. It was nobody else's issue except for theirs. Dallas was just a private person.

"Concerning things? He ain't I'm hitting him, is he?" Dallas said, he wouldn't actually think Johnny would spread such a lie. Dallas wasn't violent towards the younger male. Dallas was only violent when he wanted to be toward something that he didn't really know or didn't like. Mostly strangers that look at him weird.

"NO! I mean- no, he didn't say anything like that. He's concerned for your guys's relationship. He said you guys don't have the same spark until you guys used to. He's been very self-conscious. Johnny said that he doesn't feel like you love him the same way you used to. You've been distant. He's worried you're getting ready to break up with him." Ponyboy said. He was very surprised that Dallas would even suggest Johnny would cry abuse when it didn't happen. Considering Johnny's background and all.

Dallas felt sheepish. It wasn't because he was embarrassed or anything. It was because he knew the real reason of why he had been acting as such. He wasn't going to deny he was being distant, he wasn't going to deny that he wasn't looking at Johnny the same. Because he was doing both of those things.

"Hm."Hm. That's all Dallas had to say about that. There was a real reason behind all of this. He wasn't trying to break up with Johnny or anything. But he had been hiding something from the other.

Dallas was polyamorous. He had yet to come out about it. He didn't want Johnny to think he was being aman whor*or trying to find an excuse to cheat on Johnny. Dallas genuinely felt like he was happier being with two other mates. He loved Johnny with all of his heart. He was only being distant because he was getting himself ready for disappointment.

"What do you think of that?" Ponyboy said, his voice edged with a bit of attitude. He didn't expect to get like this with Dallas. He didn't usually have the balls for it. But Pony loved Johnny and knew he didn't deserve this. He sure as hell didn't deserve just a 'hm' as a response for his valid feelings towards this. Ponyboy just thought he could treat Johnny better. Or if he could just- get in there and help out. He would kill for any sort of romance.

That was just Ponyboy. He was a hopeless romantic. His head was stuck in all the fantasy love he read in books.

Ponyboy knew better in the end. He felt like even mentioning dating someone to Darry, Darry would freak out. Either say Ponyboy wasn't old enough. Or even that Pony should focus on school and not love.

"Relax dude, it's not like that. I have my reasons. Just give me some time. No, I ain't leaving him. I love Johnny just as much as I did before. Don't get your panties in a twist." Dallas said. Ponyboy blushed. He took it literally in his head. He could imagine himself wearing panties. That's how quick his own mind ran off with him and how wild his imagination could get.

"Don't come at me. I'm just tired of Johnny being so upset over you. He just wants to feel happy and loved in your guys's relationship. He deserves the world!" Ponyboy was acting like a white knight. He sounded desperate for some dick that was certainly not his for the taking. Probably wasn't even interested in him, anyway.

"I'm sorry he's hurt, okay? I'm not some sort of sad*stic freak who wakes up everyday to find some sad excuse to hurt him. Ya'll don't get what's going on in my head. Or my life. So stay in you're f*cking place, kid!" Dallas snapped. Ponyboy was not going to cry in front of Dallas. He'd feel like crying later on, but right now he just felt mad. He was really really mad. Johnny deserved closure just as much as Dallas deserved his privacy.

Pony was fuming, he wanted to cause more trouble. He was shaking from the adrenaline of it all. "Stop ignoring him and tell him what's f*cking wrong. This is helping no one and you're being childish." He snapped. If anything was going to strike a chord with Dallas, it was definitely that. He looked like he was going to strangle Ponyboy he was so mad.

"Get the f*ck out before I throw you out of here." Dallas said calmly. Ponyboy was too flustered to come back with anything, so he just got up and left in a fit.

Maybe Dallas would stick to what he said and say that he was just going to talk to Johnny later on. Ponyboy could only hope.


When Ponyboy got home, Johnny was sitting there waiting for him. He was twiddling his thumbs and sitting on the edge of Ponyboy's bed. Ponyboy was mildly confused when he saw him there. He wasn't expecting Johnny to come over. He said he would be out all day waiting to go home to Dallas. Ponyboy shut the door behind him and walked over to the bed. Johnny only glanced at him for a second.

"Hey, I wasn't expecting to see you here yet. What's up?" Ponyboy asked Johnny.

"Pony, I have a confession to make. But I'm really confused about how I feel. So please don't blow this out of proportion. Most of all, please don't freak out until Dallas. You can tell me how talking to Dallas went after I tell you this. Because I just really need to get this off of my chest right now." Johnny said frantically. He looked like he'd been contemplating something.
Ponyboy nodded, he didn't say anything. He let Johnny keep talking.
"I like you, but not in a friend way. I like you in the way I like Dallas. But that's the thing here for me, I like you that way. But I also still like Dallas that way." Johnny said.

The older male of the two was obviously shaking. He looked visibly upset about his feelings towards Ponyboy and Dallas both. Ponyboy on the other hand was unbelievably shocked and happy on the inside. But his face just showed sorrow. To be honest though, he did feel bad for Johnny. He was probably feeling a lot of conflicting things.

Ponyboy put his hand on Johnny's shoulder, "Awh Johnny, that's awfully flattering. I'm not going to judge you for how you feel about me or Dallas. You can't control what your heart wants. Like how you like boys. It wouldn't be my place to say anything about you liking the same biological gender." (Gender is a construct.) Ponyboy said. He gave Johnny a sympathetic smile. Showing him that he was there to support him.

Johnny was still shaking, he looked up at Ponyboy with his big dark eyes. They were giant pools of almost pure black. Really dark brown in some areas where you can differentiate where his pupil met his Iris. That same abandoned puppy dog eyes that Ponyboy and Dallas both fell in love with long ago.

"Thank you, Pony. I honestly feel like I'm just really confused right now. But I can't say for sure. I really need to talk to Dallas... What did he say to you? I hope you talked to him-" Johnny asked, changing the subject. Ponyboy didn't even get to express how he felt the same. He decided the feeling was overall mutual in the end, anyway.

"I did, he was pissed off and we fought a bit. But in the end he should be talking to you the next time you see him." Ponyboy said. He was proud of himself for not stepping down and standing his ground. That was unusual for someone like Pony or Johnny.

"Oh thank you, Pony. He didn't hit you, did he?" Johnny asked, he gently put his hand on the other's cheek. Ponyboy blushed, putting his hand on top of Johnny's.

"Only emotionally," Pony said simply, "I think you I need to go see Dallas. I want you to at least see what he has to say. But if he gives you bullsh*t, just drop him. You can come back to me, my arms will be open waiting for you." Pony added lovingly.

Johnny smiled sweetly, he felt like it was a crime to be with Ponyboy like this. Considering how much he was still in love with Dallas. He hoped Dallas wouldn't give him bullsh*t. He really did want to make amends. Even if it did mean Pony would be the last man standing alone. Johnny nodded shyly, he knew he had to go.
"Yeah, I hear ya. If nothing bad happens I'll be with him. I'll call you tomorrow if that is the case. I won't call you in the middle of the night. If things go sour, I'll come back to you. Maybe even take you up on being in your loving arms." Johnny chuckled, he felt guilty for even saying that.

Ponyboy smiled and hugged Johnny. They bid their farewells and it was over like that.

Johnny was unsure what he would fine when he went back to Dallas's apartment. He just hoped it wasn't violence. He could tell from what Pony described Dallas wasn't in a good mood. So hopefully it had blown over by then.


Johnny sighed heavily as he walked into the apartment. He was disappointed to see Dallas drinking on the couch. Dallas had slowed down drastically with his drinking out of Johnny's wishes. Dallas was happier that way. He realized alcohol really was just a scapegoat for him. Something to blame when he was being bottom-of-the-barrel trashy.

Dallas hadn't really drank much yet. He took a few sips and it was like witch craft in a way, it was like it summoned Johnny to arrive finally. Dallas was relieved to see Johnny. He put down the alcohol and stood to his feet. "I only took a sip, promise. Can we talk? I've missed you..." Dallas said softly.

"Dump that thing out please... I don't know when you got it, or care how much you paid for it, but I want it gone please." Johnny asked softly. His voice was stern, but he was shy at the same time. Johnny stayed by the door for the time being. Dallas didn't even hesitate. He didn't care about the money. If Johnny wanted it gone, it was gone. Dallas took the drink to the kitchen sink and dumped it out.

He was a little bit sad he couldn't drink his feelings like he used to.

While Dallas was off doing that, Johnny took the chance to take a seat. It wasn't directly next to where Dallas was sitting. Dallas got the message Johnny didn't feel safe being that close when he walked back into the room. Johnny had his arms wrapped around himself. Something Johnny did in uncomfortable situation to make himself feel safe. Dallas took a mint so the few sips of alcohol couldn't be smelled on his breath.

Dallas took a seat and looked at Johnny, his face was flat while Johnny's was solemn. "Hey, can you look at me for a sec?" Dallas asked. He was used to people not giving him enough respect to even look at him while he talk. But him and Johnny were supposed to have that level of respect with each other. Johnny looked at Dallas reluctantly, understanding that it would be upsetting for the other if he didn't.
"Thank you," Dallas started, "Look, I understand how upset you've been with me lately. I don't know how I missed everything. I guess it's because I've been pretty lost in my mind recently. There's something I've been meaning to tell you. But I'm scared for your reaction. I don't know if you will accept me, or just think I'm a piece of sh*t for saying it. But the secrets stop today, I'm not going to be making you upset more over this anymore." Dallas said. He wanted this to be over with already. He knew everyone else in the situation wanted that too.

Johnny was quite honestly scared sh*tless of what Dallas was going to say. It sounded bad. Maybe whatever he was going to say would make Johnny not feel as guilty for entertaining Ponyboy's flirting.

"Johnny... I'm coming out to you. I'm Polyamorous," Dallas revealed. "I know it might just sound like an excuse to be a whor* or to 'cheat' on you... but I genuinely feel this way. I love you so so much and I can't imagine you not being in my life or world. But this is me... and I crave something more... I hope you can accept me still." Dallas poured his heart out, looking hopelessly into his boyfriends eyes.

Johnny felt his heart shatter, not because Dallas was coming out to him. But because Johnny realized why Dallas was acting so odd for the past while now. He was scared Johnny wouldn't want him anymore. He felt awful about it. "Oh Dally... I don't hate you, I don't think I could ever do that. I don't care what you are or what you identify as. All that matters is that we're together. If you want a third person, my heart is open. I loveyouforyou." Johnny said. He put his hand over Dallas's heart.

Dallas gently put his hand over Johnny's, "You I have no idea how happy I am to hear you say that, Johnny. From how Ponyboy was coming at me, and everything else going on... I genuinely thought I was going to lose you. Which is something that I don't think I'd ever be able to live with." Dallas said. It was the truth. Johnny was a major part of Dallas that he couldn't live without. But there was just still a big chunk of him missing.

"But now that you mention it... maybe we could talk about looking into finding somebody for us. I want to try this with you. I love you so much, and I'm sure together we can find somebody we can love a lot together." Johnny said. He gently rubbed the others chest.

"Well... I know this sounds pretty ridiculous, and we'll probably get in trouble for it, but what if we talk to Ponyboy? He probably hates me, but I know how you feel about him... He's not a bad person. But I think with some relationship training he can get used to both of us." Dallas said. Johnny's eyes widened. He never thought he would get to hear such a thing from Dallas. He gave Dallas a big hug.

Dallas was kind of avoiding the fact that he did genuinely like Ponyboy in a romantic way. He was such a succubus with how he was always with them, because he always wanted to be with Johnny. It was one of those things where he knew Ponyboy was something he technically couldn't have, because he wanted his boyfriend. But it was something to certainly strive for.

"Oh Dally... we'll talk to him later tonight. How does that sound? I told him I would talk to him in the morning about how this conversation went, but since we need to talk to him as well, I think talking tonight might be better. Just throw everything out on the table." Johnny said, he slowly pulled away.

That's exactly what they did. Dallas and Johnny got their stuff together, and they were going to go find Ponyboy. They would take him to the lot and explain everything once they got there.

Johnny had a hunch Ponyboy would say yes.


Ponyboy was still back at the Curtis house, the place he lived in, y'know. So the couple took him to the lot from there. It was pretty late at night, but the eldest Curtis brother let it go since it seemed important.

Darry was too tired to argue about bed time. Sodapop just told them to be quiet when coming back into the house, as to not wake anybody up. Being courteous to everyone in the house and all.

Ponyboy was confused as hell when they got to the lot. He assumed that the couple made up. But he was scared they were going to jump him about interfering with their relationship. Saying Ponyboy was sh*tting his pants was an understatement.

"So... what's going on?" Ponyboy asked, looking at the couple. Johnny smiled softly, approaching Ponyboy. Johnny put his hands on Ponyboy's shoulders.

"We have a question for you." Johnny said lowly. Ponyboy was scared Johnny was going to ask him something along the lines of how hard he could beg for mercy.

"W-what's the question?" Pony asked.

"Should we give him a bit of background at least?" Dally asked, he could tell Ponyboy was scared sh*tless.

"Nah," Johnny smiled. "Ponyboy, will you beOURboyfriend?" Johnny asked bluntly.

Hold the goddamn phone. Ponyboy was unsure if Johnny said that correctly.

"Our?" Ponyboy said, asking if he heard that right. Maybe telling the younger boy some background would have been better.

"Yes Ponyboy, our boyfriend." Dallas confirmed.

"B-but- you two are already dating!" Ponyboy said. He I wondered if this could possibly be a trap. Seeing if they could bait Ponyboy into doing something. To prove he was just trying to get to Johnny.

"Pony... Dallas only reserved himself from us for so long because he was hiding a secret from us. It was nothing bad. It was something we both experienced ourselves. He was in the closet. Dallas was to scared of our reactions." Johnny explained.

"I was not scared-"

"That's not what you said an hour ago," That shut Dallas uprealquick.
"Ponyboy, Dallas is Polyamorous. He was nervous we were going to think he was a whor*." Johnny said. Finally getting to the point instead of beating around the Bush. Puzzle pieces were finally starting click inside of the younger males mine.

"Oh... oh my God- Dally I'm so sorry-" Ponyboy couldn't even begin to think of an apology. Something that could genuinely make up for the confusion hurt that was brought up.

"Pony, that's a burden to think about another day. Just answer the question." Dallas said. He was honestly already over all of that stuff.

Pony paused, "Darry is gonna kill you and then me, Dally. But my answer is yes. And before you think about it, no, I'm not just agreeing to be with Johnny. I think us being at each other's throats for this past while is just our way of trying to express that we like each other." Ponyboy said shyly. Johnny pecked his cheek. Such a simple gesture made Ponyboy want to explode. But in the good way this time. But not in the sexual way either.

"I trust ya," Dallas said, he pecked the other cheek. Ponyboy felt butterflies in his tummy.

If this was a dream, Ponyboy hoped he never woke up.

Just another one of his never-ending daydreams.


Things were getting hot in Ponyboy's room, but oddly enough it had nothing to do with him. In fact, it had everything to do with his boyfriend's, Johnny and Dallas. Ponyboy was sitting at his desk, trying his hardest to work on his assignments for school. But his bored boyfriend's were getting pretty deep in a heated make-out session right behind him on his bed.

To say it was difficult to concentrate, was just barely scratching the surface. Ponyboy desperately wanted to be included too. But he knew better. Although he was ready for certain things in their relationship, he just needed to get his work done right now. No matter how many times they just begged him to come to bed, Pony knew his limits and he had to a schedule to stay on top of.

He let the Shenanigans happen because there was no repercussions he could face. Ponyboy moved out of the bedroom he used to share with his older brother, Sodapop. When Ponyboy came out and he was dating Johnny and Dallas, everyone in both parties decided it was just better for Ponyboy to have his own bedroom again. What about his nightmares? Johnny was staying there most of the time, so he was there to keep Ponyboy company. Although it was usually squalor because Ponyboy wanted to touch, but Johnny wanted to sleep half the time. And it went back and forth like that, sometimes the spot switching. Sometimes Johnny would touch and Pony was already asleep.

Not a lot would happen anyway, though. Because Darrel had a rule of leaving the door open most of time. So by the time they could close the door, the time had passed.

Although they had all made out and occasionally touched, sex was completely off the table. Ponyboy didn't even want to think about it. He just wasn't ready. But sex with something Dallas couldn't wait for, so he and Johnny were having sex. The rule there being that they couldn't talk about it, and they couldn't try to bring Ponyboy into it. Knowing Ponyboy's emotions and feelings towards. Because although he wasn't ready, it made him feel sad that he couldn't be included. It was weird. And it was a lot of heavy emotions that Ponyboy just didn't understand.

'...Divide the seven on both sides, move everything down-'Ponyboy was doing the math quietly when suddenly, noises that were at first forbidden, were starting to be heard.

Johnny gasped softly against the others lips, "Dallas, a-ah..." Johnny moaned as Dallas was trying to grab his penis. They both knew the rules, just sometimes it was easy to get too carried away.

'Oh, are you f*cking kidding me-'Pony thought. Ponyboy had a harsh blush painted all over his face. It was his whole face, ears, and even his neck was red.

"Yeah, mm... touch me like that, God please~" Johnny was begging the other. Ponyboy really didn't want to say anything, but he needed to step before he would have to explain to Darrel why he was washing his sheets in a panic.

Ponyboy dared to turn around, peeking over his shoulder to see what was going on behind him. What he saw what less worry-some than what he had expected. Ponyboy was overall just feeling pretty lousy about how his wishes weren't being respected. Pony turned back around in his seat, crossing his legs. He got half-way through another problem before he heard his bed start to rock. He knew it was from the two of them grinding on each other.

He groaned and turned around once more, "Hey! What the heck guys? We have an agreement..." Ponyboy said. Watching them go at it like this made Ponyboy suddenly sad. Had he been the real rock in this relationship? Making them jump through hoops over something total normal for boys their age?

Their reactions to his complaint only sold how he felt, as well as what he thought they were thinking. That awful third-wheel syndrome that had happened to all of them at one point or another. Dallas looked pissed-off and Johnny was flustered from not being able to get anything more. Ponyboy felt his skin get hot out of anxiety.

The two of them grudgingly separated from each other, moving on different sides of the bed. They both looked kind of pissed at this point. "I'm sorry... I- I think maybe you two should go so you can be alone. And do... whatever I guess." Ponyboy said. He didn't want to step between them like this. Ponyboy finished the last of his homework, he just wanted to do something that wasn't think about the current situation he was in.

The only thing that solved was the fact Ponyboy head homework. He quickly closed up his notebook and everything, sending it up neatly on his desk. He couldn't look over at the other two, he was embarrassed and felt lousy about it.

"Ponyboy... don't start this now." Johnny said. Ponyboy's response to their response only made Johnny more cranky. "We already stopped, it's passed." He said grudgingly. Dallas went limp at the mere tension in the room, so he felt about the same. But he still felt guilty about how he and Johnny broke their promise to Ponyboy.

"Johnny... cool it, man. We agreed to keep it PG-13 with him, that was nearly Rated R." Dallas said. The 17-year-old looked at the 16-year-old judgmentally.

"Hanging around you in general should be Rated R, considering how much you cuss. Or all of us combined." Johnny said. He frowned a little bit, he did realize they were still crossing the line.
"Pony... look, I'm sorry okay? Just come cuddle." Johnny said. He had his arms wrapped around himself. Dallas nudged Johnny a little. Johnny didn't even look his way.

Ponyboy went over to the bed, laying in between the two of them in his bed. "Let's just forget about it." Ponyboy said. He wrapped his arms around Johnny's waist. Johnny wanted to be distant, but he immediately melted into the others touch. Giving in to Ponyboy almost immediately.

"I love you guys," Dallas said.

"Yeah, we love you too." Ponyboy said softly.

Chapter 14: I'll Do It Myself (Jally)


Originally posted in 2020


Chapter Text

Johnny and Dallas had been living together for a while now. 6 months maybe? They have been dating for about a year and a half.

They were cuddling on the couch, watching TV like they usually did on Saturday night. Johnny laid his head down onto Dallas' lap. Although Johnny was having a great time watching TV, he wanted something more.

Johnny was just wearing a plain white T-shirt and loose pajama pants. So, it was easy for him to shove his hand down there. Dallas didn't notice anything at first. Dallas didn't think his small boyfriend was playing with himself while lying on his lap.

Johnny was trying his hardest not to making any noises as he played with his soaking c*nt. He was slowly rubbing his cl*t with his middle finger. Johnny's other arm wasn't doing anything, he wanted desperately to finger himself. Or even something bigger...

Johnny was done with this. He decided, 'f*ck it.' Johnny began to let soft moans escape his lips. He wanted Dallas to notice what he was doing. Johnny wanted Dallas to f*ck him into the couch.

Dallas was still not noticing; Johnny was growing more impatient. Johnny began to moan louder, like at a normal conversation level voice. Dallas finally looked down and noticed what Johnny was doing. Johnny's eyes were closed at this point too, so he didn't notice Dallas was now aware of his actions. "Johnny?"

Johnny opened his eyes and looked up at Dallas, he didn't stop his movements. "Yeah?" Johnny looked up at Dallas innocently.Couldn't ignore me now, even if you wanted to, Dallas...

"What are you doing?" Johnny pondered what he should say for a moment.

"Masturbating." Johnny said. "Why?" He loved playing dumb.

"I uh-" Dallas was cut off by Johnny sitting up and straddling his hips. Johnny took his soaked finger and shoved it in Dallas' mouth.

"Dallas, I need you to listen to me carefully. If you don't f*ck me right now, I will go to our room, and f*ck myself. Got it, Big boy?" Johnny said. Dallas nodded his head. "Then what are you waiting for? f*ck me!" Johnny demanded. He removed his finger from Dallas' mouth. Dallas thought it was interesting how those fingers in his mouth were just inside his boyfriend seconds ago.

Dallas went in and kiss Johnny sweetly, Johnny could taste himself on Dallas' lips. "Lay down and take your pants off, sweet thing." Johnny obeyed. Johnny kicked off his Pajama pants and onto the floor they went. Johnny was left in his plain white shirt and black thong. Johnny didn't mind being a little feminine under the belt. It was what strangers could see is what bothered him. He knew his boyfriend could actually be respectful of his identity and little puss*. He didn't let his boyfriend inside of it for now reason.

Dalla took off his pants, which left him in just his underwear (When he's at home, shirts don't exist). Johnny was now soaking wet in his own fluids. Johnny spread his legs so Dallas could get in between them. "I love it when you where this thong..." Dallas said. When Johnny spread himself out like that, it was all out on display.

"Yeah, I know it's your favorite one~" Johnny said sweetly. Dallas smiled and he crawled in between Johnny's legs. Dallas ran his hands up and down Johnny's thighs.

Dallas noticed something as he was admiring his boyfriend. "Johnny?"


"Did you shave?"


"So, you planned this?"

"Maybe." Johnny smiled innocently. Johnny never felt pressured to shave consistently. But occasional grooming was something he also personally needed for himself. Dallas smiled back and shook his head. Dallas leaned down and got to work. He was kissing the insides of Johnny's thighs, softly at first. But as time went on, Dallas started to suck on Johnny's sensitive skin. Johnny let out soft moans as Dallas sucked on his thighs.

Dallas was slowly making his way up and closer to Johnny's puss*. But, Johnny wasn't taking that slow crap today. "Would you please hurry up? I'm f*cking shaking over here." It didn't help that his skin was on fire and the cool air was assaulting his spread out c*nt.

Dallas laughed, "Alright, alright." Dallas hooked his pointer fingers in Johnny's thong and pulled it off. Dallas marveled over Johnny's vagin*. He wasn't kidding when he told Dallas he was wet.Obviously. Dallas spread Johnny's legs a little wider before he began to eat the younger out.

As soon as Dallas' mouth hit Johnny's puss*, Johnny moaned. Johnny tangled his fingers in Dallas' greasy hair. Although it was natural grease, not the gel kind that he and Ponyboy wore all the time. Dallas was one of the only people in their gang that didn't put anything like that in his hair. Johnny always knew Dallas was a literal GOD with his tongue but, Dallas never failed to impress Johnny every time. "f*ck yeah, just like that, Dally."

Johnny continued to moan Dallas' name as Dallas ate him out. His hot tongue slipping in and out of his c*nt. Johnny's legs shook violently as he felt his org*sm approach. He had been sitting all desperate for too long, and now he couldn't last long at the hands of his boyfriend. "D-Dal, I'm close." Johnny muttered.

Dallas pulled his tongue out of Johnny's vagin* and began to suck on his cl*t. Johnny screamed in pleasure. After only another minutes or so of doing that, Johnny came all over Dally's face. Johnny let his legs go limp.
Dallas continued to lap up the mess around Johnny's vagin*. When Dallas was done, he sat up. "Did you want me to suck you off?" Johnny asked sweetly.

"Nah. Tonight, I want to be inside you. If you'll let me." Johnny smiled at the older mans comment.

"Of course, love." Johnny sat up and placed his hand son Dallas' chest. "Guess what else can be inside me?"

"Tell me," Dallas said, pulling Johnny closer.

"I'm on the pill now and all, so you can cum inside..." Johnny whispered. Dallas bit his lip.

"Are you sure, baby? This isn't like, a trap?" Johnny laughed at his boyfriend's comment.

"A trap?"

"Yeah like, you tell me you're on the pill and have me cum inside. But you're really not and now you're pregnant so I'll never leave." Dallas rambled. Dallas was referring to Johnny baby trapping him. Not tonight, dear Dallas.

"No hun, It's not a trap." Johnny smiled.

Dallas smiled back and kissed Johnny deeply. Johnny kissed back and wrapped his arms around Dallas' neck. Dallas laid Johnny back down on the couch and took Johnny's shirt off. He threw it on the floor with the rest of their clothes. Dallas kicked off his last article of clothing. This left both boys completely naked.

Dallas kissed from Johnny's chest, all the way up to his lips. "I love you, Johnny."

"I love you too, Dallas." Dallas lubed up his co*ck and aligned himself with Johnny's entrance. Johnny began to get nervous. Dallas was a solid 7-inches and pretty gerthy. And at this moment, Johnny can't remember the last time they had regular sex like this. Johnny knew he should have asked to be prepped first but now, it was too late.

Dallas pushed half of himself in and Johnny screamed in pleasure in pain. "GAH~" Johnny grabbed onto Dallas' muscular arms.

"Are you okay, Johnny?" Dallas asked concerned.

"Y-yeah, It's just a lot and it's been a while. But it's good." Johnny loosened his grip on Dallas and relaxed into the couch. Dallas waited until Johnny gave him the 'Okay' to move. "Okay, you can move now." Johnny whispered.

Dallas nodded his head and pushed the rest of his length inside Johnny. Dallas began to thrust at a steady pace.

As a few minutes went by Dallas began to thrust upward, looking for Johnny's G-spot. Eventually, he did. "f*ck~" Johnny moaned.

Dallas began to slam directly into Johnny's G-spot after he had found it. Dallas was going to leave Johnny's insides bruised from how he was defiling his insides at the moment. Finding enjoyment out of the faces and noises Johnny was making. Dallas could feel his own org*sm approach.

"I'm close, Johnny." Dallas panted.

"Me too, oh God!" Johnny moaned. Dallas could feel Johnny clench around his co*ck and Johnny came all over his co*ck. Dallas continued to f*ck the boy senseless, even as Johnny went limp.

Dallas came deep inside the younger boy. Dallas pulled out and shot a few more strings of cum onto Johnny's stomach.

Chapter 15: You're Worth The Pain (Purly)


Originally posted in 2020


Chapter Text

It was pretty late at night,12am tobe exact. Although most of the town was quiet or asleep, that didn't stop two certain teenagers from making a ruckus.

For the first time ever, Darrel had let Ponyboy stay the night at his boyfriend, Curly Shepard's house. Darry did not let Pony win without a fight, though. Darrel didn't want Ponyboy gallivanting around with that hood, but he couldn't stop them from seeing each other. All he could do was make boundaries and compromise with his little brother and hope he would be safe... whatever the hell he was doing.

Tim and Angela weregone soit was perfect timing for the two to finally go all the way. Ponyboy didn't think he was a prude in the keeping sex from his partner realm. But, Ponyboy was certainly not just going to give up something so easy like Curly was used to with past partners.

Curly and Ponyboy have been preparing for this opportunity for a while now. Curly made sure that he had everything ready when Ponyboy got there. He even cleaned up his room a little.

As soon as the pair made it to the older boys bedroom, they went at it. Curly pinned Ponyboy against thewall andthey began to heavily make out. Curly slipped his hot hands under the latter's shirt and let his hands roam. Making out was nothing new for the couple, so this was welcomed. Ponyboy just opened his mouth for the other and followed his lead. Ponyboy was new to the whole intimacy thing, but he was empty-headed. He could be assertive when he wanted to. Maybe assertive isn't the right word... Confident?

"Jump." Curly demanded. Ponyboy complied and jumped up. Curly grabbed Ponyboy's thighs and wrapped Pony's legs around his waist. Curly walked over to the bed, holding Ponyboy, and dropped him down onto the bed. Ponyboy giggled the whole way there. This was a moment he had imagined for a while. He always wondered what it was like to be the one in these scenarios, and not just a listener or a reader. The other guys talked about their sexual escapades a lot- Ponyboy was ready to have his own fun and be included too. As soon as Curly let go of Ponyboy, he began to take off his clothes.

When Ponyboy hit thebed hewaited for the bed to stop moving before he tried to take off any of his clothes. With how the bed moved he was nervous about falling off. Ponyboy was muscular, not as small as some people make him out to be. Johnny was actually the smallest height and weight wise. They were about the same height, but just by looking at him you would think Johnny didn't know you were supposed to eat to stay alive as a person.

Both boys were only in their underwear now. They marveled over each other for a moment before going back to what they were doing before. They smashed their lips back together roughly; Ponyboy spread his legs to let Curly in between them. It was like an instinct to just let the other male in.

Curly pulled away for a moment, "You made sure to prep today, right?" Curly asked. Curly was having Ponyboy use toys to stretch him out. They wanted to make sure that this went as well as it could.

Ponyboy had been prepping his tight asshole for weeks at this point.

Ponyboy remembers when he first started stretching...


Curly had shown up to his house out of the blue when no one was home one day. The two sat in Ponyboy's bedroom and had a chat about whether they were ready to take their relationship to that level yet.

They agreed that they were.

Ponyboy admitted to being avirgin andCurly already knew this. Curly had brought his bag with him thatday, Ponyboyhadn't taken notice to it at first. Until Curly opened it and pulled out at an array of butt plugs made for stretching. It was like a scale you used to slowly make your way up until you stretched to your desired width.

Curly had Pony pull down his pants to his mid thighsbut, toldhim to keep the rest of his clothes on (underwear not included). Curly then had Ponyboy lay down on his stomach.

Curly spent the next hour and a half getting Ponyboy adjusted to the smallest plug. Ponyboy did his best not to squirm too much, this is something he genuinely wanted. The lube was cold and Curly was a little rougher than he probably should have been for something like this. There was a lot of pressure when Ponyboy felt his boyfriend push the plug in. The younger male made some pretty unruly noises in response to the feeling.

Darry would surely kill Ponyboy and Curly both if he really knew what they did in their free time.


Back to now.

"Y-yeah, I managed. It was just hard without you there." Curly was usually always there to help Pony, especially if he was going up a size. He couldn't be theretoday andhe felt bad about that. It made him feel better to have a support there through it. But also insertion wise it was easier for Ponyboy to lay there and let Curly put it inside of him.

"I'msorry Pony, I'mherenow though, right?"

"Yeah..." Curly smiled softly and kissed Ponyboy sweetly. Pony gave a weak smile back and laid down on his stomach. Curly ran his hands up and down Ponyboy's sides. He hooked his fingers in Ponyboy's waistband and pulled off both articles of clothing.

"You have a real nice ass, you knowthat right?" Curly commented. Ponyboyblushed althoughCurly couldn't see it. People made comments on his body a lot, but it was always special when it came from someone he loved, like Curly. Curly took off his underwear and let his aching erection free.

Curly leaned over and took the lube out of his nightstand. He put a generous amount on his co*ck and some on Pony's entrance. Curly aligned himself with Ponyboy's entrance, "Are you ready, Pony?"

"Y-yes." The plug was still inside of him from when he went up a size earlier. He didn't want to take any chances so he left it in all day. Now he was basically just gaping... It felt weird to feel the air on the inside. Curly carefully removed the plug, setting it off to the side. "Grn... sh*t," Ponyboy whined at the feeling.

Curly slipped in his tip and groaned at the sensation. Ponyboy hissed at the slight pain. Curly was still an actual thick rod, so the difference was like night and day. At least Ponyboy could confidently say he was no longer a virgin. Now people could stop teasing him for that. Although Darrel might beat his head in for it.

Curly stayed put as he waited for Ponyboy's 'Okay' for him to move. "You can move now." Ponyboy whispered. Curly started to move but not at a slow pace. "Easy Curly, you're gonna make me tear." Ponyboy panted. He didn't think he would actually tear, but the pressure sure made it feel like he could be close to something of the sort.
Curly slowed down a bit but still continued to f*ck the younger boy into the mattress. Curly was on the search for Ponyboy's prostate and soon found it successfully. "Oh God yes, right f*cking there, Curls-" Ponyboy moaned. They were coming to realize Ponyboy had no control over his volume.

"Got 'cha." Curly mumbled. Curly began to slam into Ponyboy, hitting Pony's prostate every time with ease. Ponyboy held onto the bed sheets for dear life.

Ponyboy moaned with every thrust. "C-Curly, I think I'm close~" His first time being with someone with a lot of experience was making this a short-lived journey. Especially with the way Curly was slamming his prostate.

"Do you think, or do you know?" Curly kept a steady pace as they talked.

Ponyboy came onto the bed with a loud moan.

A few dozen more thrustslater andCurly pulled out of the younger and came all over Ponyboy's lower back.

After a few minutes of rest, Curly took a rag out of his bedside table that he had been saving forthis, andcleaned up the mess he had made on his boyfriend's back.

Curly sat on the edge of the bed and looked over to Ponyboy. "Did you have fun, baby?" Curly threw the rag on the ground and lit a cigarette, taking a drag.

Ponyboy sat up and took a drag from Curly's cigarette. "Yeah, it was worth the pain."

Chapter 16: Lemon Tree (Johnnypop Mpreg)


Originally posted between June-August 2022

Combined 3 chapters into one.

CW: Mpreg, angst, accusations of SA, mentions of past abuse

Have you seen my childhood?

Chapter Text

Johnny was standing in the nursery of his newborn. He was afraid to even step closer to the infant. Sodapop was standing behind him, observing the situation. He and his husband Sodapop had successfully conceived and delivered a precious baby boy. Which Sodapop lovingly named Lemon James Cade. Since he was more of the food themed Curtis, he went with it when it came to unique names. Plus, there were other people out there named Lemon.

Johnny was being so standoffish with the baby because he was afraid, as mentioned before. Johnny knew he wasn't his parents. However, deep down he was still terrified of what he could do. Johnny was still a human, and sleep deprivation was one hell of a thing. Johnny was too terrified to pick up his own son because of his own sh*tty parents. It was tearing Johnny up inside.

Johnny would get close to do something with his son, only to get freaked out and get Sodapop. Sodapop would, for example, be making food. He would ask Johnny to watch the baby and feed him, or something similar to that. Johnny would make the bottle, get to the crib with his crying son inside, and then run away. Trading off with Sodapop because he was simply unable to do it. Johnny didn't even fully understand why he was acting this way. He hadn't held his son since the day he was born, then when they took him home from the hospital two days later. Johnny just wanted to hold his son...

Sodapop was just as upset in the situation. Because he was tired and wanted Johnny to be able to have a physical bond with his son. Johnny needed to heal from his childhood so he could focus on the childhood of his son that he was currently shaping. A scared father was an absent father in this situation. Sodapop was going to be there for his husband to help him move forward and let go of the trauma he carried with him.

"Go ahead honey, stand next to the crib." Sodapop said softly from behind Johnny.

The smaller male slowly approached the crib. He held onto the railing and looked down to see his son. Lemon was looking up at his daddy, cooing and reaching his arms up to Johnny.

"You can pick him up, I promise." Sodapop said. Johnny shakily reached his hands down into the crib, gently picking up the baby. Focusing on supporting his head. Johnny brought Lemon against his body to fully support him. His entire body had a slight tremor to it; he was still so afraid.

"Deep breaths, love. Lemon is okay, you're okay. You're not going to hurt him. Don't psych yourself out... Enjoy being his father." Sodapop said. He had a hand gently rested against Johnny's back. It was soothing for him. Johnny relaxed more and adjusted the baby in his arms; it was starting to feel more natural. By the time Johnny looked down again to see how Lemon was doing, Lemon was asleep. Johnny smiled softly at the sight.

"You did it..." Sodapop praised. He was proud of the other male. It would probably still be awhile until Johnny could stand to be alone with the baby.

Johnny still couldn't help but feel terrible. What kind of person was he to go and have children, but not be able to care for them? It made him sick. Why did he rush into it when he knew he couldn't handle it? Well, it partially had to do with Soda. Soda wanted kids so badly, all of the other Curtis brothers had their own kids. Sodapop thought they were ready, but he didn't really pick up on how Johnny was feeling. Johnny didn't want to tell Sodapop no anymore, because it was something they both genuinely wanted.

"I'm sorry, Lemon..." He said softly. It wasn't fair to him or Sodapop.

As for the other Curtis brothers and their kids, it left Sodapop feeling like he had lost an non-existent race. Sodapop had trained his whole life just to be beat out, anyway. Darrel and Two-Bit had twin daughters: Kendall and Genovive. Ponyboy and Steve had a son: Chartreuse– yes, the color. That one specifically made Sodapop most upset. He was mostly grossed out by the fact his friend was plowing his brother; they are married now, but Sodapop was upset for many years while they were simply dating. Did Sodapop start going out with Johnny to get back at Pony? No, but it did even out the playing field that Sodapop made up in his own mind.

"Here, let's take him out into the living room with us. Just spend some time with him. Please?" Sodapop asked. He thought it would be useful for them to get that bonding time in. Then Sodapop would just get to be there and watch; spending time with them too, basically.

Johnny simply nodded and walked with the baby out into the living room. Johnny sat down on the couch with Lemon. Soda walked over and offered assistance again, "Lay him vertically down your body. He wants your warmth and he'll be more comfortable laying on you that way." Sodapop said. Johnny agreed and let his husband help him lay the baby that way.

Once Lemon was in a good position on his daddy, Johnny gently placed his hands on him to support him there. One on the back of his head and the other supporting his bottom. Johnny smiled softly as he held his son close to him.

Things would get better...


Johnny and Sodapop were currently fighting in the living room. Johnny made sure the baby's room door was closed so Lemon wouldn't be disturbed.

They were fighting because they had recently become sexually active again, and Sodapop was suspecting he was suddenly pregnant again. His body had just finished recovering, so they were making sure to stay protected. Soda was blind sighted by some symptoms and he was accusing Johnny of lying about using protection.

"I-I would never do such a thing, Soda. Enough, please... you don't even know for sure that you're pregnant. We've only had sex twice so far and I SWEAR I wore a condom." Johnny said. He was terrified. He would never assault his husband in such a way.

"Then explain these damn symptoms! Someone lied to me!" Sodapop said. He towered over his husband. Johnny was still a small guy.

"If you are, maybe the condoms are expired or just faulty." Johnny said. He just wanted to de-escalate the situation.

"You wouldn't check before using them on me?!" Sodapop screamed.

"We just bought them, I thought it would be okay-" Johnny said. He didn't think to look at anything, it seemed fine.

"You THOUGHT? See where that got you?" Sodapop huffed. Johnny frowned and looked down at his feet. No one ever saw Sodapop like this. Only Ponyboy did sometimes. Johnny didn't say anything. He was afraid Sodapop would only continue to yell at him if he did. Johnny would usually do this, simply shut down to make the people happy and not to push anything too far.

A few silent moments went by.

"I... I could get you a test if you wanted..." Johnny said quietly. If he was pregnant, Johnny would be scared. He used the condoms, so it would be the rubbers fault. Not Johnny. Soda was too worked up to even think about it.

"Oh, so you're saying there's a chance? So you did lie to me, you're not wearing anything?" Soda accused him again.

"No- I just- we don't know for sure. If a condom did break, we need to know now." Johnny said. He was still frowning, not like Sodapop could see. His head was still facing down.

"Fine. Get out." Soda said. He stomped off and slammed the door to their bedroom. He was really mad... Johnny almost wanted to walk out the door and never come back... it was a cruel thought, because he would never want to voluntarily abandon his son. Lemon needed both parents in his life.

Johnny slowly put on his shoes and left the house. He got into his car and tried his best not to cry. His feelings were hurt but he needed to get over it. He still loved Soda with all of his heart. Johnny took his time getting the tests and taking them back home. Johnny spent a solid 15 minutes sitting in his car before going into the house. He didn't want to go in there. His only driving force was Lemon. Johnny went inside and was quiet with the door. He didn't see Sodapop in the living room. He must have been somewhere else in the house. The bedroom still, maybe?

He walked around and Soda was not still in the bedroom. Johnny went to the nursery and Soda was changing Lemon. Lemon was making happy noises and Soda looked happy. Cooing down at his son and tickling him to make him squeal. They were so happy. Johnny didn't realize how long he was staring until Soda suddenly looked at the door. He saw Johnny there, Soda frowned.

Soda wasn't sad that he saw Johnny, he was sad from how he acted before he left the house. That shouldn't have happened. Soda had no idea where all of that built up anger came from. It was a mistake and Soda hoped he could make it up to his husband. Johnny quickly left the room, going to the bathroom. He left the tests on the sink and took care of the bag. Johnny didn't want to be in anyone's way, so he went to his office to sort of hide. Sodapop put their baby in a playpen. He would be okay for a few moments. Soda frowned more when he saw the tests on the bathroom sink, he felt like such an ass.

Sodapop shut the door to the bathroom and went with it. He really did need to make sure...

Johnny heard the door shut and he went to attend his son. He picked him up and went to the living room to spend time with him. Lemon shouldn't be left alone when he was awake. Johnny laid Lemon on his chest for comfort. Some more time went by and he heard Sodapop exit the bathroom. The results were in. Johnny was still scared of Soda... He held onto his baby, Soda couldn't yell at him if he had the baby.

"Johnny, Sweetie...?" Soda said softly. Johnny didn't move. He didn't want to look.

"Yeah?" He said simply.

"They're all negative... I'll get the thermometer to see if I have a fever. I might just have the flu." Soda said. He really put himself in a bad place here. He walked away after that, they would have a conversation afterwards. If Sodapop did have the flu, he would need to stay away from the baby. The flu could be deadly for an infant.

Johnny kissed the top of Lemon's head. Lemon was his safe haven. He put Lemon on a tummy time mat in the living room. He sat down on the floor with him, watching him put his head up and build up his strength. Soda came back, "It's 101 fever... I think I just have the flu. I must have gotten it from work." Soda said. He felt so terrible, he basically accused his husband of sexually assaulting him. (In the sense of if Johnny lied about not having a condom on, Soda didn't consent to that kind of sex.)

"You should go lay down. I don't want you to get more sick, so rest up. I'll bring you some medicine and food if you're up for it." Johnny said. He gently petted the baby's head. Soda felt even more guilty than before. All that sh*t happened and Johnny was still looking out for him. Soda stomped on him and Johnny basically said thank you for it.

"Okay... I would appreciate some medicine. I'll hold off on the food. Thank you, lovely." Soda said softly. He waved goodbye to the baby and went to bed. He snuggled up and sighed, could this get any weirder?


It was later that night and the baby was asleep. The parents were supposed to be asleep, but instead they were having another talk. Johnny didn't want to cause problems, so he stayed quiet and submissive.

"Can we talk about what happened?" Soda asked. Johnny nodded. "I'm sorry about all the sh*t I said. I was stressed and ill, and I shouldn't have let myself burst on you. I'm sorry. Really sorry. I'll do anything to make it up to you." Soda said. He gently placed his hand on the side of Johnny's face. He gave his lover a very weak smile.

Johnny didn't want to be rude, but he was tense and not ready to be touched right now. He had a lot of trauma weighing on him. Touch right now just made him want to hide and cry more. Johnny simply nodded again in response.

"Please say something..." Soda said.

"I-it's okay." He said. Johnny had Soda remove his hand from his face.

"Maybe we could make up physically?" Soda said. He was so used to people wanting his body or idolizing it, so it was what Johnny wanted, wasn't it? Not with Johnny, he wasn't driven in that way. Hr thought maybe to patch up their physical strain, was to be physical.

"No- I mean, no thank you. I-I don't think now is a good time." Johnny said. He had a new sexual fear. Johnny was in no shape to have sex any time soon. He was scared it would be held against him and he would be accused of more things. He was scared Sodapop would flip on him again, or at any second if Sodapop thought Johnny was doing anything suspicious.

Sodapop frowned, Johnny was afraid... it was all like a never-ending nightmare. Soda's eyes started to water, he wished he could just make it better already. He knew it wasn't ever going to be an easy fix.

Johnny was living with constant anxiety, and it seemed to never stop. There was always something new popping up to ruin it all over again. Johnny balled himself up to be smaller.

"I-I'm sorry, please don't cry. We-we can make up." Johnny felt bad, he didn't want Sodapop to cry over it.

"No just- stop a second. It's fine. I can't even sit next to you without you gettin' scared. It was going so well... I was able to get you to hold out infant. Now I can't get you to touch me. It's one thing after another with us. I'm tired of it." Sodapop was frustrated. He got up and left the room.

He hoped things would fix themselves, because he had no idea what to do.


Johnny had been feeling sick all week since the big argument between him and his husband. Whatever Sodapop had, he had it now. He called off of work and was resting up in bed. The couple had stayed quiet about their problems, keeping all the issues inside of their home. Trying to not let it affect their baby. Johnny was terrified of leaving his own broken home only to make one for himself in his new life. Johnny was currently tucked under the covers, home alone with the baby. He was scared to care for Lemon though, because he didn't want to get him sick. Therefore, he called up his only outlet: Ponyboy. Pony was more than happy to come over and help out with the little one.

Maybe if he was up for it, Johnny would open up about the fight.

Ponyboy had a key to the home, so Johnny didn't try to answer the door when he heard someone messing with the knob. He at least hoped it was just Ponyboy trying to get inside. When he heard the door shut and lock, he knew it was just Pony. Burglars don't lock the door behind them- did they?

Johnny continued to simply lay still and let things happen. He heard a soft knock and then the door opened. Some soft footsteps could be heard next.

"Pony...?" Johnny croaked.

"Hey hun, I'm here. I'm going to check on Lemon and then I'll be back for you. Okay?" He said. Pony was really worried about the friend, but he was here to help the baby and clean up. Make sure the home was sanitary so no more illness would spread around.

Johnny hummed in response; even that sounded raspy. Ponyboy left the room to care for the baby.

Ponyboy made sure to sanitize his hands before picking up Lemon. He was awake, he just wasn't making a fuss. There was a time management magnet board next to his crib. It showed the last time he was fed, bathed, changed, etc. He thought that was a very efficient system. It was to prevent overfeeding and Lemon being neglected in general because they couldn't remember things. It had been almost three hours since he last ate, which was around the time Johnny contacted him. So it was time for another bottle for the little guy.

He picked Lemon up and took him into the kitchen. He put the baby in a small play crib they had out in the living room. He brought it into the kitchen so he could keep an eye on him. Pony then started to walk around to make a bottle. Boiling the water, mixing in formula, shaking it up, letting it cool off. Then he went back to the baby boy, picking him up and holding him. He sat down on the couch and fed the baby. When Lemon was all done eating he was burped.

Ponyboy was going to play with the baby, but little Lemon was much too tired to do anything else. So he simply put the playpen back into the living room, and then put the baby down for a nap after about thirty minutes. When he was done with the baby, Pony went to check on his friend again.

"Hey Johnny... I'm back. Have you taken any medicine in the past four hours?" Pony asked, gently awakening his friend. He couldn't sleep off the illness forever. He needed to keep up with the medicine so he would be able to properly heal.

"I... don't remember. I don't think so. I've been asleep." He said. Johnny was a mess. It always felt like one thing after the other at this point. Johnny just wanted to sleep and pretend for once that the world couldn't get him. He hated every second of it all. Johnny sat up and looked at his friend; Johnny looked like the ghost of who he used to be.

Pony took the medicine off of the bed side table, pouring a shot of it into the small plastic cup. He gave it to Johnny to drink up and enjoy, if he could even relax enough to do so.

"What's going on?" He asked.

"I think Soda gave me something... he was sick for a bit." Johnny had a sh*t immune system, so he didn't take it as well as Sodapop probably did. He shifted his eyes so he didn't have to look at his friend when he said it.

"Alright... You alright? Is it just cuz you're sick or are you not looking at me because of something else?" Ponyboy asked. He sat down next to his friend on the bed.

"Soda and I got into a fight when he was sick. He thought I uh... was lying about having a condom on while we were having sex. He thought he was pregnant again. He was so mad... What he was insinuating was that I had..." Johnny could barely say it. "Raped him, basically. Pony, it broke me into a million pieces when he told me all of this. I swore up and down, but he didn't feel sorry until after he got a negative pregnancy test." Johnny was wavering just reciting the incident. He didn't want to think about it too hard.

"He said he was sorry, he did feel bad. But, the damage was done for me. I couldn't handle it, I just shut down. He tried to initiate sex and I only got more reserved from there. He felt even worse. We haven't had much interaction since." Johnny finished.

Ponyboy was honestly mortified just hearing about all of this. He had no idea how to even react to all of it. He felt terrible for his friend and his baby.

"Jesus f*cking christ..." Ponyboy said. He slowly shook his head in disbelief. They were such a happy couple, how could it crumble to this?

"Sodapop is just stressed after having Lemon. I guess I can't blame him too much..." Johnny said. He had so much guilt in his body, he thought that was Ponyboy telling him that it was all his own fault.

"What? Johnny, you can't possibly actually think that. That was borderline emotional abuse that he did. I love my brother and I love you, but that isn't right. What the hell is even going on in this house? I feel so bad for you and your family. But I'm not saying that out of pity. I'm saying that because I'm really worried. That kind of behavior doesn't come out of nowhere. Even if having a baby around is stressful, it shouldn't lead to accusing each other of f*cking rape." Ponyboy said. He was really upset by this news. He didn't want to believe his brother could do such a thing, but it was obvious that it was too ridiculous to lie about such a thing.

Johnny would gain nothing from it.

"Oh... I'm not sure anymore. I want to do what's right for me, my son, and my husband. Everything just seems so blurry now... I'm sick, I'm tired, I feel like nothing is going right. I want to make it right with Sodapop, but I'm- I'm terrified." Johnny said. He was pouring his heart and soul out to his friend; he hasn't been this vulnerable with Ponyboy in a while.

Ponyboy had to sit there and soak it all in. On one hand, yes, there was a lot of concern to keep their family together. On the other hand, what could they do to ease back into each other.

"Do you think just being honest with him that you're scared, will that do anything?" Ponyboy asked.

"I don't know. I think he might just have a breakdown again." He said. Johnny laid back down in his bed. He just wanted to disappear at this point.

"Although, I don't really see myself doing anything else in this situation, either." He added. Johnny was basically putting all his eggs in the same basket and hoping for the best.

He didn't want any family drama, he was just trying to fix things. Johnny just didn't know how. He was sick as hell and Johnny was struggling to even take care of himself. Let alone a baby and his husband.

As Johnny stared up at the ceiling, he began to cry again. This was it. This was a new rock bottom for Johnny.

"Johnny..." Ponyboy hugged his friend. He knew this sh*t wasn't going to be easy. "Just go for it. I'm here for you." Ponyboy said. Johnny made Ponyboy pull away from him.

"No! You don't get it. Do you know the guilt I already carry? I'm not being a wall in between you and your brother. You have nothing to do with it. It's not fair." Johnny said. He was broken up about all of the details. It was like a literal nightmare.

"Johnny, he could be my dad for all I care. What's going on between you two needs to be dealt with. What he is doing ain't good for either of you. I'm not going to stand around with my dick in my hand, just watching it all happen." Ponyboy said. It hurt his heart having Johnny push him away. But, he did understand why he did it.

Johnny let the words soak in. Ponyboy did have a point. You couldn't keep toxic people around you. It wasn't easy to change them, but it was worth a shot to at least point out the issue. Johnny, although, still would never consider Sodapop toxic.

"I'll talk to him later tonight. I'm sick and it's a bad time, but it's like I'm being eaten alive." Johnny said. Ponyboy knew what feeling his friend was talking about. It was sh*t, but there was a glimmer of hope. They wouldn't be able to see it clearer until after Johnny and Soda had a talk with one another.

"Thank you..." Ponyboy said. Lemon started to cry, so he stood up from the bed. He looked down at his friend. Things would go up from here soon.



Johnny had been nervous all day since he and Ponyboy had their talk. Johnny didn't want to cause anymore problems, he just wanted it all to stop. He was afraid to admit he was afraid. He was so used to a statement like that just making the people in his life angry. Johnny had very low expectations for all of this. God, he just wanted to throw up. It didn't help that he was still sick.

Johnny was able to get a couple more hours of sleep in before Ponyboy left for the day. He would come back around if he needed to. Most likely tomorrow if Johnny was still feeling like ass by the next day. Johnny wanted to go back to work and provide for his family. It would also just be an escape from home.

When Johnny got up, he did some chores. He was sick, but things still needed to get done. They weren't going anywhere, and he didn't want to make Sodapop do chores as soon as he got off of work. Johnny made sure to wash his hands and use hand sanitizer every time he touched the baby or his things. Infection control things.

Johnny could feel his heart drop down into his chest when he heard Sodapop come home. His car parked out front and walked inside their home. The sound of his car keys hitting the key dish in the front of the house. Johnny put Lemon in a playpen for now, maybe when he was done talking to Sodapop he could go back on his play mat and crawl or do some tummy time. Johnny was ready to keep things at face value.

Johnny went to where his husband was, Sodapop was surprised to see him. He was so used to Johnny running away from him. But he was happy to see his husband this close to him again.

"Hey, what's up?" Sodapop greeted.

"Can we talk?" Johnny asked. Sodapop's face fell almost immediately. He was really worried about this. Please don't let it be divorce.

"Yes... Should I sit down?" Sodapop asked. He knew nothing good would come out of that statement. Sodapop was already mentally preparing himself for devastation.

Johnny nodded. The two of them sat down, a generous amount of space between them still.

"Sodapop, I'm going to be honest with you. What you did... It has left me terrified. I can't lay in bed with you, kiss you, or sit near you. It- it's brought this whole side of defense out of me I haven't seen since I left my parents behind. You're not like my parents, no. But, I'm just f*cking scared in general. The thought of being accused of sh*t like that again... I can't bear it!" Johnny exclaimed. He felt sick to his stomach just saying it out loud.

Soda sat there and soaked it all in at once. He had to think.

"I- I want to make it better. Please, Johnny. How do I make it better?" He asked. Sodapop felt useless in this situation. He didn't know how to fix it.

"I want..." Johnny didn't know if it was because he was anxious or all the cold medicine he had taken, but he was having trouble thinking of an answer. "Space." He said.

"Do you want me to move out?" Sodapop asked, he was crushed. His mind was going to all the worst-case scenarios.

"No! No, don't move out of the house. I just think it would be better if we kept our space until I warm up more. Until all these nerves have worn and I feel better." Johnny said. He was tired of everything. He wanted to be alone.

"So, you don't want a divorce, right?" Soda asked, he wanted to reassure himself.

"What? No, I don't want a divorce." Johnny said. Soda had thought about separating? sh*t, man. That hadn't crossed his mind seriously. On the other hand, Sodapop felt consumed by the fear of Johnny leaving.

Sodapop wasn't made to be a divorcee. He saw what it did to other families, and he wanted to spare his own. He was happier with his family together, and it was better for Lemon's upbringing.

"Okay, good... I was worried..." Sodapop admitted. Johnny just looked at him a little bit confused for a while, but didn't say anything.

"I'll give you space. You'll come to me when you're ready for me to come back around, right?" Sodapop asked.

"Yes, Sodapop. I promise." Johnny said. He felt bad knowing how stressed out his husband was. But it was for the best if they just gave each other some space. Johnny needed it.


Johnny had fully recovered from what he was sick with. He was feeling a lot better, and was feeling like he was able to have control over himself again. For a while there, Johnny just felt sad and alone. Johnny thought he was finally able to bring his husband back so they could continue with their marriage. It was basically on a long pause while Johnny set up some boundaries. It was weird...

Sodapop had been miserable. He lived in a home with his baby and husband, but it was like he lived alone. He slept alone, he took care of the baby alone when it was his turn, he came home to nothing. Soda felt very lost in his life without his husband. He had a lot to think about. He would know longer lash out on his husband, whether it was hormones or not. There was no right to make such accusations like that.

Giving birth was traumatic, but that didn't mean he needed to make everyone else around him miserable.

Sodapop was a very talkative person. Now he had no one to talk to besides baby Lemon and the air. He needed social interaction so badly. It was like there was an unbearable weight on his shoulders. This felt like a post from the r/AITA from reddit.

Sodapop decided he would go to the store and make a little 'I'm sorry' basket. He would try to collect all of Johnny's favorite things and give it to him. That would hopefully wrap everything up. He knew it was sort of slapping a band aid on it, but it was all he could think of.

So he packed up his baby and texted Johnny he would be out for a bit.

Lemon squealed as he was dressed and buckled up for the store. He was wearing a lemon onesie, which was adorable and fitting. It had a white background with a bunch of little lemons on it. Then a simple yellow pacifier, connected to his onesie by a wooden binkie-clip.

Johnny simply answered with, 'okay'.


Sodapop stayed positive as he got to the store. First order of business, getting something to put all of the goodies in. He got this cute wire basket that had a layer of black fabric on top of it. Sodapop thought it was cute.

Second order of business, snacks and drinks. Johnny loved cola and an assortment of different kinds of snacks. Sodapop wanted to make sure to get some specific dessert items as well. Like chocolate cake or cupcakes, and lemon bars. As for snacky items, Johnny enjoyed hot chips, jerky, little snack cakes, and goldfish.

Sodapop decided to make a base on the bottom of the basket. He got cases of cola for the bottom of the basket. He lined them up nicely to make the base. Next he put in the goldfish, snack cakes, and two bags of Johnny's favorite kind of jerky.

Sodapop took a break from his shopping to interact with his baby.

"Hi honey... Do you think daddy is going to like his basket? Do you think he'll want anything else?" Sodapop cooed. He thought maybe he could also get a little stuffed bunny to go in the basket. Johnny loved bunnies and stuffed animals. It was something that stuck with him after he lost his childhood to abuse.

Sodapop finished up his shopping with the other items he had on his list, as well as things he thought of on the spot. He checked out, made the basket in the car, and headed home. Little Lemon was tired and starting to get a little fussy, so Sodapop knew it was time to wrap up for the day.

Everything in the basket included:

-Snack cakes

-Lemon bars

-Chocolate cupcakes

-Hot chips


-Stuffed bunny

-Favorite cologne

-Favorite Candle/scent


Sodapop tried his best to make everything look pretty.


When he entered the home with Lemon to get him down for a nap. Once he was settled, Sodapop set up the basket in the kitchen. He smiled contently and went to go get his husband. Sodapop knocked on the door to their bedroom, calling Johnny's name.

"John? I'm home honey. I put lemon down for a nap, do you mind coming to the dining room for a second?" He called out.

Johnny was laying in bed, just scrolling through his phone. He thought for a moment and then sat up in bed, "Yeah." He replied simply. Johnny wasn't upset with his husband anymore. Johnny was just going back to how he used to act, which was being quiet and reserved. It was a coping mechanism for himself.

Sodapop led his husband to the kitchen table, where his gift resides. He waited excitedly ahead as Johnny followed. When Johnny entered the room, he was shocked to see the gift.

"Surprise!" He said happily.

Johnny couldn't help but smile when he was shown the gift basket. Was it all really for him...? It was rare to get such a big gift. Even from Soda- definitely not from anyone before him.

"Soda... did you... is it for me?" Johnny asked shyly. Sodapop nodded excitedly.

"Yes! Go ahead, look through it, hun." Sodapop said.

Johnny could feel his heart be filled with love. He couldn't believe it...

He felt guilty for how stand-offish he had been. Johnny's behavior was justified, but still. Sodapop went through all of this trouble for him. Johnny went through all of the items in the basket, almost crying when he got to the card inside the basket. It made him feel... relieved. He had nothing to worry about anymore.

"Soda... I can't thank you enough. I can't even find the right words to begin." Johnny said. He held the card to his chest, as if it would fly away if he sat it down anywhere.

"I love all of it... You know me so well, and know every bit of my story. You read every bit of my life like an open book..." Johnny said. He put the card with the rest of the stuff. He quickly went over and hugged his husband. Holding him close in their embrace.

Sodapop automatically hugged him back; he missed this so much. Johnny smelled so good, and his hug was just as warm and loving as they always had been.

"I love you my sweet boy."

"I love you too, Soda."

Chapter 17: Yesterday's Past (Jally Mpreg)


Originally posted in 2021

CW: Angst, birth trauma

Chapter Text

The steady beep of the heart monitor could be heard. Johnny had gotten out of surgery about 30 minutes ago. He was stitched up and bandaged where they had performed the c-section. Dallas sat next to Johnny's bed, he sat their nervously. They were both waiting for the people to bring back their daughter. They'd swooped her off after showing her to Johnny. They had to make sure she was okay, and do some routine things.

Dallas held Johnny's hand gently. Johnny was really out of it. The medicine was starting to wear off. He was pretty loopy to say the least.

"You did amazing, Johnny. She's here now, our baby girl is here..." Dallas felt close to tears. He never saw himself as being a parent one day. Yet, here he was with Johnny, years in the future.

Johnny looked drowsily at Dallas, "Can I see her...?" He asked. Johnny felt weird, he felt ten times lighter. But he was also stoned on the pain medication and anesthesia.[Not so fun fact, people tend to feel heavier after birth, ratherthenlighter.]Johnny just felt weird not being pregnant. But it was also a relief. Johnny tried to sit up, but he had to lean back as to not put pressure on his new wound.

Even though Johnny barely knew what day it was. He was still very excited to finally meet the baby his body worked so hard to make. His face was flat and his eyes drooped; he looked over at, Dallas.

"Soon, they had to go check her out. Make sure there's nothing wrong and check her vitals. We can hold her as soon as their done. It shouldn't be much longer." Dallas felt happy tears prick his eyes. He took his and Johnny's hands, gently placing them on Johnny's wound. Dallas had gone soft, because he thought everything about this was beautiful.

Johnny was mostly just hungry and confused.

Dallas was surprised he kept his cool during the operation. Johnny was awake, and Dallas was right next to him the whole time. There was a curtain covering Johnny's lower half, so Johnny wouldn't see. Johnny asked if everything was going okay, every time Dallas would smile and say yes. While in Dallas' mind, he was panicking. He had no prior knowledge of how these things worked. So he was horrified to see them putting Johnny's organs in bowls, remove their (thankfully) screaming daughter, and then put his organs back.

Johnny had a soft smile on his face when they showed him the baby. Dallas did see, but he was distracted by Johnny's intestines sitting in a metal bowl across from him. They usually didn't have to do that. But Johnny's situation wasn't like others for all of these reasons.

"Are you feeling alright, John?" Dallas asked softly.

"I kind of feel... light. Or like my organs were mixed around." Johnny's statement made Dallas' face go pale. "My arms are sore from being strapped down..." Johnny added softly. Neither of them knew that was a thing either. They had to make sure you were completely still during the operation. So they strap your arms down against the bed frame. It scared Johnny that he couldn't lift his chest or move his arms.

Dallas leaned down and kissed Johnny's head, "At least it's over." Dallas said. He wasn't one for comfort. But he was trying his best. Although Johnny did seem happy about their daughter's arrival, he still looked generally upset. "Is that all? You still look upset." Dallas had read in a magazine that mental health can decline after child birth. That worried Dallas since Johnny's mental health was bad before anyway.

"I'm going to have another scar..." Johnny said sadly. He already had so many scars from his parents and people beating on him his whole life. He didn't want more. He felt like Dallas would see him as uglier.

Dallas was confused, "Yeah, it'll fade like all the others. It'll still be there, but it's not a bad scar." Dallas meant it was connected with good memories.

"I- I don't need anymore scars. They're all over me, and they'll make me look uglier then I already do..." Johnny sighed sadly and looked away. Johnny was still happy, mostly just upset with himself. Johnny looked back at his lover, hoping for comfort. He felt vulnerable and scared.

Dallas was appalled at what he was hearing. "Johnny, your scars don't make you ugly. They never did. Your scars tell a story of how far you've come." Dallas gently patted the cesarean scar, "This one will most definitely tell the story. It's a beautiful story of how a couple of kids fell in love, and they weren't careful. But now they have a precious bundle to take care of. Don't be ashamed to tell a story like that." Dallas wanted to make a point. He felt like Johnny thinking the scar was ugly was basically a diss on their daughter. That's kind of how he felt, but he wouldn't dare say that out loud.

Johnny felt like crying, he didn't see it like that. He felt guilty now, "I'm sorry, Dally..." Johnny was just a scared kid too. Johnny didn't mean to get overwhelmed and upset. But ever since he got pregnant, his emotions were totally out of whack. Not to mention he was totally out of it right now. He blinked slowly at Dally, "She's going to be beautiful..." Johnny was still slightly nervous. This was a big responsibility, and it was time for them to officially grow up. As soon as their daughter was put into his arms, it would be time to say goodbye to the past. For good this time.

"I know she will, and don't apologize. Everything will click as soon as you hold her." Dallas said softly. He kissed Johnny's temple to help comfort him some.

It was finally now that they brought their baby girl to them. They gently laid her in Johnny's arms before leaving. Johnny smiled wide and held their daughter close to him. Johnny felt happy tears prick his eyes.

Dallas was taken aback, finally seeing her up close was something so surreal. They had waited so long to hold her. Now they finally could. It was a moment of bliss. She looked just like Johnny. "She's so beautiful..." Dallas said quietly.

Johnny couldn't hold it back anymore. He held their baby girl close and began to cry. He sniffled, "S-she is so beautiful..." Johnny glanced at Dallas quickly before looking back at her again. "Hi honey, oh my God you're so precious..." Johnny cooed. He gently stroke her cheek with his thumb. Any negative thoughts or feelings Johnny had before were long gone now. He was full of love and warm emotions.

"Johnny look at her, " Dallas gently pet her cheek as well. She was soft and warm. She looked so adorable swaddled in the animal print blanket the Hospital provided. Dallas had happy tears running down his face. "What should we name her?" Dallas asked his fiancé. He draped his arm around Johnny's shoulders.

"Here wait, why don't you climb in the bed with me? Just be careful-" Johnny scooted over in the bed. Dallas took off his shoes and got into bed next to Johnny. "Comfy?" Johnny giggled softly, only to stop immediately because it made his incision hurt.

"Yes, thank you." Dallas said gently with a smile.

"I honestly don't know about a name. I- I'm not too good about that kind of stuff." If Ponyboy and the rest of the gang were there. They'd probably come up with the name that was real unique.

Dallas nodded, "She looks like you, John." She had tan skin, and under her little hat was a few tufts of hair. She was already growing up so fast. "What about... Button? It's an older name, yeah. But look, she's as cute as a Button!" Dallas chuckled at his dad joke. Already at it with the God damn jokes-

^"Button... Daisy... Winston-Cade?" Dallas said slowly. He looked at Johnny after staring at their daughter for a while. Trying to figure out a name.

Johnny smiled and kissed her forehead. "Button?" It was a unique name. He knew he wanted their daughter to have a unique name like that. It would make the Curtis parents proud. "I was thinking something more floral, like Rose. Although there's nothing wrong Button. I actually like that name."

"That's why I think Daisy should be her middle name. I think Daisy's would contrast nicely with her skin tone. Therefore, I like Button be her first name, and then Daisy be the middle. Baby Button!" Dallas giggled. He kept his voice down even though he was quite excited.

Johnny bit his lip, Dallas was right. "It is unique like I wanted... Yeah, Button Daisy Winston-Cade it is." Johnny smiled. Dallas smiled happily, he was glad Johnny agreed.

At first, Dallas was nervous about giving their baby I'm reallyout-therename. But he embraced it in the end.

"She's so good, I'm surprised she's not crying or something..." Johnny said softly. He was kind of worried about that. Weren't babies supposed to cry? She cried when she came out, that's the most important part. Johnny kissed her forehead one more time, "Did you want to hold her, Dal?" Johnny asked. He didn't want to let go, but Dallas deserved a turn.

"Yes please," Dallas said happily, "Watch her start to cry as soon as she's in my arms." Dallas laughed softly. Johnny and Dallas worked together to gently shift the baby into Dally's arms. She whimpered as she was moved, but as soon as she was comfortably cradled in her father's arms. She calmed down and went back to being at peace. "Oh my God... Hi baby, welcome to the world..." Dallas cooed, more happy tears ran down his face. He was struggling to keep it together.

Dallas had never liked kids before. But he sure as hell felt a lot different about this kid. Baby Button fluttered her eyes open for a moment, before whimpering and closing them again. Of course they were piercing blue color. Eye colors aren't fully developed until a baby is around six to eight months old. Nonetheless, Dallas could feel his heart melt.

"Wow Johnny look, look at her eyes! Could you imagine if her eyes really did turn out blue? That's so pretty..." Dallas didn't really care about what her eye color would really be. He would love her no matter what. But darker skin with light eyes was rare, and Dallas thought that would be pure magic bundled into one little girl. Johnny's eyes were fine too. Those dark pools sure as hell sucked Dallas in-

Dallas stood up from the bed, taking baby Button with him. Johnny looked like he just walked out of a house fire. So Dallas stood up with their baby girl. Johnny tried to sit up a little bit, to watch them. It made him whine from the pain. He watched as Dallas rocked her carefully. Johnny was happy that Dallas wouldn't think of him any different now. He honestly didn't know why his anxiety told him to expect Dallas to hate him.

Johnny caught Button's eyes, they were piercing blue color. The color reminded him of Dallas' eyes, cold and hard. But that doesn't mean they couldn't be loving. "S-she's just so perfect, Dal..." Johnny said softly.

"I know she is, Johnny. But hey, be careful sitting up. I don't want you to burst your stitches or something." Dallas told Johnny carefully, "But yeah, I'm sure we'll be amazing parents. Since we know what not to do." Dally's nose was stuffed from all of the crying. He found it hard to breathe from his nose. "How are you feeling, drowsy, are you in a lot of pain?" Dallas asked, looking at his lover.

"I'm just tired and sore. It'll probably get worse once the medicine wears off and junk." Johnny said numbly. "But I'm fine over all, I'm happy." Johnny smiled weakly. Johnny held out his arms, silently requesting to hold his daughter. Dallas got the hint and walked over, putting baby Button back into his arms. Johnny awed as she yawned, whining a tiny bit. "I know honey, you've had a very big day." Johnny smiled softly.

Johnny was nervous about a few different things. He wanted to make sure he could keep Button safe. But he was also scared about how each of them we're going to handle the stress. Johnny was pretty fragile, but he could deal with it. He cared about his daughter. But as for Dallas, he was scared that he would just get up and leave. Couldn't handle Johnny and the baby, so he'd leave. Johnny thought no one would ever want him or Button.

Not to mention both Johnny and Dallas barely have any experience with babies.

Dallas cooed as he watched Button yawn, "You've both had a very big day. My two tired babies." Dallas bent down and pecked Johnny's lips. Johnny held baby Button close to his chest. "I can hold her again while you sleep or rest. You've been awake for like 12 hours. You must be exhausted." Dallas gently laid a hand on Johnny's arm. He didn't want him to pass out and end up hurting himself and/or their newborn. "I bet she's hungry, I can go flag down a nurse and asked for a bottle now. Plus we need to get you some water." Dallas said. He had read that babies need to eat around 50 minutes after birth. Button was getting more fussy, so Dallas assumed they were either getting close to the 50 minute mark, or they had already passed.

Johnny yawned, "Yeah, that sounds alright. Some water would be amazing right now." He wondered why they didn't just give that to him already. He thought that was a bit odd. He handed Button back to Dallas and sunk into the pillows behind him. He could hear baby Button whimper, which made his parental senses go Haywire. He just wanted to make her feel better. Seeing her upset made Johnny upset. Johnny looked weakly at Dally and his baby, "I love you, I love the both of you so much." Johnny was obviously still very loopy. You could tell, but he was still happy.

At that time, a nurse came into the room with a premade bottle and a cup of water for Johnny. Dallas took the bottle, but he was still watching Johnny. "I love you too, and so does Button." This was weird for Dallas, he had never seen Johnny so out of it before. He tried to brush it off. "Alright now, I better see some of that water gun soon. Before I have to funnel it down your throat myself. I don't need you getting dehydrated in sick on me now." Dallas said firmly. Dallas sat down in the chair next to Johnny's bed.

He got into a comfortable position in the chair. Dallas gently fed the nipple of the bottle into Button's mouth. She immediately latched on and began to drink. It made Dallas awe and he cooed at her adorableness.

Johnny smiled at the two of them, "I never thought I'd see the day that Dallas Winston, would be a huge softy, holding a baby. Not to mention you cried. Over the baby too." Johnny blinked slowly, "We're turning you soft."

"We never thought you'd get pregnant either. But you do make me soft, but it's for the best. No baby would want to cuddle against mean, raw emotions." He flashed Johnny a smile, he was somewhat happy about changing.

Dallas was going to protect this little girl with his life.

Eventually, baby Button was done eating. She began to squirm around uncomfortably in Dally's arms. She whined, but those turned into whimpers, and then those turned into sobs. Dallas stood up from the chair, setting down the bottle. He got a burping rag and put it on his shoulder. She continued to wiggle and scream.

Johnny watched from afar, his instincts making him want to panic. He felt paralyzed from being overwhelmed. He could do nothing more than frown and watch from afar. Hoping she would come down eventually. Johnny trusted Dallas to do his best.

Dallas put button on his shoulder, on the rag. He slowly began to firmly pat her back. She continued to scream. At this point, Dallas was getting slightly anxious too. Eventually, she did belch. But that just scared her more. Baby Button continued to sob.

Dallas had to use his quick thinking as to how to calm her down. He had to be quick before Johnny had a panic attack. Dallas could see the fear in Johnny's eyes from where he was. Dallas had read somewhere in a magazine that babies like the sound of heartbeats. Because it's what they hear in the womb, and they find it comforting. It clicked.

"Here, I know you're tired. But babies like the sound of heartbeats. What if she laid on your chest? Like I said, I know you're tired but she needs you." Dallas said. It would give them a chance to bond a little more.

Johnny bit his lip and nodded. He took their daughter from Dallas and laid her on his chest, she was out of the swaddle at this point. Johnny laid Button's head on the left side of his chest. He rubbed her back gently, cooing her. "You're okay baby..." Johnny said softly to his sobbing baby.

The tension dropped for everyone when she stopped crying. Button's sobs stopped and she went back to sleep. Johnny sighed softly in relief. He held her close, finding comfort in it. She obviously did. Hearing his baby cry made Johnny panic and want to cry himself. He was just kind of like that. Hearing anyone cry in general made him upset.

"Come get back in the bed, Dally." Johnny said quietly. Dallas did as he was told. Dallas laid his arm around Johnny's shoulder. Using his other hand to take off Button's hat, and pet her soft tuft of black hair.

There they were, snuggled together as a family for the first time. It was a dream come true...

Chapter 18: What Tomorrow Will Bring (Jally Mpreg)


Originally posted in 2020

Chapter Text

My hands shook as I tried to open the envelope, 'God, what will it say?' I pulled out the paper and unfolded it quickly. 'I just want this to be over with.' I quickly scanned over the page until my eyes landed on the fancy lettering at the bottom.

It said, 'Congratulations, you're pregnant!'

"Oh my God..." I covered my mouth and immediately started crying. "No..."

Dally doesn't like kids, especially little ones!

Damn it, how could this have happened? We were so careful...
We've always used protection.

Oh God... why have you forsaken me?

I guess I brought this upon myself, haven't I?

That's what my parents would say at least, if they were to find out. What am I going to do? I have no where to go, no place to call home!

I put the paper back into the envelope and sigh as I hold it to my chest. I have no choice but to tell, Dally. He'll know what to do...

Or he'll kick me in the stomach and tell me to get lost.

I wince and gently put my hand on my stomach at the thought.

He wouldn't do that to me, would he?

I wipe the tears from my face and sneak back into my bedroom so my parents don't see or hear me. I can't risk getting beat anymore. I quietly slip out of my window and climb down, I hit the ground with a thud. I groan as I get back onto my feet, I start walking towards Dallas' apartment.

'Here goes nothing...'


Third Person's POV~

Johnny gently knocked on Dally's door. He had a key to the apartment, but Johnny felt weird just walking in this time.

Dallas opened the door and was surprised to see his boyfriend instead of a Mormon. Or maybe even a Jehovah's Witness. Nobody ever knocks unless you're one of those two people.

"Oh, Johnny. Hey, babe." Dallas opened the door wider to let Johnny in. Johnny didn't look at Dallas as he walked inside. Dallas slightly frowned. He shut the door as Johnny sat down on the couch. "So, what brings you here, hun?"

Johnny handed Dallas the envelope and looked the other direction. "What's this?" Dallas chuckled. Johnny didn't say anything. Dallas' face dropped, he hadn't seen Johnny act like this in a while. "Okay..."

Dallas shook off Johnny's coldness and didn't take it to heart. He opened up the envelope and pulled out the piece if paper that was inside. Dallas' eyes quickly scanned over the paper. His breath caught in his throat when he saw 'Congratulations, you're pregnant!'

Dally's mouth was wide open in awe. "Y-you're pregnant?" Dallas stuttered.

Johnny nodded.

"A-and you promise it's mine." Dallas sounded frantic. His eyes burned through Johnny as he stared at the younger boy.

Johnny was confused, "I promise." He got real quiet.

"Are you going to keep our baby?"

"I want to, yes. Wait a minute-"


"Did you just say our baby?" Johnny looked Dallas in the eyes.

"Well, we both made it, right? That makes it ours." Dallas said softly. Johnny stayed quiet looking for the right words. "I don't like kids..." Dallas said.

"I know, I-I-" Johnny stammered but then Dallas interrupted him.

"But I think I'll feel different about this one." Dallas looked at the paper he was holding, he ran his thumb over it.

Johnny sat silent again, "How do you think this happened?" Dallas sat the paper down on his coffee table.

"The condom must've torn or something..." Johnny blushed. Dallas bit his lip as thoughts flooded his mind of past times the young couple had fooled around.

Dallas moved and sat close to, Johnny. He held his hand out to the younger boy. "Can I...?" Johnny nodded and took Dallas' hand and placed it onto his stomach.

"I don't think I'm far enough along to feel anything-" Johnny tried to point out, but Dallas interrupted hum again.

"I don't care." Dallas said firmly. Johnny simply nodded.

Johnny felt like this moment was so surreal. He was only 16 years old, and he was pregnant with his 17-year-old hood-boyfriend's baby. "Johnny?" Dallas removed his hand from the younger boys stomach.

"Yeah?" Neither of the two tried to look directly at each other. Dallas took Johnny's hand into his own.

"You know I can't let you live with your parents anymore, right?" Johnny bit his lip and furrowed his eyebrows. Dallas was right.

Johnny nodded, "Yeah..." Johnny couldn't risk being beat, that would be a guaranteed miscarriage. Johnny had already lost so many things in his life. But he would be damned if this baby was going to be one of those things.

Dallas lifted Johnny's face so he was looking at him. He placed a soft kiss on the younger boy lips. Dallas pulled away and ran his thumb over Johnny scar. "I love you," Dallas caressed Johnny's face, "and I love you." Dallas placed a hand on Johnny's stomach.

Johnny blushed and placed his hand over Dallas'. The contrast of their skin was very noticeable in this moment. "So we're gonna be okay?" Johnny sounded like a sad child. Mostly because he was one.

"We're gonna be okay..." Dallas leaned forward and gently kissed Johnny's face.

They where both scared and excited for what tomorrow will bring.


Johnny was six weeks pregnant now, and Dallas felt like he was about to go insane. He couldn't blame Johnny for the way he was acting, if anyone were to be blamed, it would be Dallas' fault. People obviously change when they get pregnant, but Dallas just isn't prepared for everything.

Every morning was the same. Johnny would wake up and vomit. He would get ready for school as Dallas got ready for work. Then Johnny would complain about how bloated he was, and how much his chest hurt. Dallas would drop off Johnny at the Curtis' house so Johnny and Ponyboy could walk to school together. And finally, Dallas would go to work.

After school Dallas picks Johnny up from the Curtis' house and takes him back to the apartment. What happens in the evening is basically a re-run of what happens in the morning. Although, by the time they get home, they're usually too tired to quarrel. Johnny usually ends up falling asleep on Dallas' chest.

But, then the dead of night comes and Johnny is up-and-down the entire night. The Restless Leg Syndrome is the worst of it all for, Dallas. Johnny ends kicking Dallas through the night, when they're both asleep or awake.

Dallas loves Johnny, but some things get old fast.


Dallas picked Johnny up from the Curtis' house and went back to the apartment. Johnny yawned as he ran ahead and went into the house before Dally. Dallas watched Johnny jog in amazement. Johnny looked like he was a healthy weight, almost.

It was kind of hot...

Dallas walked inside a little while later to see Johnny standing in front of the full body mirror. He had his shirt off and he was poking at his chest. Johnny looked like he was developing breasts almost. Like a young girl going through puberty. His nipples were also considerably larger as well.

Johnny caught Dallas' gaze in the mirror, Dallas smiled. Johnny then started to cry. Dallas frowned. Johnny put his shirt back on and went to go sit on the couch, his mood switching. He sat down gently, Johnny began to steady his breathing. "I-I'm sorry, Dal..."

Dallas rushed over to the couch and sat down next to, Johnny. "No no Johnny, it's okay. I understand." Dallas was always scared he was going to lose his patience with, Johnny. Yell at him or somethin'. Dallas feared ever becoming angry or violent towards Johnny or the baby. Dallas put his arm around Johnny cautiously. Once when Dallas had tried to touch Johnny while he was upset, Johnny flipped out and screamed at him for an hour.

Dallas was also afraid about how these moods swings would affect Johnny in the long run. He won't always be this emotionally messed up, right? Johnny has yelled and cried at Dallas, but he has yet to hit him. Johnny couldn't hurt no one. But, Dallas has noticed that in the past few weeks, Johnny was suddenly having a change of heart towards causing Dallas harm.

Forget about Johnny being his dad, he was acting like his mom...

Dallas could have kicked himself for thinking such a thing. Johnny is just a scared, pregnant boy. Give the poor kid a pass.

Johnny snuggled into Dallas, his warmth comforted the younger boy. Dallas sat on the opposite side of the couch and widened his legs to make space. He pulled Johnny into the gap between his legs. Dallas wrapped his arms around Johnny and placed his hands on the youngers stomach. Johnny placed his hands on top of Dallas'.

Dallas gently rubbed Johnny's tummy in a soothing manner. Although it was still ten weeks too early to feel any movement, they both liked to just lay their hands on Johnny's stomach. It was relaxing to Johnny, and it was an intimate moment. "Dal?"


"I love you."

"I love you too."

"But," Oh no, "I think I might like this baby more." Dallas made a dramatic gasp and intertwined their fingers.

"I'm quite offended." Dallas said.

"You know, you're pretty cool, handsome, and caring. But, A combination of that and me?! Sorry, Dal. I think you're merely a sperm donor." Johnny said as looked at their hands together. Dallas chuckled and let go of, Johnny. He laid Johnny down on the couch and pulled Johnny's shirt up. Dallas gently laid his hands on Johnny's stomach and put on a fake mean face.

Dallas got real close and began to babble, "So you think you can replace me, huh? Well guess what, kid? I helped make you, I am the reason you're here. I stole Johnny's heart first little buddy. I ain't leavin' that easy. Know your place, punk." Dallas kissed Johnny's stomach. Johnny giggled and ran his fingers through Dally's hair. "Am I convincing enough?" Dallas said, looking back up at Johnny.

"Oh yeah, I don't think they'll never come out now." Johnny smiled. Johnny pet Dallas' face, and his bottom lip shook slightly. Dallas gently laid his head down on Johnny's stomach. He listened to Johnny's stomach gurgle and his other organs function quietly. If Johnny was another two weeks along, Dallas would have been able to hear the baby's heartbeat.

Dallas found the white noise coming from the inside of Johnny's body relaxing. Johnny gently pet Dallas' face. "I love you, Dally."

"I love you too, Johnny." Dallas gently rubbed Johnny's tummy again. "I love both of you."

Chapter 19: Sleepless Nights (Jally - Boypuss*)


Originally posted in 2023

Jally Boypuss*

Chapter Text

It was nighttime; Johnny was snuggled up to his boyfriend, Dallas. Johnny was awake, but Dallas was seemingly dead weight, completely lost in his own dreams. Johnny was far past bored and he wasn't even tired for that matter. It was surprising, someone might think because Johnny was so used to sleeping outside, he must have learned how to fall asleep fast, just about anywhere. Just like how they do in the military-

Unfortunately, it was not like that for Johnny.

As his boyfriend was wrapped around him so tightly, Johnny was starting to have some... urges to say the least. Johnny's mind was starting to get dirtier the more he thought about it. The thought of past sexual interactions with his boyfriend also floods through his mind. His chest felt hot and his heart was racing. Johnny was wishing Dallas was awake to just take him.

Johnny wished he could just whip out his co*ck and start stroking, but that wasn't the case for poor, Johnnycake. Johnny did not have a co*ck even, Johnny had a sweet, tight, little puss* he let his boyfriend use and abuse almost daily. Johnny used to never have a sex drive, and then he started sleeping with Dallas. By that point Johnny was hooked on the pleasure he received from his lover. Dallas's big co*ck stretched him out perfectly every time.

The smaller male wanted it so bad. Johnny could not take it anymore, he needed some kind of relief. He wiggled his dominant hand out of Dallas's hold, slipping it down his pajama pants. Johnny had on a classic light blue pair of panties on, if he could see them he knew they would have a giant wet spot on them. He didn't always wear panties, he wore boxers and mens underwear too, just on this particular night he wasn't. This also made it easier to get his hand on his puss*.

Johnny forced two fingers in between his folds, finding his cl*t and quickly starting to rub it. Johnny softly moaned as the pleasure started to rise in his body. It felt so amazing and he wanted nothing more than to cum. He whined softly, wishing he could go faster or had the room to use his other hand to finger his puss*.

The small boy was getting frustrated with his cravings, and it was making it harder to cum. He stopped altogether, removing his hand from his soaking wet c*nt. His heart was racing, his puss* was twitching and pulsing. Johnny needed Dallas or something to get inside of him already. Johnny felt guilty for wanting to wake Dallas up just to f*ck his puss* wide open, but he was also too horny to care too much.

Johnny was careful of his wet fingers as he started to shake his boyfriend awake.

"Dal... Dallas wake up." Johnny rubbed Dallas's chest to try and get him to wake up.

Dally opened his eyes slowly, coming to when his boyfriend rubbed his chest and spoke to him softly. He was incredibly sleepy.
"Wha... what's going on?" He yawned softly, sitting up a little bit as he woke up.

"Dally, I-I need you..." Johnny could still feel himself only soaking his panties more.

Dallas looked at Johnny strangely, "What do you mean?"

"I need you, like inside m-me." Johnny said. He grabbed his boyfriend's hand and pulled him close. Johnny moved Dallas's hand down and placed it where his puss* was, whimpering at the feeling. There were too many layers between Dallas and his throbbing c*nt.

Dallas gently grabbed the smaller boy's c*nt, knowing what was happening now. That caused Johnny to whimper and attempt to buck his hips. "You woke me up because you're horny?" Dallas chuckled softly. He was pretty awake now. As much as he wanted to be sleepy and go back to bed, he was interested in some late night fun.

"P-please, don't make me keep begging." Johnny whined. He had a firm grip on Dallas's arm, his body becoming flush with the older man's. Johnny tried to grind down on Dallas's hand that was still holding him by the puss*. Johnny was drooling at the thought of Dallas's big co*ck stretching him open again. He needed it so badly.

"Alright, alright, just lay back." Dally said. He gently kissed one of Johnny's flushed cheeks. It was interesting to think about how far along in their relationship they had gotten. Johnny used to be so shy, he still was technically, but now Johnny had opened up enough to be vocal about his needs with Dallas. Johnny used to be very hesitant about sex or anything sexual happening between the two of them. But, he had learned how much he really did enjoy sex with the right guy (Dallas). Dallas knew how to make Johnny feel good; he had large equipment and had mastered how to use it.

Dallas took off Johnny's shirt and Johnny returned the favor with Dallas. It was a quiet exchange, the sound of the sheets rustling being the only noise heard as they finished taking off all of their clothes. The only thing left was Johnny's panties, Dallas was enjoying the wet spot he could see. Johnny was incredibly turned on and desperate for Dallas to get inside of him. Dallas slowly rubbed Johnny through his underwear, only causing the smaller male to whine in response.

Dally didn't tease the smaller much longer, he did eventually take the panties off. Johnny would probably slap him if he kept prolonged this process any longer. Dallas threw the panties off to the side. Johnny absent-mindedly tried to close his legs once he was completely naked. Dallas was quick to use his hands to force Johnny's legs open. Johnny whined at the cold air grazing his soaking wet c*nt.

Dallas calmly slipped two fingers into Johnny without any warning. The small boy clenched, gasping at the intrusion. The wet sounds of Johnny's puss* being f*cked my Dallas's fingers were intoxicating. Dallas's fingers were fairly thick and long, that being an advantage of his height. Johnny moaned quietly, his mouth opening and his hands bracing himself by clutching the sheets. "Mm, o-oh yes, please D-Dally..." Johnny rolled his hips, trying to get whatever Dallas was giving him to go deeper inside.

"I- I want your dick. I want you to stretch my c*nt to it's l-limits. Please, Dally, I need it n-now." Johnny bit his lip, trying to say words while Dallas was still finger f*cking him. Dallas agreed, removing his fingers, a string of Johnny's arousal connecting the two of them. Johnny whined at the feeling of suddenly being empty. His body was hot all over, his breathing was rough and uneven.

"I got you baby, I'll give you what you need." Dallas assured the horny boy under him. Gently rubbing his inner thigh as Johnny continued to squirm. Dallas reached over for a condom, bringing it back with him as he sat between Johnny's legs. Johnny had a dangerous look in his eyes. Dallas was confused at first, but understood what the look was for after Johnny's next move. Johnny yanked the condom out of Dallas's hand and threw it across the room.

"Get inside of me, damn it!" Johnny cried. The horny ache was starting to become almost painful. Dallas smirked at the sudden attitude he had gotten Johnny to present. Dallas reached over again and came back with lubricant this time.

"You're not going to throw this, are you?" Dallas asked. He chuckled a little bit as he rubbed on the cold lube to his hardened co*ck.

"No, but you better leave me with a bruised cervix. f*ck me deep and hard." Johnny whined more, looking up at Dallas with wide dark eyes.

Dallas nodded quickly, lining up with Johnny's entrance. Johnny felt excited as he felt Dallas's tip.

Johnny's eyes rolled back, a loud moan left him as he felt Dallas's large co*ck breached his tight c*nt. Johnny put his hand on Dallas's navel to brace himself a bit more as all of his length sunk inside. Johnny sucked in a deep breath, arching his back before relaxing back into the bed. Dallas was going to f*ck him wide open and he couldn't wait to feel release.

"S-so f*cking big, uhn." Johnny loved the stretch. Having something inside of him felt like it was enough to finally soothe his nerves a bit. Although every bit of his body felt like it was on fire.

Dallas was all the way awake now, so he was able to start thrusting without a problem. Pushing all 7 inches inside, pulling out halfway, and then pushing all the way back in again. He never pulled out all the way, Johnny hated the empty feeling.

"Good boy... just relax." Dallas said.

Johnny's senses were overwhelmed from the pleasure. Dallas knew exactly how to make him feel good. "H-hhn, uh, o-oh f*ck. Deeper, f*ck, p-please." Johnny continued to moan. His c*nt making kegels around Dallas just to do something.

He went deep again, a bit rougher of a pace, when Johnny asked for it. Johnny's mouth hung open, small moans coming out at every thrust. "You love my big co*ck, don't you baby? You can't stop screaming about it." Dallas teased. He rolled his hips a certain that made Johnny shiver. When Dallas rolled his hips like that it always hit all of the good spots.

"C-cum in me, Dally. Please cum in me- oh God," Johnny arched his back again, loving the way it made Dallas hit more sensitive spots inside his puss*. Johnny loved the way Dallas abused his kitty.

"I promise I will, just gotta get there first." Dallas panted. His hips burning from the rough rhythm Johnny demanded he be given. Johnny nodded quickly, doing more kegels as his boyfriend pounded him. Johnny knew how much Dallas loved the kegels.

Dallas snaked his hand to Johnny's tummy, carefully pressing down on it. Johnny's hips bucked when Dallas did that, letting out another sinful noise.

"Uh, uhn, uh-" Johnny closed his eyes, focusing on cumming. He was so close and the pressure only pushed that feeling farther.

It only took a few more thrusts for Johnny to cum, gushing around his boyfriend's co*ck that filled his c*nt. The wet squelching noises were loud and turned both of them on. Johnny tightened around the intrusion, the tighter grip pushing Dallas to his own org*sm. His dick pulsed as he shot hot strings of cum deep inside his lover. The warmth filling Johnny made him moan and twitch.

"I love it when you do that... feeling you pulse is also interesting." Johnny chuckled, shifting a little to readjust himself. He smiled up at Dallas, his dark eyes meeting his light ones. Dallas smiled back and pecked Johnny's lips.

"I'm glad you woke me up."

Chapter 20: A Boy With A Man's Desires (Jally)


Originally posted in 2020

Jally smut

For a 2020 fic I didn't have to do a lot of editing to this.

Chapter Text

It was dark outside; pitch black. It must have been 12AM. In the middle of the pitch-black-darkness, was a small fire. It was a small contained fire at the lot. The fire was created by the one and only, Johnny Cade.

When Johnny didn't feel like dealing with his parents, or bothering the Curtis household- he came here, to the lot. He didn't like sleeping outside. Who would? But he had no choice.

You bet Johnny's parents were drunk and fighting. You could hear their bickering from the other side of town. He just didn't want to bother with it sometimes.


Johnny was on an old ripped out car seat, huddling close to the fire trying to stay warm. He had nothing but the clothes on his back and the fire in front of him to stay warm with. Johnny felt really lonely out here, all by himself.

Johnny usually felt alone no matter what. Johnny could feel alone in a huge crowd of people.

Although, here recently Johnny has loosened up a bit, despite his usual ways. Johnny has started to see someone. That person's name is,Dallas Winston.

Now you might be thinking, "Johnny, whydon'tyou go stay with, Dallas?" That's a good question.

Johnny isn't ready to spend the night with Dallas. He knows that if he goes there now they would share a bed. And well, he's just not ready for that. Johnny knows it's a dumb excuse, but he's just too nervous about everything.

But oh was Johnny in love with, Dallas.

All Johnny can think about was, Dallas.

Johnny would constantly think about things the couple could do together. He often found himself lost in his fantasies. Johnny was merely a boy with the desires of a man.

He found his thoughts...warming, sometimes.

Johnny coughed and held himself, coming back to reality. It was nights like these Johnny wishes he could just roll over and die. Or if he could just get over himself and go find comfort in his lovers arms. Like a normal person.

But Johnny wasn't normal.

At least, that's what most people say.

Johnny was over it, he was over himself and of his irrational fear of another persons affection. He shook himself and got up. Johnny kicked dirt into the fire and stomped it out. "f*ck it." He mumbled.

Johnny began the long haul to Dallas' flat out near Buck Merrill's bar. He walked fast so he could just get this over with already; rip off the band-aid, perse.


Johnny coughed his lungs out as he walked up the stairs. He knocked on Dallas' door; Johnny didn't feel comfortable just walking inside.

He heard muffled cursing and stomping. Then suddenly the door was swung open. The only light on inside the apartment was an old lamp. Besides that it was just darkness.

Dallas had a cigarette hanging from his mouth, he waved the smoke out of his face. He only had on a pair of boxers. Johnny's face got hotter; he was already blushing because of how cold it was outside. Dallas' boxer button was undone and faintly you could see... something. Johnny didn't know where to look so he stared at his hands.

"Johnny? Hey, what are you doing here, man?" Dallas looked worried. He lifted Johnny's chin gently to see his small boyfriends soft face. Johnny sneezed which made Dallas laugh gently. "Come inside and I can warm you up." Dallas winked.

"O-okay." Dallas swung an arm around Johnny's body and pulled him inside. Dallas shut the door and shook off the cold. He let go of, Johnny.

"Damn it's gettin' cold. So, tell me what's up, baby?"

"The beautiful night sky." Johnny said quietly.

"Technically morning. It's almost 12:40." Dallas pointed to the analog clock mounted on his wall. You could barely see it. Dallas grabbed Johnny's hands gently, "No but seriously. What are you doing here at ass o'clock in the mornin', baby?" Dallas rocked back-and-forth on his feet. He rubbed his thumbs over the back of Johnny's hands.

"S-sorry for wakin' ya up, Dal." Johnny said sheepishly. He tried to pull away. Dallas refused to let go of Johnny's hands.

"No no no, it's okay. I don't mind you being here. I just want to knowwhyyou're here." Dallas looked down at the smaller greaser with a plain look.

Johnny nodded, "Yeah, I dig." Johnny over enunciated theg. It was quiet for a while before Dallas began to speak.

"Come into the bedroom. It's always warmer in there," Dallas winked and Johnny blushed at his boyfriends suggestiveness. Dallas was always really flirty with, Johnny.

Dallas brought Johnny into the bedroom and led him to the bed. Johnny sat down on the edge. He was face level with Dallas' crotch. "Get comfy, I'm gonna put on some sweats real quick." Johnny shyly nodded his head. He watched Dallas' body sway as he walked away.

Johnny took off his jean jacket; he began to have another coughing fit. Dallas came walking back at a swift pace. His sweatpants riding dangerously low on his hips.

Dallas rubbed Johnny's back soothingly. "Sh, it's okay," He pulled Johnny into himself as he sat down next to the younger boy. "Are you gettin' sick?" That was kind of a dumb question.

Although it was quite obvious that Johnny was sick, or at least getting sick, Johnny still denied it. "N-no..." Johnny shivered.

"Yeah, and Tim Shepard isn't a drug dealer." Dallas scoffed.

"Wait, what?"

"Don't worry about it," Dallas rubbed the side of Johnny's arm. "Wanna uhm..." Dallas wanted to say 'cuddle', but he didn't want to outright say that. He was too tough for that.

"Have sex?" Johnny said quietly. Dallas nearly choked. Dallas pulled Johnny's face towards him.

"No- well, if you want to. But I meant like, uhm..." Dallas felt like an idiot.

"Make out?" Johnny was amused by Dallas' antics.

"No! I mean- again, if that's what you want. But I mean like, ya know."

"It doesn't seem like you even know." Johnny sassed back. Dallas rolled his eyes.

"Whatever," He held onto Johnny as he laid the two of them down. He got comfortable and the couple snuggled into each other. "I mean, this." Dallas whispered.

Johnny was frigid compared to, Dallas. Dallas was shirtless and Johnny had his freezing hands on his back. Dallas squeaked. He intertwined their fingers. "Whoa whoa, baby. Let's get these warmed up first. You're gonna send me into shock." Dallas smiled softly.

Johnny was embarrassed. Hes never even laid in the same bed with someone else. "Sorry, Dally..." Johnny tried to let go of Dallas and coil in on himself. Dallas refused to let go.

"Hey hey, where ya goin'? I was just teasin'." Dallas tried to reassure.

"I-I'm sorry. This is just... new to me."

"This? What'ya mean?"

"All of this is so new to me, Dally. I've never dated anyone before. I've never kissed anyone before. I-I haven't even laid in the same bed with someone else until just now. I just don't want to mess anything up." Johnny was slow with his words. Dallas sympathized with the younger boy and kissed his hands.

"John, you can do no wrong." Dallas held Johnny's hands, desperately trying to get them warmer.

"And Tim Shepard isn't a drug dealer." Johnny mocked. He smiled softly in the darkness.

Dallas laughed softly; Dallas laid Johnny's hands on his chest. Johnny could feel Dallas' heart beat. It was soothing. Johnny moved his hands and gently laid his head on Dallas' chest.

Johnny could hear Dallas' heart beat. It was beautiful. Johnny could also hear Dallas' other organs functioning. But it didn't take away from the main attraction. Dallas began to pet Johnny's head with one hand and rub his arm gently with the other.

Johnny felt funny, like electricity was shooting through his body. He felt it in his hands and in the pit of his stomach. He had never felt such extreme feelings before. Johnny had never felt so loved before. It brought tears to the young boys eyes.

His nose began to get stuffed up from his eyes tearing up. He tried to sniff, but he couldn't breathe out of his nose anymore. Everything was just stuck, "You okay?" Dallas noticed Johnny struggling to breathe.

"I-I'm okay," Johnny said, tears falling down his face now.

"But you're cryin', why are you cryin'?" Dallas lifted Johnny's face to look at him.

"Because- Because of you..." Dallas got nervous and sat up in the bed.


"Not in a bad way or anything," Johnny sat up and hugged himself. "Nobody's ever showed me affection like this before. Dal, I- I know you don't like bein' soft. But, when you're around me, you're soft. You show me things that I've never been able to see before. And you show me things you'd never show to someone else, Dal. I was never loved before I met you, and it means the world to me. Don't feel obligated to say this back but, I love you, Dallas Winston. I'm in love with you." Johnny almost whispered the last part of his sentence.

Dallas gently grabbed Johnny's face, he rubbed his thumb over Johnny's scar. "You make me soft, Johnathon. You wanna know something crazy?"


"I'm in love with you too." Dallas leaned in and closed the gap between the two of them. Johnny quickly kissed back. He wrapped his arms around Dallas' back. This gentle kiss was becoming a make-out session in seconds. Dallas sat back as Johnny crawled into his lap.

The electricity feeling was numbing to Johnny now.

Johnny wiggled a little bit to get comfortable, forgetting entirely what he was sitting on. Dallas moaned ever so softly. Johnny gasped lightly when he felt Dallas' hardness on his thigh. Johnny pulled away and looked down, shocked. He looked back up at Dallas, "I thought I made you soft?" Johnny said sweetly.

"You make me crazy,"

"I can tell." Johnny was acting out of the ordinary. He never talked like this. Johnny laughed softly, leaning in close to Dallas' ear. Johnny rubbed his own penis through his jeans to emit an intoxicating, quiet moan.

Dallas put his hand over Johnny's, he began rubbing the boy faster. Johnny couldn't stop moaning, he had never been touched like this by another person. He was practically melting. Johnny was done trying to act dominant, he leaned into, Dallas. "Done acting tough?"

"U-uhuh..." Johnny groaned, "I-I'm done." Dallas kissed Johnny's neck causing the young boy to flinch.

"You okay?"

"My neck is sensitive,"

Dallas nodded and changed the subject, "How far do you want this to go?"

"Far enough to get some relief." Johnny pulled back and rubbed his thighs. His erection was prominent, even in the dark.

Dallas wanted to see, Johnny. He leaned over and turned on the lamp. It momentarily blinded both of them.

"Are you sure? I want you to be ready, and not do something just out of the heat of the moment." Johnny bit his lip, he wanted to try something.

"I'm ready, I promise. P-please, sir...?" Johnny was hesitant with his words. Dallas hitched his breath.

Johnny remembered a long time ago Dallas ever so briefly mentioned that he liked being called, 'Sir'. Being called Daddy was taboo and over used. It would also highlight the fact they both had crippling Daddy issues.

No thank you.

"You remembered," Dallas whispered.

"I did." Johnny replied just as quietly.

"Fiend," Dallas chuckled, "You wanna start off by just grinding on me, baby?" Johnny nodded. Seems like a good starting place.

Johnny panted as he slowly began to grind downwards on Dally's lap. He'd never done this before.

Sometimes he would grind too hard, and sometimes he wouldn't apply enough pressure.

It drove Dallas insane, "Jesus Johnny,"

Johnny stopped, "W-what?"

"Let's move on, yeah?" He felt like it would be too awkward to tell Johnny he was bad at what he was doing. Dallas didn't want to ruin this rare, intimate moment.

"Okay." Johnny whispered. Dallas swiftly flipped them over so Johnny was lying down on the bed. Johnny's breath hitched.

"Sorry, didn't mean to man-handle ya." Dallas joked.

"It's okay." Johnny replied. Dallas leaned down and gently kissed the younger boy.

It was still really cold so Dallas just went straight for Johnny's pants. Dallas' hands traveled down Johnny's body cautiously. Dallas undid Johnny's pants button and zipper.

They pulled apart for merely a second before reconnecting. Dallas pulled Johnny's pants down to the boys knees. That's as far as he could reach without disconnecting.

Dallas let his hands roam back upwards. He ran his thumb over the waistband of Johnny's underwear. "Wait!" Johnny's sudden shriek scared, Dallas.

"Whoa, what's wrong?" Dallas looked at the younger boy confused.

"Sorry, I- I didn't mean to shriek. I'm just really nervous." Johnny was embarrassed. He felt like he ruined the mood. "I- I just want you to take off your pants first. Before my underwear. You know, make it even?" Johnny was over explaining things. Although at first Dallas found it annoying, now he thinks it's kind of cute.

"Sit up and help me take them off, Johnny." Dallas said simply. He could have said a million things as a response to Johnny's babbling nonsense but, he wanted to move on. No one wants to remember their first time as a bunch of nervous jabber about nothing.

"O-okay." Johnny sat up, Dallas was still straddling him. His knees were on the bed on either side of Johnny's legs. Johnny moves his legs and sat on his knees. He could take off Dallas' pants easier.

Johnny was feeling that electricity again, it was becoming a numbing feeling now. He felt oddly nice taking someone else's clothes off. It made him feel useful in a way.

They were both only in their underwear now. Dallas gently pushed Johnny back down on the bed. They were back to their original position. Dallas re-comfied his knees on either side of Johnny's legs.

Johnny felt tingles all over his body. "What now?"

"I still wanted to take off your underwear, if you'll let me." Johnny wanted to scream and cover his body. He simply nodded instead.

Dallas finally pulled Johnny's underwear off. Johnny squeaked. The fact he was naked in front of his boyfriend for the first time, it was magic. Johnny wished he wasn't such a nervous wreck.

Johnny tried to cover up his body; he laid his hands over his abdomen. Dallas knew exactly what Johnny was doing. He frowned at the thought of Johnny trying to hide himself from him.

Dallas couldn't stop his eyes from wandering. He had always wondered what Johnny looked like underneath all the clothes. Dallas always wondered how big Johnny was. And now he knew.

Johnny was average for a twink. No bigger than five-and-a-half inches, maybe. Everything about Johnny's body was perfect in Dallas' mind.

"I love you, Johnny. Please don't cover yourself up." Johnny felt like he could stop breathing. Dallas noticed his sad attempts at trying to be modest? During sex?

"I-I'm sorry. I love you too." Johnny felt awkward apologizing. But it was an impulse at this point.

"You don't need to apologize, baby. Just try to relax." Dallas was soothing with his words, it made Johnny loosen up as much as he could. It was hard because hes never been able to relax, naked, in any situation. Dallas leaned over and opened a bedside table drawer. He pulled out a bottle of lube. Johnny immediately re-tensed.

It's taken forever to finally get to this point. Now the time had finally come. But, Johnny was confused. Why didn't Dallas have his underwear off?

Dallas began to lube up a few fingers. Johnny didn't understand. He was such a virgin it could make anyone cringe at how clueless he was. Johnny was too scared to ask questions.

"I'm going to stretch you now, okay?" He was gonna do WHAT now? The word stretch has never been connected to something pleasurable before. Has it?


"Is something wrong?"

"What do you mean by uhm, stretch?" Dallas didn't realize how innocent Johnny really was. At least when it came to sex knowledge.

"Oh... I'm going to put my fingers inside. So you can be a little prepared for when I give you the real deal." Johnny felt bad for not knowing what it meant. Albeit he was still a little confused.

Johnny nodded, "Oh." Dallas spread bent Johnny's legs up. The young boy squeaked and brought his knees together into a v-shape. Dallas put his hand gently on one of Johnny's knees.

"You gotta trust me and you gotta relax if you want to enjoy this." Dallas said, "Are you ready?" Dallas used his one hand to take one leg away from the other. He marveled at the sight in front of him.

Dallas put his finger in front of Johnny's tight ring of muscle. As a distraction, he slid his hand down Johnny's leg with his free hand. He gently grasped Johnny's penis. Johnny gasped and bucked his hips slightly. No one besides himself had ever touched him there.

Dallas began to stroke, Johnny. His grasp was firm but his intentions were caring. Johnny was whimpering, he always did that. He never did know how to handle pleasure.

After a minute, Dallas knew Johnny was lost in lust and couldn't think straight. Dallas began to slowly insert his finger inside Johnny's tight heat.

Johnny's whimpers turned into a sudden shriek, "Ah! Oh-oh God!" Dallas was only momentarily distracted, "O-owie..." Johnny was going back and forth between whimpering and pained noises.

Dallas made sure to not stop either action. He kept his rhythm with his finger thrusting, and his strokes. "Ah, ah, ah..." Johnny was slowly getting used to the feeling.

Then Dallas added a second finger. The feeling of being stretched was odd and slightly painful.

After a few minutes, Johnny had finally adjusted. Things didn't really hurt anymore and he was starting to enjoy himself. Johnny's pained noises and whimpers were finally starting to sound like moans.

Dallas felt proud of himself. He removed his fingers from the younger boy. This left Johnny feeling empty. His heart was racing and his mouth was watering. You could hear Johnny breathing heavily out of his nose.

Dallas picked up the lube again. He took off his underwear and lubed up his co*ck. Johnny was curious and sat up so he could see. His eyes widened at the sight of his boyfriends co*ck.



"How- How big is it?" Johnny was amazed, the only penis he'd seen was his own. And it was significantly smaller compared to, Dallas.

"7 inches. Now lay down and take some deep breaths." Johnny listened, but as soon as he laid down he asked another question.

"Do you think it will fit...?" Johnny couldn't imagine something of Dallas' size fitting in his virgin ass.

"It won't fit the first try. But it will eventually." Dallas lined himself up with Johnny's ass. Johnny felt the co*ck prodding his hole.

It was finally going to happen. Johnny wasn't going to be a virgin anymore. Another person was going to be inside him and he would no longer be a scared virgin.

Johnny got a wave of excitement. He rubbed his inner thighs and moaned softly.

"You ready?" Dallas said.

"Yes..." Johnny was staring up at the ceiling.

Dallas quickly and gently pushed in the tip of his co*ck. Johnny's eyes sprang wide open and he made a weird noise. Dallas leaned over and hovered above Johnny. So now Johnny was looking at Dallas, instead of the ceiling.

Dallas pushed more of his length inside, making Johnny whine in discomfort. "Are you okay?" Dallas whispered.

"I'm okay..." Johnny lied. Dallas began to slowly thrust in and out of, Johnny. Johnny would let out a moan every time Dallas re-entered. Dallas began to thrust deeper, he was searching for Johnny's sweet spot.

A few minutes passed by, Johnny didn't know what to do with his hands. He rested his arms against the bed, wiggling occasionally. Johnny's mouth was slightly open, letting out lewd noises.

Johnny took this moment to let everything sink in. He really wasn't a virgin anymore. Dallas had officially take virginity. That made Johnny smile; he felt happy.

Dallas took notice of Johnny's sudden happiness. He didn't point it out, he was still busy looking for Johnny's prostate.

"Ah~" Johnny moaned loudly. Dallas had hit something inside him. Johnny grasped Dallas' arms. Johnny had never felt such extreme pleasure before. He felt like he could org*sm if Dallas hit that spot again.

"Feel better, Johnnycake?"

"Uh, uh-huh. Mmmnn..." Johnny couldn't talk. His mind was melting away along with the world around him, but in a good way.

Dallas was dead focused now on making Johnny org*sm. He didn't even care at this point if he didn't get to. Dallas was glad that he was able to make Johnny feel special. It made their relationship stronger.

This was far from f*cking, this was love making.

Dallas thrusted his co*ck deeper, groaning and panting. Johnny gently massaged Dallas' arms he was holding onto for dear life.

Johnny started to feel that warm feeling deep in the pit of his stomach. His moans got louder and his eyes were rolled back. "Yes, please, uh, uh~"

Dallas knew what was going on. He got faster and pounded harder into that bundle of nerves inside, Johnny. Dallas knew he would regret being this rough with Johnny later. But in this moment, neither of them seemed to mind.

Dallas started to jerk Johnny off. This made the younger boy scream. The pressure was finally too much for Johnny to take. He let out a disgruntled moan and came all over the two of them. Dallas was surprised to see this much cum come out of the younger boy.

Dallas continued to f*ck Johnny through his high, and to Dallas to his own org*sm. Johnny felt overstimulated, he never kept going after an org*sm. This was new and it made him go limp.

Dallas finally came inside the younger boy and f*cked his cum inside to ride out his org*sm. Johnny reached his second climax and shook with pleasure.

Dallas pulled out his softening co*ck from Johnny's abused hole. He leaned over and got a towel to clean the both of them up.

Johnny's co*ck was still twitching. All of his muscles were spasming uncontrollably. Johnny had never had an org*sm so intense before. It was nice.

Dallas cleaned the both of them up the best he could. Johnny was wiggling around still, trying to gain control of himself.

Dallas laid down next to Johnny and pulled the younger into his arms. He smiled gently and kissed the boys face. Johnny yawned.

"Mm, I love you, Johnny."

"I love you too. Thank you, Dally."

"For what?"

"Taking my virginity."

"Oh uhm, you're welcome? Uh, thank you for letting me take it...?" Dallas laughed slightly.

"Goodbye Virgin Mary..." Johnny whispered.

"Hello future sex demon~" Dallas teased. Johnny rolled his eyes and snuggled into, Dallas.

Everything was going to be alright...

Chapter 21: I Can't Breathe (Jally)


Originally posted in 2021

Jally Angst - Song-fic
Say Something by A Great Big World

CW: Major Character Death

Chapter Text

Saysomething, I'mgiving up on you.

"I- I'm cold..." Johnny said, barely over even a whisper.

"I know hun, just stay with me for another moment." Dallas said back. He was holding one of Johnny's hands in both of his, trying to get his hands to warm back up again. Johnny felt like an ice box.

I'll be theone, ifyou want me to.

Johnny had been really sick for a while. By the time the doctors caught it, it was too late. Johnny had an Advanced ammonia. All those nights of recklessly sleeping in the abandoned parking lot we're finally catching up to him. Johnny had slept in the lot when it was raining and the wind was blowing wild, about a month and a half ago. Dallas didn't find out until the next day. He lectured Johnny about how he could get sick. Johnny just Shrugged it off and let Dallas give him dry clothes.

Johnny never thought anything would actually happen. He thought he was tough enough. Nobody was tough enough for this. Dallas wasn't surprised when Johnny suddenly fell ill. He told Johnny he got a fever from sleeping out in the cold. Johnny told him an empty promise that he would probably blow off later. And it ended there.

Anywhere, I would've followed you...

But, it didn't. Johnny was staying with Dallas in his apartment until he got better. The thing is, Johnny wasn't getting better. In fact, he was getting worse and worse by the day. Dallas had enough of this run-around, so Dallas took him to see a doctor.

At first the doctor diagnosed Johnny with asthma. Which Johnny did have from smoking so much. The doc said because Johnny had a cold it just made it worse. Johnny was forced by Dallas to quit smoking. Johnny didn't like it one bit. He was cranky all the time now and tended to pick fights with Dallas. Johnny's entire demeanor and personality changed completely.

Saysomething, I'mgiving up on you.

Johnny was only getting sicker, weaker even by the day. He couldn't breathe, Johnny would break down crying because he was so frustrated that he couldn't breathe. He couldn't gasp for air or take a deep breath. First of all, it hurt really bad. Second of all, he just couldn't do it. He felt like his lungs just couldn't inflate.

That was happening for about a month.

Dallas took Johnny back to the doctor, explaining Johnny's more serious symptoms. They did X-rays and found out Johnny had pneumonia. But since they had taken so long to catch it, one of Johnny's lungs had already collapsed. His lungs were already pretty stunted from smoking for so long, since such a young age.

And feelingso small.

It wasn't looking good.

It was over my head,

Johnny was scared now. He had to be admitted to the hospital so they can try to nurse him back to health. Medicines and oxygen machines were prescribed, one after the other. Dallas tried his hardest to always be there by Johnny's side. Make sure he slept okay and his oxygen levels in his blood was at least mediocre. Johnny felt awful because of all of this. He was a money pit, and he had been treating Dallas so awful before. Only to have him give up everything to help take care of him while he wastryingto recover.


Every waking moment felt like hell for Johnny. It made him so frustrated to the point of tears that he couldn't breathe. It was driving him insane. He wanted to scream but he couldn't even talk. It hurt too much to breathe, it sure as hell didn't feel any better to talk.

I know nothing at all...

The doctors were getting pretty close to just putting Johnny in a medically induced coma for a while. Johnny was just in a lot of pain, and it wasn't fair. He was getting restless and fussy. They had to do something.

The doctors broke it down for Dallas. They put Johnny under, and he won't feel any more pain. But the risk is, there's a chance Johnny might not come out of the coma. He was already really sick and weak. There was a big chance that Johnny just wouldn't wake up.

And I will stumble and fall.

His choices tore him to shreds. Dallas didn't want to choose between Johnny not feeling pain and Johnny Staying Alive. Although the answer was obvious. Dallas was going to have the gang say their final goodbyes. Just in case Johnny didn't wake up again. It was better to be safe than sorry. There was no way in hell that was was going to let Johnny suffer anymore. Plus, it wasn't a guarantee Johnny would pass away. It was just likely. Dallas wanted to look on the brighter side of it.

I'm still learning to love.

When did being hopeful turn into being foolish for Dallas?

Johnny's vitals were never stable. His blood sugar would crash, his heart rate would drop. He wasn't in pain anymore. Because Johnny had brain damage.

The doctors did a scan of Johnny's brain. It reveals that Johnny struggling to breathe so much he had cause permanent brain damage. It was finally confirmed that Johnny would not wake up. As soon as they unplugged the machine, Johnny would go.

Juststarting to crawl.

Dallas couldn't process the information he was told. No matter how they explained it or what they did to get it through to him. Dallas just couldn't handle the fact that he had to let Johnny go. There was nothing left of him. Johnny was an empty shell of a boy.

Saysomething, I'mgiving up on you.

What made Dallas the most angry was the fact that he couldn't say goodbye. By the time Johnny had slipped into his coma it was just too late. He couldn't believe Johnny was brain-dead.

I'm sorry that I couldn't get to you.

The day they were finally going to unplug the machine came around. Dallas was absolutely torn. He didn't want to give Johnny up just yet. He felt like he was losing a part of himself. That was truly believe that he and Johnny were soulmates. It says a lot because Dallas never believed that was a thing until he met Johnny.

Anywhere, I would've followed you.

One thing that Dallas did get right was that love was painful. He didn't believe it was worth it. Dallas did believe Johnny was worth everything. But the pain of losing him toward him to shreds. Although he would have felt the same way if they were just friends and Johnny was still dying.

Saysomething, I'mgiving up on you.

The whole gang was there to say goodbye. Which was weird, because they all hadn't been the same room in months. The last time the whole gang had a big Gathering was about a year ago. Before Johnny was sick. Before any of this sh*t happened.

And I... will swallow my pride.

Before Johnny was pronounced brain-dead.

Dallas wasn't the sharpest crayon in the box. In the beginning, he thought Johnny being brain dead was just him being dead. Which he wasn't too far off from, but it wasn't quite it. Johnny just had no more cognitive thoughts. He could have muscle reactions, and that was it. The only thing that made him legally alive was the fact that his heart was beating.

You're the one that I love...

This of course, would soon change. Dallas really didn't want to let go. But he didn't want Johnny to suffer anymore. Even though Johnny technically couldn't feel anything, since none of the neurons were firing off in his brain anymore. Hence the fact he was brain-dead.

And I'm saying goodbye.

The room was dead silent. The doctor gave the instruction what would happen, as soon as the plug was pulled. Nobody had the heart to do it. So it was on the doctor's hands to let. Johnny pass. Dallas was sitting on the right side of Johnny's bed. He was holding Johnny's hand. It made him feel a little bit better. Even if Johnny wasn't there consciously, Johnny would have wanted to be comforted when he left.

Dallas felt kind of weird holding Johnny's hand like this. All it did was bring back memories of them holding hands in general. All those times of just holding hands in the middle of the night during the winter. Just to keep warm. Dallas's attempts to keep Johnny warm.

Damn it Johnny, why couldn't you have just stayed inside?

Saysomething, I'mgiving up on you.

Dallas couldn't be too ornery towards Johnny. He needed to understand that Johnny was just too stubborn to reach out. It wasn't that Johnny was scared. It's not that he knew the game wasn't a reliable source. He was just stubborn, he was also worried about being a burden. That was always Johnny's main defense.

'I don't want to be a burden.' Or 'I'll just be a burden.'

Hearing Johnny say those words always made Dallas really sad. He just wanted Johnny to feel safe. Dallas wanted Johnny to feel like he could always come to him if he needed something. It didn't exactly play out that way.

And I'm sorry that I couldn't get to you.

The doctor stated softly it was time. He knelt down to the ground and grab the plug. Dallas nearly screwed his eyes shut tightly. He was scared to hear the noise. Was there a noise? There was no noise. Why was there no noise?

Dallas didn't want to open his eyes. He wouldn't!

He could hear the people around him cry. He heard the soft noise of something being yanked before. It was the sound of the things being unplugged. Dallas felt Johnny's hand get very hot. But the longer he was there, it slowly turned cold.

And anywhere, I would have followed you.

When Johnny's hand finally turned cold. He opened up his eyes. He saw Johnny laying there in the bed. He wasn't in a coma anymore.

He was gone.

Johnny didn't look younger when he was in his coma. In fact, it looks like Johnny had significantly aged. You could tell how much the illness was sucking the life out of him. It was scary to watch as time went on. But now that he was actually dead, it looked even worse.


Johnny was incredibly stiff. Like a doll. Dallas couldn't stop the flood of memories hitting him in the back of the head. All of those good times they had. All of their Sweet Moments and Cuddles. It was gone now. All of his best years were gone.

Dallas would never forget staying up at night with Johnny. Johnny would be freezing, his tiny body shaking. Dallas would just hold him in his arms, tuck him in with the blankets. Keep him warm. Gently playing with Johnny's hair will Johnny cooed at Dallas.

It made Dallas sick to even think about him. Dallas wanted his lover back. He wanted his baby back. Johnny wasn't Dallas's son, but he always called him baby.

He wanted Johnny to wake up.

Saysomething, I'mgiving up on you.

Dallas felt like a failure for not being able to protect Johnny. He did everything he could, and there was still no hope. The doctor explained to tell us that Johnny had no feeling. Johnny didn't feel anything emotionally or physically when he went. He was just an empty shell of Flesh. That really didn't make him feel any better.

Dallas spent a lot of nights at the hospital with Johnny. Sometimes he would talk to Johnny. Hoping that maybe his voice would wake him up. It wasn't that simple. There was just nothing left. The only thing he could do now is let go. Dallas would never let go. He would think about this very moment every day for the rest of his life. It was just...

Dallas was traumatized. Quite honestly this entire experience was traumatic for him. There was just too much laying on his shoulders.

Saysomething, I'mgiving up on you.

It was time for Dallas to go. They would send Johnny's body off to be cremated, then Dallas would be able to pick up his ashes. What then?

Dallas can handle funerals or memorials very well. But this one was just going to be a little bit different. He didn't want to viewing of Johnny's body. The gang agreed they would just have him cremated and they would scatter his ashes somewhere. Dallas wanted to keep some of him. So he would separate that later on. When he was emotionally stable enough.

To be honest, Dallas was very mentally unstable. One more push and he would be over the edge. You you hit the man where he is weak, and he will crumble.

Say something...

"Goodnight baby bear..." Dallas gently kissed Johnny on the cheek. He was freezing cold now. It had been about an hour. He was no longer hot to the touch. Dallas walked out the room. He would never look back.

Chapter 22: Johnny, Baby! (Jally)


Originally posted in 2020

Jally smut
Make up sex - rushed smut writing

Interchanging POV's

Chapter Text

I curl up into a ball on the bathroom floor at Buck Merrill's bar, in Dallas' room. I sob my eyes out as my heart shatters into a million pieces. Love is hard, I know. I've always known about the dangers love brings.

Who am I rambling on about? Well, I'm rambling about my boyfriend, Dallas Winston.

He broke my heart...


He- Well he- I- I don't know...

He's been ignoring me. And it breaks my heart.

We use to stay up late at night telling each other how much we loved one another. We use to talk for hours on end. We use to have passionate sex...

We use to do a lot of things, okay?

I try to strike up a conversation but he's too tired to talk. I say I love you but he barely replies. Our conversations are short and empty.

Every time I try to do something "hot" or try to be "sexy", he's never in the mood.

I know I'm just being a baby. But, will it kill him to say something to me that isn't, "Yeah"? I'm going insane!

Everything had just came crumbling down, and I assume the worst.

'He doesn't love me anymore.'

'He's just waiting for some random broad to come along so he can replace me.'

'Dallas never wanted me.'

'This was all amistake, Dallasnever loved me. He was just being nice and giving me pity.'

'Nobody's ever wanted me.'

My own insecurities and anxiety are taking me over. I can't think think straight. Everything hurts, or aches.

'I'mover reacting.'

'I'm just being a baby.'

'Where even is Dallas right now?'

I let that question sink in.

'Yeah, whereis, Dallas?'

I sit up on the floor and wipe my eyes. Rage filled my body, I let out and scream and slammed my hands on the floor.

'He's probably with some broad. f*cking him betterthenyou ever did.'

More tears fell from my eyes as I hugged my knees into my chest.

'I'll never be good enough for anyone...'


I cried for about another hour before I heard the door open. My breath immediately caught in my throat as I look towards the door of the bathroom.


I went completely silent. I started to clean my face and stand up. Apparently I stood up too fast, because as soon as I got to my feet, I fell right back on my ass.

"Ow!" sh*t.

"Johnny, are you in the bathroom?" I heard footsteps walk towards the bathroom.

'Damn it.'

I didn't get a chance to try and get up again before Dallas opened the door. It took him a second before he look down at the floor and saw me. He gasped and got down onto the floor with me.

"Oh my God, Johnny! Are you okay, what happened?!" He reached out to touch me, but I flinched. "Johnny, what's wrong...?"

Third Person's POV~

"Where were you, Dallas?" Johnny said quietly.

"I was just out, Babe." Johnny stood up and stumbled a bit.

"Where. Were. You." Johnny gritted his teeth.

"I was just with, Tim. What's going on?"

Johnny was done beating around the bush. "You're never home! You never want to talk to me! You don't even want to touch me anymore! What happened? You were out f*cking broads, weren't you?"

Dallas stood up, "Johnny!"

"Just say it, Dallas! Say you don't love me anymore! Just say you never loved me and you think I'm disgusting!"

"Johnny, I don't think any of that. I still love you!"

Johnny started choking on sobs, "I trusted you! I gave you my virginity! I let you see my body! You made me vulnerable..."

"Johnny I- I don't know what to tell you."

"Just tell me you don't love me anymore..."

Dallas had had enough discussion, he took Johnny and pressed him firmly against the wall. Dallas growled and started attacking Johnny's sensitive neck.

"You say I don't love, huh? You say I'm not attracted to you anymore. We don't click anymore. Well, I'll show you a real connection." Dallas smashed his lips Johnny's.

Johnny wrapped his arms around Dallas' neck. This felt too good to be true. Dallas roughly picked Johnny up by the hips and carried him into the bedroom.

Dallas threw Johnny onto the bed, making the whole bed creak and shake. Dallas quickly started taking off his clothes. Johnny saw what Dallas was doing and took off his clothes as well.

Dallas quickly got onto the bed and started kissing Johnny again. Johnny gently held onto Dallas' hair, watching the older boy work his body.

Breathless and weak, Johnny spoke. "What's been going on with you?"

"You're asking that now?"

"...Yeah...?" Dallas stopped and looked at Johnny.

"Johnny, people used to call me a sex addict all the time. So I didn't want to seem like I was asking so much of you. I'm so afraid of being alone, and I don't want to be too clingy. So I distance myself. I never meant to hurt you. I just didn't want to be a bad boyfriend." Dallas said quietly.

Johnny stopped and let that information sink in. Dallas was doing the same exact thing he was. Johnny never asked for sex so he didn't seem like he was desperate. He was also afraid of being alone, so he distances himself so he doesn't seem so clingy.

Johnny would always do everything in his power to be a good boyfriend. He was blind in his own sorrow to notice that his own boyfriend was also suffering the same fate. They were both so desperate to keep up their walls that they had been building their entire lives, to even notice each other's pain in their own relationship.

"Dal, I'm sorry." Johnny face was soft and sad.

"Johnny, I forgive you. And I'm sorry too. But let's save this sappy sh*t for after sex, yeah?" Dallas smirked.

Johnny nodded and smiled back. Dallas leaned down and kissed Johnny gently. Johnny kissed back. Dallas slipped off his and Johnny's last article of clothing. He had been waiting for this for weeks. Dallas was starved from sex, and he was hungrier than ever. Dallas reached over to the bed side drawer to get the lube. Johnny stopped him.

Dallas looked at Johnny confused, "What?"

"Forget the lube, Dallas. Just get inside me." Johnny whined. Dallas nodded and leaned back up. Dallas stroked himself a couple of times to make sure he was fully erect. He lined himself up with Johnny's entrance and slowly pushed in the tip. "Mph."

"You alright?"

"It's just weird without the lube. Keep going." Johnny put his arms around Dallas' neck. Dallas complied and pushed more of himself inside.

"It'll be easier with the pre-cum." Johnny nodded.

Dallas started slowly thrusting into, Johnny. Johnny let out tiny pants of breathless pleasure and closed his eyes. Dallas began thrusting faster, making Johnny whimper. Dallas kissed Johnny's cheek and went deeper into the younger boy. Johnny let out a pained moan.

"Faster, Dally." Dallas complied. Dallas was thrusting fast and deep into the younger boy.

Johnny couldn't take it anymore. He felt a knot tie in his stomach. Johnny arched his back and came all over his stomach.

Dallas wasn't done yet. He kept f*cking the younger boy senseless. Johnny was overstimulated; he went limp from the pleasure.

With a few more thrusts and grunt, Dallas finally came on Johnny's stomach as well. Johnny was so overwhelmed he came a second time.

"I'm sorry, Johnny. I love you."

"I love you too."

Chapter 23: See Inside Me


Originally posted in 2021

Not a slash, implied slashes
Ponyboy needs a hug
CW: Major character death

Holding the grim reaper's hand.

Chapter Text

Ponyboy felt tired. He couldn't do the things he used to. He was just... different.

It had been over a year since the incident... Ponyboy didn't know what else to call it besides a tragedy. He felt broken without Johnny and Dallas here. But, that still didn't seem to be the biggest part of Ponyboy's issue.

Yes, he was depressed and still trying to move on from the death of his friends. There was just something... missing? Something that Ponyboy wasn't aware of that was going on. He knew something was wrong with him. But it didn't seem like just a personality adjustment anymore. It seemed more serious than that.

Ponyboy always felt uneasy. He knew something was going on, he just couldn't put his finger on it. It was causing him extreme frustration. It was frustrating that he couldn't understand what was going on. Or grasp what was off.



Ponyboy and Two-Bit were hanging out next to his car after school. Ponyboy thought that maybe the thing he was missing was his old friendships. He didn't have many, but he was trying to fix the ones he knew were salvageable.

He was no longer interested in the other kids at school. He remembered a couple of his school friends came to see him while he was still in the hospital. But he hadn't talked to any of those people since then. Nobody wanted to be friends with someone whom was basically a killer.

Ponyboy wasn't a killer. Neither was Johnny. But everyone at school thought otherwise.

That was another thing that was struggling to settle in Ponyboy's mind. What happened with Robert (Bob's real name was Robert-) wasn't his fault. Those Socs had no business beating up on him and Johnny. Johnny was just acting out of self-defense. He didn't mean it...

Thinking about it made Ponyboy's blood run cold.

None of those kids mattered to Ponyboy, anyway. He still had all of whom was left of the gang. Darrel, Two-Bit, and for a little while longer, Steve and Sodapop.

Steve and Sodapop wouldn't be around for much longer. They got their draft letters in the mail. They would be gone by next August or September. Steve was ready for this, he was ready to go stomp the enemies in the war. He thought it would be a good way to get his mind off the fact, he didn't know how to grieve. Steve was numb when Dallas and Johnny died. He mostly there to emotionally support, Sodapop.

Sodapop felt like he was being torn apart. He needed to stay home and help Darry take care of Ponyboy. Pony would graduate next year, then go off to college. The only way he could get there is if Soda stayed to help pay and keep things organized. He also just didn't want to go. Sodapop was still just a kid, basically. He had no business being on a killing field. He was scared, but you couldn't just avoid the draft. It was illegal and shameful (it was a felony and considered shameful to doge the draft).

Sodapop just didn't understand the concept of literally murdering people, to get them to comply with your opinion. It was sick.

Anyways, Ponyboy thought trying to rekindle his relationship with Keith was a good place to start. They were kind of close before. But now that they only really had each other, there was a lot to work with.

Two-Bit wasn't still in school, he finally managed to graduate somehow. He just stuck around sometimes to see Pony, or some other one-off friend. But it was usually Ponyboy. Two-Bit felt like he needed to protect Ponyboy. No one besides the Socs really had anything to do with what happened to Johnny and Dallas. Two-Bit still felt like he could be doing more to help patch things up.

Keith was leaning against his car, "Right when I was about to take the chick upstairs for some private time. Some dude walks up and says he'll but her a drink to just get away from me. This skan* immediately let's go of me, and runs off with that guy. What a rip off!" Two-Bit was ranting about some chick he tried to pick up the previous night. What a drag.

It wasn't hot outside, but Ponyboy felt like he was being melted alive. Just standing under the fall sun was making him feel weak.

"Uh huh..." Ponyboy croaked, panting. Two-Bit turned to the younger boy.

"Well, you don't sound interested at all. Not interested in girls anymore, Ponyboy? Or are you just sick of hearing me talk." Two-Bit tilted his head like a curious cat.

"I just... haven't been feeling well recently. I feel like I'm sweating my balls off, my knees are weak- sh*t like that. I think I might have the flu or something." Two-Bit's eyes widened, he puckered his lips and took a big step away from Pony.

"I'm telling, Darry." Keith said bluntly, putting his shirt over his face. Like it was actually protecting him from something.

"Slow down, Mathews. You ain't tellin' Darry diddly!" Ponyboy didn't even sound like himself anymore. (Cuz that's a word.)

"Last time I didn't tell Darry you were sick, you ended up having a concussion and you were delusional for like... 4 days. I'm not ready to have another heart attack because of you, Ponyboy Curtis. Now get in the car, I'm taking you home." Two-Bit said sternly. Ponyboy cringed at the few memories he had of before the rumble. He didn't remember much, mostly just feeling sick at the bus stop and promising Keith to take aspirin when they got home.

"Whatever, man... Just- take me home and I'll try to sleep it off." Ponyboy knew that the probability of that working was slim. He had been trying to sleep this off for MONTHS now. Ponyboy started to make his way to the passenger side of the car. His head was starting to hurt, he couldn't focus. His stomach turned and his skin paled suddenly.

Ponyboy was out of breath, something he also felt quite a lot. After he broke all those ribs in the rumble a year ago, he wouldn't breathe the same. He had messed up ribs just BEGGING to poke a hole in Pony's lungs. He also chain-smoked. Even after all those times he got sick from doing it in the church with Johnny. Just because they were bored. It was like eating because you're bored, not because you're hungry.

Two-Bit noticed how Ponyboy was acting, he reached out for the other. "Hey are you okay-" Right as Keith finished his sentence, Ponyboy violently vomited onto the ground. He clutched his stomach and fell to his knees. He continued to throw-up and 'cause a scene' in the school parking lot.

Two-Bit watched his life flash before his eyes. He was scared Ponyboy would just croak right there in the parking lot. He didn't quite know what to do yet, so he waited for Ponyboy to finish. When Ponyboy did finish, he almost collapsed completely. Two-Bit was there to catch him. He shuffled the younger boy into the car and raced over to the Curtis home.

"Jesus kid, I wish you'd stop scaring me..." Two-Bit mumbled to himself.


When they got to the house, Ponyboy was too weak to answer anyone. Two-Bit got out of the car and scooped Ponyboy up into his arms. He rushed into the house to only see Darry. Steve and Soda must have been held up at the DX. Darrel was just relaxing, enjoying being alone in silence when Two-Bot busted in.

Darrel nearly jumped out of his skin when Two-Bit came in. "Slow down, the hell do you think you're doing?" Darry asked the other boy tiredly. He his hand on the side of his own head.

"Darry, Ponyboy's real sick, man. He threw up in the parking lot at school, and he's basically unconscious right now." Two-Bit held Ponyboy close to his chest. Ponyboy must have the flu or something.

Darrel groaned and stood up from his comfortable chair. He dragged himself over and felt Ponyboy's forehead with the back of his hand. It was really hot; Ponyboy was sweating heavily. Ponyboy had always been, well... white. But his skin looked closer to porcelain. Darrel furrowed his eyebrows impatiently. He motioned for Two-Bit to follow him.

Two-Bit kept the younger boy cradled in his arms. The three of them went to the bathroom. Darrel pulled a thermometer, "Try to sit him up some," Darry said. Two-Bit maneuvered Ponyboy to where he was sitting on his hip. Kind of like how a child would be sat on their parents hip. Ponyboy whined from being moved around. He leaned against the older boy.

Darry opened Ponyboy's mouth, slipping the thermometer inside, and then under Pony's tongue. Ponyboy tried to squirm away, but Two-Bit kept him in place. Darrel watched the time tik away on his watch. He waited for three minutes to go by. It felt closer to ten, but whatever.

He pulled the thermometer out of Ponyboy's mouth. Ponyboy immediately turned his face so Darry wouldn't shove the thermometer back into his mouth. Darry squinted at the numbers and groaned. 102 on the dot it seemed.

"His temp is 102, Keith. He's really sick. Let's get him changed and have him lie down. If it gets to 104, I'm taking him to the Emergency Room." Darrel grumbled and put the thermometer away. Two-Bit nodded in agreement, taking Ponyboy to his bedroom. He still shared it with, Soda. He thought about moving out, but now that Sodapop was about to leave for Vietnam, he didn't want to have separate rooms anymore. Ponyboy was still trying to get every second with his brother that he could.

Ponyboy continued to lay limply in his friends arms. Ponyboy felt like a small child again. Darry said he was getting too big to carry when the incident happened. But now look at him.

Two-Bit laid Ponyboy down on the bed. Darrel came into the room and went through Ponyboy's drawers, looking for some breathable clothes. He found shorts and a tank top, it would help Ponyboy cool down.

Ponyboy made the other two get out so he could change. It was difficult, and he almost cried because of how frustrated he was. But nonetheless, he did it. Ponyboy threw a shoe at the door to signal they could come in. It was weak, missed the door completely. But they walked in when they heard the thud.

As he waited for Darrel and Two to come back into the room, he started to get cold again. Freezing in fact. He didn't understand how he went from being melted alive, to freezing in the matter of minutes. He whined and kicked the blankets frustratedly.

Darrel was mildly confused at the sight. Ponyboy bundled up immediately. He walked over, "Ponyboy, aren't you hot?" Darrel put his hand on Ponyboy's arm, feeling the heat radiating off it.

"No, 'm cold." Ponyboy tried to pull his arm away. But the movements made his body heat up. He groaned and kicked off the blankets. "Now 'm hot..."

Two-Bit was chewing on his bottom lip. He didn't like this at all. Ponyboy was just rough all over. Darrel shook his head, "Two, could you go get the thermometer again? I think it's a sign his temperature spiked or somethin'. I need to talk to him for a minutes."

"Sure, Dar-Bear." Keith smiled and left the room. He used the nickname to try and get Darry to loosen up. He also used it to be flirty with the other. He quite enjoyed Darrel, more than a friend sometimes.
It was a just a flu Pony had caught it seemed. At least to, Keith.

Darrel sat on the edge of the bed, "Ponyboy, could you please tell me all of your symptoms?" He asked.

Ponyboy was extremely uncomfortable. He was hot, but cold- it felt like needles all over his skin. It made him nauseous again. "Nausea, headache, weird temperature flux- like I'm hot then I'm cold. It's hard to breathe... I had a bad cough earlier, it slowed down when I started vomiting. I'm fatigued, it feels like all of my ribs are broken. There's just PAIN all over my general rib cage area." Ponyboy was rapid-firing all of the symptoms off. It was obvious how frustrated he was with being sick.

"Alright, I'm just going to take your temp again. If it went up to 104, I'm taking you to the emergency room." Darry said, taking the thermometer form Two-Bit as he came back into the room.

"Dar, we can't afford that. We need to saving money so we'll be stable when Soda leaves..." It hurt to bring it up, but Ponyboy had a point. That just made Darrel agitated. He shoved the thermometer into Ponyboy's mouth.

"Hush up 'bout that. We'll be just fine. You're health will be taken seriously, no matter our financial situation. You hear? That's how people end up dead, because they just brushed off what's wrong with them." Darry was on edge. Ponyboy shut his trap after that.

Darry had Two-Bot watch the time for the three minutes Pony had to have the thermometer in his mouth. Keith gave the older man a thumbs up, and he removed the object from his baby brothers mouth. Darrel's breath caught in his throat.

Ponyboy was starting to have a coughing fit. Hacking stuff up into his hands. Darrel didn't pay attention just yet. He was too focused on what was on the thermometer. Was he reading it wrong? Ponyboy groaned and held his hands out in front of him.

"Oh holy hell, Ponyboy! What the f*ck is that in your hands?" Darrel did a double-take as he looked back over. Ponyboy's hands were covered in blood he just coughed up.

"sh*t..." Darrel sat down the thermometer, they couldn't dick around any longer. "Two-Bit get some paper towels and towel for the car ride. His temp spiked to 105.4. He needs to see a doctor. I got to get my shoes on 'n sh*t." Darrel scrambled to his feet and TTwo-Bit did what the older boy told him to do.

Ponyboy was starting to panic. He wasn't totally there, whatever was wrong with him was really starting to mess with his head. He was tired and delirious; just perfect. He whimpered, unsure of what to do with himself.

Two-Bit quickly came back into the room. "Just hold still, little buddy. I'll clean off your hands." Keith helped the youngest member of their "gang" clean up. Helping the younger boy sit up and get shoes on. Ponyboy was starting to tear up, he didn't understand anything in this moment.

Darrel came back into the room and picked Ponyboy up like a kid. Setting him on his hip, giving Ponyboy something to lean on. "Keith, go start the truck please." Two-Bit did as he was asked. Darrel tucked some hair out of Ponyboy's face, "God, I hope you're okay..."

Pony whimpered and limply laid against his older brother.

Ponyboy had been admitted into the hospital. At least three hours had passed. Now that they were settled, Darry had a difficult phone call to make. Sodapop was probably at home, running around like a chicken with its head cut off. Wondering where in the hell anyone was. Two-Bit stuck around. His mom was working that night, and his sister was old enough to be left home alone now. So he just wanted to stay and be there for his friends.

Two-Bit meant it when he said Ponyboy was his best friend. His was particularly close with anyone in the gang. He was just of just everyone's friend. But, he wanted a relationship like Johnny and Dallas. So close, that they'd die for each other. Although, Two-Bit wishes Dallas didn't take that so literally... Anyways, he saw Ponyboy as a best friend. That's what mattered.

"Stay here with him please, I need to go call Soda before he explodes. He goes crazy if he doesn't have social interaction. Boy can't stand to be alone anymore these days..." Keith nodded and Darrel left the room.

Sodapop had never moved on from Sandy. Sodapop just preferred to flirt with everyone now. It was a lot easier then holding down a girl that would probably stab him in the heart. It was weird, though. At least to people looking in from the outside. Sodapop could have anyone he wanted. But he chose to have no one. He didn't want something serious anymore. Sandy ruined it for him, truly.

But, Sodapop found himself confining in Steve a lot more. A lot of hugs, late night sneaky conversations on the phone. Sometimes they would just flirt- they would always brush it off as the two of them joking, but it didn't seem to be a joke anymore.

Sometimes the two of them would have their bodies flush together, lips inches a part. Whispering romantic things. But then they would pull away and laugh it off. Sodapop found a comfort in Steve he had never found in anyone else before.

Darrel found a payphone not too far away from Ponyboy's hospital room. He put the dime in and listened to the ringing...

"Hello?" The voice on the other side said.

"Sodapop, is that you? It's Darrel." He said. Darry looked around, paranoid about someone listening in on his conversation.


"Sodapop, slow down. I can explain myself. Just listen, alright?" Darrel was not about to have Sodapop chew him out after the he's had.

"'M listening."

"Ponyboy's real sick, man. Two-Bit and I had to take him to the hospital, he was admitted two hours ago. His temperature was real high, and just a bunch of other gross stuff." Darrel was surprised he was able to summarize it that easily.

"Oh good lord, can we not get a break? What room, I'll have Steve give me a ride up there." Darrel told him the room number, and Sodapop didn't stay on the phone a second longer.


Sodapop hung up the phone, feeling like he was going to cry. Steve was standing near him, he heard the commotion and walked over to his best friend. "Hey man, what's going on?" Steve asked, putting a comforting hand on his friends shoulder.

Sodapop took in a shaky breath, "It's Ponyboy, Darrel said he's real sick. I- I need to go see him. He was admitted to the hospital a couple hours ago, apparently." Sodapop felt weak in the knees.

"Hey hey, it's alright, man. I'm sure he's okay. I'll drive ya, let's get a move on." Before they could move, Steve pulled Sodapop in for a hug. Holding the other boy close and rubbing his back carefully. Sodapop wrapped his arms around his friend, sinking into his comforting touch.

"Thank you, Steve..."

"Don't mention it, now let's get out here before I kiss you..." Steve mumbled and dragged Sodapop out of the house. Sodapop didn't think anything of what he said.

"Careful Steve, you might just make me act up." Soda joked. But was he really?


Steve and Sodapop sped through the streets of Tulsa like they were drag racing. Driving fast is just what they usually did. Drag race or not.

After a bit of walking down seemingly endless hallways, they found the room Pony was in. But when they walked in, they found that the bed was empty. Darrel had his head in his hands. Two-Bit just looked numb.

Sodapop automatically assumed the worst. "W-where is he?" Sodapop asked worriedly. "Where is, P-Ponyboy?"

Sodapop ripped Darrel from his thoughts, scaring him a little. He looked up, standing as well. "Soda, you're finally here-"

Soda cut him off, internally panicking. "WHERE IS PONYBOY?!" He screeched. Darrel came up and put his hands on Sodapop's shoulders.

"Cool down, little buddy. They took him in for some x-ray's. Something is wrong with his lungs." He explained. Sodapop calmed down a little. But something was wrong with his lungs?

"What's wrong with his lungs?" Sodapop was getting ahead of himself.

"They don't know yet, that's why they're doing the chest x-ray. Just sit down, the two of ya. He'll be back soon enough." Darrel was good at getting Sodapop to calm down, and vice versa.

Steve put a hand on Soda's shoulder, leading him to an empty chair and making him sit down. Sodapop was on edge. Wasn't this just the flu? Why would he need a chest x-ray for that?

Maybe it was an pneumonia. People could still survive those (poor Corey Haim). Sodapop wasn't sure. He never payed attention in school, for the short while he was there.

Sodapop was thinking really hard. He had an unnatural (for him) look on his face.

"Soda, what's wrong?" Steve asked.

"I'm so scared for him..." Soda sobbed, putting his face into his friends chest. Steve cooed at his friend, rubbing his back gently.

"I know, Soda. I know..."

An hour passed and the staff brought Ponyboy back. Ponyboy looked awful. It looked like they took his soul while they were at it. The CNA got Ponyboy settled back into bed, telling everyone vaguely in the room that the doctor will be with them soon, to explain the results.

Sodapop was shaking. He was sure that nothing was wrong, the flu at the most. But he couldn't help but feel like his nerves were being scraped with sandpaper. It always felt like the universe was testing him and the people close to him. Seeing how far it could push these poor people to the edge.


The doctor walked in slowly. Holding the x-rays in an orange envelope. It reminded Soda of packages that you would send a friend whom lived far away. The doctor looked at all of the people in the room. "Are you all family?"

Darrel didn't have time for this. He just needed to know what the hell was going on. "Practically, they ain't going nowhere. They'll figure out what's up sooner or later, anyway." Darrel said bitterly. The doctor looked at Ponyboy, asking the younger boy with his eyes. Pony simply nodded.

"They all can stay..." He said weakly, coughing a little. He sincerely felt like someone sucked the life out of him. Shoved a vacuum tube down his esophagus, and sucked everything out.

The doctor nodded slowly, going over to a light board. He turned it on, putting the x-rays up on it. Tucking them into place. He put the orange envelope underneath his arm.

"Well first off, I'm Dr. Caddy. But that's enough introductions. Because what I have to show you is a lot more important. Look up at the board, take a look at here at Ponyboy's lung x-ray's." Dr. Caddy pointed to it. It didn't look totally right. Like there were splotches in it.

Only one person in that room really knew what those splotches were. But everyone else had a sinking feeling they knew what it was. Sodapop could feel himself start to internally panic.

"So, these are the images of Ponyboy's lungs that we took. Take a good look at it for a moment." Dr. Caddy took another photo and put it next to the photo of Ponyboy is loves. "Here is another photo. This is somebody else's lungs. You can see the difference here, right?" Everyone agreed.
"You can see these... masses in Ponyboy's lungs. They're reasonably. sized." He sighed.

Darrel was starting to get frustrated. "What the hell are they?" He blurted. Ponyboy was scared.

"To put it bluntly, they look like tumors. We would have to do further testing to confirm. But I'm afraid Ponyboy might have a form of lung cancer. Does he smoke, or has he been exposed to any fires extensively recently?" Dr. Caddy asked.

"I smoke tobacco, sir. I was also in a church fire almost two years ago." Ponyboy said. It sounded like somebody had taken out Ponyboy's vocal cords, and put them back into his throat.

The room went silent.

"I don't know if these are cancerous or not. But looking at the size and how many of them there are, it's obvious Ponyboy has had this for a while. I'm afraid it might be too late, even if we do get the results back saying they're just tumors. Looking at your financial situation, I don't know what kind of treatment will be available." Dr. Caddy collected the chest x-rays and put them back into his orange envelope. He looked towards the sad family. "I'm terribly sorry..." He said.

"NO THE f*ck YOU'RE NOT! HE'S JUST A BOY! HE-" Sodapop stood up and continued to curse out the doctor. He was absolutely furious and torn to shreds by this news. Dr. Caddy didn't do anything. He just took the verbal abuse, it's obvious Sodapop needed to vent his emotions. He was a wreck, sobbing his eyes out.

Darrel had to hold Sodapop back. Before he tried to get physical, or cause more trouble.

Ponyboy on the other hand, was stuck in shock. His mouth was hanging open, Unsure how to to take this news. Was there seriously no other option? So that was it, huh. There was nothing left for him. Ponyboy had no choice but to take death by the hand. Ponyboy had silent tears rolling down his face.

Dr. Caddy eventually left the room. Sodapop was still thrashing against Darry's hold. "Steve, can you take him out for a moment? Please." Darrel asked. Steve agreed and took the hysterical Sodapop out into the hallway. He took him down to the cafeteria to get something to eat.

The room fell silent. Three people remained in the room. Ponyboy turned to his eldest brother, he spoke Softly. "Dar, I'm not going to make it, am I?"

Two-Bit slowly shook his head in disappointment. "Don't say that Ponyboy, I'm sure t-that there is something we can do to help you." Darry said. It seemed like Ponyboy was the least scared of all of them. Sodapop was taking this the hardest. It was obvious they were all going to going through a tough time right now.

"Yeah Pone, you need to look on the bright side." Two-Bit said. His heart was crushed. He was finally able to reconnect with Ponyboy, and he was already being ripped away.

"I don't know about that, Two-Bit. God might be on that side." Ponyboy was referring to the fact that people usually see a bright light when they die. Two-Bit frowned, he didn't like that answer Ponyboy gave. They were already worried for him. The room went quiet after that.

"It'll be okay little buddy, it'll be okay..."


Three months had passed and Ponyboy wasn't getting any better. He was getting sicker. He was fatigued and had no more appetite. When it came to time to eat, it was living hell. They always had to beg and plead. Even if he did agree to eat, he was so sick he usually ended up throwing up.

They had done further testing, it turns out the tumors in Pony's lungs were cancerous. The doctor said he didn't have much longer left.

Ponyboy was hopeful at first. But the more sick he got, the more he hopes this would just be over already. Now he was getting to the point where he was now bedridden. He didn't mind it too much, just meant he got an excuse to not move. Although the excuse was just that he was rotting away.

Sodapop hated all of this. He hated how Ponyboy just decided to give up. He and Darry looked into treatment options, it was very disappointing to say the least. Darrel didn't like to come to terms with the fact Ponyboy wasn't going to get better. But he had to just toughen up and take the blow. Sodapop hated that too. It seemed like everyone had no intentions on seeing Ponyboy reach age 17.

Two-Bit on the other hand, just pretended like it wasn't happening. He cried a lot in private because of it. He felt alone. So he covered it up with his happy jokes and his playful personality. He went to Darrel once about it, but that was it. Darrel consoled him, then they didn't talk about it again.

Two-Bit was a real mess behind closed doors. Sodapop didn't even try to hide it.

Steve did feel bad, he hated seeing Ponyboy like this. Not to mention Soda too. All Sodapop did was cry and rip his hair out. There was a point Sodapop was considering cutting himself to cope. But when he realized that would only cause more problems, he tried to step back. He did for a small part.


Sodapop was doing the his usual routine that he did, since Ponyboy had become bedridden. He would always try to get Ponyboy up and out of the house. Not necessarily trying to go anywhere, just to go outside and get some sunshine. Sodapop was getting worried about Ponyboy's Vitamin-D intake.

Even though how much sun Ponyboy was getting should be the least of his worries. It was something smaller to worry about than just the cancer in general.

Ponyboy was pale and boney. It was a scary sight to look at. It was sad... Darrel was scared to face him anymore. It wasn't Ponyboy's fault he looked the way he did. But Darry couldn't help but distance himself. He couldn't take the heartache. So he just didn't go around him anymore. It made Ponyboy sad. He was sad that his eldest brother couldn't even look at him anymore.

He tried not to take it personally. At least Sodapop was compensating for it, by breathing down Ponyboy's neck all the time.

Soda knocked on the bedroom door before walking inside. "Hey buddy, are you ready to go outside? It's pretty bright out, I'm sure you'll love it." Sodapop said, trying his best to sound happy.

At first, Ponyboy would oblige to going outside. He would complain and whine, telling Sodapop just put him back in bed. It was just too tired to deal with it. But as time went on, Ponyboy learned to appreciate it. He liked going outside, silently listening and basking in the sun. It felt good, especially since recently he's been feeling more cold than usual. Darrel said it's because Pony no longer has any fat on his bones. Or even muscle mass anymore.

Ponyboy wheezed as a response, talking took too much energy. Sodapop gave him a small smile and picked him up bridal style. Sodapop took Ponyboy out to the back porch. He sat down, cradling his brother in his arms under the sun. Ponyboy fit comfortably in Sodapop's lap.

"It's 3pm, I know you probably never know the time or day locked up in the room, like Cinderella. Uhm... They do that to people in coma's. They'll tell them the day, the time. So that they're not scared, and so that they're a little more aware of what's happening. You're not in a coma, I know you can see, hear, and touch. I just thought I would do it anyway." Sodapop talked like Ponyboy would respond to him. Sodapop was loosing it; he was really talking to himself basically.

Ponyboy never said anything back, but in his mind he thanked Soda. Ponyboy thanked all of his lucky stars he got to have a brother like, Soda.

"I had fun at work today. It was strange, though... It hasn't been the same, not having you, Johnny, Dallas, or Two-Bit even- come around. I loved it when you would come around to help work on cars with me and Steve, even though Steve would make fun of you for not understanding how some big, complicated, heavy machinery works. But now that I know that won't happen anytime soon, I really miss it. So much to ask for, right?" Sodapop chuckled, readjusting Ponyboy in his arms. He looked up at the sky, there were no clouds today.
"A girl came in, she looked just like Sandy. That was the strange part of my day. She had a little toddler with her- dare I say two years old? She gave me a funny look and then asked for a fill-up andCoca-Cola."

Sodapop didn't miss Sandy anymore. He had moved on. But seeing that women and her kid, it shook Sodapop up a little bit.

"Ponyboy, do you think Johnny and Dallas still visit the DX? Or the house even. Just checking on us, coming around to chat and goof off like we used to. Like, even before Johnny's incident with Bob the first time. Man that kid had an attitude..." Sodapop laughed softly, his eyes starting to water. "Sometimes I talk to Johnny, y'know. I sound crazy. But I always ask him to watch you when I'm not around. I know Darry has been having a hard time, Steve and Two-Bit are doing there own things. So I ask Johnny to watch you for a bit. I'm sure he's getting everything ready for you. I know he misses you just as much as we miss him. I bet he's excited to see you again..."

Sodapop prayed every night, asking God and Johnny's ghost to take care of his baby brother. Sodapop never knew if one of these days he'd wake up and Ponyboy would already be gone.

"They say really sick people who are close to dying see other people who have passed on. As in, loved ones. Have you seen Mom, Dad, Johnny, Dallas, anyone?" Sodapop asked. He looked at Ponyboy, he obviously didn't answer. "I bet Mom and Dad are going to happy to see you."

The longer Soda talked, the more he let his mind run away with him.

"Ponyboy," He looked at his brother, "Can you promise me one thing?" Sodapop looked into his eyes. "When you go, don't stay. I know you don't really belong in heaven, I don't believe this was your destined time to go. But if your soul is restless, just know it's okay to move on. You've served your purpose. I want you to be happy up in the sky." Sodapop wanted to cry. He had a lump in his throat. "Just promise me you'll move on. I leave in two weeks... you'll be all alone in the house. I- I don't think I could live on knowing you were alone here. God knows Darry'll just throw himself into some work and we'll never hear from him for weeks at a time."

There was still nothing. Sodapop had a feeling Ponyboy promised non-verbally.

"I think it's time to go back inside, Pony. The sun is setting." Sodapop got up and carried Ponyboy back into his bedroom. He tucked his baby brother in and kissed his forehead. "Goodnight Ponyboy, I'll see you in the morning. Tomorrow is going to be a good day, I can just feel it..."


Ponyboy woke up into what seemed to be a dream. "What the-?" Before he could say more, something orsomeonestarted to approached him. Ponyboy was in a white room. He was slightly afraid. But when the mysterious figure got closer, his body was put at ease. He felt like he was standing on air. He felt like hewasair.

"Ponyboy! I thought that was you. It's so good to see you again!" The figure said.

Ponyboy blinked his eyes a few times. "Johnny...?" Ponyboy asked quietly.

"In the spirit! Get it, because I don't have physical flush anymore, so I can't say 'in the flesh'?" Johnny laughed at his own tasteless joke. He walked over and wrapped his arms around Ponyboy. Giving him a loving hug.

Ponyboy felt an overwhelming Joy course through his body. Was this really Johnny? Was this some sort of sick hallucination? Ponyboy didn't care in the moment, he simply hugged him back. "Oh Johnny, is it really you?" Pony cried.

"Of course it is," Johnny pulled away, his dark pools for eyes staring into Pony's greyish-green ones. "Isn't this amazing? When you die all of your scars and illness', stuff like that, go away. You're just a better you. I feel more happy than I ever have. And it feels so good to see you again." Johnny had a rare smile no one saw a lot when he was alive. "I honestly didn't think I would see you this soon..." He said a little nervously.

"But Johnny, where am I?" Ponyboy asked. His hands were on the sides of Johnny's arms.

"Oh... Uhm, you're in between the planes of the living and the dead. You're technically still alive, put your body is about to pass on. So your soul is stuck here until your physical body finally gives up and shuts down." Johnny said. He tried to stay confident, but he could tell how much this was affecting Ponyboy, for real.

"Oh, I see..." Ponyboy chewed on his lip. "I'm gonna miss 'em Johnny, I'm really going to miss them." Ponyboy wanted to cry, but he was bare of emotions. He knew what sadness was, but it felt like a real emotions were turned off in this middle Realm between planes.

"I know Ponyboy, I wish it didn't have to be this way. It wasn't your time..." Johnny said.

"What do you mean by that?" Pony asked.

"You see Ponyboy, people are supposed to die when the time's right. Usually of old age. But in some cases, horrible incidents happen that cause a domino effect. In this case is the church fire. You weren't supposed to inhale all that smoke. That entire thing wasn't supposed to happen... But there isn't much you can do, y'know? You're here now." Johnny explained.

Ponyboy sighed, "I don't even really remember anything from the last few months of my life. I was nothing more than a vegetable. Sodapop was the only one that talked to me. I didn't do much, I could tell you everything about Sodapop's day at work for the past few months. But it's blurry. I'll miss him the most. He didn't deserve this, Johnny. He didn't do anything wrong. He was there for me... I wasn't alone because of him. The runner-up would be Keith obviously. Darry wouldn't even look at me. That hurt me so bad... But forgive and forget, I suppose. There's nothing he can do now. Steve and I never got a long before, but it was nice to see some remorse in his eyes."

"It's fun to watch over you guys. Not for the past six months, but I digress." Johnny said.

Ponyboy vaugely though of his parents, he wondered what going through their minds at that moment. "Where's Dallas? Is he up in heaven? Will I get to see him too?" Johnny had a smile on his face before, but it's slowly dropped.

"He's not in heaven, Pony. He's a Restless Spirit. He's roaming the living room, trying to figure out his unfinished business. He's not coming Pony, I'm so sorry." Pony could see that it really hurt Johnny to say that. Like he was almost disappointed he didn't get to see Dallas. "I watch over him sometimes too. He's mostly messing with Buck, knocking things over and moving things around. Dally died angry and full of negative energy. That was the weight that made him stay down. His negative energy is so strong, he's able to move things around. That's the kind of thing that you would see in horror movies. I miss him... I miss my scary boy." Johnny said softly.

"Oh Johnny-" Ponyboy I was about to say something encouraging or comforting, but the ground began to shake. "Johnny, what's happening?!"

"The stairs! Ponyboy quick, you need to go towards the light. You need to go up the stairs." Johnny said sternly. He was starting to float, eventually he was gone through the ceiling.

"Johnny!" Ponyboy listened to what he said, his first instinct was to follow him up the stairs anyway. Ponyboy was sprinted up the stairs, going further into the light. He felt like he didn't weigh anything. It made his balance weird.

He also felt a lot slower, and that says a lot since he ran track for years. Ponyboy finally made it to the top of the stairs, tripping over himself again and falling up the stairs. He thought was weird and an all new low. Whom the hell falls UP the stairs? The gateway was open, it was made of gold, it seemed.

Ponyboy turned around, the clouds were closing around the stairway. Ponyboy wanted to tear up, he was really saying goodbye...

"I'll keep a good eye on ya, Soda. I'll take care of you." Ponyboy promised.

"Pony c'mon! It's almost morning. They're gonna find you soon, but I want you to come watch Dallas mess with Buck and Tim's mind, by moving their things around."

"Comin' Johnny!"


The sun was up, blinding all of the tired people in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Sodapop Curtis woke up to the blaring sound of his alarm. He slapped his palm on his alarm to make it turn off. He groaned and rolled out of bed.

He went and took a shower. Brushed his hair and teeth; did his usual morning routine.

It didn't take him very long to do all of it. Around 30 to 40 minutes. That gave him enough time. When he was done with everything, it was finally time to go check on, Ponyboy.

He would do his usual thing. Try to get him to eat, just get him out of bed. Let him see the sun. Then Sodapop would put him back to bed. Then when he got home from work, he would do what he didn't the morning. Just at a different time of the day.

Today was no different.

Sodapop quietly knocked on the door before walking inside the bedroom. He turned on the light and looked towards the bed. "Hey Pony, you awake little buddy? It's morning. Do you think you can eat today?" Sodapop asked, walking over to the bed.

But there was nothing. No movement, no noise. Sodapop thought that was kind of weird. By now Ponyboy usually wiggled around, or made noises of discomfort. Soda raised an eyebrow.

"Ponyboy-" Sodapop reached out and touched Ponyboy's face, only to feel that it's ice cold. Soda gasped and yanked his arm away. He knew what that meant.

Sodapop was getting scared. "Ponyboy, this isn't funny. Buddy you gotta wake up, we got to get going." Sodapop grabbed Ponyboy's face and turned it towards him. He shrieked and yanked his hands away again when he saw his baby brother's face.

His mouth was open slightly. Eyes we're grey and glossed over. Sodapop started to breathe heavily through his mouth. Trying to get air in through his nose, only to smell something rotting.

Ponyboy was dead.

"P-Ponyboy..." Sodapop croaked out sadly. "Please wake up..." Sodapop cried.

Chapter 24: Lies The Devil Told (Jally)


Originally posted in 2020

Jally angst
CW: Cheating

Chapter Text

Dallas and Johnny's relationship was steady. They had just moved in with each other; they were that basic mushy couple everyone hates. Although, saying 'I love you', to each other is another thing. Neither of them would just throw those words around.

Even if they didn't say anything about it out loud.

Dallas had a job, he worked from 10AM-9PM, but he told Johnny he didn't get off until Midnight. For Dallas had a secret.

Johnny did not have a job. He didn't have any people skills and wasn't taken seriously. So, he just waited at home, on the couch, for Dallas to get home. He didn't have anywhere to be, Johnny dropped out of high school. Ponyboy begged him not to go but, Johnny was done. He would rather stay up till midnight, every night, waiting for Dallas to get off work.

Which is exactly what he did.

But today, he actually got a job interview. He was excited to tell Dallas he wouldn't be a freeloader anymore.


When Dallas would walk through the door, Johnny would jump to his feet like an excited puppy. He would give Dallas a hug and a kiss, ask him how his day was. Johnny felt like everything was perfect.

Johnny wassatisfied.

Dallas on the other hand... Well... Let me tell you from the beginning-


Dallas got off of work at 9PM, he packed up his stuff and went to the place he always goes to. Buck Merrill's run down bar/sleazy motel. It was like he never moved out. Dallas would rent the room for a week at a time. Room 25B.

Him and hislady friendboth had a key. They would meet every night around 9:30PM to hook up, then depart around 11:40PM. This gave Dallas enough time to clean up, and be home to Johnny around 12:20AM.

Johnny never suspected a thing, he thought their sex life was beyond satisfactory.

This liaison was going on for two months, until the night Dallas realized thehorriblemistake he had been making.

Let's go back to that dreadful night and recollect.


It was around 11PM, Johnny was sitting on the couch. He was watching the clock tick, Johnny was very excited to tell Dallas about his job opportunity. Johnny was also just excited to see his boyfriend.

He watched the TV and yawned, trying to stay awake.


Dallas shut the motel room door and grimly smiled at his woman. She already had her shirt off, leaving her in a bra and a skirt.

Dallas approached her slowly and she jiggled her chest. Dallas made a sexy growl and grabbed her waist. "I missed you hot stuff, work was drag."

The girl giggled, "You look forward to seeing me, and these girls?" She bit her lip and groped her own chest.

"Oh yeah," Dallas felt weird saying that.

"Get your clothes off baby, I'maching."

"Yeah, yeah, sorry." Dallas quickly took off his clothes. The girl frowned and Dallas got confused. "What?" She pointed at Dallas' penis.

Dallas looked down and realized he wasn't even erect yet.Weird,"You're not even hard?" She questioned.

Dallas was having trouble figuring out what to say. "I-I'm probably just having some trouble today. How about you put your mouth on it, and we can see where that goes~"

The girl giggled and crawled over to, Dallas. She playfully slapped Dallas' crotch, he growled.

Dallas thought about when Johnny would do that, when the two of them would have sex.

Wait, why was Dallas thinking about that right now?Weird.

She stroked Dallas' co*ck to try and get him hard. But, for some reason it just wasn't working. The girl was getting frustrated, "What the hell?" Dallas was getting nervous.

"U-uhm, just put your mouth on it," The girl grumbled. Sucking a soft dick wasn't easy but, she tried anyway. She was having trouble keeping it in her mouth.

Dallas looked down at the girl, he just couldn't concentrate. When he looked down at the girl sucking him off, all he could think about was, Johnny.

Dallas thought about all the times he and Johnny hadfooledaround.

Dallas was now thinking about how all this time, he had beenfoolingJohnny.

Dallas felt guilt creep into his chest. "S-stop." Dallas said. He pulled the girls mouth off his co*ck.

"What- what are you doing? Stop what?"

"This, stop this."

"You're not making any sense."

"I want to stop this," Dallas got up and put all of his clothes back on.

"Excuse me?!"

"It's over, I don't want to see you again." Dallas pulled in his shoes and left. He slammed the door behind him.

Dallas climbed into his car. He turned the key in the ignition. He finally realized how selfish he was being. He didn't want that random whor* he had been f*cking.

He wanted, Johnny.

Dallas needed, Johnny.

He loves, Johnny.

Dallas bit his lip and tore out of the motel parking lot. He needed to make things right. Dallas needed to come clean with, Johnny.

He felt awful. Dallas was so used of jumping relationship-to-relationship. He's never had a significant other care before. It wasn't an excuse.

Dallas had never realized how selfish he was being. He needed to face the consequences of his actions head on. No matter how much he wanted to pretend nothing had happened.


Johnny heard Dallas' car pull up in the driveway. He looked at the clock, only to shockingly find out it was only 10PM. "What?" Johnny said aloud to himself. Johnny shrugged it off, 'Hemustof been able to get off early.' He thought.

Dallas walked through the door; Johnny smiled and jumped to his feet. "Hi Dally, welcome home!" Johnny went over to Dallas and gave him a hug.

"Hey baby," Dallas smiled and took in Johnny's presence. He felt sadness take over his heart. Dallas gave Johnny a quick kiss on the lips.

"How was work? You got off awful early tonight." Johnny let go of Dallas and backed up.

"It was uhm, the same ya know." Dallas shrugged and sat down on the couch. Johnny frowned from the lack of attention he was being given. He sat down on the couch next to, Dallas.

"Are you sure? You're still home two hours early." Johnny pressed on. Dallas was becoming very nervous. He had to tell, Johnny.

Did he really, though?

Dallas was chickening out of telling Johnny the truth. He got up and went to the kitchen. "Yeah, I'm sure, baby." Johnny got up and followed, Dallas.

Dallas got a beer out of the fridge, "Hey Dal, I got some news to tell you!" Dallas looked into Johnny's bright, sensitive eyes. His heart shattered. He felt even worse, now.

Dallas sat down his drink and deeply sighed. He grabbed both of Johnny's hand and rubbed the back of them with his thumbs. "Hun, before you say anything, I gotta tell you somethin'." Dallas' face grew serious.

Johnny's heart began to race, he was scared to hear what Dallas had to say. Dallas took in another deep breath and kissed Johnny's hands. He pulled away and laid them gently at Johnny's sides, letting go. For some weird reason, as soon as Dallas let go, Johnny's hands felt cold. Johnny tried to catch Dallas' gaze, but Dallas deliberately looked away. "Johnny, I-I'm so sorry but," Johnny felt like his heart was going to stop, "I've been cheating on you."

The words burned like a band aid being ripped off of a fresh wound. "W-What..." Johnny's heart shattered in his chest.

"I'm sorry, John,"

Without any warning Johnny began to cry, he put his hand over his mouth to try and muffle his sobs.

Johnny didn't know what to do now, he lived with, Dallas. He wouldn't be able to find a place that would rent to a sixteen-year-old. Nor would he be able to afford it on his own.

Johnny didn't know what he did wrong, he thought Dallas was happy in their relationship. I guess he was wrong. Johnny shook as more tears fell down his face. "Johnny...?" Johnny looked up at the older man, Johnny was still crying uncontrollably. "Can I hug you?" Johnny wanted Dallas to hug him but, he was scared of getting his hoped up again.

"I-I think I'm-I'm just gonna g-go."

"What do you mean?"

"I-I'm g-going to the Curtis', I'm s-sorry." Johnny turned around and walked over to the door.

"Wait Johnny, don't say that!" Dallas grabbed Johnny's arm, "P-please don't go..."

"I'll-I'll just give you some space. It's Obvious y-you don't want to be around me,"

"I'm so sorry, honey. I-I wasn't thinking. I'm sorry." Dallas pulled Johnny into a hug.

Johnny didn't hug back.

"Goodbye, Dally." A tear fell from Johnny's eye, as an ocean flowed from Dallas'.

"Goodbye, Johnny Cade..."

Chapter 25: He'll Wake Up Soon


Originally posted in 2020

Song-fic; Low by Lund
Implied Jally

CW: Self-harm, implied past suicide attempt, current suicide attempt

Chapter Text

Low now, feelin' low now

Johnny cried as he shook violently. He held the open switch blade close to his exposed arm. He couldn't remember a time when he had lost control like this. He was usually able to keep his timid composure. But something was different this time...

This divide inside my mind, I might lose control now

Johnny wanted to die. He was over feeling lost, he was over feeling the pain, he was just over everything. It was like he was possessed- the blade was almost moving on its own without Johnny telling it what to do.

Demons feedin' on my soul, I'm a f*ckin' ghost now

Johnny was done being everyone's punching bag. He wanted to feel in control of something.

And there's nothin' in my chest but a f*ckin' hole now, hole now

He drug the blade across his arm multiple types. Johnny couldn't stop. Looking at the cuts, fresh or scarred over, had becoming satisfying for him to look at. Johnny never thought he would enjoy such a thing. What happened to this being a punishment for himself.

Low now, feelin' low now

He kept pressing harder and harder. Making the cuts deeper and deeper.

This divide inside my mind, I might lose control now

Johnny winced at the sting but it didn't stop him. In fact it drove him to keep going.

Demons feedin' on my soul, I'm a f*ckin' ghost now

When Johnny was finished covering both of his arms in cuts, he threw the blade into the sink. A clink could be heard as the metal hit the porcelain.

And there's nothin' in mt chest, but a f*ckin' hole now

Johnny wanted to cry out, he wanted to release all the pent up noises in his body. He remembered when he was caught cutting at the Curtis house once. It turned into a big intervention right then, since everyone was practically there all the time, it wasn't hard to arrange in seconds. Two-Bit was the one who caught him. Johnny basically had to be babysat so he wouldn't hurt himself. He did try to do it in front of people once during that time, but it didn't end well for Johnny or the person watching over him.

Darry's sewn up Johnny's arm more times than he could count. Johnny was addicted, and they were terrified of when the male would go to deep. What if no one was there to save him? Johnny didn't want to be saved. He wouldn't wait for help to come get him.

Johnny did enjoy though, that he basically got a bed buddy. Some people might think it was weird, as a man, to sleep in the same bed as his friends. That it was implying something. Johnny enjoyed it, and it brought him a lot of comfort. He didn't mind who was in the bed with him. He's slept in the same bed with all of the guys individually at least once.

Woah now, blood, it flow out

He leaned over the sink and let his arms bleed out a little bit. He could only heave as he watched the blood flow down the drain. He had really done it this time...

There's a war inside my mind, drugs could dull it all down

Johnny began to cough and he choked on his tears. He tried his best to keep quiet, as to not wake Dallas up. He oddly wanted a cigarette right now. Maybe not too odd for Johnny Cade, someone who had been smoking since he was 9-years-old. Beaten and spat at before he could walk or talk.

Broken hearts and wasted time, tryna work it all out

Life drained from the young greaser at the thought of Dallas catching him. Johnny felt cold but his arms felt like they were on fire. It was almost unbearably hot. He didn't want to disturb Dallas with more of his nonsense. His boyfriend didn't deserve to be continuously dragged through this. Johnny loved him too much to continue to torture him by being around, loving him.

Take a look inside my eyes, got a heart of stone now, stone now

Johnny desperately tried to control his breathing. He couldn't bare the judgement he knew he would get.

Woah now, blood, it flow out

Johnny wanted to be held. He wanted someone to hold him and tell him he'll be alright.

There's a war inside my mind, drugs could dull it all down

Dallas would do that sometimes. Johnny's anxiety was getting worse over the course of time, and no one else could get him to calm down.

Broken hearts and wasted time, tryna work it all out

Although it wasn't a good situation he was in, Johnny liked that he was able to get an intimate moment with the cold-hearted, older greaser.

Take a look inside my eyes, got a heart of stone now, stone now

Johnny almost never had energy anymore, he wasted it all on panic attacks and breathing.

Know my head is spun, with thoughts of you I'm overwhelmed

Johnny began to cry harder realizing how much of a burden he was. He made Dallas soft, moved into his apartment, and made the older greaser baby him.

All this pain I hold, I wish I could heal myself

Johnny hated it.

See inside my core, know you were my everything

He stood up straight and looked at himself in the mirror. He looked like a mess.

Without you, have nothing left so I'mma let this pistol sing

Johnny was a mess.

Know my head is spun, with thoughts of you I'm overwhelmed

Looking at himself enraged, Johnny. He picked the switch blade back up out of the sink.

All this pain I hold, I wish I could heal myself

Johnny went back over his arms and made sure to cut in places he missed. Both sides of his arms were covered in cuts and bleeding heavily.

See inside my core, know you were my everything

Johnny took off his shirt and cut both of his upper arms, also getting his shoulders.

Without you, have nothing left so I'mma let this pistol sing

Johnny looked at the empty shell in the mirror. Who is this boy?

Blood run cold like overdose, going toe to toe with death

It was, Johnny.

Smokin' 'till I'm comatose, 'till there just ain't nothin' left

Johnny's cries from the bathroom were finally heard. Dallas came knocking on the door.

Whiskey with the cyanide, empty bottle by my bed

"Johnny?" Dallas was too worried to wait for Johnny to answer the door, so he just walked in.

Depression got no antidote so fill my f*cking brain with lead

Dallas was scared of what he was seeing. Blood was everywhere, and even scarier is where the blood was coming from.

Blood run cold like overdose, going toe to toe with death

"Johnathan!" Dally screamed. Johnny's eyes were too busy crying too even look at the older male.

Smokin' 'till I'm comatose, 'till there just ain't nothin' left

Dallas quickly got towels and wrapped them around the young greasers arms to stop the bleeding.

Whiskey with the cyanide, empty bottle by my bed

Dallas was amazed at how much blood there was.

Depression got no antidote so fill my f*cking brain with lead

It made him feel sick.

Low now, feelin' low now

Dallas sat on the floor with the younger greaser in his arms.

This divide inside my mind, I might lose control now

Dallas soothed the sobbing child the best he could. He wasn't too good at these type of things.

Demons feedin' on my soul, I'm a f*ckin' ghost now

When Johnny was finally too tired to move or fight back, Dallas took a moment to look at the damage.

And there's nothin' in my chest but a f*ckin' hole now, hole now

You could some cuts were deep and some were shallow farther up his arm. It looks like that's where Johnny grew too tired to try and conflict as much significantdamage.

Woah now, blood, it flow out

"What's wrong with you kid. Use your damn head... I need ya around..." Dallas felt his eyes burn as he looked at the limp 16-year-old in his arms. Johnny was the only thing Dallas had ever loved. Dallas didn't think he would ever be able to fill a Johnny-shaped hole in his heart. He needed the younger boy around. He... heneededhim...

There's a war inside my mind, drugs could dull it all down

Johnny wasn't dead.

Broken hearts and wasted time, tryna work it all out

He was just tired.

Take a look inside my eyes, got a heart of stone now, stone now

He'd wake up later so he and Dallas could talk. "I love ya, you little brat." Dallas sobbed. "Just come back to me..."

Chapter 26: Spoiled Rotten (Jally)


Originally posted in 2022

I ain't your daddy, but I'll call you son.

Chapter Text

Johnny felt like he was finally blossoming into a man. He had turned 18-years-old, moved into his long-term boyfriends apartment, and even started doing well in school. Things were looking up so far.

Although this all seemed amazing and all, there was reason behind Johnny's good behavior and achievements. He had a reward and punishment system, like how a parent would do for a child. Johnny would be rewarded for good behavior, and obviously punished for bad.

Dallas's system worked fairly well. Johnny consented and agreed to everything.

The rewards were pretty simple, but they pleased both parties.






-Extra screen time

-Gettingout of one chore of choice

All of these made Johnny want to do better. He would make sure to do well in school, and do his part of the chores on time. Johnny generally felt really good, when he was told he was doing good.

Johnny's favorite reward is a shopping day. But, that's only for special occasions. For example, when report cards come in, and Johnny had done well all semester. For small things, Johnny preferred to get out of doing a certain chore.

Maybe getting railed, too.

He dabbled in each section. It really depended on his mood.

Then there's the punishments. Although it might seem odd to a lot of people. It's Johnny's preferred normal.

-Extra chores

-Earlier bed time

-co*ck warming

- Lose screen time


-Do the Curtis's housework


Some of those punishments could be a real nightmare for Johnny. It was especially embarrassing when he would have to go to the Curtis's. Dallas would explain why they were there, and then Darrel would give Johnny a few chores to do for them. It made life easier for Ponyboy, he was the one usually doing the chores Johnny would be given.

But boy, did this help keep Johnny on his best behavior.

Johnny found co*ckwarming to be a hate/love type thing. He liked the sex part, but it could be torture when he would have to do it for hours at a time. Absolutely no moving, either. Sometimes he found it unbearable.
Dallas got a little kick out of this one. Sometimes he would end up cumming, and Johnny would just have to sit through it. They would continue to sit still and Johnny would whine and beg to move.

Johnny was usually a good boy. So, punishments weren't commonly given. He had his moments, though.

This day was a bit different... Johnny had gotten so comfortable with his life situation, he started to slack off on his school work. He knew what he was doing, nothing happened to prevent him doing school, he just didn't want to do the work. Johnny would rather be on his phone, hang out with his friends/boyfriend, or just do nothing in general.

Dallas had gotten a call from the school. It was his advisor saying Johnny was missing a handful of assignments from multiple classes. Dallas asked if they could give Johnny all the missing work in a folder, and he would make sure he got it all done by Monday.

Johnny got home a couple hours before Dallas did. So Johnny went to relax right after school. He thought it was odd they gave him the folder. Johnny had no idea they had called home. He didn't even bother to look at what was inside, either. He would be in for quite the surprise.

If Johnny had looked inside the folder, he would have been tipped off. That would probably encourage him to get some of the work done before Dallas got home. Because he would know then, that they were on to him. But, he didn't do that.

When Dallas got home, he shut the door and took off his shoes. He hung up his coat and sat down on the couch. "Johnny! Come out here, please!" Dallas called for the other. Johnny perked up. He could identify there was something off with Dallas's tone right away. He scrambled out of bed and went straight to his boyfriend in the living area.

"Yes Dal?" Johnny asked innocently. It didn't register in his head what he could have done wrong just yet. He knew Dallas would make him well aware of that, soon enough.

"Can you bring me that folder I had the school give to you?" Dallas asked. Now Johnny was starting to wish he had opened the folder. He wasn't really a curious boy. So, he hadn't thought to snoop inside. Johnny nodded and retrieved the folder. He gave it to his lover.

"Here you go. What's inside, Dallas?" Johnny asked. He had his hands behind his back; respectively.

"I would have to ask you the same thing, Johnny. What is in the folder?" Dallas said back. He opened the folder and laid it out on the coffee table. Johnny's eyes widened at what he saw. It was all the schoolwork he had blown off the past couple of weeks. The school must have called after Johnny's grades started to slip. Uh oh.
"Explain to me what's in the folder, Johnny." Dallas said sternly.

Johnny was afraid- He was only thinking of all the possible punishments he could end up getting. God, please don't make him go do Ponyboy's chores. That's always humiliating.
"I-it's my missing s-schoolwork..." Johnny admitted. He had no excuse.

"That's what the school told me. Can you tell me why you having missing schoolwork?" Now, Dallas wasn't totally ruthless when it came to school. If Johnny was having some trouble with his mental health, and he needed a break from school. Dallas would understand that, and he would make sure accommodations would be made for the younger.

"I- I uhm... I didn't want to do it." Johnny said. He didn't bother to lie. He knew Dallas could see right through him.

"That's it? You just decided you no longer wanted to do your schoolwork?" Dallas asked. He wanted to make sure he was hearing Johnny correctly. Johnny thought Dallas was of course dramatizing what he was saying. But, now was no time to argue with him.

"Y-yes," Johnny said. He knew exactly what would be coming for him next.

"You know exactly what this means. I'll have to punish you for this. You know better then to act like this." Dallas just wanted what was best for Johnny. That's how he saw it, at least.
"I'm very disappointed right now, Johnny."

Johnny whined when the other announced he would be punished for his actions.

"Nope. I don't even want to hear it. You're going to sit here and finish every last assignment." Dallas said firmly. Johnny stupidly thought that would be it. He pouted and crossed his arms. That sounded boring as f*ck. "Don't look so hopeful, Johnathan. You'll be sitting right here the whole time." He pointed towards his lap. Johnny gasped. He knew what that meant.

His asshole would be gaping by the end of this. "Dally! How am I ever going to focus with your- your thing stuffed inside of me!" Johnny sometimes struggled to say the word penis, or any synonym of it. Or any sort of synonym for it. He blushed softly. You could barely see it because of how tan he was. "I'll never get my work done like that."

Dallas shrugged, "If you would have got it all done when it was due, you wouldn't have had to do it the hard way." Dallas said. Johnny's eye twitched. He wasn't fond of these words.

"Whatever," He huffed. He put his arms at his side and went to go get his backpack. It had the rest of his supplies in there. He brought it back and sat it down next to the couch.

"This is certainly not the time to gain an attitude. I don't have to be decent about this. I could just bend you over my knee, spank you, and then send you straight to your room." Dallas commented back. Johnny didn't say anything back. He was too bitter. He would probably only give back more attitude for the other.
"Drop your pants and sit down, please." Dallas said. He removed his garments. He didn't bother putting on a condom or lube. The latex could become an irritant for Johnny's insides. As well as no lube would make his dick stay in better.

Dallas got semi-hard and then helped Johnny lower himself on. He groaned as his hole was filled up. It felt good to just ignore work and have fun, but this was something else. It felt good for the most part, but the fact he couldn't move only made him whine.
"Whining won't get your work done." Dallas said.

Johnny rolled his eyes. He knew the other couldn't at least see that. Johnny shifted and held his stomach. He felt the other harden inside of him. Johnny let out a tiny moan as the other filled him up more. Johnny bit his bottom lip, and tried to start working.

He started by simply trying to sharpen his pencil. He huffed and frustratedly tried to cover himself with his shirt. No one was even there, and yet he was trying to be modest. That was just Johnny for you.

He started on his math. His hands shook as he typed slowly into the calculator. Writing shaky numbers and letter onto his paper. He wondered if his teachers or anyone would catch onto anything. Probably not.

"E-ex, e-equals- mmph, twelve n-n' t-three-fourths." He quivered as he quickly circled his last answer. That was just the math done. He still had his English, History, and Science to get done. Johnny made a pile for his math. He sat it off to the side so it wouldn't be in the way.

Johnny was going to do his science next. He had to do Lewis and Dot Structures. It was a lot of stumbling, and trying to remember what he had just finished doing before. Johnny was starting to gently grind his hips. He moved just slightly- and Dallas suddenly had a death grip on his waist. Making sure he wouldn't try to move again.

"Focus." He said sternly.

Johnny held still for a few more moments. He wanted his body to settle a little. He knew he couldn't do anything even if he came. He would still have to finish his work with a mess- or just a little sticky. He put his hand on his tummy and took a few deep breath's. He fluttered his eyes and adjusted himself again.

"God, your co*ck only feels like it's getting bigger inside of me..." Johnny said. Dallas was pulsing inside him.
It reminded Johnny of one of those capsules with the sponge animals inside. Where you could drop them inside water and the capsule would dissolve. Those were nostalgic to think about.

He tried not to whine anymore. He knew that got on Dallas's nerves from time to time.

"Enough. Hush up and focus on your work. I don't want to hear anymore complaining." Dallas said. He held Johnny's hips down again. Johnny pouted quietly to himself.


Johnny wasn't quite shaking anymore. For a while during this, he was shaking from all the pleasure and friction building up. It made him feel hot.. But after a while, he was able to suppress it and get his work done.

Johnny was sat there for 4 1/2 hours. He was tired, kind of horny, and hungry. He was ready to lay down and just drink something- he was hungry, but had no appetite. That happened a lot with Johnny. But, to make up for it he would usually drink a soda or something. Just not nothing. That could lead to bad habits.

"I-I'm done, can Ipleaseget up now?" Johnny asked. Now that he was saying the words out loud, Johnny wasn't sure how well standing up would go. He had been sitting for so long- He remembered last time he tried to stand, he almost fell over. Dallas had to catch him. Johnny crawled shamefully to his bedroom. It taught him a damn-good lesson.

But he still ended up here again, anyway.

"Yes, you may. Take your stuff and put it back in your backpack." Dallas said. He helped Johnny lift off of his genitals. Johnny squeaked as it left his body. He felt his hole continue to gape open. It would be like that for a little while. It was embarrassing beyond belief.

Johnny sat down on the couch and pulled up his garments. The he tried to stand. That didn't work at all. So he did what he did last time, which was crawl. Again, humiliating.

He put all of his sh*t away and then went to the bathroom. After taking forever in there, he went to his bed. It felt amazing to just lay down and finally pass out.

He didn't even bother to change clothes. At least it was over with. Johnny wouldn't have the devastating blow of all F's on his progress reports. The missing assignments turned in would hopefully boost his grades up to passing. Johnny fell asleep.


When Johnny woke up, it was the middle of the night. It was pitch-black in the apartment and he could barely process where he was. All he knew was that he was so f*cking thirsty- The time on the clock on the bed side table read, '3:00AM'.
Just great.
Now Johnny would have a sh*t time going back to sleep.

He was just able to stand up and make it to the kitchen. He chugged water, making it hurt his throat. Now he was just sort-of uncomfortable. He groaned, but he kept drinking. He felt like a dog. Johnny panted heavily, water all over his shirt.

He leaned on the sink, not even noticing Dallas had walked into the kitchen after him. Johnny blinked slowly, very tiredly. Dallas flicked on the kitchen light, and Johnny nearly saw Jesus. It scared him that bad-

"AH-" Johnny yelled.

"Woah, calm down babe. What're you doing up this late?" Dallas asked.

"I-I was thirsty," Johnny said. Dallas stood up straight and looked at the snake male. Johnny felt like he should be hiding something or whatever. But, it's not like Dallas was his parent. He wasn't in trouble for drinking water loudly at 3AM. "Kind of hungry now too-" He mumbled.

"You did pass out as soon as we were done. Did you need me to get you anything? I can make you food real quick, if you'd like." Dallas said. He had work in a few hours, but that didn't matter to him. He wanted to make sure Johnny was taken care of.

Johnny smiled softly, Dallas was visibly tired and looked like he could just crawl back to bed himself. "Yes please. If you could just make me something quick and small to eat. That would great." Johnny said.

Dallas nodded, "Head back to bed, I'll bring it to you." Johnny smiled and gave Dallas a small kiss. He went back to bed and got cozy. Johnny loved this after care.

Maybe he did deserve the punishment.

Johnny gently scratched his face. He looked up at the ceiling while he waited. He was starting to get a bit tired once again. He tool note of the fact his behind felt better again.

Dallas came back with a grilled cheese sandwich. It smelled lovely. Johnny sat up and happily took it. Dallas sat back in bed. "Thank you~" Johnny cooed.

"You're welcome; feel any better?" Dallas asked. Johnny nodded again.

"Yes, very." Johnny said. He drank the last of his water and finished his sandwich. "Cuddle?" Johnny asked. Dallas giggled and nodded. He turned off the lamp and Johnny crawled on top of his. All you could hear was the shuffling the sheets.

Johnny nuzzled his cheek against Dallas's chest. He wrapped his leg around his waist. His breath was soft.
"Mm, I love you Johnny."

"I love you too."


It was the next school day, and it started in two hours. Johnny was kind of excited to go back to school. He wanted to get his sh*t turned in. On this particular morning, he was still feeling quite lazy. He didn't really want to get out of bed.

The younger male was attached to Dallas like a Koala Joey(baby Koala's are called Joey's). Dallas hummed and slowly started to open his eyes. Johnny's alarm was going off. Dallas turned it off for him.
"Johnny... wake up." He said softly.

Johnny whined and yawned. He nuzzled closer. "I'll spank your behind if you don't at least open your eyes." Dallas said. That made Johnny crack open his eyes a little. He pouted and looked up at Dallas.

"Dallas?" He had a sudden thought pop into his mind.

"Yes?" Dallas responded.

"Rail me?" Johnny asked. Dallas hadn't realized Johnny had a semi-soft, morning wood against him. It was that early, huh?

Erections in the morning were more common in early-early morning.

"'M tired... so I'll do my best." Dallas said lazily. He sat up in bed and Johnny shifted under him. Johnny decided he would keep it simple and lay on his tummy. It would keep him tight.

Dallas took off Johnny's pajama bottoms. The other male was wearing a thong. Which did sound like something Johnny would do, but Dallas couldn't recall the time Johnny had gotten one. So, this was sort of out of the blue. Let alone wear one to bed.

"When did you get a thong?" Dallas asked. He slipped off his boxers.

"When you gave me spending money last. When we went to the mall and you were in the bathroom. I slipped away to the lingerie store. It was going to be a surprise. So... surprise?" Johnny held onto the pillow. He would need to soon.

Dallas snapped the string of the thong against Johnny's skin. Johnny flexed his bottom, making it jiggle on it's own. Dallas rubbed himself so he was completely hard.

He moved Johnny's thong out of the way instead of taking it off. He grabbed Johnny's thighs and pulled him in closer. Johnny gasped softly when he felt a familiar warm and pulsing object press against him.

Dallas lubed up, spreading Johnny's cheeks. He slowly slid his long and hard co*ck inside. Johnny was absolutely aching. His tiny body shook as he moaned out loud. Johnny pushed his hips back, wanting more of Dallas deep inside of him. He felt so full.

Johnny continued to let out adorable moans. They were feminine and whiny; gasping. "Mmm, just like that D-Dally." Johnny gripped the pillow.

He could feel the older man sliding in and moving. It was such an odd feeling to be this full. It was almost unbearable. Johnny went cross-eyed. Good thing Dallas was here for a commitment. Because if he wasn't comet Johnny would just be a whor*. Because this was too good to just have occasionally.

Dallas rolled his hips, hitting deep within the other male. It made Johnny squeak. Dallas lustfully growled.
"Fu-f*ck, you're so deep. God- m-mph. I feel you, D-Dal." Johnny said. It was like his stomach was bugging just from Dallas simply being inside him. He was so desperate for release now.

Dallas started to pick up his pace.

Johnny pressed back to meet Dally's thrusts. The clapping sound was audible. He just wanted Dallas to wreck him. He didn't care if he couldn't walk at school.

They needed to hurry up, anyway. Johnny needed to quickly get in the shower so he was fresh and clean for school. He clenched around Dallas.

Dallas started to slam into Johnny. It made the younger males eyes rolled back. f*ck, did it feel good. "A-ah, ah, ah..." Johnny's breath got caught in his throat. He clenched tighter around Dallas's thick shaft as he came. His new panties already stained with his cum.What else was new?

"P-pull out," Johnny said shyly. He didn't have time to wash his lovers cum out this morning. It would be a lot easier to wash off.

Dallas just barely pulled out. Cumming across Johnny's lower back and perfectly round behind. Johnny flinched at how warm it was. The sticky residue was already there to stay for a while. Johnny panted. Only some of it was actually inside of him.

"Mm, messy boy left some inside." Johnny lazily smirked. He took some deep breaths.

"Can't help that you're so breedable. Hit the shower babe, we gotta leave in 45 minutes. You take a looooong shower." Dallas said. He crawled off of, Johnny.

The younger male blushed. He puffed out his cheeks. He gently pulled off his things and threw in Dallas's face. Still covered in cum, keep in mind.

"HEY-" Dallas quickly threw it to the ground. Johnny giggled and tried to get away before Dallas could get his hands on him. Johnny squealed when Dallas quickly pulled him over by the night shirt.

Johnny was already over Dallas's knee. He got two spanks for that. Johnny kicked his legs and whined.
"I'm sorry~" He giggled and looked innocently at the other.

Dallas playfully rolled his eyes. He shooed Johnny off to go shower.
"I love you, puppy."

Chapter 27: Arrested (Jally)


Originally posted in 2020

One of my very FIRST FANFICS everyone. Barely 900 words, but pure glory in my heart. It's probably sh*t- but I don't think I'll ever have the heart to edit a true OG.

Chapter Text

I was lying on the Curtis family couch awake, it was around 3 o'clock in the morning. Ponyboy woke up screaming again after having a nightmare, so I was awake now. I just stared up at the ceiling in the dark thinking about my life. I do this a lot; contemplate my life. 'Where did I go wrong? Or should I say what have I done right?' I'm okay with where I am in life now. I toughened up and became cold as stone.

That is, until I met my baby boy Johnny. He made my ice cold heart melt.

I used to be known as 'The Broad Killer', and a Hood. Now that I've softened a little, now I'm just'Dallas Winston, The Occasional Delinquent'. I still get into trouble with the law and junk, mostly with Tim, but I don't do it as often as I use to. Johnny wants the best for me and he wanted to start with slowly having me not get into so much trouble.

If you haven't caught on yet,we're dating. Johnny, is my everything and I would be nothing without him. I found that out the hard way about two weeks after we started dating. We've been dating for a few months now.

I got into some real big trouble and I got four months in the cooler. Worst fours months of my life. Johnny was so upset I was gone and I was upset that I couldn't see my Johnny. He was a little angry at me, when he would visit me he would remind me of that. When I got out I promised him that I would try my best to stay out of trouble. And for the most part, I have. I'll get into fights with other people, yeah. But nothing so far to do with the police.

That was, until today. That's actually why I'm here sleeping on Curtis' couch instead of hogging a room at Buck's. Buck finally got caught fixing races and was arrested. When I was there, I didn't know what was going at first. I tried to stop them from taking Buck and got into an argument with one of the officers. Then I got arrested for talking back and 'with-holding information'. Bullsh*t. I was let go as they had no more valid evidence to hold against me but, I knew they would be back for me tomorrow. They probably will charge me for resisting arrest, assaulting an officer, and being an accomplice to Buck.

I don't know why I would be an accomplice, I am the only one who rides the pony's honestly. It's the only thing I can be proud of, I didn't cheat to get where I am.

So now I'm here, laying over until morning. Buck f*cked up this time and he's dragging me down with him. I don't think I'll ever forgive him for this. I'm going to have to leave my Johnnycakes again and I don't think I can handle that.

As I was extremely caught up in my thoughts from today's incidents, I didn't hear the door open. My baby walked through the door and quietly closed it. He noticed me.

"Dal, are you awake?" He asked quietly.

"Yeah." I replied. I couldn't see it but I think he smiled.

"I thought you would be here." He walked over carefully to the couch where I was laying. "Can I lie down with you?" He asked sheepishly.

"Of course." I opened my arms and out stretched them towards him. He lied on top of me and I wrapped my arms around him. I kissed the top of his and breathed in his scent. "What are you doing here Johnny?" I whispered.

"I was just looking for you. I wanted attention." He buried his face into my chest. Johnny was an attention whor*, to put it bluntly. He loved when I praised him and just payed attention to him in general. I love this because he wants my attention; he wantsme. He giggles, "Thirst has no curfew." I laughed back. Johnny says flirty stuff like that a lot.

I rubbed my hand up and down his back in a soothing manner. This was so nice. I would never want this moment to end. Then I remembered I might get locked up again and I might not have another moment like this for a while. I don't care how tough I think I am, when it comes to Johnny, I can't control my emotions. I let a few tears slip my eyes and my breathing became uneven. Johnny noticed this and looked up at me. "Dallas?" I didn't answer, I just held him closer. I let more tears slip my eyes and my chest shuddered. "Dallas what's wrong, hun?" He placed his hand on my chest.

"Oh Johnny. I know I don't use these words often enough but I really mean them when I do. I love you Johnny, I would be lost without you." Johnny seemed shocked at first.

But then he just said: "I love you too, Dallas."

"Johnny, I gotta tell you something, baby." I said, my voice shaking. I needed to tell him up front about what happened with Buck, instead of him being told second-hand or through the newspaper headlines. He looked concerned.

"What is it, Dal?" He questioned.

"Buck f*cked up and got caught fixing races. He's dragging me down with him even though I'm the only one who actually plays fairly. They might take me away for awhile tomorrow. I don't wanna go, Johnny. I want to have more moments like this where it's just me and you." I let out a sob and sucked in a breath.

"Oh Dal... This ain't your fault. It's Buck for being an asshole who doesn't know how to play fair."

"I love you Johnny, so much." I laid my head back.

"I love you too."

Chapter 28: Honey, I'm Home! (Jally)


Originally posted in 2020

Another one of the very first fanfics I wrote. Still don't have the heart to edit it, really. Smut! There's only one more OG story of mine to go, but man... sometimes I really miss these days.

Johnny's POV

Chapter Text

Dallas and I have been dating for awhile now, about a year. Although, about 4 months ago Dallas was locked in the cooler for shoplifting. He just got out today. At the time I was angry at him, but as time went on, I just missed him. Darrel is going to take me with him to pick Dallas up. I am so excited to see him again, and I mean that in more than one way.

I wasn't sexually active before I met Dallas. He showed me things and I haven't been the same since.

Since he's coming back and he's been a good boy, I thought I would reward him. I went to one of those Lingerie stores at the mall and bought black lace Panties. It was one of the most awkward experiences I have ever had. I had to lie and say it was for my girlfriend, yeah, like I would ever haveoneof those. Anyway, I wore them. They made me feel, proud? Sexy, maybe?

We made it to the gate where we usually went to pick up Dallas, or whoever got arrested. The gate opened and Dallas walked out slowly at first. But then he noticed Darry and I were standing there and he booked it towards me. "Johnny, man!" He picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist.

"Dally!" We interlocked our lips in a kiss. It felt so good, I really missed this.

"I missed this Johnnycakes." He smiled and pecked my lips.

"I missed YOU, Dally." We kissed again and Darrel shifted in his spot.

"Alright you two, let's do this later. Time to go." Darrel said, looking away. Dallas smirked and grabbed my face and kissed me again. As Dallas slowly began to make-out with me, he flipped off Darrel. "Watch it Winston, I will drive away, with your boyfriend in the car." Dallas kept doing what he was doing and wrapped his arms around me.

I tried to pull away, "Alright, Alright, we can continue this when we get home, big boy."

"Oooo, yes sir!" Dallas said, setting me down finally.

We made it back to the house and when we got out of Darry's truck, Dallas intertwined his fingers with mine. Darry walked into the house first, Dallas and I trailing behind him. We walked inside and the room lit up. "Dallas! You're back!" Two-Bit exclaimed.

Soda and Steve were playing poker at the table; Steve didn't look up. "About time, Winston. I think Johnny was getting so desperate for dick, he might have f*cked one of us!" He chuckled and my face heated up. I wasn't that desperate. Dallas wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him.

"Watch it Steve before I knock your teeth in." Dallas said with a laugh, indicating he got the joke. Sodapop just flashed his movie star worthy smile. Ponyboy was reading, he only looked up, waved, and went back to reading. Dallas tugged me into the kitchen to where we were out of sight from the others. He slammed me against the wall.

"Dally, w-what are you doing?" I asked nervously.

"I've missed you so goddamn much, I can't wait another minute to take you." He growled. We were whispering now too, to make sure no one else in the house could hear.

Before Dallas was arrested, we had only had sex one time. He's not one for waiting very long for sex but, for us he said he would wait until I was ready. He's about 7 inches and now that he's been gone for so long, I'll need to be stretched again. And if my memory serves me correctly, that sh*t hurts, a lot.

I have to wait a few minutes for Dallas to find my prostate so I can actually feel something besides pain. When we had sex the first time, I cried. I felt bad because it made Dallas upset at himself; he couldn't do anything about it. I mean, It's not his fault God blessed him with a huge co*ck. "Really now?" I said. I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"I want you right now, Johnny." He said, gripping my hips tightly.

"We can't do this here, someone might see or hear us."

"So? That just lets them know you really missed me, baby~" He kissed me passionately.

"Dallas, are you saying you want to f*ck me in this kitchen, with all of our friends in the next room, that could walk in and see at any moment?"

"Such a dirty mouth, Johnnycakes. I should put it to better use~" Dallas started to suck on my neck and left dark hickies behind on my tan skin. "This will let them know, you're mine."

"I'm going to take that as a, 'yes'." I panted. Dally really knows how to get me 'Hot and Bothered'. He started to make his way from my neck slowly up to my face. He kissed all the way up my neck, kissed all across my jaw, then my cheek, and then finally landing on my lips for a passionate kiss. "We could atleastgo to one of the bedrooms."

"I want to feel the thrill of almost getting caught. Johnny, I want to be bad~" Dallas has never really been forsmoothtalkin'.

"Dally, youhavebeen bad. You were literally in the cooler for four months."

"See? It's just my nature to live on the edge of danger!" He chuckled softly and kissed me again. "Please, Johnny?" If I'm being totally honest here, I really don't want to risk it. But it seems like a cheap thrill, so, f*ck it.


"Yes! Just remember we gotta keep quiet." Obviously.

"Dally, it's been a while since we've done"it". I'm gonna need to be, well, you know? Prepped again..." I'm much to shy most of the time to say anything in it's true words. Like for this situation, the words:'sex'and'stretched'.

"Yeah, you're right. Just adds more to the challenge~" Oh dear God, Dallas Winston.

Dallas went in for another kiss, he slid his hands up and down my body. He hooked his thumbs into my waistband and lightly tugged asking for my pants to be removed. I remembered what I was wearing underneath so I got an idea.

"How about you take em' off, Dal?" I said sweetly.

"Ok." Naive, much? He pulled my pants down to my ankles revealed the black lace panties. Dallas was in shock, "Oh wow... How long have you been planning this?" He smirked.

"Few weeks." I answered.

"You look so damn sexy babyboy~" He cooed. He hooked his fingers into my panties and slowly pulled the down. As he pulled them down and I felt myself get hard. My dick was coming up as he pulled down, getting in the way. "Excited, are we?"

"Shut up and just take them off me, Dally."

"Pushy, I like it~" Of course you do, Dal. He admired my fully erect co*ck and bit his lip. I stared at him anxiously, waiting for him to keep going. He got down on his knees and clenched his teeth onto the panties, so he had a hold of it. He looked me in the eyes and he slowly sunk to the floor, taking the black lace panties fully off; in his mouth. He stood up and I looked around again just to make sure nobody had walked in.

Dallas started to make out with me, as he did so he started to stroke me. I moaned quietly into his mouth. He started to pump me faster and I gripped onto Dally's shoulders like my life depended on it. Before I could eventryto say something, I exploded into his hand.

I began panting like a dying dog in heat. Dallas backed up a little bit just to look me in the eyes again. He lifted his hand to his mouth and began to greedily lick my cum off of his hands. I was extremely turned on now, "Dal I'm ready, I just want you inside me."

"Don't you need to be prepped first, Johnny?" He said in a serious tone.

"f*ck it. No actually, f*ck ME, Dally." I stated. He bit his in hesitation.

"If you say so, Johnnycakes." I unbuckled his belt and yanked down his pants and underwear in one swift motion. It made a 'clinking' noise as his belt hit itself.

"Did you guys drop silverware in there or something?" I heard Darry call out. We froze in place and I looked down not knowing what to say. I saw Dallas' co*ck grow hard.

Dallas spoke up, "Yeah, sorry Darrel, I dropped my spoon."

"Okay, be more careful." I heard his voice boom back. Then I heard Pony pipe up.

"I never heard a drawer open?" He questioned. Dal and I's eyes went wide.

"That kid can never keep his trap shut, can he? I'm trying to get my dick wet, damn it!" He whispered yelled. That made me giggle. We waited a minute but nobody else moved. They must of not of heard Pony's comment.

"I think we're good now, Dal." I said.

Third Person POV~

Dallas crashed his lips onto Johnny's in a rough kiss. "Take your pants, andpanties, off of your ankles." He paused when he said, 'panties'. Johnny did as he was told. Dallas grabbed Johnny's legs and wrapped them around his waist. Without any other warning, Dallas slammed his rock hard erection into Johnny's tight heat. Johnny's eyes went wide and before he could open his mouth, Dallas slapped his hand over the smaller boys mouth to muffle the noise he was going to make.

Dallas started to thrust slow but hard, making a slight clapping noise as his balls hit Johnny's ass. Dallas removed his hand from Johnny's mouth and put his own mouth there instead. Johnny removed his death grip from Dallas' shoulders and wrapped his arms around Dallas' neck.

As Dallas thrusted Johnny made a sudden gasp. Dallas smiled into their kiss knowing now that he had just found Johnny's prostate. Now that Dallas knew where Johnny's prostate was he aimed for it every time he slammed into the smaller boy.

Johnny wrapped his arms tighter around the older Greasers neck, nearly strangling him. Johnny let one of his arms fall off of Dallas. He pulled his arm between the two and began to stroke himself. Dallas pulled away from their kiss and looked down at Johnny touching himself. "It turns me on so much to watch you play with yourself while I plow your ass into next week." He whispered into Johnny's ear.

Johnny started panting and quietly gasping for air as his grip on his penis loosened and his pace slowed. He squeezed his eyes shut as he came all over the two of them. He went kind of limp and let Dally continue to slam into him as he rode out his org*sm. Eventually Dallas buried himself in Johnny and came. He pulled out and let Johnny stand up.

Johnny was so exhausted he could barely stand. Dallas grabbed some paper towels and handed a few to Johnny. He cleaned himself and when he was done, he helped Johnny. He also helped Johnny pull his panties and pants back on.

Dallas' POV~

I intertwined my finger with Johnny's and walked into the living room. Nobody looked towards us, they just kept doing what they were doing. I'm not complaining. "Dal, I'm tired."

"I'm not surprised." I smiled. We went over to the couch and sat next to Ponyboy. I was on the far right while Johnny was in the middle and Ponyboy was on the far left. Johnny laid his head on my lap and he slowly fell asleep.

He looked so cute, he also peaceful. His muscles rested in a neutral position. I could hear his soft snores even over Two-Bit messing up Sodapop and Steve's game of poker. "Soda! He's got all Aces!"

"f*ck off, Two-Bit!" Steve screamed slamming his cards on the table.

"What the hell? How! Steve's cheating!" Soda said accusingly pointing a finger at Steve.

"Am not!" They sure do sound like little kids sometimes.

Chapter 29: The Passionate Night After We Left The Lot (Jally)


Originally posted in 2020

This is my last OG Fanfic from when I first started writing. I actually think I started writing this in 2019, but it wasn't finished until the year rolled over. Jeez...
Smut & interchanging POV's

Chapter Text

It was pretty late at night; Johnny was sleeping on the old beat up car seat in the lot. He tossed and turned on the makeshift bed, as he was having a nightmare. He sat up straight and let out a silent scream. It was a, 'He opened his mouth but nothing came out,' kind of scream. Quiet tears slipped from his eyes as he pulled his knees into his chest. He took in a quivering breath as he breathed in the cold night air. He wished he had someone to turn to when he had nightmares, like Ponyboy. He had Sodapop. Johnny had nobody and slept on a dirty ripped out car seat in an abandoned lot.

As Johnny sat there in the cold dark lot, he thought about things that made him feel safe. He usually did this when he slept in the lot in general. He thought about hanging out with Ponyboy, going to his house to hang with the rest of the gang during the day. Skipping school to hang out with Dallas. Johnny liked being around Dallas, everything about Dallas made Johnny feel safe. His tough personality, his strong arms.

This isn't the first time Johnny has thought like this about the older Greaser. He has praised Dallas ever since they first met.


I wish I could get out of this place, ya know? I wish I didn't sleep in fear, I wish I could go home and sleep in a bed. I wish my parents loved me...

As I was lost in my thoughts, being sorry for myself, something almost impossible happened. Dallas showed up. I quit crying and I sucked up my pride. I laid back down and pretended to be asleep. I couldn't get a fire going today so it was almost pitch black outside, the only light came from the streets lamps a good distance away. I'm guessing Dally didn't see me because he just wandered around for a bit. I think he couldn't see in the dark as well as I could because he kept saying to himself out loud, "Where's that damn car seat? He's here ain't he?" I think he was talking about me now.

I felt kind of felt special that he came looking for me. He stopped close to the car seat, still not seeing it. Then he called out, "Johnny?! You here man?!" I sat up and I guess he was looking in my direction because I saw him jump as I sat up.

I yawned, "I'm right here, Dal. What you are doing out here yelling man? It's like, ass o'clock in the morning." I said rubbing my eyes.

He chuckled softly, "I came looking for you." He said.


"'Cause I worry about you Johnnycake. You sleep in this awful lot; I can't sleep knowing you're out here." He said. I felt my heart flutter. He was worried about me?

"Shoot Dal, you don't gotta be worried 'bout me." I felt guilty.

"Yes I do, kid." He shuffled a little closer now that he knew where I was. "Come on kid, you'll get sick out here in the cold. Or hurt out here in the open. How about you come back to Buck's with me?" I didn't say anything at first; I hesitated.

"I don't know Dal, I don't want to be a bother or anything." I said rubbing the back of my neck.

"You're fine Johnny, come on."

"I guess anything's better than the lot." I said as I stood up.

"That's the spirit." He swung his arm around me. "I got Buck's T-bird on the other side; let's head out." I just nodded my head. The whole way to the car he kept his arm around me.This made me feel safe. I would go anywhere Dallas went and everyone knows that. We got to the truck and he opened the door for me. He walked around to the other side and got in. We shut our doors in unison.

We made it to Buck's place and we got out. "Remember to stay close, I don't want you to get swallowed in the crowd." Dallas said. I nodded my head to show that I understood. I never did have much to say. "Here," Dallas said. He intertwined his fingers with mine. "Now I KNOW, I won't lose you." He smiled. I blushed, I'm glad you couldn't see my face in this dimly lit bar.

We walked through the door and Dally practically dragged me through the crowd and up the stairs. He took us to the room he usually stayed in when he crashed at Buck's, and locked the door. I noticed there was only one bed and my heart started to race. I think I'll sleep on the floor, I'm not ready to sleep in the same bed as Dallas Winston. I'll probably end up doing something stupid and f*ck up our friendship.

I don't usually curse but Dallas gets me all worked up.

Dallas finally spoke, "So uh, there is only one bed. So, we'll have to share. No hom*o, right?" He chuckled softly. He turned on the small lamp on that was on the bedside table. I gulped and didn't say anything. "Welp, I'm beat man. I'm just gonna go to sleep." Dallas said starting to strip. I blushed and red appeared on my cheeks. Dallas took off his shirt and shoes leaving him in his pants.

I swallowed, what do I do? Do I take off my shirt too? I usually slept fully clothed, even at home. Dallas got under the blanket and turned to his right. The bed was pushed up against the wall at the top left corner of the room. So he was facing the open part of the room. "Coming Johnnycake?" He asked looking up a bit.

"Y-yeah." I stumbled over my words, I was really flustered. I took off my jean jacket and sat it on an old chair that Dallas had laid his shirt on. I took off my shoes but kept on my socks. I walked over to the bed and climbed on. I got real close to the wall to try and not invade Dallas' space. I closed my eyes, 'I can't believe I'm actually going to sleep next to a Hood.' I thought. I felt Dallas toss onto his left side so he was facing me.


"Yeah, Dallas?" I didn't even open my eyes.

"Why are you still in your clothes? You didn't even take off your socks." Dallas said.

'Like he's one to talk, he didn't even take off his belt!' I thought.

"I guess I'm just used to sleeping in my clothes." I said. I turned my head so I could face Dallas. He looked really hot; I felt my face turn red.

"That makes sense." The conversation kind of ended there. He turned back onto his right side and was reaching for the lamp when he suddenly stopped. He sat up and faced towards me again, I looked away. "Do you want to get under the blanket?" He asked. I shrugged.

"Maybe." I said. He playfully rolled his eyes.

"Are you even tired, kid?" He said. To be honest, not really. Once I woke up from my nightmare in the lot, I wasn't tired anymore.

"I guess not really." I replied.

"Hm." Was all Dallas said.

"You can still go to sleep. Don't let me stop ya."

"Nah, It's alright man. You wanna just talk?" I nodded and sat up. "It's been a minute, how've ya been?"

How have I been? "Same old, I guess." I started to chew on my thumb.

"You still in school?"

"Not really. I ain't cut out for school like Pony and Darry." Darrel was a star student when he was in school, and now Ponyboy is too. I'm too dumb for school. Dallas had the same look of coldness on his face. He always had a resting bitch face, that was just Dallas for ya. "I'm dumb." I said.

Dallas' face seemed to get a meaner look, if that was even possible. "Shut your trap Johnny, you ain't dumb." I didn't say anything back. He scooted closer to me on the bed and rested his hand on my shoulder. He squeezed and I slightly flinched. Touching has always been a, well, 'touchy' thing for me. "Do you really think that way about yourself?" He was real close to my face and I blushed harder. I just barely nodded my head. "Geez man, don't look down on yourself like that. It ain't healthy."

'Do I look healthy in any way to you?' I thought. I just nodded my head again. "How about you Dallas, what's been going on with you?" I asked.

"I don't wanna talk 'bout me, kid. Let's talk about you."

"What's there to talk about?"

"I don't know, man." He took his hand off my shoulder, my blushed relaxed a bit. Then my face was basically on fire because he then put his arm around my waist and pulled me into his side. "I just worry about you man, you're so quiet. And after what you just told me, I'm scared that you're tearing yourself up inside." Did Dallas Winston just tell me he was scared?

Excuse me, what?

"Y-you're scared for me?" I stuttered.

"Yeah, I guess you could say that." Dallas stared at me and I felt my heart beat faster in my chest.

"I'm sorry, you shouldn't have to worry about me." Dallas sighed and looked down at me.

"If I don't, then who will?" That's a good question. I don't think I can answer that. Dallas looked like he could break at any moment. But he didn't look angry, he looked sad. Then he did something I would never in a million years think he would do. He pulled me into a hug and kissed my forehead. What the hell is happening? He had his arms around mine pinning them down, so I couldn't even hug him back. I wanted to though; hug him back. "You make me feel things kid, and it drives me crazy." I could hear the pain in his heart through his voice.

"Y-you make me feel things too, Dally." He pulled away and looked into my eyes. 'Oh god, oh f*ck, oh god '. He cupped my warm face and rubbed his thumb back and forth over my scar.

"C-Can I-uh, ya know?" Did he just stutter? There are so many firsts happening on this night. "Kiss you?"

"Yes. B-but just to let you know, I've never kissed anyone before. So, I don't know what I'm doing." I was shaking pretty bad. I wonder if he notices?

"It's alright baby, I'll show you. You don't have to shake." So he did notice, not like there was anything I could do. My veins were coursing with anxiety. Wait a second, did he just call me baby? "Relax your lips and close your eyes." I did as I was told. I felt his lips connect with mine. I felt like my stomach was going to fly away.

Oh God this felt right.

He sat us up so we were sitting straight up; looking at each other.

He pulled away for a second, "Put arms around my neck." Since this was all new to me I complied immediately. It's hard to keep up when you're working with Dallas Winston, 'The Broad Killer', for your first time. I did as I was told anyway and we went back at it. Dallas put his hands back on my shoulders and slowly slid them down my body, I shivered. His hands stopped on my hips and gently gripped them. I learned to breathe from my nose since I didn't want to break away from Dallas. He licked my bottom lip and I got confused.

'Why did he just lick my lip? Is that code for something? ' Apparently it was, but I didn't know at the time. I didn't do anything besides scrunch up my face. Dallas wasn't taking that for an answer. He slid his hands to my ass and squeezed gently at first. I liked it. But, when I didn't give a reaction he was tired of playing around and he slapped my ass harshly. I moaned out in pleasure. My face went a dark red from embarrassment. Did I like getting... spanked? Woah, what the f*ck is happening, man?

I mean, my dad's hit me with a belt and a two-by-four before and I felt nothing?

He took this as his opportunity to slip his tongue in my mouth. He explored my mouth, licking every inch of it. This was so surreal to me. Dallas trailed his hands up and down my sides. He stopped at my hips again and placed his hands back on my ass. He gently massaged my ass and I moaned into Dallas' mouth. I could feel him smirk, he was proud of what he was doing.

His mouth started to travel from my lips, to my jaw, and then to my neck. I let out small moans and whimpers as he did so. This man was driving me crazy. Dallas slapped my ass again, "Dio Mio!~" I yelped. I was really worked up at this point.

"What was that?" Dallas said.

"W-what was what?" I said.

"What you just said."

"Uh... 'Dio Mio'?"

"Yeah that."

"I-It's Italian."


"Oh my God." He was about to open his mouth again but I was over it. I smashed my lips onto his to shut him up. I was extremely embarrassed.

"Do it again." He pulled away.

"W-what? Dal-"

"Do it again!" He grabbed my ass roughly.

"Fanculo!" I moaned.

"That's better." He hooked his fingers in my waistband and lightly tugged asking for permission. This was moving awfully fast.

"Go ahead." I whispered. He tugged off my pants, raising my legs to get them off better. I laid my legs back onto the bed. "Your turn." I said. I grabbed his belt buckle and slowly undid his belt. I think this is what teasing is? I sat his belt onto the floor next to the bed and slowly undid his pants button and zipper.

"For somebody who said they have never done this before, you sure do know how to be a tease." He tangled his fingers in my ungreased hair and kissed me passionately. "Let's pick up the pace maybe?" I nodded and pulled off his pants. His erection was now clear as day in his underwear. I lightly gasped at the sight of it. He was at the least 7 inches. How the hell is that going to fit?

"Mio..." I said quietly.

"I know it's not particularly for starters but I got something to make it go smoother." He cooed rubbing his thumb over my scar for the second time tonight. He took my shirt off and then he reached down to his pants and pulled something out of his back pocket. It was a small bottle of lube. I sure hope this works and doesn't hurt too bad. I was scared now; do all virgins feel this way before sex?

And did he always carry around that bottle of lube?

I hate being scared, but now I can't help it. My breathing became uneasy. "You alright, baby?" Dallas whispered to me.

"Yeah." I lied.

"Come here." He cooed. He picked me up slightly and sat me on his knees so I wouldn't be on top of his boner. He looked me in the eyes and rubbed my face slightly. I tried to look away due to the embarrassment, but he took my chin and gently forced my face back in his direction. He kissed my lips and I melted. He ran his hands up and down my sides. I shivered. "How 'bout we get this show on the road already, hm?" I felt my heart beat loud in my chest.

I wonder if he could hear it?

He picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist. Making sure not to let go of me he got on his knees, on the bed. He laid me gently down on the bed so I was lying on my back. He groaned softly when my ass grazed his aching erection. He bit his lip as he looked down at me. His dog tags dangled over me, kind of being in the way. I thought it would be cute if I took it. I bit my lip and took action.

I sat up, took off the dog tags, put them on, and then took off my underwear. I was only wearing the necklace now. Dallas blushed and grabbed my sides. I spread my legs slightly, trying to be seductive. "You know how to drive a man crazy, Johnnycake~" I blushed, it seems I do that a lot. "Wanna take these off for me, Honey?" He looked down gesturing towards his underwear.

I didn't say anything, I just took off his underwear and threw it off the side of the bed. It felt nice when he called me, 'Honey'. Dallas scooted down towards the end of the bed. I had no idea what he was doing. He slid his hands up my body making his way back up to meet my eyes. He brought his pointer finger to my mouth and put it in my mouth. What was he doing? "Suck." He demanded.

If I'm being totally honest with myself, I was too scared to ask why at this point. I just did as I was told. After a while of me awkwardly sucking on Dallas' finger he removed his finger from my mouth. "Good boy~" He cooed.

'f*ck.' I thought.

"Look me in the eyes, baby." I looked him in the eyes. With his non-dominant hand that I didn't suck on, he intertwined his fingers with my hand. Then he took his lubed up hand and put it close to my tight heat. "Don't look away." He said softly. I nodded ever so slightly. I wish the lamp was off so he didn't have to look at all the faces I knew I was going to make. But, now that I think about it, Dallas probably wanted to see me when I squirmed underneath him. I don't know why though. I wouldn't want to see my face.

Third Person's POV~

(Just to remind ya'll, this position that they're in is called 'missionary'.)

Dallas inserted one digit of his pointer finger into Johnny. Johnny gasped and his eyes widened and his mouth went into an, 'O' shape. Johnny gripped onto Dallas' hand tightly and put his free hand onto the older Greasers chest. Dallas inserted another digit and Johnny grunted. After a few more moments, Dallas put in the last digit into Johnny. Dallas started to pump his finger in and out of the younger greaser. Johnny had a death grip on Dallas' free hand.

Through all of this, they managed to never break eye contact. Johnny wanted to look away from embarrassment but, he managed. Then without any warning Dallas added a second finger. "A-AAH!~" Johnny moaned. Johnny rolled his head back in pain and shut his eyes. Dallas let go of his hand and pulled Johnny's head back up.

"Hey, hey, look at me, baby." Dallas didn't lose his rhythm. Johnny looked back up at Dallas and grabbed his hand again. Dallas started to curl his fingers inside of Johnny, leaving the young boy confused.

'What is he doing inside of me?' Johnny thought. The young greaser thought he would never ever hear those words from himself in any way, shape, or form. Ever. As Johnny was thinking he suddenly was hit with pleasure. "f*ck!" He basically screamed.

Dallas smirked, "There it is. Feel better Johnnycakes?"

"f*ck, God, yes. Mph~" Johnny has never said so many cuss words in one day, let alone in one conversation.

"Such a naughty mouth. I bet I can put it better use, hm?" Dallas pulled his fingers out of Johnny and let go of his hand. Dallas stroked his co*ck a bit to make sure he was fully erect as he added the lube to himself. Dallas must have been really caught up in this because he completely ditched the eye contact thing now. "Ready?" He asked Johnny softly.

"Yeah but uh..."

"Is something wrong Johnny?"

"Go slow, and uh, could you turn out the light, please?"

"I'll be gentle, I promise. But why do you want to the light off, baby? I want to see your pretty face." Dallas pouted.

"I'm just nervous, Dal."

"I know but, could we keep it on, just this once?" He cooed to Johnny. Johnny hesitated.

'Is he insinuating that we will be doing this again?' Johnny thought. "Fine just, please don't judge me for any faces I make."

Dallas smirked, "I won't judge you, but I do know that I will love whatever you do." Dallas had never used the word 'love' before. This took Johnny by surprise, but at least he knew that Dallas really did care about him.

"I'm ready now." Johnny said with no more hesitation. Dallas softly smiled down at the younger boy. He leaned into Johnny and kissed him passionately. Dallas didn't pull away, as this was a distraction for what he was about to do next. As Dallas and Johnny were deeply kissing, Dallas took this opportunity to start inserting himself.

He put just the tip inside Johnny and the boy gasped in pain. "GAH!" Johnny glued his eyes shut from the pain and arched his back.

Dallas kissed the boys forehead and stroked his hair. "It'll feel better soon like before, I promise." Dallas slid more of himself inside of Johnny.

"Mph. Mi piace come mi baci~ Do it again, it might make me feel better." Johnny groaned. Dallas assumed that Johnny didn't know that sometimes he slipped up and spoke Italian and not English.

"Do what?"

"Kiss me." Johnny demanded.

"Is that what you said before?"

"What? Oh... Not exactly. We're getting a side tracked here, let's just keep going." Dallas complied and kissed Johnny. Dallas slid in a little more and was now half way inside of Johnny. This was painfully slow for Dallas' taste.

Johnny hoped that Dallas would just find the sweet spot already and make this awful pain go away already.

Dallas was fully in now and he grunted. His big co*ck was in a tight squeeze in Johnny's tight, untouched heat. Johnny was basically squeezing the life out of Dallas' Man Hood. "Johnny man, you got to relax a bit man, you squeezing me to death over here." Dallas said in a playful tone.

"S-sorry, Dal." Johnny said, panting. "I don't know how."

"Just take a deep breath, in and out; relax your back onto the bed." Dallas lovingly instructed Johnny. Johnny relaxed and eased himself back onto the bed. Dallas started to move at very slow pace. Johnny whined as he was in agonizing pain. Dallas felt bad that his lover was hurting so much, and there was nothing he could do. He slowly started to pick up the pace so he could fine Johnny's prostate.

"GAH!~" Johnny moaned. "Do-do that again, Dal." Dallas slammed into Johnny which made the small boy scream. "f*ck, Dal~"

Dallas was now lost in lust and was pounding mercilessly into Johnny. Dallas was hitting Johnny's prostate just right and they were both losing it. "Harder Dallas! f*ck me harder damn it!" Johnny screamed latching onto Dallas' back. Dallas was already going as fast as he could.

"I'm tryin', man." Dallas panted.

"Mmmm~" Johnny moaned into Dallas' ear; Dallas was about to lose it.

"I'm close, f*ck." Dallas groaned.

"Me too." Dallas grabbed Johnny's cheek (face) softly and rubbed his scar.

"Look at me baby, I wanna see your eyes." Dallas said. Johnny opened his eyes until they were slits. That wasn't enough for Dallas so he slapped Johnny's ass. The younger boys eyes widened and he moaned. "You're so pretty, baby~" Dallas purred. Johnny bit his lip; he was getting clapped hard but, he felt loved for once.

"Dal, I'm close~" Johnny panted.

"Me too." Dallas squeezed his eyes shut as he buried himself deep inside Johnny and came. Johnny came on his tummy and onto Dallas' chest. Dallas pulled out of Johnny and watched as his cum leaked out.

"That was... amazing." Johnny panted, out of breath.

"I'm so sorry baby, did you want me to pull out?"

"You're fine, it felt weird, but hey, a new experience?" Johnny giggled, unwrapping himself from Dallas.

"Oh my f*cking God, Johnny." Dallas said playfully rolling his eyes. He laid next to the smaller boy and sighed contently. "You know man, I don't use these words a lot, to anyone. But Johnny man, I- I think I love you..." He held Johnny close to his chest.

"I think I love you too, Dallas."

Chapter 30: Later Johnnycake (Jally)


Originally posted in 2020

Jally smut

CW: Mentions of past abuse trauma

Chapter Text

Johnny and Dallas were cuddled up together in bed. It was nice because for once, both boys at peace. That was something rare for the both of them.

Johnny had his ear against Dallas' chest. He listened to the older boys heartbeat and light breathing. Although, since Johnny's ear was on Dallas' chest, everything was amplified.

Johnny didn't care, these noises were soothing to him. He really loved intimate moments like these. Dallas had his eyes closed as he mindlessly, and gently, caressed Johnny's arm.

Johnny also had his eyes closed. They were both very tired.

Dallas had a late rodeo. Johnny didn't ride bulls, but he stuck around to support Dallas. Being around all those people for so long, really wore Johnny out. Dallas was tired for obvious reasons relating to that.

Johnny was practically laying on top of Dallas. His arm swung over Dallas' abdomen.

For no reason, Johnny began to tap his finger tips on Dallas' side. Dallas flinched for a second, but adjusted after a while. Neither one of them opened their eyes.

Johnny's tapping turned into rubbing. It was a soothing, innocent gesture. He simply rubbed Dallas' side gently. It was kind of like what Dallas was doing to Johnny's arm.

Dallas sighed contently. He stopped rubbing Johnny's arm. He reached over and tried to intertwine his hand with Johnny's free hand. Johnny whined, "Mm, why'd ya stop?"

"I wanna hold your hand." Dallas whined back. Johnny chuckled. You didn't see Dallas Winston being whiney about what affection he got everyday.

"Mm, fine." Johnny said. Dallas grasped the youngers hand happily. When they touched, Johnny felt that all-too-familiar electricity feeling.

Ya know, that feeling.

That feeling you get when you touch someone you really like. It would make you tense and flinch. You would ease after a minute or two of contact. But it still felt static when the two of you touched.

Johnny would never get used to that feeling. It reminds him how he's still in love with, Dallas.

They're still in that Honeymoon stage of their relationship. In the beginning of a relationship, it's called the honeymoon stage. You always want to be around your significant other. You want to love on them and experiment with each other.

You're not at the stage where you fight all the time yet. It feels nice.

Lovely in fact.

Johnny finds being in Dallas' arms comforting. He was comfortable.

Dallas was glad Johnny was comfortable laying on top of him. But, Dallas was in awkward situation. Johnny's was rubbing up against his crotch. Dallas was blushing red, and Johnny had no idea!

The reason the two were together was because Johnny had got beaten by his father, and Dallas was here to comfort his young boyfriend. Johnny had met Dallas at the rodeo after the beating and waited for him to finish. Dallas didn't want to ask anything of, Johnny. And this would be a weir time to ask for such a thing. They hadn't taken their relationship yet to that level yet. Dallas didn't want to scare Johnny away or anything.

Dallas had these thoughts coursing through his mind. As time went on, painfully slow, his erection was getting painfully harder. The more Johnny caressed Dallas' side, the more friction against Dallas' co*ck. Dallas isn't one to get embarrassed by much but, this was definitely embarrassing. "Mmm..." Dallas moaned quietly.

Dallas' own caress' had become slow and sensual.

Johnny felt like he was in an trance. It was rare to see Dallas being docile in any way, shape, or form. It made him relax, which was a rare thing. Johnny usually felt like he needed to be on guard at all times, even when he was with Dallas. That's just how paranoid he was.

Johnny heard the noise Dallas mad, it snapped him out of his trance. Johnny looked over at the older boy confused. He noticed how flustered Dallas was; Johnny had never seen him so red before. "Dally- hey Dally are you okay?" Johnny stopped groping his boyfriend.

The two of them made eye contact, Dallas didn't know what to do. In the past, if he was with just some random broad he would have been like, "Look what you did! Now you gotta take care of it." Like hell Dallas would say any of that to his, Johnnycakes, "Hm? Oh uh, yeah I'm okay." Dallas voiced cracked like he had just hit puberty. He felt like crawling into a hole, curling up and dying. Anything was better than dealing with this. Everything happening right was the definition of a young boy going puberty.

"I don't think I've seen you so red before, Hun. Nor do I think I've ever heard your voice crack before."

"First time for everything I guess..." Dallas mumbled. Dallas' heart was racing, he was just waiting for Johnny to notice. But, what's the plan after that?

Johnny shifted and hit Dallas' erection, nearly making the older man scream. Instead his mouth gaped open as he gasped at the sudden friction. Johnny stopped moving when he heard Dallas gasp. He was laying right on top of Dallas' almost fully erect co*ck. Johnny's face turned confused, he didn't know what he was lying on. For a split second thinking, he thought it might have been the blanket or something. Johnny reached down and firmly grasped this mystery object.

Both of their eyes went wide.

Johnny realized what he had grabbed, and Dallas watching Johnny grab it. "Is that your uhm-"

"Yeah." Dallas interrupted. Johnny hasn't let go.

"I uhm- I'm sorry." Johnny was flustered, now realizing what was wrong with Dallas.

"Mmm... It- It's okay." Dallas said. He was panting, he felt like he was about to lose it. Johnny felt frozen, he couldn't move his hand. Why not? Johnny was internally freaking out.

'Oh God, what have I done? I'm a total! He probably hates me now... Wait, I'm still holding it! Good God, what the hell is wrong with me?! I've never touched another mans penis before.'Johnny was internally panicking, you could see it in his eyes. Dallas felt bad because he knew how mentally fragile the younger boy was. He could see Johnny's panic through the young boys black eyes.

Dallas calmly reached down and placed his gently on top of, Johnny's. Dallas did something quite daring; he began to slowly move Johnny's hand up and down his clothed erection. Johnny was shocked at what was happening, he wasn't upset or mad, just shocked. Johnny had always thought about doing sex acts on, Dallas. But, he never acted upon these fantasies. Johnny has always wanted to pay Dallas back in some way for always being there. And Dallas likes sex, right? That's one hell of a payment.

Johnny caught on and started rubbing faster, and pressing down harder. Dallas was panting and enjoying the sight in front of him. Dallas moved his hand so it was just Johnny's touching him. Dallas started groaning and making other pleasurable noises. He had his head laid back against a pillow, he was trying to look up so he could watch.

Innocent virgin Johnny Cade was getting him off, who wouldn't want to watch?

Johnny was over come with a surge of lust. He suddenly wanted to see it, Dally's penis. He really really wanted to see it. Johnny had always wondered how big Dallas was. Probably huge compared to his twink co*ck. It was close to deathly silence, all you could hear was heavy breathing. Johnny moved his hands to Dallas' belt, he was going to do it. Johnny undid Dallas' belt, Dallas watched with anticipation. Johnny bit his lip.

Johnny was practically shaking. He hooked his hands in both Dallas' pants and underwear. Johnny looked down nervously as he pulled Dallas' pants down to his knees. Dallas' erection sprung into Johnny's face, making the younger boy gasp. Without thinking, Johnny spoke, "Oh f*ck, it's so big!"

Johnny looked head on at this thick, 7 inch co*ck. Dallas wasn't one to be conscious about who looked at his private parts. But since this was Johnny, he was all over the place. Especially after what Johnny just said. Johnny moved so he was straddling Dallas' thighs.

Johnny put both of his hands around Dally's thick co*ck. It was weird for him, since this was the first time he's ever touched another mans penis and all. Johnny began to stroke Dallas' co*ck at a slow pace, both hands on his shaft. Dallas' mouth gaped open as he watched the curious boy jerk him off.

It looked considerably larger in Johnny's hands. And since Johnny was an amateur, he seemed almost childish while stroking the older mans co*ck.

As Johnny got faster, his arms got tired. But, the young boy was determined to make his lover cum. Johnny was hunched over, his hot breath hitting Dallas' tip. Dallas gently laid his hand on the back of Johnny's head. He wasn't pushing the youngers head down or anything, Dallas just had his hand on the back of Johnny's head. Although, deep down he desperately wished Johnny would suck him off.

But, Dallas wasn't the only one thinking about having Johnny give him a blow j*b. Johnny was also considering this. Johnny was sure a blow j*b would feel a lot better than a hand job.

Johnny decided to go for it. He leaned down and slid his hands down to the bottom of Dallas' shaft. Dallas watched intently as Johnny put his rock hard co*ck in his virgin mouth. Johnny's eyebrows knitted together at the salty taste of pre-cum hitting his tongue. The taste was bad.

Johnny's mouth couldn't go all the way down without gagging. So, whatever he couldn't fit in his mouth, he kept his hands on (to continue jerking Dallas off). Dallas continued to watch Johnny, he felt like he could lose it any second. "God, I'm so close, mm..." Johnny looked up, he was never good at eye contact, but he thought now would be a good time to use the little of the skill he had.

When their eyes met, Dallas smiled devilishly, "You look so beautiful with my dick down your throat." Dallas swallowed a groan. Johnny fluttered his eyelashes as a response.

Johnny wished he could jerk himself off during this moment. 'Cause boy did he have biggest boner right now. But both his hands were busy.

Johnny continued to suck Dallas off, removing one of his hands so he can take more of Dally's co*ck down his throat. "f*ck, Johnny!" Dallas moaned as he let his load hit the back of Johnny's throat. Johnny felt disgusted at first, the salty taste of Dally's sperm 'ought to be the nastiest thing Johnny has ever tasted. He didn't quite know what to do as the sem*n went down his throat.

Johnny pulled off of his boyfriends co*ck, "You didn't have to swallow-" Dallas said, surprised. sem*n Johnny didn't swallow flowed down Dallas' co*ck.

"I didn't know what to do with it, Dal. It kind of just, went down." Johnny interrupted shyly. Johnny looked at the floor and locked his eyes on a rag. Dallas noticed this.

"Grab the rag and help me clean the rest of this up,Sweet thang." Dallas said. Johnny nodded simply. He picked the rag up from off of the floor and cleaned up the remainder of the mess. Johnny tucked his boyfriend's softening penis back in his pants and zipped him up. Johnny smiled sweetly as he patted Dallas' pants. Dallas laughed and grabbed both of Johnny's hands.

Dallas gently pulled Johnny towards him, giving his boyfriend a tender kiss. Johnny felt awkward for having an erection. He's learned over the years that getting erections in front of other people, is socially unacceptable. Although, this felt right.

Dallas had his hands on Johnny's sides; their kiss had turned into making out. Johnny placed his hands on top of Dallas'. He moved Dallas' hands down and placed the elders hands on his erection. Johnny moaned into the kiss when he felt Dallas' big hands on his crotch.

Staying connected, Dallas gently groped Johnny's penis through the young boys jeans. Johnny had to pull away for a moment to let out pent up pleasurable noises. Johnny has never had someone besides himself touch his privates. It felt nice. He was glad the person he was in love was making him feel this good.

Johnny sat up on Dally's lap, panting; his chest rapidly rising and falling. Dallas ran his hands over Johnny's thighs. He looked into Johnny's eyes for consent to unbutton his pants. Dallas glanced at Johnny's crotch and then back at Johnny's eyes. Johnny nodded frantically. Dallas got the idea and quickly undid the younger boys pants. Dallas let Johnny's erection free, and to Dallas, it was a breath taking sight. Johnny's twink co*ck ached for attention.

Dallas took off his shirt so Johnny wouldn't get anything on it. "Wha- What are you doing?" Johnny was confused as to why Dallas took off his shirt.

"I'll let you cum on me, I just didn't want anything to get on my shirt." Dallas said. Johnny was surprised, was he about to cum on Dallas Winston's stomach and chest?

Dallas gave Johnny a few lazy and experienced strokes. Johnny was a moaning mess, it felt amazing to have someone else jerk him off for once. Once Dally saw Johnny really getting into it, got a firm grip and stroked the younger boy faster. Johnny's eyes rolled back into his head.

He and Dallas both knew he wouldn't last nearly as long as Dallas did. Johnny was new to this kind of stuff, and this kind of pleasure took a lot of will power not to explode right off the bat. Especially for a beginner. "Ah... Ah... AH! Dally~" Johnny bucked his hips upward, beckoning for Dally to go faster. He whimpered in the process.

Dallas got the memo, he stroked faster. He was oddly excited for Johnny to cum all over his front. Dallas thought it was hot. Johnny held onto Dallas' waist for dear life as Dallas continued to jerk him off. "I- I'm gonna cum! Ah... Ah~" Johnny's voice broke as he came all over Dallas' hand, stomach, and chest. It was a sight Johnny never thought he would see. He was glad he got to.

Johnny panted and let out whimpers as he continued to shoot out strings of cum for a second. That was a pretty intense org*sm for Johnny, and it felt like pure bliss.

While Johnny was coming down from his high, Dallas cleaned the two of them up. Dallas tucked Johnny's cute co*ck back into his pants. Dallas gently pulled Johnny down next to him and held the young boy close to him. "I love you, Dally."

"I love you too, Johnnycakes."

"That was fun, wanna do it again later?"

"Later." Dallas laughed softly and stroked Johnny's hair gently.

Chapter 31: Speechless (Jally)


Originally posted in 2020

CW: Mentions of abuse, self-harm, and suicidal ideation

Chapter Text

Johnny grumbled as he was dragged into Dallas' apartment, and into Dally's bathroom. "Sit." Dallas ordered. Johnny sat down on the toilet seat and waited for Dallas to finish running around the bathroom. Dallas laid the medical supplies out onto the sink, "Strip off all of your clothes, kid." Dallas ordered again. He felt juvenile when Dallas called him, 'Kid,' or even just, 'Johnnycakes.' Johnny sighed sadly and took off his shirt. Dallas' face stayed cold, "I said everything,"

"D-do I really gotta?" Johnny said sadly and almost silently.

Dallas sighed, "Yes kiddo, you're covered in blood and I need to make sure I get everything. Plus, I can clean those clothes and give you some new ones. You've been wearing the same junk forweeks." Dallas emphasized the word,weeks. He honestly sounded like Darry at this moment. That saddened Johnny even more than he already was. He knew that not washing his clothes was noticeable, but Johnny didn't know that someone started to keep track of how long. "I know it's embarrassing, but it's for the best, Babe." Johnny didn't like it when Dallas called him kiddo. He was his boyfriend, not a step-child.

Johnny's deep frown and big, sad, puppy dog eyes didn't make anyone feel better. Johnny gave in and took off his pants. Dallas wasn't paying attention as he ran a bath. He would bathe Johnny, patch him up, clothe him, and then send the boy to bed. While Dallas was still not looking, Johnny took off his socks and underwear.

Scars ran up and down Johnny's thighs. But, these were not from his father or negligent mother. They were from the man himself. The newer ones didn't seem much older than a few days old. This had been going on for about a year now. A little while before he and Dallas started dating. Dallas didn't suspect a thing.

Johnny scratched at his healing, self-inflicted wounds when Dallas turned back around. Dally's breath caught in his throat. "J-Johnny...?" Dallas knelt down on the floor and moved Johnny's hands from the mutilated flesh. "You didn't..." Dallas said in disbelief. He was shocked by the sheer amount of cuts and scars that were there. There were hundreds, new and old. It was easy for the number to wrack up if you just went for it and weren't keeping track.

"Oh, but sadly I did. More ways to disappoint everyone I know and love." Johnny had a grim smile than turned flat after a second. Dallas didn't know what to say. Looking at the damage Johnny had caused to himself, and the damage caused by Johnny's father. Dally was speechless.

"How long has this been going on?" Dallas tried to keep his temper at a minimum, trying not to scare Johnny away now.

"I think it was about a month or so, maybe less, before we started dating." Johnny recalled weakly. Dallas nodded. Dallas didn't dare to touch the newer ones, but he did point at them.

"These ones look...newer. How long ago were these?"

"Few days ago." Johnny said. Dallas recalled what he could from a few days ago. He and Johnny got into a small argument and Johnny locked himself in their shared room, forcing Dally to sleep on the couch.

More dreadful things dawned on Dallas, "Did you do it, because of me?" Dallas said.

Johnny was hesitant to answer and was as careful as he could be with his answers. "I was just angry at myself." Johnny answered.

"Do you cut every time we fight?"

"Not always, but most of the time, yeah." Johnny threw his dignity out the window the moment he took off his pants. He knew he had to be honest with Dallas. Dallas hung his head in shame. How could he have been so oblivious?

"Can you get in the bath by yourself?" Dallas said quietly. He'd come back to this subject later.

"Y-yeah." Johnny was scared and lied straight through his teeth. Dallas stood up.

"I'll help you in," Dallas didn't dare to look at, Johnny.

Johnny took Dallas' hand and let his lover help him into the tub. Johnny settled into the warm water. He felt relaxed, for a second. Then Johnny had to remember the situation he was in; he tensed again. It felt weird to have Dallas be gentle. It wasn't like him. Dallas Winston was not gentle. But he would be if it was to help his, Johnny.

Dallas got a rag and dunked it in the water. He rang out the excess water and rubbed soap into it. Dallas didn't want to use the bar of soap itself directly on Johnny's skin. His skin was too sensitive for that. Dallas was just trying to be more gentle.

Dallas was going to hand the rag to Johnny, but stopped himself. "Can I do it?" Dallas asked.

'When will someone shoot me-' Johnny was grumbling and whining in his own mind. Johnny stopped mentally complaining for a moment to answer. "I-If you really want to," Johnny replied shyly. Johnny doesn't remember the last time he even had a bath, let alone someone bathing him.He'd never really seen the use in baths, you need to shower afterwards anyway.

"Just relax, tell me if I'm hurting you." Dallas got comfortable on his knees.

"Okay." Johnny said. Dallas gently began washing Johnny's chest, cleaning some of the scrapes. Johnny hissed at the stinging. He toughed it out, knowing that he had to get it done. The last thing Johnny needed right now, was an infection.

Dallas scrubbed Johnny's back and lower abdomen. He traveled back up Johnny's body, cleaning his neck and face. Dallas rinsed Johnny off with the flat soap water in the tub.

There were some bubbles, Dallas decided he might be playful. He picked up some of the bubbles and smeared them into Johnny's hair. Dallas took his still bubbly hand and poked Johnny's nose.(This iscalleda boop.)

Johnny giggled and wiped some of the bubbles onto his hand. He smeared the bubbles onto Dallas' face, causing more giggling. Dallas made a fake, astonished look. He put his hand on his chest and gasped. "Johnathan, I'm appalled!" Dallas wiped the bubbles off his face and smiled.

"I could say the same thing." Johnny said quietly. He didn't know how Dallas had the charm to make him feel better. Dally was never good with feelings, but Johnny guesses that Dallas actually cared about making him feel better.

Care. Not a lot of people care about, Johnny. But, as long as Dallas is one of those people, he'll be alright.

Dallas leaned in and kissed Johnny's chapped lips. It was short and sweet. A noise was emitted when they separated. "I love you, Johnny." Letting those 4 words leave his mouth, was the biggest relief of Dally's life.

Johnny smiled with Genuine happiness. He never thought he would hear anyone say those words to him. "I love you too, Dallas." Dallas gently kissed the fragile boy on the lips again.

"I'm in love with you." Dallas whispered, a mere inch away from Johnny's face. Johnny blushed and stared at Dally's lips. Johnny leaned in and pecked his lips one more time. Johnny didn't want this to go anywhere, as in like, dancing in the dark type of far. Johnny was already in a lot of pain. No need to have another to not walk straight for a week.

"Dal... I'm in love with you too. But," Johnny paused without thinking.

"But what? Are you not in love with me?"

"No no, I am. I just wanted to wrap this up so I can go to bed and sleep." Johnny said.

"Oh. Sorry yeah, we can do that." Dallas stood up and helped Johnny get to his feet. Johnny shook as he stepped out of the bathtub. Dallas gently wrapped a towel around the smaller boys fragile body. Dallas led Johnny back to his bedroom. "Dry off some while I get you some comfy clothes to sleep in, alright?" Johnny nodded shyly as a response.

Dallas walked away and collected some clothes. A white T-shirt and some sweatpants will do. Both articles of clothing were Dallas' size. They were bound to swallow the younger boy hole. As long as Johnny had something to sleep in. Dallas just wanted the younger boy to be comfortable.

Johnny began to dry off. He took off the towel and begin to dry his hair. It was dark in the room so he didn't think much of it. Plus, Dallas had just bathed him so, it wasn't that big of a deal.

Johnny was still trying to get his hair is dry as he could, when Dallas came back. Dallas stopped in his tracks and took a moment to admire the younger boys body while it wasn't covered up. "I uh, got you some clothes." Dallas spoke.

Johnny squeaked and held the towel to his chest. He turned to look at Dallas. "Oh, I uhm- thank you." Johnny quickly finished drying off.

"Did you want some help getting dressed?" Johnny thought that he could dress himself. But to avoid conflict, he decided that he would just let Dallas help him. No reason not to.

"Yes please," Johnny answered politely. Dallas smiled and nodded. He walked over to Johnny with the clothes. He sat them down on the bed.

"Can I have the towel?" Johnny nodded and handed Dallas the towel. Dallas sat it down on the bed and picked up some underwear. "I know none of this stuff will fight you right, but you'll be clothed at least." He helped Johnny step into them. "And I hope you'll be comfortable as well."

The underwear hung very low on Johnny's hips, barely clinging onto his hips. "Wearing your clothes is comforting in a way." Johnny rubbed his arm.

Dallas cooed and helped Johnny into the sweatpants. After that Johnny just put the shirt on, he didn't need help with that.

Dallas swiftly picked Johnny up and carried him Bridal style, setting him gently down on the bed. Dallas smiled and kissed the younger boys head. Johnny smiled back.

Dallas quickly got undressed. He snuggled into bed with, Johnny. He tucked the blanket on the other side of Johnny. Dallas held Johnny close. "You're gonna get better..." Dallas whispered softly.

Chapter 32: Fantasies Of A Star (Jally)


Originally posted in

Jally Smut

Johnny is a camboy, shaking his ass for some cash.

KickedPuppy_69 is Online📶

KickedPuppy_69 is now streaming...

Chapter Text

Dallas was a grown man. Well, at least he was close enough to a man. With this, that does mean Dallas enjoys watching an adult film from time-to-time. He's not very particular with the film's he watches. Just whatever catches his fancy as he's scrolling through.

Although, he found something one night that Dallas thought wasverymuch so, up his alley. Dallas had an old laptop that he used for this type of specificresearch.

Dallas had found a camboy website. It was full of all thesweettwinks andall femboys you could imagine. He had fallen deep into a rabbit hole looking through this website. Page after page of different p*rn Stars that did different things.

He stopped abruptly on a specific person's page. They didn't have many streams posted, but they were in the middle of a stream.Rightnow.
Dallas clicked on the stream, he watched intently. This young man was already in the middle of fulfilling a fan's request. He was writing degrading words in red lipstick all over his smooth tan skin.

This person was wearing nothing but black-lace panties. The boy popped the cap back onto the lipstick. They spoke softly,'Do I look pretty?'
That voice- it sounded... familiar? Dallas looked at the username:KickedPuppy_69

Dallas felt like those words could be familiar. But whom did that remind him of? Wait, could it be-

The young boy moved the camera so he could be seen in the frame. Oh my God...

'You can see my face now, I know it's not as good as my ass. But you can get a better look at all the words in this position.'It was Johnny; he smiled sweetly for the webcam. He pointed at the wordwhor*on his arm.'I like this one the most. It's the most true.' He swayed his upper body a bit. 'Mommy and Daddy would be so proud... Anyways- I won't keep you guys waiting any longer. We can move on to the main even now.'Johnny giggled as he continue to put on the rest of the show...

After that, Dallas binge watched the rest of Johnny's videos. Dallas had had a crush on Johnny for a while now, and these videos were only filling his desires to be with the younger more.


Dallas couldn't keep this to himself. He had to tell Johnny what he saw-

They were hanging out together the next day. Dallas brought Johnny back to the room he rented out above Buck's bar. Dallas had lock the door behind them. He flopped onto his bed, kicking off his shoes and shrugging off his jacket. "Come sit down, Johnnycakes. The bed's fine!" Dallas joked, waving the younger boy over. He flipped his long blonde hair out of his eyes.

He was tense about talking to Johnny. Dallas wasn't completely sure Johnny was picking up on his tenseness. But it sure as hell was haunting, Dallas.

Johnny smiled and walked over. He flopped down next to Dallas, taking off his shoes and jacket as well. Johnny had no idea of any of the things going through Dally's head. He most definitely didn't suspect a thing. Johnny being a camboy was his dirty little secret. He loved the attention, he liked being degraded publicly. He just loved being aslu*t.

Johnny looked over at Dallas, he picked on some tension now. "Hey, are you alright, Dally?" Johnny asked softly.

Dallas blushed softly, he was brought out of his sinful thoughts. "Huh? Oh yeah, I'm fine. Nothing's wrong." Dallas said, a little too quickly. Dallas wasn't totally lying, overall hewasokay. But, the memories of Johnny's cam shows were gnawing at him. He needed to say something, "Actually Johnny, can I ask you something?"

"Of course you can, Dal. What is it?" Johnny turned so he was completely facing the older boy.

Dallas thought for a moment, he needed evidence. Was it really Johnny on those streams, or was he just seeing things now? Dallas remembered that the words Johnny wrote on his body, were wrote in lipstick. Which means that the lipstick would have left a stain on Johnny's skin. He remembers that a word was written on Johnny's upper arm. If Dallas could just lift Johnny's sleeve, even by a centimetre-

"Uhm, you use the internet Johnny, right? What kind of stuff do you do on there?" Dallas realized that he sounded a little creepy. "I-I'm just curious y'know." Dallas looked at his hands and shrugged his shoulders.

Johnny's face flushed at knowing what he really did with his internet connection. "Oh- uhm, I watch videos and stuff, y'know..." Johnny tried to keep it simple. He was embarrassed to say the least. Johnny was scared that if Dallas knew he would be disgusted with him or something.

"Do you like, make videos...?" Dallas asked awkwardly. He laughed and gently nudged Johnny's arm with his elbow. This brought part of shirt sleeve up some. Dallas couldn't believe it, the stain was there. The lipstick stain was right there on Johnny's upper arm! Johnny was the camboy he saw...

"What, no- Why would you think that?" Johnny tried to play it cool.

It was obvious that Johnny was lying. This wasn't just because he could see the stain on Johnny's shoulder, but the two were so close at this point, Dallas could just tell me younger was lying.
Dallas sighed deeply, "I'm just going to say it man. I know you're a camboy. I can see the stain from the lipstick on your shoulder from the show the other night." Dallas couldn't control the words as they fell from his mouth.

Johnny was astonished. His secret of pleasuring himself while strangers on the internet watched, was out there. Dallasf*ckingknew. "O-oh... Oh my God." Johnny covered part of his face. "Please don't tell anyone Dallas. Nobody can know!" Johnny begged. He could be ruined. Johnny knew of the consequences of being in this sort of field of work. But Johnny wasn't ready for the consequences. Johnny felt terribly embarrassed.

"I'm not going to tell anyone, Johnny. I'm not that sh*tty of a person, and I know that's hard to believe." Dallas' voice got low; predatory- "I have a favor to ask of you..." His intentions were far from innocent now.

Johnny shivered at Dallas' tone of voice, "Y-yeah, Dal?"

"Maybe you could put on a private show for me. Right here, right now." He knew it was selfish to act on his desires, but he couldn't help it. He laid his hand next to Johnny's thigh.

Johnny blushed a deep red. He leaned forward a little bit. "I-I could do that." Johnny was nervous, he had never done anything to somebody in person like what he did for the camera.

"Show me what you can do, baby." Dallas pet Johnny's cheek gently.

Johnny slowly got up; he presented himself to Dallas. He sensually took off his shirt. All of the lipstick stains were now visible.

Dallas bit his lip, he smiled as he watched Johnny strip. Johnny was a lot more shy in person than what he was on camera. "Show me all you got, I know what you can do, baby."

Johnny blushed a bright red. He slowly undid his jeans and kicked them off of his legs. Johnny stood there in nothing but a black pair of panties. He liked the thrill of wearing lingerie casually, Johnny found it erotic. The risk of maybe getting caught- Johnny loved it.

Dallas let out a soft sigh at the sight of, Johnny. "You wore those here? It's almost like you were expecting something..." Dallas mumbled. He thought it was cute how Johnny's erection bulged through the lace of the panties.

Johnny's face felt like it was on fire. He rubbed his inner thighs. Johnny let out a shaky sigh as his fingertips ghosted(ditto)over his erection. He moaned- he felt dirty doing this in front of Dally.

Dallas imagined how hot it would be if you made a cameo on Johnny's little show. How all the perverts whom tuned in, would wish it was them pounding into Johnny instead. Dallas felt like he could be a good p*rn Star. Especially when he was paired up with Johnny. The major size difference made them a better match.

Johnny wrapped one of his hands around his throat carefully, squeezing it a little. He shuddered as he made seductive eye contact with, Dally. Johnny pulled his hand off of his neck. He slowly began to pull his panties off. Johnny had a slight tremble to his movements, feeling a little nervous still.

The older male of the two, bit his lip in anticipation. He took mental notes:Johnny looked innocent.Like he'd never watched p*rn in his life, let alone make it himself. Johnny had made a nice little facade to fool everyone around him. Dallas felt lucky that he could see right through it.

"A-anything specific you want me to do?" Johnny squeezed his thighs together; he held the panties in his hands now. He usually asked whomever was on the stream to request something. That's usually how the cam show business works. Fans make requests of what they want the Star to do, and then the Star fulfills those requests. Johnny tossed the panties to Dally, whom happily caught them.

"Show me what you can do with that ass, kitten. You got me and yourself to work with; be creative." Dallas leaned back onto the bed and smiled devilishly.

Johnny crawled onto the older males lap. He wrapped his arms around Dally's neck, "I want you to have your way with me." Johnny picked up one of Dallas' hands and sucked on one of his fingers slowly. He made eye contact again.

Dallas brushed Johnny's cheek gently. He lead Johnny's other hand to his belt. Johnny took Dallas' finger out of his mouth to helped the older out of his pants. After that, Dallas flipped them over so Johnny was underneath him. Dallas spread Johnny's legs wider so he could get in between them better. He ran a hand down Johnny's body.

Johnny loved feeling this sort of submission. He was helpless, but in bed he loved having no control.

"Good boy," Dallas kicked off his boxers, flipping his hair out of his face. Dallas lubed up his co*ck a bit, to make it easier on the younger. He wanted it rough, but there is always room atleasta little support. Dallas held Johnny legs up against his body, then pushing in without any warning. He was playing and breaking in his new toy. Toys don't talk back. "I had no uh- idea you were so flexible, baby. All whor*s are flexible. Is that what you are, a whor*?" Dallas degraded.

Johnny moaned and whimpered helplessly. He loved this; he felt dirty. Johnny liked it when people used his body for their own pleasure (consent).

It didn't take long after all that slamming into Johnny, for Dallas to cum. Johnny was his toy, it didn't matter if he got to cum yet, or at all for that matter. Dallas filled Johnny's precious little ass with cum, making the younger feel full. He continued to f*ck his cum inside the younger to overstimulate himself.
Dallas rubbed Johnny's nipples for the fun of it, he wanted to see Johnny's physical reaction to it.

Johnny writhed as Dallas touched his nipples. Moaning loudly, drool coming out of the corners of his mouth. He felt himself getting closer and closer. "C-Can I please cum, Dally?" Johnny's legs shook aggressively because of how rough Dallas was being with his body. He felt cum leaking out of his body.

Dallas waited a while before he responded, just to tease Johnny a little more. "Y-ou can cum now, slu*t. Since that all you want to do anyway." Dallas degraded. He leaned down and sucked on one of Johnny's nipples. He grunted, feeling like he was going to cum again.

The younger whined impatiently as he waited for Dallas to respond. He felt relief when Dallas finally said he could.

"You like that, whor*? Yeah, you're my whor* now. " Dallas held Johnny's hands, pinning them beside his head.

"Y-yes, I'm your whor*!"

Johnny loved the degrading, it made everything more erotic and fun. Johnny finally released after a few more moments. His mind went hazy from the lust, he went limp as Dallas continued to thrust in and out of him. Johnny's eyes rolled back as he let out moans that sounded like they were straight from a p*rn. He felt himself start to get overstimulated as well.

Dallas grunted as he came inside the younger boy again. Making Johnny's poor abused ass overflow. He pulled out, panting like he was lost in a desert. His dick hurt a bit and his balls were so from hitting Johnny's bottom so hard and fast.

"I always wondered what it would be like to f*ck a p*rn Star. Good to know the sex is as good as it's advertised." Dallas said, standing up and putting his clothes back on. Johnny laid there for a little while longer, recollecting himself still.

Johnny smiled softly, he really did like Dally. Dally liked Johnny back, just as much.

Chapter 33: Our Missing Link (Jally-Bit)


Originally posted in 2021


Johnny, Dallas, and Two-Bit are in a polyamorous relationship. Johnny and Dallas are constantly on Two-Bit's case. What will happen when Johnny gets pushed over the edge, and it pushes Two-Bit out of the apartment?
We're A Puzzle- Confusing, But Still Completable

They truly were another love story.


Implied sexual content.

CW: Mentions of past alcoholism

Chapter Text

Some people say that Three's Company. But if you're Johnny Cade, Dallas Winston, or Two-Bit Mathews, do you think it's just enough for love. A lot of people think having more than one lover was whorish. The tree boys thought otherwise. Some people need the extra support in a relationship. If having one more lover was the way to achieve that, so be it.

To understand why that's the case, let's go back in time a bit. It wasn't too long ago when the trio found out that all three of them had a destiny together.


To say Johnny had a crush on Dallas was understatement. Johnny was getting desperate for the older mans attention. Johnny would have wild dreams about him that he didn't quite understand. He was borderline obsessed with, Dallas. Johnny would sometimes be so heart broken over Dallas not noticing him, he would cry and ignore him until Dallas actively went and searched for Johnny. Johnny was loosing himself almost. It's the heart ache you feel when you couldn't have something you desperately wanted.

On the other side of the cul-de-sac, Two-Bit liked Dallas Winston as well. It was more like a school girl's crush, though. Normal chick falling for the bad boy. Although, Keith had a lot more in common with Dallas then Johnny did. By a long shot for sure. Also, Keith wasn't totally losing himself over some Crush.


"Ponyboy, can I talk to you about something?"That seemed to be a familiar phrase Ponyboy was hearing a lot recently. Ponyboy felt like the neighborhood therapist. All of his friends,leftandright, were coming to him about their issues.

First it was, Johnny. He confessed to the younger boy the issues he had about dealing with the feelings he had for, Dallas. Ponyboy was calm, telling Johnny it would be better to just be up front about his feelings for, Dallas. "You never know, you might be surprised what his reaction would be." Is something Pony had said to Johnny.

Then there was Two-Bit. Ponyboy was more surprised that Two-Bit wanted Dallas. Two-Bit was notorious for f*ckin' blonde broads, not bad boys. Guess he needed a change in label...

Then finally, a few day later, like a single file line of ducklings following their mother, here came Dallas. He usually wouldn't go to Ponyboy about things like this. Things like this being personal matters. But that was had nowhere to go. Like hell he would go to Tim or Buck about this.

"Listen kid, I have a feeling they both like me. I have no idea what I'm going to do!" Dallas rubbed the back of his neck nervously. To be frank with you, Dallas wanted them both. He found both boys very attractive physically, with personality types that were also appealing. Dallas couldn't decide!

"Well, they'll probably hang me when they find out I told you this. But, spoiler alert, they both do like you. That's a fact. They both came and talked to me." Ponyboy admitted. Dallas was scary, and just admitting that made him feel better. Even though it caused a whole second wave of unnecessary anxiety.

Dallas wasn't relieved at all when he was told the news. "Great. Now what? I'll tear poor Johnny's heart to shreds if I choose Two-Bit. Two-Bit probably will never talk to me ever again if I choose Johnny. It would just be awkward after that, man! They're both great, what do I do Horseman?" Dallas knew Ponyboy hated being called that. What used to be a joke was now a habit.

Ponyboy was also conflicted about Dallas' inevitable decisionhehad to make. Lazy ass- Whom should he choose? After a few more moments, Ponyboy got an idea. Nobody had ever considered this before. It wasn't really out there, so it's not like everybody was doing this.

"Okay, just hear me out for this one," Pony started, catching Dally's attention. "What if, all three of you dated?"

"What the f*ck?" Dallas said back immediately.

"Yeah, I mean- each party would get what they wanted. It'll strengthen your guys' bond. Just take it into consideration." Ponyboy was trying his best to sound confident. While on the inside he almost had a heart attack, because Dallas was so scary.


Dallas had thought long and hard about Ponyboy's suggestion. He brought it up to the other two boys.

First of all, both boys were very surprised that Dallas even liked them back. Second of all, they were going to have a Witch Hunt of Ponyboy Curtis after this.

What happened to doctor-patient confidentiality? Well, garage therapist-patient confidentiality.

Johnny wasn't quite sure, he didn't like the idea of having to share Dallas. It felt like siblings having to share a toy because Mom said so. But then again, Johnny was willing to try anything to be able to be with Dallas. In any way possible. Johnny, again, was kind of on the line of desperate.

Two-Bit on the other hand, was ecstatic. Hell yeah, two boyfriends! He wasn't picky.

It was settled then. All three of them together were now an item.


They all decided to get an apartment together. They all liked that idea, but Two-Bit's mom was sad to see him finally go.

Johnny mentioned leaving to his parents. His dad was happy, but his mom protested. Claiming that Johnny was too young to be moving in with a few "friends" in some sh*tty apartment on aneven worseside of town. They fought, but by the end of it Johnny's dad just threw Johnny's stuff out the door and told him to leave early. Johnny had to stay a few nights at Buck's bar with Dallas, until they got the key to the apartment.

They all shared one king sized bed together.

At first, Johnny was having trouble adjusting. He'd never shared a bed with someone, so things were awkward for him at first. There was a point in time where Johnny would just wait for the older two to fall asleep. Then he would sneak out of the bedroom and sleep on the couch.

Dallas thought that was the weirdest thing, and it took a while to curve this behavior. Dallas and Two-Bit tried their best to make sure the environment was a safe place for, Johnny. Johnny did got used to Dallas holding him at night, since Dallas slept in the middle. But one night, they had Johnny sleep in the middle. He got almost no sleep that night because he was so tense about Two-Bit holding him. Keith saw the opportunity to bond, and took it.

It was like a child holding up a puppy awkwardly for their parents to see.

Johnny is getting use to Keith, just not as fast as the older would like.


"It's 10pm, I think it's about time we go to bed." Dallas announced. Johnny had no issue with this. He didn't see the issue at going to bed at 10. Keith on the other hand, was about to throw a fit.

"What? It's ONLY 10pm. I want to stay up longer; I'm not a grandpa." Two-Bit said. Dallas rolled his eyes at his older boyfriend.

"Keith Mathews, I will not allow you to stay up any longer. Johnny and I are very tired, and I don't want you waking us up in the middle of the night, when you finally decide to go to sleep at ass o'clock in the morning." Dallas quipped.


"That's final. Johnny go get your pajamas on." Dallas told the younger. Sometimes Dallas was more parenting Johnny than being a boyfriend. Johnny didn't really understand the common sense of taking care of yourself. So Dallas had to be the one to brush his teeth, or change his clothes.

At one point, it was Two-Bit doing this to the younger boys. The other two still slept in their day clothes before Two-Bit told them you shouldn't do that. Something about confusing your brain and not being able to disassociate when you can sleep. It re-wires your brain. Two-Bit wasn't that good about explaining it. All he really knew is that you slept in Pajamas, not day clothes.

"Ya'll got school tomorrow, I don't wanna hear it." Dallas said to Two-bit in a low voice. They all tried to keep their voices at a normal level when it came to conflict. As to not scare Johnny.

"You ain't my daddy, Winston." Two-Bit crossed his arms over his chest.

"I'll take away sex privileges." Dallas said simply. Two's eyes went wide.

'No sex?! This dude-'Two-Bit thought. "Welp, will you look at the time? It's uhm-" Keith couldn't read the clock they had in the living room area. It wasn't digital, "It's bed o'clock, night old man." Two playfully slapped Dallas on the arm before booking it to the bedroom.



Sometimes, to Johnny at least, Two-Bit could be a real pain in the ass. To Dallas, he was always a pain in the ass. But that's for a different reason-

But they still loved the over-grown child. He was apart of their little family.

Anyways, Johnny would be minding his own business, doing whatever. Then Two-Bit would come along and be a nuisance. Two-Bit's personality was annoying, that's one the reasons Dallas was so attracted to him. His personality was bubbly and just... different. But too much of Keith's personality was pretty easy to achieve.

Like the puzzle incident...

Johnny was peacefully doing a puzzle after a long day of school. He found it relaxing to do, and it was also good exercise for his brain. So it was a perfect after-school activity. Sometimes he would invite his two older boyfriends to join him, sometimes he would just do it alone.

This time he was doing it by himself.

It was an 100-piece chocolate Labradoodle puppy in a basket puzzle. Dallas had bought it for him as a house warming present when they all moved in together. He got Keith a pack of beer. They were both quite simple people when it boiled down to it.

Johnny was almost done with his puzzle, just two more pieces left in the box to go! Johnny smiled happily as he reached for the final pieces of the puzzle. But, that's when Two-Bit came stumbling into the room. He wasn't drunk or anything, he was just Reckless naturally. He sat down next to Johnny, whom was on his knees (on the floor) at the coffee table doing the puzzle. They didn't have a table or anything, really.

Two-Bit swooped the box right as Johnny reached for it. "Are you finally doing that puzzle that Dallas gave you when we moved in?" Two-Bit didn't really realize what he was doing. He didn't notice the pieces of the puzzle that were still in the box. He just yanked it away from Johnny without thinking.

As the box was moved, the pieces of the puzzle were thrown out. Keith was too busy looking at the box to notice still. Johnny watched on in horror as the puzzle pieces were flown out of the box, going somewhere into the room. "My puzzle pieces!" Johnny cried.

"What-" Johnny ripped the box out of Two-Bit's hands. Johnny frowned as he saw that his eyes in fact didn't deceive him, the pieces were gone.

"Keith! My final two pieces of my puzzle were still in the lid of the box. You moron!(Why did thatautocorrecttoMormon-)You flung the damn thing, and now they're gone!" Johnny said. He was frustrated. So much for relaxing...

"Jeez John, calm down. I'll help ya look for the pieces, they're probably around here somewhere-" Johnny's eye twitched, he wasn't having it this evening.

"No, You ruined my puzzle! You've ruined everything. I'm- I'm sick of your sh*t!" Johnny swiped the puzzle off of the coffee table. Two-Bit watched on in horror, as Johnny continued to have his meltdown. Johnny had frustrated tears stream down his face.
He stomped on the puzzle like it was a spider that just wouldn't die. He picked up the lid to the puzzle box and threw it at Two-Bit's head.

"Ow, Johnny-" Two-Bit couldn't dodge it in time. He was surprised to see Johnny throwing things. Johnny was pretty anti-violence. Especially after what happened with the whole situation with his parents and such.

Johnny fell to his knees on thee floor. He slammed his fists into the puzzle. Keith wondered faintly why him losing two puzzle pieces is what finally broke Johnny. Not saying that he didn't feel bad, he did.

Before he could even try to stop Johnny, Dallas came home.

It turns out Johnny wasn't the only one that had a long day. Dallas had had a long day down at the Stables. He had fallen off of a horse trying to practice for a race, that was set for next weekend. He was sore to say the least. He had such a long day at work, only to come home to Johnny having a temper tantrum and Two-Bit watching. "Oh, what the f*ck?" Dallas hung his jacket up.

Dallas gently wrapped his arms around the younger. This is something that they did often. Instead of waiting for Johnny to calm down, they just wrap their arms around him and waited for him to stop struggling. Johnny had frequent panic attacks. The occasional meltdown did happen.

"Johnny, it's just me, calm down. I got ya, I'm not trying to hurt you. You can relax..." Dallas was pretty dead-sounding rather than soothing.

After a while of wailing and trying to escape from Dallas' arms, Johnny gave up. He went limp and the older boys arms. Johnny passed out in his arms, he had no energy left. Dallas grumbled internally as he put Johnny to bed for now. He walked back to the living room, Crossing his arms and glaring daggers into Two-Bit. "What the hell did you do?"

Dallas was finally able to observe the scene. The puzzle now spread out all over the floor, some pieces even torn now. He would have to throw it away now. Dallas noticed it was the puzzle he got for, Johnny. "Did you do this?" Dallas pointed at the destroyed puzzle on the floor.

"No!" Two-Bit immediately defended himself.

"Are you the reason he did this?" Dallas asked.

Two-Bit blushed, kind of ashamed of his reckless behavior. He looked down at his hands, "Yeah..."

"Please, explain tell me what you could have possibly done this time to break our boyfriend." Dallas was visibly agitated. You could feel the sharpness to his voice.

"I accidentally lost two of Johnny's puzzle pieces, and he freaked out." Keith admitted shamefully.

"How did you lose two puzzle pieces? You must have done it in like... not a normal way." Dallas said. He wasn't wrong, either.

"Well..." Two-Bit rubbed the back of his neck, "I grabbed the lid, where he was keeping the pieces, so I could see the design. A-and they flew out..." Two-Bit looked down at his lap. He was still sitting on the floor.

"When Johnny wakes up, you need to give him a sincere apology. You're reckless behavior finally pushed him over the edge tonight." Two-Bit was going to say something, but Dallas cut him off. "And you can sleep out here tonight. Maybe think about your actions for once?" Dallas stomped off and almost borderline slammed their bedroom door shut.

Two-Bit frowned, this wasn't anything new. He was an idiot sometimes, well- all the time, really. He never meant to hurt anyone, though!
He just wanted to see the box. Keith hated this, they treated him like a literal dog. He was being sent to, 'sleep in the dog house' tonight.

Keith was usually pointed out for all of his wrong-doing's.Flaws. He thought it was quite hypocritical of his boyfriends. Usually he wouldn't care and just take it. But this time was different because of how bad Johnny's reaction was. Two-Bit cried, he really cried. While sitting right there on the floor. He sniffled quietly before standing up.

He didn't feel wanted by his boyfriends anymore...

Two-Bit went into the kitchen and dug through junk drawer. He pulled out a pen and paper pad. He wrote down a sloppy note:


I'll be back tomorrow. You guys need a break from me it seems...

I'm real sorry Johnny, you know I don't mean it. I promise to talk to ya'll in the morning.



Hescribbled down the note quickly. Two-Bit drop the pen on the pad of paper, leaving it on the coffee table. He glanced up at the clock, it was 5:45pm. They would be up making dinner soon. They didn't need him there, really. Right?

Two-Bit got his shoes and leather jacket, disappearing out the door and into the night...


About an hour went by, and Johnny was finally awake. The apartment was silent, that wasn't a common thing. He sat up and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. Johnny was hungry- looking at the clock next to their bed, he saw that it was about 7pm now.

He looked over and saw one of his boyfriends sitting in the bed with him. The room was dark besides the lamp that Dallas had on. Dallas was attempting to do a word-search.

"Dally...?" Johnny said groggily.

Dallas perked his head up, now that he was aware Johnny was in fact,awake. "Hey, you're finally awake."

"Yeah, barely. I just opened my eyes-" Johnny was going to say more, but then all the memories from an hour and thirty minutes ago, came rushing back. "Oh shoot, where the hell is, Two-Bit?"
Ah yes, nothing like waking up and going into immediate panic. Johnny automatically felt guilty for what happened between him and Keith earlier.

"Out in the living room, thinking about his actions." Dallas said, staring at his word-search again. Johnny didn't like that answer. Two-Bit shouldn't really be left alone.

"Are you sure he's even still out there, Dallas?" Johnny felt like he was about to hardcore-panic over the situation. He has only been awake for 5 minutes.

"Well hold on a second. First of all, you tell me, from your perspective- what happened?" Dallas sat the word-search on the bed side table.

"Well, I was on the floor doing my puzzle at the coffee table. I was minding my own business when Two-Bit came in. I was down to my last two puzzle pieces. The puzzle would finally be complete. Two-Bit didn't know this, but my last two puzzle pieces were in the lid. It was face down on the coffee table. Two-Bit walked over and picked it up off of the table, flinging the pieces out of the lid. I- I don't know what came over me, Dally." Johnny swung his legs over the side of the bed. "I- I just freaked out! After I realized the pieces were missing, I freaked out. I threw the puzzle onto the floor and I just destroyed it! I destroyed the puzzle you bought for me. I basically destroyed your money." Johnny just felt like a ball of guilt.

"Johnny-" Dallas started, but Johnny cut him off.

"But that's not all. I was mean to him. I threw the box at his head! I- I hit him, Dallas!" Johnny was shaking, standing up and facing his second oldest boyfriend. "I hit him..." Johnny basically went against almost everything he believed in, in the matter of a 15-minute meltdown. "I just said a lot of mean stuff, Dal. I-"

"Johnny, it's fine. Two-Bit will be okay. He knows we love him."

"No Dallas, we give him such a hard time. I don't think he truly knows that we love him too. When was the last time you even said it back to him? I don't care how much in the wrong he was this time. I was wrong too. I shouldn't have flipped out like that..."

Dallas sighed, "Yeah, I guess you're right, Johnny. Let's go talk to the big, lovable bastard." Dallas swung his legs off of the bed. He took Johnny into the living room where they had left him.

When they reached the living room, red flags immediately began to pop up. Keith was gone. Dallas wondered why it was so quiet out here the entire time. He didn't even hear the TV on. Two-Bit was constantly watching TV, he was aMickey MouseAddict! "Keith?" Johnny called out. His voice almost seemed to Echo back at him. Johnny ran into the kitchen, "Keith?!" He called out again.

While Johnny was checking the kitchen, Dallas noticed the pad of paper and pen on the coffee table. He noticed there was handwriting on it. He picked up the pad of paper and skimmed over the words. "sh*t..." Dallas threw his arms at his sides, groaning. Two-Bit had 'ran away'. "Johnny, come here." Dallas called out for his younger boyfriend.

Johnny came out of the kitchen, walking up to Dallas. He noticed the pad of paper in his hand. "What is it?" He asked softly.

"Read this, man." Dallas handed Johnny the note. Johnny read the note carefully. Johnny began to tear up.

"Oh God Dallas, we drove him away! What if he doesn't come back?! What if he doesn't want to be with us anymore? Oh, I wouldn't blame him none." Johnny cried.

Dallas hugged Johnny, holding his head against his chest. Johnny was really upset about this. "Sh, it's alright honey. We can go find him. He's probably at Buck's getting a drink." Dallas rubbed the back of his sobbing boyfriend. "Get your shoes, we better get going before he gets too slammed for us to tolerate."

Johnny pulled away, he wanted to scold Dallas for technically insulting Keith while he wasn't even there. They didn't have time to be mad at each other too. The two of them quickly got their stuff together, and bounded out of the house.


Two-Bit was in fact at Bucks bar. He look down at his drink, eyes full of Sorrow. He traced the rim of his glass with the tip of his finger. Two-Bit felt like sh*t, quite frankly. He felt alone...

Two-Bit didn't really have anywhere else to go. He wanted a drink, so he decided he would just stick with Bucks bar for now. If he was desperate, he might go to the Curtis house. But, the night was still young. We're coming on 9pm now. He had until 3am to decide. By that, it means 3am is when Buck will cut him off, and kick him out for the night.

Buck wasn't one for conversation. He usually didn't like to talk to the minors that he let into his bar. It was just a mutual agreement. Tonight though, Buck was curious. Two-Bit Mathews didn't really hang around the bar anymore. He would drink at home, much to Johnny's dismay, or just somewhere else.

"Hey Mathews, what are you doin' here? Don't you got a family worryin' about you somewhere?" Buck asked. Two-Bit looked up; why was Buck talkin' to him?

When Buck asked Two-Bit about his family, he felt a pain in his chest. He left behind his mother and sister to finally grow up. Move in with his younger, more Curious boyfriends. "Nope..." Two-Bit said, looking back down.

"Well, what the hell happened?" Buck had a bar towel in his hand. Smacking it onto the counter top. He wasn't mad or anything, he was just aggressive when setting it back down. Buck was just aggressive in general.

"sh*t Buck. Don't worry about it. They just needed a break from my ass ruining everything for a second." Two-Bit said bitterly. Bucked rolled his eyes, leaving to go help other patrons now.

In the hour Two-Bit had been there, he hadn't actually drank much. As Buck had been witnessing the whole time, he was just staring at his drink. Keith just felt empty...

As Two-Bit drank the last of his drink, downing it in one go. Dallas and Johnny came bounding into the bar. Johnny was trying his best to keep up with, Dallas. His lungs were weak from all the smoking. He's been doing it since he was nine, it was bound to catch up to him eventually.

Out of impulse, Johnny threw his arms around Two-Bit, scaring the hell out of his eldest boyfriend. "Oh Two-Bit, we found you!" Johnny cried. Two-Bit felt his soul leave his body. He wasn't expecting a hug, let alone from the person he was almost avoiding. His breath caught in his throat.

"Hey buddy," Dallas said. He was being pretty standoffish, which wasn't strange for someone like, Dallas.

"W-what are guys doing here?" Two-Bit was still trying to get his heart rate down from the sudden heart attack.

"We came to look for you, silly. We're taking you home." Johnny said softly; he held Two's face. He inspected it like a worried mother.

Two-Bit held Johnny's wrists, taking them off of his face. "You guys don't need me. I'm just a bother... Go home or somethin'." He looked down his lap sadly.

"No way in hell! It is almost 10 o'clock at night. We weren't going to let you sleep alone tonight.Let's go. Johnny, wrangle 'im." Dallas said. Johnny nodded, grabbing Two-Bit's wrists and dragging him outside of the bar.

The drive home was one of the most awkward experiences, Two-Bit ever had. He sat in the backseat like a pitiful child. While Johnny and Dallas at in the front seats, like disappointed parents.

When they finally made it back home, Johnny shuffled Two-Bit up the stairs, and back into the apartment. He wasn't going anywhere on Johnny's watch. Johnny sat the older male on the couch, sitting next to him. Dallas sitting on the other side of Two-Bit. So one boyfriend on each side.

Before the two younger boys in the group could talk, Two-Bit spoke up. "I- I'm so sorry Johnny. I know I'm just a big idiot... I know I'm just a bother that constantly has a mess that needs to be cleaned up. I- I don't know how you guys ever dealt with me before, honestly. I'm not mad about how you acted out, Johnny. I deserved it. I needed a taste of my own medicine. I just keep messin' up... You guys would be better off without me around, messin' sh*t up all the time."

Johnny and Dallas' hearts shattered as they heard Keith pour out his.

"Oh Keith, I know we give you such a hard time, but just remember we really do love you. I know I was difficult at first, but look. We get along so well now. That counts for something, right? This isn't something we can't fix. The three of us were meant to be. You'reourmissinglink." Johnny said, holding Two-Bit's hand in both of his.

"Johnny's right, Keith. Even though I know I don't say it back often, I really do. There was a reason I chose both of you. I can't choose between perfection and perfection. We're not whole without you." Dallas laid his hand on Two's shoulder.

Dallas may have been cold earlier, but he really did feel bad now. He was usually the laid-back one in the relationship. Two-Bit was also laid-back, but a different kind of it. But something changed. He knew he had to change himself. If you wanted this relationship to work for all three of them, all three parties to be happy. Dallas needed to do something about his own attitude.

Something he would definitely work on in the future.

Two-Bit sniffled, "Do- do you guys really mean that?" He asked, glancing between the two of them.

"With all our hearts, honey." Johnny said softly.

"Oh, I don't deserve you two..." Keith said helplessly.

"Oh hush, you two deserve the world." Dallas said, he pulled all three of them together for a hug.

"We're gonna be okay?" Two-Bit said, his significantly long arms wrapped around both of his boyfriends. Long arms due to his height.

"We're gonna be just fine."

"I love you, Dallas." Two-Bit said softly.

"Yeah, I love you too, Keith." That made Two-Bit smile like a maniac. Johnny giggled. They truly were another love story.

Chapter 34: You're Nauseating (Purly)


Originally posted in 2021


Ponyboy isn't feeling too hot from the stress of school. He runs off to hide in the bathroom, only to see his boyfriend walk in not too long after him. What happens when they start to think with the wrong head?
Also, is Sodapop doing okay?

CW: Mentions of self-harm

Chapter Text

It was the middle of the school day, and Ponyboy Curtis was already exhausted. He had done two exams, 1st and 2nd period, and by 3rd period he was running laps around the gym. So mentally and physically, Pony was exhausted. 4th period was test prep, so that was more work. Ponyboy was done, he just wanted to breathe and not think about school for a moment.

Ponyboy raised his hand in the air, waiting for the teacher to call on him.

"Yes, Ponyboy?" The teacher acknowledged the antsy boy.

"Uh- may I please go to the restroom sir?" Ponyboy was only half making up needing to go to the bathroom. In his mind, he wanted to escape. But his bladder was also telling another story.

"Can it not wait for lunch, Mr. Curtis?" It was lunch after 4th period, and then it was the last three periods for the day.

"No sir, I haven't felt real well. I don't think this can wait." Ponyboy clutched his stomach. He wasn't in anyactualphysical discomfort. He was mostly just putting on a show so he would beguaranteeda ticket out of class. Ponyboy nervously bounced his knee up and down.

He usually got away with a lot. Being on the teachers good sides by being well-behaved in class, and getting good grades. It was good to have that advantage for when moments like this happened. That'get-out-of-jail-free'card that you've been hoarding the entire game.

"Alright, I trust you'll be able to study fine at home?"

"Yes sir, I promise." Ponyboy said.

"Alright, take the pass." The teacher faced back to the board. They didn't think twice of Ponyboy Curtis doing anything bad. He was a genuinely good kid, he just came from a rough background. But everyone already knew that.

Ponyboy jumped up from his seat, grabbing the pass and making a b-line out the door and down the hallway.

"Wow, I guess he really did have to go." The teacher said.


When Ponyboy do that the coast was clear, he slowed down. He was already physically exhausted, so he didn't need to be running anymore. He was a star track runner, but even sometimes you had your off days. No matter how strong you are. It all just made him more tired.

Ponyboy sighed heavily as he stepped into the men's lavatory. It seemed like no one was in there. He leaned up against the wall, slowly sliding down to the floor. Ponyboy felt like he was at peace for a moment. It was him, all alone with his thoughts, on this cold bathroom floor. Good enough for him.

It was odd, Ponyboy had never been this tired before. He felt like he could just sink farther down to the floor, close his eyes and fall asleep right there. He didn't get a lot of sleep the night before. He had a nightmare- So Ponyboy kept him AND Sodapop up half the night. Ponyboy couldn't imagine how Sodapop felt right now, at work. Hopefully not as lousy as Pony did.

Ponyboy stretched and yawned, it had been a bit. He thought it was about time to go back to class. But before he could stand-up, someone came bounding into the bathroom. It scared the living daylights out of him. Ponyboy put one hand on his chest, and braced the other on the wall behind him.

Ponyboy looked up to see whom it was that just barged in. To his pleasant surprise, it was none other than Curly Shepard. HisboyfriendCurly Shepard.

"Oh Jesus Christ, Curly-" Ponyboy said, shaking his head like he was a frightened church lady.

Curly furrowed his eyebrows, looking down to see Ponyboy on the ground. He looked irritated at first, but he softened up when he saw it was just, Ponyboy. "Oh, hey babes. Anyone else in here?" He asked.

"No, just me..." Ponyboy said softly, yawning tiredly.

"You alright? What are you doing here all by yourself, just sitting on the floor?" Curly walked over, pulling a pack of cigarettes out of his zip-up hoodie pocket.

Curly looked like you're typical high school punk kid. He wore black jeans and a grey zip-up hoodie covered in cigarette burns. His shirts were just plain colors, or band tee's. Today's outfit was no different for him. It was his regular pants and hoodie, but the hoodie was only half zipped up. So you can see his white t-shirt underneath it. It was stretched out and old. It was a hand-me-down from Tim. As for shoes, they were those beige Construction-type boots.

Ponyboy's outfits changed a lot. He got lucky, some of his clothes were hand-me-downs, a lot of his stuff was brand new. Mostly because Darry thought it made him look more presentable, a respectable citizen. It made him look nice for when the state came down for welfare check-ins for Pony and Soda. But Ponyboy mostly wore his navy blue sweatshirt. He had a specific white v-neck t-shirt that he wore a lot as well. He had regular blue jeans and his white high-topConverse.

Half the time Ponyboy had his sweatshirt tied around his waist. But on this particular day he was finding a lot of comfort in his sweatshirt. He liked to rub his face against it when he got too stressed out. He did that a lot to just Curly in general. Nuzzle the hood with his face like a cat or toddler would.

"I'm just... stressed y'know. There was testing all morning, PE- good lord PE. Of course it was a cardiovascular day, the day I'm absolutely exhausted. It's days like that I wonder how I've ever found running enjoyable. I got almost no sleep last night," Ponyboy stood up and dusted off his sweatshirt.

"Again? You've barely gotten any sleep all week." Curly pulled a cigarette out of the pack. Putting it between his lips and lighting up.

"Imagine how Soda feels..." Ponyboy leaned against the wall, taking the cigarette when Curly passed it over. He took a few drags, sighing contently. He handed it back to his boyfriend.

"I uh... I'm sorry?" Curly never knew what to say for these types of situations. They were really awkward for him. Curly didn't know what emotional connection was, any sort of empathy, until he met Ponyboy. Ponyboy showed him how to have basic feelings. Something besides being a cold with a resting bitch-face.

"It's fine, it's just getting me a little down..." Ponyboy rubbed his arms slowly, comforting himself. Curly flicked ash into the sink. His breath hitched as he turned back to Ponyboy. He genuinely felt bad for the other boy. He wanted to make it better, Curly just never knew how. He didn't know how Sodapop was able to be so... caring. Overall supportive to the ones around him. Currently wanted to be like that for Ponyboy. But only Ponyboy, Curly didn't really care about anyone else.

Curly slowly walked over to Ponyboy, giving him a hug. He kept his hand with the cigarette still in it, outstretched so he wouldn't accidentally burn the other boy. Ponyboy hugged Curly back, sniffling into his hoodie. He nuzzled his face into the fabric. "Is there anything I can do to make you feel better?" Curly asked.

Ponyboy shrugged, continuing to hide his face in his lover's chest.

"Maybe tonight we can pull a few strings, and you can come cuddle with me at my place. Angela is going to be home tonight. But if we think hard enough, we can imagine that she's not there." Curly and Angela shared a bedroom, because that's what most people do when you're poor and have a small home.

Ponyboy giggled a little, "Yeah, I'd like that a lot." Ponyboy smiled against his chest. Ponyboy stood up straight, pecking Curly on the lips. "You always make me feel better, y'know. It means a lot that you try so hard for me..." Ponyboy wrapped his arms around Curly's neck, pulling them closer together. "It know it's hard for you, but it really does mean everything to me to see you get soft and stuff for me." Ponyboy darted his eyes down.

Curly smirked, "I can assure you, you never make me soft babe." Curly laughed and Ponyboy slapped his chest, a smile on his face as well.

"You're nauseating," He rolled his eyes playfully. Ponyboy smirked and grabbed Curly's junk. "See? Soft." Curly let out a squeak as Ponyboy molested him out of nowhere. Well, maybe he could have expected it. Ponyboy definitely wouldn't have done that while they were first dating. He was still really shy and timid now, but he was breaking out of his shell a little more. Being able to just grab Curly like that in the bathroom at school showed a lot of confidence. Something Ponyboy had now.

"Hold it a little longer and it sure as hell won't be," Curly huffed, feeling the blood rush to his sensitive appendage. His eyes darted to the ceiling and then back at Ponyboy. "See? Hard." Ponyboy's eyes widened a little, Curly was in fact hardening in his hand. It was odd to feel the process. It was odd to watch it as well.

"I prefer it that way. This way I can play with you more." Ponyboy slowly stroked Curly, he watched closely as Curly's face changed. It was pleasurable and uncomfortable looks all at the same time. Curly's face was pink, while Ponyboy's was red. Ponyboy's face got red easily and quickly. Curly pulled Ponyboy into a bathroom stall.

Ponyboy pushed Curly so he would sit down on the toilet. Ponyboy fell to his knees in front of him. Ponyboy started to undo Curly's pants.

"Are you sure you want to do this? I don't want you getting all riled up, then going back to class. I know how awkward and painful that is." Curly said. Ponyboy rolled his eyes and continued on with what he was doing. He pulled Curly's pants and underwear down to his ankles. Curly bit his lip as he watched his erection spring out, almost hitting Ponyboy in the face. Ponyboy caught his bottom lip in his teeth. Staring straight onto the erect penis in front of him.

"You can help me in a bit, I'm just getting you lubed up for me." Ponyboy grabbed him by the base. He pumped his boyfriends co*ck with long strokes and a harsh grip.

Before they met, Curly thought he was kinky. He liked pain, y'know. He also got off to seeing others in pain. That was Curly's thing. But then he started dating Ponyboy, and boy was hewrongabout thinking he was 'really ' kinky. Curly thought he liked pain? Ponyboy was a whole new spectrum of that. Ponyboy had this thing, where he liked to have hot wax poured on his skin. Curly thought that was strangest thing, but wasn't going to diss his boyfriend for it.

Ponyboy told Curly,'You can't knock it until you've tired it.'

So Curly did exactly that. Ponyboy put a blindfold over his eyes and poured hot candle wax on Curly's stomach. Even as someone whom got off to pain, Curly didn't think he'd like it. But once the burn grew to a sore numbness, he was able to get into it. Ponyboy rode him very hard that same night, just to reward Curly for being so good about it. The aftercare was loving, and gave Curly butterflies

Yeah, kinky was a good way to describe the couple.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Curly asked, his breath hitching. He was usually pretty good at being able to contain his moaning. But the adrenaline rush that this brought to Curly, made it all a lot harder.

"You'll find out," Ponyboy giggled as he stared up at Curly. He gave the older a couple more pumps, before slowly sinking his mouth onto Curly's co*ck. Curly was about to say something else, but was quickly shut up by this. His mouth was agape, his arms bracing themselves against the stall walls.

Ponyboy's eyes teared up the farther Curly's co*ck went into his mouth. Eventually it hit the back of Pony's throat, making him gag slightly. Ponyboy always gagged, his reflex wasn't getting any better. But he was able to keep it together fairly well.

It took him a few moments to remember he could breathe out of his nose as well, but he got the hang of that as well. Ponyboy braced himself for the next step. He took his hands off the base of Curly's dick, what originally couldn't fit into his mouth. Ponyboy took a deep breath from his nose, bracing himself.

Ponyboy relaxed his throat, salivating as much as he could to make this as easy as he could get it to be. He lowered his head down, letting Curly's dick go down into his throat. Ponyboy had successfully taken all of Curly in.

"G-GAH~!" Curly yelped out in pleasure, quickly covering his mouth to muzzle himself. If Ponyboy's mouth and throat weren't full, he would have smiled. Making Curly scream made him impossibly harder. Since his hands were now free, Ponyboy was able to undo his own pants with ease.

It was odd, Ponyboy was very focused with what he was doing. He was able to go all the way down, to the point where his nose hit Curly's stomach. It made him Flinch slightly. It was like a kitten being startled by their own sneeze.

"Jesus, be careful-" Curly panted quietly. Ponyboy scratched at his leg, a way of telling him to 'be quiet'. Curly felt like he was getting closer to the edge, and Ponyboy could tell from the way Curly twitched in his mouth. Curly had his eyes squeezed shut, internally trying to decide how worth it was getting caught just to moan.

It wasn't worth it, because that would be a sex offense. It's Public indecency. They could get into a sh*t ton of trouble.

Ponyboy finally pulled off, panting like a dying dog as he gasped for a deep breath of air. "Oh c'mon, stopping already?" Curly ran his hands through Ponyboy's silky Auburn hair. His chest was rising and falling quickly.

Ponyboy had his hands wrapped around Curly's ankles. "Oh hush, just do me a favor and rail me up against the stall wall." Ponyboy stood up from the ground, already undoing his pants. He took his underwear and pants off completely, knowing they would get in the way later on.

He let out a loud sigh of relief when his clothes came off. His half hard-on could finally breathe. Curly quickly stood up off of the toilet seat. His pants and underwear were around his ankles. That's where they were and going to stay. Curly put one of his hands flush with the stall wall behind Ponyboy. He reached down and slowly jerked off the other. Trying to get Ponyboy fully erect.

Ponyboy opened his mouth, trying to moan but no sound came out. Which in a way, he was thankful for. Although, Curly wished they were in a different situation. He wished he could hear those beautiful noises that his lover made. Ponyboy quietly panted in his Lover's ear. Ponyboy let out soft whimpers. Not sure how long he could keep himself together.

"Oh God, p-please take me..." Ponyboy whimpered softly. He pushed his hips into Curly's hand. He needed sweet release ever so badly.

"Say less," Curly stood proudly in front of Ponyboy. He put his other hand on the other side of Ponyboy. So, both of his hands were on the stall wall. Ponyboy looked down carefully. He observed the situation they were in. He could feel the cold air of the boys lavatory, it was slightly nipping at his junk. It made his nipples hard.

"God, please- I need you in me so badly." Ponyboy begged, his eyes squeezing shut. He needed that relief that being full brought him.

"Sh baby, I'm getting there." Curly said lowly. He slowly made out with the other boy. He grabbed Ponyboy thighs, picking him up and holding him against the wall to keep him up. He wrapped Ponyboy's thighs around his waist. Ponyboy whimpered when he felt Curly's tip poke him in the ass.

Ponyboy dragged his hands down Curly's chest. Tilting his head and deepening the kiss. Ponyboy let his hips involuntarily hump forward, trying to grind on the other boy. He made sure to have a tight hold around Curly's waste. They pulled away, Curly spit onto his hand. He quickly lubed up his co*ck the best he could. He nuzzled the tip against Ponyboy's hole. Ponyboy twitched in anticipation.

Curly then inserted himself. From the position they were in, he easily slipped all the way in. Ponyboy wasn't expecting it, he gasped against the older boys lips. He wasn't expecting to be so full so quickly. He put one hand on his own stomach, sinking into the pit of warmth he felt in his stomach. Curly carefully put his hand on top of Pony's hand. It was a loving moment.

Curly started to thrust, he could slightly feel his dick move inside Pony. Ponyboy bit his lip. "I- I feel you, Curly... you f-feel so good..." Ponyboy threw his head back against the stall wall.

"Ugh, you're so tight with no lube." Curly moaned softly into the others ear. Ponyboy wrapped his arms around Curly's shoulders. "Uhn..." Curly started to pick up rhthym.

Ponyboy moved up and down with every thrust Curly gave. The only reason he was able to move was because his shirt, was slick against the stall wall. Ponyboy could feel Curly's dick pulse and twitch inside of him. It made his eyes roll into the back of his head. He let out soft whimpers into Curly's ear.

"O-oh sh*t, just like that. Right there, Curly, hit there harder- a-ah~!" Ponyboy gasped and muttered under his breath. He dug his nails deeper into Curly's shoulders.

"God, I'm so close, Pony..." Curly muttered seductively into Ponyboy's ear. That made Ponyboy let out an involuntary moan. He quickly bit his lip to try to silence himself. "You always make me lose it,"

"I- I wish we weren't at school," Ponyboy swallowed thickly. "I- I want you to cum inside me s-so badly..." Ponyboy whined helplessly from how horny he was. He couldn't control himself. Ponyboy got close to Curly's ear again. "I want to be full of you're nasty scum, leaking it and my hole all u-used up a-and abused." Ponyboy dug his face into Curly's neck, preparing himself for his inevitable org*sm creeping up and boiling inside his abdomen. It was that familiar warm feeling they were addicted to.

"You drive me crazy, don't tempt me with your words." Curly was slightly disappointed by this. They were extra worked up because of how exhilarating the situation was. Cumming inside of his boyfriend would only add to it all. But, Curly knew better than to do that. It didn't matter where they were having unprotected sex, pulling out with essential. Well, more on the sides of respectful.

Curly's hips twitched, he was about to lose it. He screwed his eyes tightly closed, trying to focus on keeping it in. The objective was to get Ponyboy to his climax, then he could pull out and finally finish. It all felt torturous in a way.

Ponyboy bit down harder on Curly's neck as he came. His co*ck bounced up and down with their movements. More strings of hot cum painted their skin. Ponyboy let go of Curly's neck, making the other sigh in relief. "M-mm, m-mm-" Ponyboy whimpered out more as he rode out his high. Curly felt weak, and almost in pain from keeping it in. He had to hold Ponyboy up as he pulled out. He added onto their mess, cumming where Pony had as well.

Ponyboy felt oddly empty, whining at the feeling. He always felt warm and fuzzy when Curly was inside him. He had a bit of a thing for co*ckwarming. "Yeah yeah, just give me a second." Curly panted as he sat Ponyboy down on the toilet. Ponyboy was still getting used to not moving. It made his legs feel numb and weird all together.

The two of them collectively started to clean themselves up. Curly handed Ponyboy toilet paper, and when he was done his clothes.

"If I got cum on my shirt again, I'll never forgive myself. I'm running out of excuses to do my own laundry. Darry is catching onto me." Ponyboy mumbled, putting his wobbly legs back into his pants.

"Why does he insist on doing you laundry anyway? You're a big boy, you and Soda can do it on your own. Soda's a grownass man, now." Curly shook his head. Ponyboy sighed, it was a complicated situation.

"Darry does this thing we call a, 'clothing check'. Ever since Sodapop threatened to cut himself, he's been checking the insides of our shirt sleeves and pants to look for blood traces. Although what he's doing is annoying, you have to admit it's pretty smart." Ponyboy sighed as he watched Curly pull his pants back up.

Ponyboy remembered when it all started. Sodapop and Steve had been non-stop fighting, not to mention the battle field that was the house between Pony and Darrel. He just lost it will all the fighting. He tore apart his shaving razor and held it to his wrist. He sobbed and screamed, begging for it all to end. He nicked himself, but it was no more than that. Sodapop was put under investigation by Darry after that. Constant body checks: arms, stomach, thighs- the whole nine yards. Darrel was NOT messing around with this. Ponyboy and Darrel didn't fight for a long while after that.

"Oh yeah, that." Curly stretched while Ponyboy stood up straight. Ponyboy walked over to him, giving him a hug.

"Thank you for that, I can't wait to explain this limp to Darrel too."

Chapter 35: A Deadbeat Mother (Jally)


Originally posted in 2021

Dallas hooks up with a girl one night, and things go bad. Now he's left with a baby and a lot of responsibility. Whom can help him with that? Maybe the very small timid boy he falls in love with next.
Who is Tucker Oliver Winston?

CW: Child abandonment

Chapter Text

Dallas Winston had just been struck with some of the heaviest news in his life. He was scared to say the least. This news would affect him for the rest of his life.

About 10 months ago Dallas was still jumping from person to person. Dallas couldn't hold down a relationship, and he didn't want to. He was whoring himself out to feel any sort of feeling that wasn't sadness or just being numb. Hook ups were his favorite thing at the time. Quickies with girls he would never see again, nor did he ever want to see again.

Little did he knew that he would in fact be seeing one of those girls again. Only for a reason he would dread to happen.

About a few months of jumping from person to person, Dallas finally settled down. He found somebody that finally made him happy. This person did make him happy before, when they were just friends. But Dallas didn't realize how much potential he had with this person. This person being the one and only Johnny Cade.

Johnny was Dally's dream boy, and he couldn't be happier.

Dallas was afraid this thing would break him and Johnny a part.

What was this thing?

Man, it was ababy.

Those ten months ago with that random girl turned into an accident Dallas would never recover from. It was a little baby boy. When the girl came over and dropped the baby off with Dallas, he had no name, barely any clothes, and he looked malnourished. Dallas felt awful. He had no idea as of what to do with suddenly having a baby, or how to take care of it. Dallas lacked any sort of Parental instinct.

The baby boy was about a week old than, and it had been a week since then. Dallas had gone to Ms. Mathews for help, since he didn't want anyone else in the gang finding out about this yet. Especially Johnny, he still didn't know how Johnny would react to him having a baby suddenly. Dallas didn't know if Johnny would want to leave him or not. The thought of Johnny leaving Dallas after he was finally happy made him want to cry. Dallas wasn't mad at the baby, though. He could never. He was innocent and barely two weeks old.

He looked just like Dallas.

So Dallas named him Tucker, after Dally's middle name.

Dallas Tucker Winston.

Tucker Oliver Winston.

Baby Tucker had a bit of platinum blonde hair and porcelain skin. Again, just like Dallas.

Although Dallas' attempt of hiding from Johnny was working, as he had been avoiding him for the past week. He was almost never home because he was with Ms. Matthews most of the time to figure out how the f*ck you parent. He made her keep it a secret too. She was happy to help, as long as she also got time to spend with the baby.

Tucker and Dallas seemed to be bonding together okay. But Tucker was still a cranky baby. Like he was sad all the time. That really confused Dallas. He wondered if he missed his mom. Dallas knew what that was like.

Dallas hoped things would get better... He had to stay strong for his son. Just do it for, Tucker.


It was a Sunday, an official full week Dallas had not seen Johnny. Dallas hadn't gone a full week without seeing Johnny since before they started dating. It made Dallas feel depressed, not sad, he was genuinely depressed he couldn't see his lover. The only light of his life was Johnny. Dallas' life felt very dim most of the time.

Don't get him wrong, Tucker did make him very happy. It was just all so unexpected, and Dallas had known Johnny for most of his life. It was like suddenly taking a break from a close friend. It just hurt and it sucked really bad.

Dallas was sat down on the couch, trying to comfort a crying Tucker. Dallas didn't know what was different about this time, but he just couldn't get Tucker to come down again. The poor baby was in full-on hysterics.

Dallas had Tucker laid down on his back, in Dallas' lap. He watched on as the infant continue to sob. Dallas slowly rubbed Tucker's tummy, hoping that would soothe him in some sort of way. Tucker clutched his tiny hands on Dallas has big ones. He continued to kick and scream. Dallas felt so tired and numb, he could only just look at Tucker. He was about to go see Ms. Matthews. She would know what to do.

Before he went, he wanted to try to feed Tucker one more time. He had tried feeding Tucker earlier, but he wasn't having it. Tucker was in a fresh diaper as well, so it couldn't be that. Maybe he just had an upset tummy? Dallas still had a hunch that Tucker missed his mom. Dallas felt really bad for the poor kid.

Even Dallas thought it was pretty cold hearted for her to just drop Tucker off like he was some piece of junk. Tucker was certainly no piece of junk. To Dallas, he was Treasure. Before Dallas could get up again, the door suddenly opened. His eyes went wide when he saw whom opened the door.

It was Johnny.

Oh God-

Dallas felt his heart sink, he knew he would have to confront Johnny sooner or later. He just didn't want it to be now. Especially when Tucker was this fussy. Dallas guessed he couldn't control everything.

He was caught red handed.

Dallas quickly stood to his feet, cradling Tucker in his arms. "Oh uh, J-Johnny- I wasn't expecting to see you honey. What are you doing here?" That was kind of a dumb question, especially since Johnny basically lived in this tiny apartment. Which Dallas had started renting so Johnny could basically live with him. Johnny was still figuring out something so he could get out of his parents house. They were almost there, and then this happened. Dallas could only hope Johnny still wanted to go through with being with him. Still want to move in and build a life together.

"Dallas..." Johnny said softly, his mouth hung open slightly. He had heard the rumors, but he wasn't sure if they were true or not. Well, now he knew for sure. Dallas had a baby in his arms, a sight Johnny never thought he would be able to see. He swiftly walked over to the two of them, which made Dallas flinch almost. He felt so emotional for some reason. He was never like this before. This kid brought on new emotions like some sort of curse.

Johnny had caught wind about everything when he pressured Two-Bit to spill his guts. Johnny made Two-Bit watch as he poured one beer after the other down the drain. Eventually after 30 minutes Keith cracked under the pressure. He couldn't handle it. He wanted to drink it. Two-Bit was an alcoholic, and it truly showed in that moment. Johnny knew what he had to do then.

Johnny saw the baby in Dallas' arms, he could tell just by looking at the infant it was Dallas'. Johnny did a double-take. Looking at the baby and Dallas simultaneously.

"I can explain-" Dallas started, but Johnny cut him off.

"Dallas, calm down. You're going to freak yourself out for no reason. Sit back down and let's talk, alright?" Johnny put his hand on Dallas' shoulder, sinking down onto the couch. Dallas said down after him. He continued to rock the sobbing boy in his arms. Dallas looked down at Tucker, he looked so sad. Tucker did, that is. He kept trying to grab Dallas' hand, but to no avail. "What's wrong with the little guy, Dal?"

"I- I don't know... He's been crying nonstop for the past couple of hours. He's not hungry, he won't eat. I changed 'im, I- I don't k-know what's wrong..." Dallas said hopelessly. He felt like a lousy father for not being able to make his kid stop crying. "He's been like this since his... egg donor dropped him off." He sniffled. Dallas didn't called Tucker's mom his mom, because she didn't deserve that title. She was merely somebody whom donated her egg to make this child. Then simply got rid of him like he was some piece of junk.

"Egg donor?" Johnny asked, a little confused by the term.

"H-his mom, but she ain't his mother. A mother is the title you get when you raise somebody. Mrs. Curtis? She was a mother. Ms. Mathews? She's a mother. That b-bitch that abandoned Tucker? Egg donor." Dallas said bitterly. Johnny nodded, it definitely made sense to him now.

"His name is Tucker? Like after you?" Johnny asked. Dallas simply nodded, he was about to cry. He was trying to compose himself. He didn't want to be weak. That would just be weird. Without another word, Johnny just quietly took Tucker from Dallas' arms. Dallas just let it happen because he knew Johnny would be gentle.

"Y-yeah, like after me. Tucker Oliver Winston... Ms. Mathews h-helped me. She wanted to name Keith Oliver, did you k-know that?" Dallas tried to lighten the mood a little.

Johnny inspected the sobbing infant's face. He was trying to figure out what was wrong. He did just generally look very upset. Dallas said he tried all of the basic things already, so maybe he was just sad? Then it clicked.

Tucker didn't necessarily miss his mother, he missed her heart beat. Babies feel comforted when they hear the sound of their mother's heartbeat. Because that's what they hear in the womb. Hell, everyone does. Not just babies. Johnny gently kissed Tucker's forehead before moving him to his chest. Johnny carefully placed Tucker so his ear was to Johnny's heart. Johnny carefully soothed the boy, humming softly and rocking him gently. After about five minutes of that, Tucker was finally coming down. The poor boy was so tired. He almost immediately fell asleep.

"No, I didn't know that." Johnny smiled softly up at Dallas. Dallas smiled back at Johnny, very relieved. Johnny must have been some sort of baby Whisperer. At least that's what Dallas thought in his head. He fell against the backboard of the couch. Dallas honestly felt like he could use a nap as well.

"Do you hate me?" Dallas said nonchalantly, staring up at the ceiling.

"Dallas... I could never hate you, just disappointed. I know I sound like your average parent saying that. But it's true. I don't hate you because you didn't come to me, am I disappointed about that? Yes. But do I forgive you? Yes. As long as I'm here now, that's all that matters." Johnny said. Tucker cooed and nuzzled his face into Johnny's chest more. It was just adorable.

"I'm really sorry I hid from you. I know it was very cowardly of me. I'm not proud of it at all. I'm glad that you can find it in your heart to forgive me." Dallas said, he smiled at Johnny. He paused for a moment.
"You don't have to stay, you know. I know it's stressful, and I don't want to project my problems onto you. I wouldn't blame you if you wanted to leave." It was almost like Dallas was trying to convince Johnny to leave. He already had Johnny in the bag, he didn't want to go anywhere. But Dallas was convinced Johnny had on a facade. Just to trick him into a feeling of a false sense of security.

Johnny frowned and looked back at Dallas, "Dallas Winston, don't say that. I love you no matter what. No matter what baggage you have. I don't care if it's emotional baggage, I don't care if it's a baby. As long as I'm with you, I know I can do anything." He said sincerely. That made Dallas smile. Johnny really did want to stay.
"I will stay here, with you, with this baby, in this little apartment. We will raise him together. I promise you that."

Dallas felt so genuinely happy at Johnny's words. They meant the world to him. "Oh Johnny, you don't know how much that means to me." Dallas said. Before very could continue Tucker started to whimper. After a little bit of whimpering, he started to cry again. Dallas looked mortified. After having a little bit of quiet after 2 hours of Tucker crying, he was not having it.

Johnny could read the disappointment on Dallas' face.
"Don't worry, he's probably just hungry. You said he didn't eat earlier when you tried to offer it to him. Let's try again. Try not to look so disappointed. You might be very young, but your energy can definitely be felt. I know staying positive is hard, but it's small impact that can make a whole world of difference when Tucker gets older." Johnny explained. Dallas nodded and got up, going to the kitchen. He warmed up the bottle of milk that Tucker had originally rejected a couple hours ago.

He walked back out into the living room, sitting next to Johnny. He gave Jelly's a small bottle of warm formula. Tucker was so tiny, it was sad that he had to turn to the formula. Since his mother had turned it away. No matter how he tried to look at it, that would forever make Dallas's blood boil.

Johnny smiled and took the bottle from Dallas. He adjusted Tucker in his arms, making sure that crying infant was comfortable. It was kind of hard to tell, because he was crying and it looked like he was uncomfortable no matter what. But Johnny rolled with the punches.

He put the nipple of the bottle into Tucker's mouth, which he immediately latched onto. He quickly stopped crying. Tucker laid still with his eyes closed, he looked at peace now. The couple sighed and relaxed.

The two looked at Tucker eat, Dallas spoke up. "So you're not going to leave me, Johnnycakes?" Dallas asked softly.

"I'm not going to leave Dallas, no. I'm staying to help raised OUR son." Johnny smiled softly at Tucker before looking over at Dallas. Dallas could feel his heart swell from how happy he was.

"It means a lot to me, John... I know he ain't yours, y-you don't have to stay. But you choosin' to stay anyway, I- I can't describe how much that means to me. I can't really describe how much you mean to me." Dallas said. He pecked Johnny on the temple. Johnny turned his head so Dallas could kiss him on the lips. They both smiled into the kiss before pulling away.

"That don't matter to me. Tucker is mine now." He said softly. Tucker was done eating now. He had a bit of a runny nose. Johnny handed Tucker to Dallas to burp him. Johnny wandered off to get a wipe for Tucker's poor little nose.

Dallas picked up the burping rag off of the coffee table. He put it over his shoulder before laying Tucker over it as well. Tucker was starting to get worked up again. Dallas carefully pat Tucker on the back. Dallas quietly hushed the tiny baby. Tucker eventually belched, which ended up spooking him a little bit. Tucker started to cry again. He was a really fussy baby-

Johnny heard all of the commotion, he walked back into the living area of the apartment. He had a baby wipe in his hand. Dallas was carefully rocking Tucker, which as we learned before just didn't work quite yet. Johnny shuffled over. He wiped the off Tucker's face. He had snot and tears all over his face. Johnny carefully adjusted the two of them. He made Dallas lay back so he could move Tucker to his chest. Dallas was a little confused but he caught on because he knew it was what Johnny did a few minutes ago.

Tucker simmered down after a while. Johnny slowly rubbed his back while Dallas held Tucker to his chest. It was a sweet moment for the three of them. It made Johnny feel full of love. Tucker cooed and snuggled closer to Dallas.

"Have you been having any sort of bonding time with, Tucker?" Johnny asked.

"Yeah, Ms. Mathews said it's important to do skin-to-skin. So I do that when I remember. You also have to remember it's only been a week." Dallas said, he kissed the top of Tucker's head.

"You're doing fine honey, I just wanted to ask," Johnny said. He sat down on the couch, snuggling up to Dallas's side.
"I love you, Dallas."

"I love you too," Dallas said, he could hear Tucker whine. He chuckled and kissed Tucker. "Yes, I love you too big guy."

Chapter 36: I'm Just A Broken Record (Jally)


Originally posted in 2020

CW: Mentions of domestic violence and self-harm

Chapter Text

Dallas and Johnny walked down the sidewalk on a cloudy afternoon. They held each other's hands tightly. Dallas had a Sly smile on his face, which was nothing new. While Johnny, on the other hand, had a genuine smile on his face. That was something you didn't see very often.

Johnny gently swung his and Dallas' arms together. He seemed kind of excited or antsy about something. Dallas decided to speak up and ask what was up.

"Hey Johnny, you seem excited. Is there something I don't know about, that you would like to share?"

Johnny's smile got wider, "Yeah!"

"Well, can ya tell me?"

"Yeah, sorry. I finally saved up enough money to buy a record player. I bought it the other day. But stupidly of me, I left it at my house. I don't want to keep it there though. I want to bring it over to Buck's and play some songs with you. We can dance and such. I know it's soft, but it's nice, okay?" Johnny took a moment to look at, Dallas.

"I don't dig soft things like dancin' John. But, if it makes you happy, I'll dance with ya." Dallas smiled and winked. Johnny got all giddy and skipped.

"Really, Dal? You would do that for me?"

"Anything for you, baby doll." Dallas smiled and kissed Johnny's hand. "We can get it from your house tonight. Then, we can dance for the rest of the night away."

"Yes! Thank you, Dal!'

"Of course, baby. I love you."

"I love you too." Johnny paused before continuing to talk. "Yeah, I just don't want it at my house. I'm scared my dad will break it or something. I've been hiding it under my bed, along with all my records."

"I get it." Dallas sighed and looked around, "Hey Johnny, can we talk about something?"

Johnny looked up at, Dallas. "Yeah, what about?"

"I don't feel comfortable with you living in your house anymore. I know living with Buck isn't the dream life, but it's better than what you got right now. I want you to come live with me. We could get your record player tonight, pack all your stuff in a pillowcase or something. Grab what you can, and we could bring it back to my place at, Buck's. I don't want you living with your good-for-nothing parents."

Johnny bit his lip, "Oh Dal, that sounds like a dream come true. But, I don't want to be a bother or nothin'." Johnny looked sadly down at the ground.

Dallas stopped walking, "Johnny, I never want you to say that again. You will be a bother to me. Would I be truly loving you, if I considered you a bother?"

Johnny looked at his feet, "I guess not..."

"Come here, kiddo." Dallas let go of Johnny's hand and pulled him into a hug. Johnny hugged back tightly.

"I love you, Dally."

"I love you too, Johnny. Now, let's go get your stuff." Dallas said, pulling away.

Johnny smiled and nodded, "Okay."


Dallas and Johnny approached the small beaten down building, that Johnny once called home. "Let's go in through the back. I don't know who's home and where they are." Dallas nodded in agreement.

The pair snuck around to the back of Johnny's house. Johnny was about to open the door when Dallas stopped him. "I'll go first." Johnny nodded and stepped back.

Dallas opened the door and poked his head inside. He looked around and didn't notice anyone. "Looks like they're not here," Johnny noted.

"Mhm. Let's go inside, get the goods l, and split. Savvy?"

"Savvy." Dallas walked inside. Johnny walked in behind, Dallas. "I'll show you where my room is." Johnny walked in front if Dallas, he kicked some liquor bottles out of the way.

Johnny leads Dallas to his room; Johnny opened the door.

The room was plain and virtually empty. The walls were stained with tobacco smoke. The floor was a stained, filthy carpet. Dallas scrunched his face in disgust.

Johnny noticed, "Sorry."

"You're fine kid. I just don't know how someone can live like this. I mean, Buck's place isn't a dream house. But, practically paradise compared to this." Johnny shrugged.

"Everything of value to me is under the bed. I'll pull it out." Dallas nodded. Johnny got onto his hands and knees. He put his arms underneath the bed and pulled out a box with a lid on top of it. "Here it is."

Johnny opened the box. It revealed a record player sitting on top of some records. "I'll carry it out of here. Gather your clothes and whatever else you want to take with you."

Johnny nodded and put the lid back onto the box. He stood up and shuffled around his room, putting a few items into a pillowcase.

Dallas was holding the box with the record player and records as he waited for, Johnny. Once Johnny was done, he handed the box to Johnny and they exited the room. The couple walked down the hall, Johnny being in front.

Johnny gasped quietly and stopped in his tracks. Dallas looked up from staring at the floor, confused at why Johnny had stopped. Dallas was about to say something until his eyes landed on no other than Mr. Cade. Dallas' eyes went wide.

"What the f*ck is going on here?!" Mr. Cade spat. Johnny stammered over some words. "Got nothin' to say, huh? Robbing me blind boy? I ain't blind, Johnathan!"

Johnny backed up into, Dallas. "Still got nothin' to say? Maybe this'll make you talk." Mr. Cade shoved the box out of Johnny's arms, letting it crash onto the floor.

"No!" Johnny screamed. Dallas gasped. "You- you- WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?!" Johnny was fuming.

"I'm tired of you runnin' off and then comin' back when you please!" Johnny's face was red out of anger. He had had enough of his father.

Johnny let out an angered and emotionally pained scream. He shoved Mr. Cade backward. Mr. Cade fell onto the floor.

Johnny wasn't done.

Not even close.

Johnny threw himself on top of his father. Johnny was blind with years if pented up rage.

Dallas watched in slight admiration and horror. Dallas watched as Johnny beat his father. Dallas snapped out of his daze. "Johnny? Come on man, let's go. He ain't worth it." Johnny snapped his head up. Johnny stood up and waltzed up to, Dallas.

"Ain't worth it? Are you even hearin' yourself?!" Dallas held onto Johnny's pillowcase of stuff. He grabbed Johnny's arm and roughly pulled him out of the house through the front door. Johnny tried to pull away. "Let go of me!"

"Keep your damn voice down!" Johnny made frustrated noises and continued to try and cry his arm from Dallas' grasp. Dallas sat the pillowcase in the ground. "Johnny!"

"Let me f*cking go!" Johnny pulled his arm some more. Dallas snapped.

Dallas jerked Johnny's arm harshly, flipping Johnny towards him. In that same second Dallas laid a firm slap across Johnny's face.

Time froze and they both stopped moving. Dallas let go of Johnny's arm. "Johnny I-" Dallas looked into the fragile boys' eyes. They looked lost and broken. But most noticeably, tears were coming out of them. "Johnny I didn't mean it! I'm so sorry, baby."

Dallas tried to reach for Johnny's face but the small boy flinched. Johnny began letting silent tears stream his injured face. Without anymore more warning, Johnny ran away.

Dallas picked up Johnny's stuff and ran after him. "Johnny, wait!"


I'm such an idiot.

If I had just kept my cool, none of this would have happened. I'm currently sitting in an alleyway, crying and reflecting on what has happened today.

I beat my father today.

My boyfriend nearly pulled my arm out of its socket and slapped me.

Look, now I know he didn't mean it, but I didn't know what to do. I ran away because I didn't know what else to do!

He scared me...

A-and he hurt me...

It's getting dark now, and I'm scared and alone.


God, why am I such a f*cking idiot! If I had just kept my calm none of this would have happened.

I dropped Johnny's stuff off at Buck's. I've been looking for him for two hours. It's getting dark and I can't find him anywhere.

Johnny, I don't know where you are. But God, I miss ya. I miss you and I'm sorry, baby...


Dallas walked through the cold dark streets of Tulsa, Oklahoma. He had angry tears of self-hatred running down his face. He kicked rocks and sniffed.

Dallas wasn't paying attention to where he was walking. He turned into an alleyway. Dallas closed his eyes and huffed as he kept walking.

Dallas' walking was interrupted as he tripped over something. He landed harshly on his arm. "Ow, f*ck!"

Dallas sat up and rubbed his arm and whined.

"What the heck?" Dallas blinked and looked towards the direction of the noise. There was a dark mass sitting up in front of him.

Dallas had slight hope it was, Johnny. "Johnny?"

"Dallas...?" Dallas scrambled towards the mass and wrapped his arms around it. "Eep!"

"I'm sorry I hurt you, Johnny. Please come home..."

"Okay..." Johnny said quietly.

Dallas helped Johnny to his feet. Johnny's knees buckled and he fell against, Dallas. Dallas caught, Johnny.

"Do you want me to carry you...?"

"Yes, please." Johnny croaked quietly. Dallas nodded and gently picked Johnny up bridal style.


Dallas gently laid Johnny onto the bed. He tried to help the younger boy remove his clothes. Just shoes. When Dallas tried to take off Johnny's jacket, Johnny freaked out.

"Why can't you take it off? It'll be uncomfortable to sleep in, babe."

"Please, Dallas. Just let it go." Dallas frowned and stood up. He thought the younger boy was just being self-conscious of his body.

Dallas rummaged through a drawer and pulled out a long-sleeved shirt. He handed the shirt to, Johnny. "I get it. Just put this on. It'll be a little big on you." Johnny nodded and took the shirt.

Johnny ran off to the bathroom and changed. Johnny walked out of the bathroom. The shirt was a few sizes bigger then what Johnny would usually wear. It exposed Johnny's collar bone, and the sleeves were long enough for Johnny to hold the ends in his hands.

Dallas smiled upon Johnny's entry. Johnny shyly approached the bed. Johnny sat on the edge of the bed and stared at his feet.

Dallas scooted closer to Johnny. "Can I hold you?" Dallas asked gently. Johnny looked up and gave Dallas puppy dog eyes. Johnny shyly nodded his head.

"Come here, baby."

Dallas outstretched his arms and wrapped them around, Johnny. "Johnny?"

"Yeah?" Johnny said quietly. Johnny leaned into Dallas' embrace.

"I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry too." There was a pause.



"Do you want to lie down now?"

"Mhm." Johnny was short on words.

Dallas took off his shoes and jacket. He laid down and opened his arms again, inviting Johnny to come lie down.

Johnny laid down on Dallas' chest, snuggling into him. Dallas wrapped his arms around Johnny and sighed happily.

Dallas and Johnny slowly fell asleep, letting sleep overtake them.


It was two o'clock in the morning. Johnny was pacing in the bathroom, chewing his nails down to the bed.

Johnny has a history of self-harm.

What used to be not caring if some lit cigarette ashes fell onto his skin, turned into purposely burning. Purposely burning turned into cutting.

Johnny held a blade that he had wrestled out of one of Dallas' cheap shaving razors.

Johnny didn't want to think anymore. He was done thinking. Johnny pulled up his left sleeve. He heaved as his eyes looked at the scarred skin that laid before him.

Memories of restless nights, staying up and crying, and cutting until unconscious flooded Johnny's mind.

Angry tears filled Johnny's eyes. The blade and his skin felt like magnets, just begging to make contact. Johnny sat down on the toilet seat. He shut his eyes and took a deep breath.

Johnny opened his and made a leap of faith. Johnny pressed the blade into his skin. He dragged the blade from the top of his wrist down to just past his mid-arm.

Johnny pulled the blade up and looked at his arm. He blinked a couple of times, staring blankly at what he had just done.

The scarlet blood was coming out of his arm at an alarming speed that Johnny wasn't use to. Reality started to set in.

Johnny had cut too deep this time. His skin was cleanly slit down the middle.

Johnny began to panic, "Oh God, I'm gonna die. I-I didn't mean it. I didn't mean for this to happen. I didn't want it to end like this." Johnny began to cry harder. "Why do I f*ck everything up?"


Dallas began to stir from his slumber. Silent tears coming from the bathroom had woken him up. Dallas sat up and blinked the sleep out of his eyes. He was confused to see that Johnny was no longer next to him.

"Johnny?" Dallas croaked. His ears were starting to pick up the crying again. Dallas shook himself awake and quickly got out of the bed.

Dallas approached the bathroom, "Johnny, baby, is that you?" The crying didn't stop.

Dallas slowly opened the door to the bathroom. Dallas nearly fainted at the sight he saw. He was utterly horrified.

Dallas saw Johnny sobbing in front of the sink. He was trying to stop the bleeding. Dallas saw the blade on the floor, in a pool of Johnny's blood.

"Johnny?!" Dallas screamed and scrambled towards, Johnny. "Johnny, what happened?"

Johnny sobbed uncontrollably as he tried to explain what happened. Dallas grabbed a towel and turned off the water. "Press this hard against the cut to stop the bleeding. I'm going to find the first aid kit." Johnny nodded. He struggled to control his breathing.

Dallas found the first aid Kit and wrestled it open. "It's deep enough for stitches, but not deep enough for thread stitches." Dallas pulled out liquid stitches. "You need to try and steady your breathing or I might mess up."

"O-okay. Dally?"

"Yeah, Johnny?"

"I'm scared..." Dallas guided Johnny to the bed and sat him down.

"I know, baby. It's going to be okay." Johnny nodded. Dallas looked at Johnny's slit arm. The bleeding had almost completely stopped, and you could see how deep the cut was. Dallas bit his lip. "This is going to sting."

Dallas carefully put the liquid stitches into Johnny's arm. Johnny winced at the pain.


Dallas was finished cleaning up the mess. Including the blood on the floor and throwing away the razor blade.

Dallas wrapped the would in a bandage and kissed it.

When everything was officially said and done, he sat down on the bed next to, Johnny. Dallas held Johnny's hands and sighed. He rubbed the back of Johnny's hands with his thumbs.

"Dal, I-"

"Johnny, promise me something."


"Never do that again, please." Johnny threw his arms (gently) around, Dallas.

"I will, Dal. I will."


They fell asleep that night, snuggly in each other's arms. Johnny rested his injured arm across Dallas' abdomen. Dallas had both of his arms protectively wrapped around Johnny's waist.


Frozen Johnny found themselves in a situation they had been in many times before. It isn't a bad one. They were walking hand-in-hand on the sidewalk. It was a cloudy afternoon in Tusla, Oklahoma.

Johnny gently swung their arms together is the walked. Dallas turned to Johnny, "Hey, Johnny. How about you and I go to the record store and get you a new record player. And a few albums too."

Johnny looked at Dallas as his eyes lit up, "Really?! Do you mean it?"

"Yeah, man. Let's go."


Dallas and Johnny got home later that night. They had one record player and five new albums to play on it. Johnny was so excited, he ran through the door when they got back to the room. Dallas helped hook it up, and before the knew it, it was ready to play their new records. Johnny picked up one of the records and put it on.

Johnny put down the needle and the song began to play. It was 'Put Your Head On My Shoulder' by Paul Anka. Johnny smiled and spun on the pads of his feet. He turned towards Dallas with a huge smile. "Dance with, Dally?" Dallas smiled and approached Johnny, placing his hands on Johnny's hips.


"Yeah, Dal?"

"Will you take off the jacket?" Johnny bit his lip and stared at his feet for a moment. Johnny nodded his head.

"Okay." Johnny carefully took off his jacket with Dallas' help. Dallas put his hands back onto Johnny's hips. Dallas leaned down and pecked Johnny's lips. He smiled as he pulled away.

"I love you, Johnathan Cade."

"I love you too, Dallas Winston."

They slowly swayed to the song as it softly played in the background. Every broken piece of their lives were slowly coming together as one again. This night would last forever, and they would cherish these memories until death comes and swoops them off their feet.

May the rhythm of the music stay in your love life, till the day death do you part.


The Outsiders One-Shot Mega Collection - sagebabe69 - The Outsiders (2024)
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Author: Edwin Metz

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Author information

Name: Edwin Metz

Birthday: 1997-04-16

Address: 51593 Leanne Light, Kuphalmouth, DE 50012-5183

Phone: +639107620957

Job: Corporate Banking Technician

Hobby: Reading, scrapbook, role-playing games, Fishing, Fishing, Scuba diving, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Edwin Metz, I am a fair, energetic, helpful, brave, outstanding, nice, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.