RYM #750-#501: Highest Rated Track (May 2024) (2024)

Quiz Lab

Quiz Lab



Type in answers that appear in a list

Type in answers that appear in a list


By jmbier2000


250 Questions

2 Plays2 Plays

2 Plays


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Forced OrderAnswers have to be entered in order

Answers have to be entered in order

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Please contact feedback if you continue to see this issue.'); remodal.$modal.find('#confirmation-error').show(); } } }, error: function(response) { if (response.responseJSON.message) { remodal.$modal.find('#confirmation-error').html(response.responseJSON.message); remodal.$modal.find('#confirmation-error').show(); } else { remodal.$modal.find('#confirmation-error').html('There was an error saving your preferences. Please contact feedback if you continue to see this issue.'); remodal.$modal.find('#confirmation-error').show(); } } }); } }; SporcleLib.Modal._openConfirmationModal(modalArgs); }); }} else {$j('#snark').hide();}// Update get reckoning with playlist infovar playlistData;if (mweb) {playlistData = typeof window.playlist === 'object' && window.playlist.hasOwnProperty('games') ? window.playlist : null;} else {playlistData = window.Sporcle.gameData.playlist ? window.Sporcle.gameData.playlist.vm.data : null;}if (playlistData) {playlistReckoning(playlistData, userPct, false && !stopwatch);}$j('#playGameBar').addClass('reckoning');$j('#reckonBox').show();if (mweb) {/* mobile games only */$j('#reckoning-numright').html(numRight);$j('#reckoning-time').html(displayTime(timerSecs));if (stopwatch) {$j('#reckoning-time-title').text("Stopwatch");$j('#reckoning-time, #reckoning-score').addClass('timePast');}var checkToOpenFlorinPlayGoalModal = () => {if (userPct == 0) {return;}if (!florinsPlayGoalData) {return;}var openModal = false;if (florinsPlayGoalData.reward_claimable) {openModal = true;} else if (florinsPlayGoalData.curr_streak + 1 == florinsPlayGoalData.goal_days && florinsPlayGoalData.plays_today == 0) {// First play of the day, this should complete their play goalopenModal = true;}if (openModal) { window.SporcleLib.Modal.openFlorinPlayGoalModal({ // Fudge these values to be at the goal, since we haven't necessarily logged this play yet and it might be the 7th curr_streak : florinsPlayGoalData.goal_days, reward_claimable : true, plays_today : florinsPlayGoalData.plays_today + 1, goal_days : florinsPlayGoalData.goal_days, reward_amount : florinsPlayGoalData.reward_amount, })}}if (is_flagship_app_view) {let animations = window.animations;let hapticType = 'success';let completeMsg;let animConfig = {animationData : animations.checkmark,loop : true,playSegments : [[0, 30], [31, 75]]};if (userPct == 1) {animConfig.animationData = animations.perfectScore;animConfig.playSegments = [[0, 14], [15, 75]];completeMsg = "Perfect Score!";} else if (timerSecs == 0) {hapticType = 'error';animConfig.animationData = animations.outOfTime;animConfig.playSegments = [[0, 14], [15, 75]];completeMsg = "Out of Time!";} else if (_spks && !didGiveUp) {hapticType = 'error';animConfig.animationData = animations.bomb;animConfig.playSegments = [[0, 14], [15, 75]];completeMsg = "You Hit a Mine!";}window.SporcleLib.Modal.openModalFromTpl($j('#post-game-modal-tpl').html(), {show_loading : false,onInit : (modal) => {let $modal = modal.$modal; 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} } else if (criterion.name === 'day_of_the_week'){ var d = new Date(); if((d.getDay() == criterion.value && comparison === 0) || (d.getDay() > criterion.value && comparison === 1) || (d.getDay() < criterion.value && comparison === -1) ){ earnedCount++; } } else if (criterion.name === 'avg_percent' && typeof averageScore !== 'undefined') {var roundedUserPct = _.round(userPct, 2); //matches backend precision in badge trackervar roundedAvgPct = _.round(averageScore, 2);if((roundedUserPct == roundedAvgPct && comparison === 0) || (roundedUserPct > roundedAvgPct && comparison === 1) || (roundedUserPct < roundedAvgPct && comparison === -1) ){ earnedCount++; } }}); earned = earnedCount == requiredCount;} else {earned = true;}} if (earned) {quizBadge.condition_earned = true;quizBadge.achieved_count++; var spliceIndex = null;_(quizBadge.remaining_conditions).each(function(condition, index) {if (quizBadge.condition_id == condition.condition_id) {spliceIndex = index;}});_(quizBadge.conditions).each(function(condition, index) {if (quizBadge.condition_id == condition.condition_id) {condition.earned = true;}});if (spliceIndex !== null) {quizBadge.remaining_conditions.splice(spliceIndex, 1); 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' +'

' +'

' +'

' +'

' +'

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Quiz is untimed. Quiz plays in practice mode will not be counted towards challenge completion or badge progress.


AlbumHighest Rated TrackYear
Animal Collective - Merriweather Post Pavilion2009
Arthur Verocai - Arthur Verocai1972
Morbid Angel - Covenant1993
Tim Hecker - Radio Amor2003
Sleep - Dopesmoker2003
Amy Winehouse - Back to Black2006
black midi - Cavalcade2021
Type O Negative - October Rust1996
Motörhead - Overkill1979
Silver Jews - American Water1998
Dr. Dre - The Chronic1992
David Bowie - Scary Monsters (And Super Creeps)1980
Maurice Ravel - Miroirs; Jeux d'eau; Pavane pour une infante défunte1995
Incantation - Diabolical Conquest1998
Candlemass - Nightfall1987
Incantation - Onward to Golgotha1992
Pig Destroyer - Terrifyer2004
Sleater-Kinney - The Woods2005
Yo La Tengo - Painful1993
Suffocation - Effigy of the Forgotten1991
The Ornette Coleman Double Quartet - Free Jazz1961
Black Sabbath - Heaven and Hell1980
Freddie Gibbs & Madlib - Bandana2019
Gospel - The Moon Is a Dead World2005
Animal Collective - Feels2005
Charly García - Piano Bar1984
Gorguts - Colored Sands2013
Bathory - Under the Sign of the Black Mark1987
Opeth - Damnation2003
Refused - The Shape of Punk to Come1998
David Bowie - Aladdin Sane1973
Denzel Curry - TA13OO2018
Cap'n Jazz - Burritos, Inspiration Point, Fork Balloon Sports, Cards in the Spokes, Automatic Biographies, Kites, Kung Fu, Trophies, Banana Peels We've Slipped On and Egg Shells We've Tippy Toed Over1995
The Cure - The Head on the Door1985
Sonic Youth - Goo1990
Sade - Diamond Life1984
Purple Mountains - Purple Mountains2019
Steve Hiett - Down on the Road by the Beach1983
Coil - Musick to Play in the Dark1999
Nujabes - Metaphorical Music2003
Iggy Pop - The Idiot1977
Run the Jewels - Run the Jewels 22014
György Ligeti - Requiem; Lontano; Continuum1968
Patricio Rey y Sus Redonditos de Ricota - Un baión para el ojo idiota1988
Bolt Thrower - The IVth Crusade1992
João Gilberto - João Gilberto1973
McCoy Tyner - The Real McCoy1967
Rush - A Farewell to Kings1977
Bruce Springsteen - Nebraska1982
Boris - Akuma no uta2003
Gris - Il était une forêt...2007
Oneohtrix Point Never - Replica2011
The Roots - Game Theory2006
Snoop Doggy Dogg - Doggystyle1993
Godspeed You! Black Emperor - Yanqui U.X.O.2002
Björk - Debut1993
De La Soul - Stakes Is High1996
Henryk Mikołaj Górecki - Symphony No. 31992
Fela Ransome Kuti & The Afrika 70 - Gentleman1973
Bob Marley & The Wailers - Catch a Fire1973
Paysage d'Hiver - Paysage d'Hiver1999
PJ Harvey - Stories From the City, Stories From the Sea2000
Xiu Xiu - A Promise2003
Johann Sebastian Bach - Die Kunst der Fuge1992
Anthony Braxton - Willisau (Quartet) 19911992
Patricio Rey y Sus Redonditos de Ricota - Oktubre1986
Erik Satie - Gnossiennes; Gymnopédies; Ogives; Trois sarabandes; Petite ouverture à danser1995
Lee Morgan - Search for the New Land1966
Don Cherry - Don Cherry1977
Ground-Zero - Consume Red1997
Van der Graaf Generator - H to He Who Am the Only One1970
Stereolab - Emperor Tomato Ketchup1996
The Congos - Heart of the Congos1977
Mercyful Fate - Melissa1983
Faith No More - Angel Dust1992
Beach House - Teen Dream2010
King Geedorah - Take Me to Your Leader2003
Caetano Veloso - Transa1972
XTC - Skylarking1986
Burzum - Hvis lyset tar oss1994
Creedence Clearwater Revival - Willie and the Poor Boys1969
Aretha Franklin - I Never Loved a Man the Way I Love You1967
Brian Eno with Daniel Lanois & Roger Eno - Apollo: Atmospheres & Soundtracks1983
Captain Beefheart and His Magic Band - Safe as Milk1967
AlbumHighest Rated TrackYear
Tim Hecker - Ravedeath, 19722011
Death Grips - N*****s on the Moon: The Powers That B Disc 12014
Antonín Dvořák - »Aus der Neuen Welt«1974
Tiro de Gracia - Ser hümano!!1997
Grant Green - Idle Moments1965
Cannibal Ox - The Cold Vein2001
Dio - Holy Diver1983
Songs: Ohia - Ghost Tropic2000
Mort Garson - Mother Earth's Plantasia1976
Sergey Rakhmaninov - Piano Concerto No. 2 in C minor1946
Autopsy - Mental Funeral1991
Frank Zappa - Apostrophe (')1974
Philip Glass - Koyaanisqatsi1998
Farazi v Kayra - Hayalet Islığı2013
Ornette Coleman - Science Fiction1972
The Replacements - Tim1985
Thelonious Monk Septet - Monk's Music1957
Candy Claws - Two Airships / Exploder Falls2008
Judas Priest - Defenders of the Faith1984
Billy Joel - The Stranger1977
Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - The Good Son1990
Mercyful Fate - Don't Break the Oath1984
Judas Priest - Stained Class1978
Sepultura - Beneath the Remains1989
Kate Bush - Never for Ever1980
Talk Talk - The Colour of Spring1986
Portishead - Portishead1997
Spiritualized - Ladies and Gentlemen We Are Floating in Space1997
Judas Priest - Sad Wings of Destiny1976
Faust - Faust IV1973
Kero Kero Bonito - Time 'n' Place2018
Van der Graaf Generator - Godbluff1975
Soda Stereo - Dynamo1992
Ground-Zero - Revolutionary Pekinese Opera Ver.1.281996
Magdalena Bay - Mercurial World2021
Natural Snow Buildings - The Winter Ray2004
Cartola - Cartola1976
Sonny Sharrock - Ask the Ages1991
Sepultura - Arise1991
Prefab Sprout - Steve McQueen1985
billy woods & Kenny Segal - Hiding Places2019
Yo La Tengo - And Then Nothing Turned Itself Inside-Out2000
Igor Stravinsky - Boulez Conducts Stravinsky's Le sacre du printemps1969
Dimitri Shostakovich - Symphony No. 5, Op. 471959
Herbie Hanco*ck - Empyrean Isles1964
Orchid - Dance Tonight! Revolution Tomorrow!2000
Tyler, the Creator - Call Me If You Get Lost2021
Ludwig van Beethoven - The Late String Quartets2004
Morton Feldman - Feldman Edition 6: String Quartet No. 22002
Steve Reich - Octet; Music for a Large Ensemble; Violin Phase1980
John Coltrane - Ascension [Edition II]1966
Alice Coltrane - Ptah, the El Daoud1970
Ghostface Killah - Ironman1996
Jackson C. Frank - Jackson C. Frank1965
Ryuichi Sakamoto - 19961996
UGK - Ridin' Dirty1996
Gal Costa - Gal Costa1969
Metallica - ...And Justice for All1988
Dadawah - Peace and Love1974
Johannes Brahms - Symphonie No. 41998
Songs: Ohia - Didn't It Rain2002
Devon Hendryx - The Ghost~Pop Tape2013
Yes - The Yes Album1971
The Jazz Composer's Orchestra - The Jazz Composer's Orchestra1968
Dead Can Dance - Within the Realm of a Dying Sun1987
The Sonny Criss Orchestra - Sonny's Dream (Birth of the New Cool)1968
Candy Claws - Ceres & Calypso in the Deep Time2013
Ghostface Killah - Supreme Clientele2000
Bathory - Blood Fire Death1988
De La Soul - Buhloone Mindstate1993
Immortal - At the Heart of Winter1999
The Who - Quadrophenia1973
Nico - Desertshore1970
NEU! - NEU! '751975
Slayer - Seasons in the Abyss1990
billy woods & Kenny Segal - Maps2023
Agalloch - The Mantle2002
Digable Planets - Blowout Comb1994
Wings - Band on the Run1973
Lift to Experience - The Texas-Jerusalem Crossroads2001
Big Black - Atomizer1986
Frédéric Chopin - 4 Balladen; Barcarolle; Fantasie1988
Frank Zappa and The Mothers of Invention - One Size Fits All1975
Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young - Déjà vu1970
AlbumHighest Rated TrackYear
Steve Roach - Structures From Silence1984
The Pharcyde - Bizarre Ride II the Pharcyde1992
Animal Collective - Strawberry Jam2007
Renaissance - Scheherazade and Other Stories1975
Wayne Shorter - Speak No Evil1966
Deathspell Omega - Paracletus2010
Tim Hecker - Harmony in Ultraviolet2006
Deftones - Around the Fur1997
Cindy Lee - Diamond Jubilee2024
The Horace Silver Quintet - Song for My Father (Cantiga para meu pai)1965
Suffocation - Pierced From Within1995
Candlemass - Epicus Doomicus Metallicus1986
Red House Painters - Down Colorful Hill1992
Baden Powell & Vinicius de Moraes - Os afro-sambas de Baden e Vinicius1966
Jay-Z - The Blueprint2001
Lingua Ignota - Sinner Get Ready2021
FKA twigs - Magdalene2019
Tatsuro Yamash*ta - Ride on Time1980
Duke Ellington - Duke Ellington's Far East Suite1967
New Order - Power, Corruption & Lies1983
Susumu Hirasawa - Siren1996
Gene Clark - No Other1974
Bob Dylan - Desire1976
T. Rex - Electric Warrior1971
Bad Brains - Bad Brains1982
Brand New - The Devil and God Are Raging Inside Me2006
The Mars Volta - De-Loused in the Comatorium2003
Kanye West - Graduation2007
Joanna Newsom - Divers2015
Townes Van Zandt - Our Mother the Mountain1969
Sly & The Family Stone - Stand!1969
Caravan - In the Land of Grey and Pink1971
Robert Wyatt - Rock Bottom1974
Lana Del Rey - Norman F*****g Rockwell!2018
Peter Gabriel - Peter Gabriel1980
Judas Priest - Screaming for Vengeance1982
Joni Mitchell - Court and Spark1974
Marvin Gaye - Let's Get It On1973
Lamp - Koibito e2004
Mastodon - Leviathan2004
Antonín Dvořák - Sinfonie e-Moll "Aus der neuen Welt" (Nouveau monde)1960
Art Blakey & The Jazz Messengers - Mosaic1962
John Coltrane - Sun Ship1971
Buena Vista Social Club - Buena Vista Social Club1997
The Flaming Lips - Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots2002
Komeda Quintet - Astigmatic1966
John Coltrane - Meditations1966
Morbid Angel - Altars of Madness1989
Broken Social Scene - You Forgot It in People2002
The Doors - L.A. Woman1971
Steely Dan - Can't Buy a Thrill1972
black midi - Schlagenheim2019
Pink Floyd - The Piper at the Gates of Dawn1967
Elliott Smith - Figure 82000
Low - I Could Live in Hope1994
The Smiths - The Smiths1984
Fela and Afrika 70 - Sorrow Tears and Blood1977
Neil Young with Crazy Horse - Zuma1975
Acid Bath - When the Kite String Pops1994
Isis - Panopticon2004
PJ Harvey - To Bring You My Love1995
Frank Ocean - Endless2018
The Rolling Stones - Beggars Banquet1968
Philip Glass1982
R.E.M. - Automatic for the People1992
Jessie Ware - What's Your Pleasure?2020
Demilich - Nespithe1993
Cannonball Adderley - Somethin' Else1958
Sufjan Stevens - The Age of Adz2010
Dismember - Like an Ever Flowing Stream1991
Sade - Promise1985
Deep Purple - Deep Purple in Rock1970
Agustus Pablo - King Tubbys Meets Rockers Uptown1977
Parliament - Funkentelechy vs. The Placebo Syndrome1977
Gravediggaz - 6 Feet Deep1994
Aretha Franklin - Living Soul1968
Jay-Z - Reasonable Doubt1996
Pharoah Sanders - Deaf Dumb Blind (Summun bukmun umyun)1970
Neurosis - Through Silver in Blood1996
Santana - Abraxas1970
Clipse - Hell Hath No Fury2006
Soft Machine - Third1970
RYM #750-#501: Highest Rated Track (May 2024) (2024)


What is the most listened to album in 2024? ›

The Official Top 40 biggest albums of 2024 so far
36 more rows
Apr 4, 2024

What is the RYM rating for music? ›

Rate Your Music (often abbreviated to RYM) is an online encyclopedia of music releases and films. Users can catalog items from their personal collection, review them, and assign ratings in a five-star rating system. The site also features community-based charts that track highest-rated releases.

How does RYM work? ›

RYM assigns a score to each album based on many factors, including weighted ratings (see the Weighting FAQ for more info). The albums are then sorted by score. The actual scores as well as the chart algorithm is not public (to prevent abuse of the system).

Can you rate individual songs on RYM? ›

If you are an RYM member, you can add the release to your catalog and assign it a rating or wishlist it for later listening. You can add as little or as much detail as you like when you catalog a release: feel free to assign personally meaningful tags, rate individual tracks, or even write a review.

What is the best song of 2024 so far? ›

Now that we are at the midpoint of the year, let's take a look back at the best songs of 2024 so far.
  • Camila Cabello f/ Playboi Carti, "I Luv It"
  • Concrete Boys, Karrahbooo, "Where Yo Daddy?" ...
  • Ayra Starr, "Commas" ...
  • Xaviersobased, "Need Me" ...
  • That Mexican OT & Moneybagg Yo, "Twisting Fingers" ...
  • Sammy Andaluz, "El BBL" ...
4 days ago

Who is the biggest selling artist of 2024? ›

Taylor Swift's chart dominance continued in 2024 when she earned her third Chart Double after her fourth number-one single "Fortnight" topped the UK charts simultaneously to the parent album The Tortured Poets Department topping the UK Albums Chart. Swift has so far secured four further top 10 singles during the year.

Who owns RYM? ›

In 2013, RYM Business Management Corporation, owned by the family of politician Martin Romualdez, acquired the majority stake in Prime Media from Neo Oracle.

What is the meaning of RYM? ›

RYM may refer to: Rate Your Music, a music-based website. Revolutionary Youth Movement, a 20th-century American political movement.

Can you add your own music to RYM? ›

Submitting an artist page and releases for yourself or a band you're in is allowed, but only if you meet the Add a release inclusion criteria. Specifically: You may only add your band if you have a release that someone can realistically obtain without knowing you personally.

Why can't I see track ratings on RYM? ›

RYM doesn't have ratings for individual songs; if you rate a track on a compilation the rating doesn't get transferred to every other release that features that song.

How do you discover music on RYM? ›

You can browse through the charts — or use the search bar at the top of every page on RYM to find exactly what you're looking for — to learn more about releases (like Remain in Light), including track listings, credits, and reviews and comments by members.

How do you get followers on RYM? ›

how to get popular on rym
  1. Absolutely Avoid Talking About the Content of the Album You're Reviewing. ...
  2. Compare the Album You're Talking About to As Many Bands As Possible. ...
  3. Completely Throw Chronological Order Out of the Equation. ...
  4. Make Your Reviews So Personal They Become LiveBlog Journal Entries.

What is the most listened album of the year? ›

Top global albums of 2023

The most-streamed album of the year for the second year in a row was 'Un Verano Sin Ti' by Bad Bunny, with more than 4.5 billion streams globally, followed by Taylor Swift's album 'Midnights'. SZA takes the third spot with 'SOS'.

What is the most-streamed song of the year 2024 so far? ›

Stick Season also ranks as the most-streamed song of the year so far, with 99 million streams to its name since 2024 began. Overall, since its release Stick Season has accumulated 1.4 million chart units in total.

What is the number one album of all time? ›

Thriller (1982), Michael Jackson.

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Author: Carlyn Walter

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Author information

Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

Address: Suite 452 40815 Denyse Extensions, Sengermouth, OR 42374

Phone: +8501809515404

Job: Manufacturing Technician

Hobby: Table tennis, Archery, Vacation, Metal detecting, Yo-yoing, Crocheting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.