Parking Lot Striping: All You Need To Know (2024)

  • on March 16, 2022
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When you visit a business, what is the very first thing you experience? The employee at the front desk? Or the interior decor?

Nope. The very first thing you see and experience is the parking lot.

The parking lot can influence your first impression of a business. A smooth, well-laid-out parking lot makes your experience much more pleasant than a confusing, pothole-filled parking lot.

At DRYCO, we realize how important maintaining your parking lot is. It is one way you can make good impressions on customers right from the get-go. Plus, it prevents customers from storming into your business already on edge from not finding a parking space or having a fender bender.

In this article, we will explore the basics of parking lot striping. We will learn what parking lot striping is, why it is important, and then discuss some things to think about when getting ready to stripe your parking lot.

Are you ready to go?

Let’s take a look!

Table of Contents

Parking Lot Striping: All You Need To Know (2)

1. What is Pavement Striping?

Parking Lot Striping: All You Need To Know (3)

2. Why Is A Good Striping Job Important?

Parking Lot Striping: All You Need To Know (4)

3. Things To Think About When Striping Your Lot

What Is Pavement Striping?

Before we get started, let’s get into the basics of what pavement striping even is!

The basics of pavement striping

“Pavement striping” refers to the practice of painting white or yellow lines on a parking lot, road, or other asphalt or concrete surfaces. In this article, we’re focusing on striping parking lots, which lets drivers know where to park.

A parking lot striping job may include installing wheel stops and safety bollards as well as painting lines.

Equipment used for pavement striping

Professional pavement stripers use striping machines to paint straight, even lines. These machines range from simple to complicated and do a fast, accurate job.

In fact, here are a few technologies many striping machines utilize to do an amazing job.

Laser Guides

Replacing dull and faded markings is critical to achieving a professional-looking parking lot. This can also be fairly difficult. Utilizing laser guides ensures a perfect result each timeby outlining the exact location of your new line with a light beam.

Reflective Bead Dispensers

Reflective beads are excellent additions to a parking lot’s lines, increasing visibility for vehicles and pedestrians at night. Attaching a reflective bead dispenser to the line striping machine eliminates the need to do this step by hand, saving time and improving results.

Spray Shields

Even the most precise line striping machines are vulnerable to the wind. As paint exits the machine, a gust between the surface and the spray tip is all it takes to divert the paint’s stream and leave an uneven line. A spray shield protects the paint from wind and ensures an uninterrupted streamevery time.

Parking Lot Striping: All You Need To Know (5)

If your parking lot needs striped or restriped, it may be possible to DIY it with a paint roller. But for large projects, or if you want a good job done, it’s best to hire a professional.

Types of paint for parking lot painting

Are there different types of paint used for pavement and road striping?

You bet!

There are three main types of paint used for parking lot striping:

  1. Oil/solvent-based paint
  2. Water-based paint
  3. Thermoplastic paint

We will talk a bit more about the pros and cons of each type of paint later on in this article.

How long does it take to paint a parking lot?

How long a job takes depends on the size of the parking lot and how quickly the specific type of paint dries. Weather also comes into play.

The striping company may need some time to make a plan of action for the job, but once they start painting, it may only take several hours to finish, depending on the size of the lot.

Most types of paint are dryable within one hour and are totally cured within four hours, depending on the weather conditions.

Parking Lot Striping: All You Need To Know (6)

Cold weather and lack of sunlight lengthen the dry time.

If you want to minimize downtime at your business, look for a company willing to work at night.

Cost of striping a parking lot

Again, this depends on variables such as paint type and parking lot size. However, if you want a very rough generalization, expect to pay $0.04 per square foot. So, if your parking lot is 100,000 square feet, you can expect to pay $4,000 (100,000 x 0.04) to have the parking lot striped or re-striped.

Specialized markings like arrows, logos, and letters are individually priced.

Here are some prices to give you a ballpark idea:

  • 4 inch lines > $0.20 – $0.30 per linear foot
  • 6 inch lines > $0.25 – $0.35 per linear foot
  • 8 inch lines > $0.35 – $0.45 per linear foot
  • 10 inch lines > $0.45 – $0.55 per linear foot
  • 12 inch lines > $0.55 – $0.65 per linear foot
  • Curb painting > $0.75 per linear foot
  • Handicap logos (with background) > $25.00 each
  • Handicap logos (no background) > $15.00 each
  • Arrows – small > $10.00 each
  • Arrows – medium > $20.00 each
  • Arrows – large > $30.00 each
  • Letters – small > $2.00 each
  • Letters – medium > $2.00 each
  • Letters – large > $2.00 each
  • Car stops > $10.00 each
  • Light pole bases > $10.00 each
  • Mobilization fee > $150-350

If you want more specific numbers, you can schedule a free estimate with DRYCO today!

Why Is a Good Striping Job Important?

We all know parking lots look much nicer with crisp, clean lines. But are there other reasons to put some thought into your parking lot painting?

You bet! It’s a lot more than just looks.

Here are a few reasons parking lot striping is important:

Clear Parking Lot Marking Eliminates confusion

Imagine a big, bare parking lot with no lines.

Now imagine people trying to navigate that parking lot.

It’s utter chaos, isn’t it?

We have all experienced those confusing parking lots that aren’t well-marked. You don’t know which direction to drive or where to go. You might even meet someone head-on in a narrow aisle and not know what to do. It is confusing and stressful!

Clear, thought-out marks on the pavement would solve these problems and eliminate the confusion.

Increases efficiency

It is especially stressful trying to navigate parking lots when they are busy, and there are lots of other vehicles. This is when a well-planned layout and bright, clear striping pay off!

A well-planned layout helps traffic flow smoothly and efficiently even when the lot is crowded. You want your customers to be able to easily enter, navigate, and exit the lot without running into each other and causing fender-benders.

Plus, this saves customers the stress of blundering around in a crowded parking lot, wondering if they are going the right way. You don’t want your customers confused and stressed before they even walk in your doors!

Ensures you are up to date on regulations

In every state, there are different rules to ensure that businesses are accessible to all. Northern California is no exception. There are stringent parking lot guidelines that businesses must follow to ensure all customers have access without discrimination.

Business owners must comply with these regulations or be fined. You want to be sure your parking lot is up to code!

Besides, making your business accessible to all is more than a compliance issue. It is simply good business.

Stay tuned to find out more about specific regulations.

Keeps customers and employees safe

It sounds surprising, but over 50,000 parking lot accidents happen annually.

Parking Lot Striping: All You Need To Know (8)

And while parking lot accidents are seldom serious, they still cost both parties time, money, and stress.

Business owners could prevent some of these accidents if their parking lots were clearly marked. By carefully planning and marking your parking lot, you keep your employees and customers safer.

Plus, you keep yourself safe from litigation as well. If your parking lot is not clearly marked, you may be held liable for accidents.

Increases curb appeal

We all know how satisfying a parking lot is when it has crisp, clean pavement striping!

On the other hand, a lot with faded, chipping lines can look unattractive and unprofessional. Keeping your parking lot well-marked increases its aesthetic appeal.

Ever heard of the halo effect?

The halo effect is the idea that first impressions really do matter. If you perceive one good characteristic in a person or thing, you may mentally surround them with a glowing “halo” and assume everything else about them is good as well.

For instance, if you meet someone and perceive them as good-looking, you may also assume they are smart, funny, and likable, even if this is not true. The fact that they are good-looking surrounds them with a halo that affects your impression of them.

The halo effect can apply to objects too! You can use it to your advantage by keeping your business and parking lot in good maintenance.

Parking Lot Striping: All You Need To Know (9)

5 Things To Think About When Striping Your Lot

Now you know more about how parking lot striping works and why it is important.

Perhaps you have a new parking lot that needs to be striped or an old one that needs to be re-striped. If you have a striping project you need to get done, where do you start?

Let’s go over some things to think about when striping your parking lot.

Quality of paint

How long your striping job lasts depends, among other things, on the quality of your paint.

Water-based paint is a great option for a tight budget, but it’s not the most durable option. If you have a bigger budget, invest in a more durable paint. Then your striping job will last longer, and you won’t have to do as much parking lot maintenance.

Parking Lot Striping: All You Need To Know (10)

Some paint options are:

  • Oil/solvent-based paint – The key ingredient in this type of paint is oil instead of water. Oil-based paint is the most widely used type of paint because it offers the best durability for the cost and won’t freeze in cold weather like water-based paint.
  • Water-based paint – Made mainly of water, water-based paint is the cheapest and most environmentally friendly paint. It is also quick-drying.
  • Thermoplastic paint – Thermoplastic paint contains plastics and is the most durable option. However, it is also the most expensive.
  • Canned Aerosol Line Sriping Paint – Using the Aerosol Line Striping Paint with the a line striping machine is one of the easiest and simplest ways to paint a parking lot. Anyone can get a professional result with these canisters! For someone like a property manager looking to maintain their own parking lot, this is the perfect solution.

    Before you run out and buy it, calculate how much you’ll need of each color. Yes,colors. At the very least you’ll need a yellow or white for the parking lot lines, and blue to mark your handicap stalls.

ADA requirements

Earlier in this article, we talked about keeping your parking lot up to code. Now let’s look at what exactly that means.

Since 1990, the Americans with Disabilities Act has placed laws ensuring that all people have equal access to businesses. If you don’t comply with these laws, you may be fined. Multiple fines can even result in the suspension of business operations.

It’s wise to contact professionals who can help you stay in compliance with ADA requirements. It can be confusing, trying to wade through them yourself!

Here are a few compliance specifics for handicapped parking in northern California:

  • Number of handicapped spaces – California law requires you to have a certain number of accessible parking spaces in your lot. The general rule is that for every 25 spaces you have, at least one must be marked as handicapped. For large commercial lots with over 300 spaces, you only need eight handicap spaces.
  • Measurements – Accessible parking spaces must have specific measurements. They must be at least nine feet wide and have an access area for wheelchairs.
  • Location – Compliant accessible parking spaces must be within the most direct route to the building. There should not be any blockages or stairs in the path to the entryway.

Parking Lot Striping: All You Need To Know (11)

The best way to ensure that your parking lot is compliant with ADA regulations is to hire a professional to help you plan and stripe your parking lot. Professional stripers are trained and up on current regulations.

If you don’t do your parking lot right the first time, you may have to go back and redo it or even face a lawsuit. It pays to get it done right!

Contact DRYCO to get an estimate for your ADA compliant California parking lot. And, if you really want to make sure you stay on top of your asphalt, read our blog:The Ultimate Guide to Pavement Maintenance.

Use of reflective lines

If your customers are often hurried or in a compromised state when they arrive at your building, you may want to invest in reflective lines.

For example, people are often rushed and stressed when arriving at a hospital or airport. They may not see dull lines on the pavement as they rush to park and catch their flight or get a family member into the hospital.

Reflective lines will pop out better, making it easier for them to navigate and park without accident.

Parking Lot Striping: All You Need To Know (12)

Downtime at your business

Your business may have to experience some downtime while the parking lot gets painted since people won’t be able to use it during that time. However, if you carefully plan ahead, you can minimize that downtime.


Here are some ideas:

  • Use quick-drying paint to minimize downtime and get customers back on the pavement as soon as possible.
  • If your parking lot is only half full most days, do half the parking lot one day and the other half another day.
  • Find a road striping contractor who is willing to work at night or on the weekend.

Hiring a competent contractor

Honestly, pavement striping is not that easy.

You have to know about parking lot layout and design, different paint types, ADA requirements, and more to do a good job.

You want to be sure you hire a competent contractor who can provide layout plans and reliable equipment to do your job correctly. This will ensure you have a good experience.

Bonus: Here are some more tips for a great asphalt experience, from hiring the right contractor to maintaining your new asphalt.


Your parking lot is the first thing people experience at your business. Keeping your lot in good maintenance is a great step towards making a good impression on customers!

If your lot needs to be striped, restriped, or adjusted to comply with ADA regulations, give DRYCO a call today!

We have over 30 years of experience as parking lot striping contractors. We can provide a quality of layout, design, and craftsmanship that only comes with that kind of experience.

Beyond parking lot striping, we offer a wide variety of asphalt services in California:

  • Asphalt Sealcoat Applications
  • Slurry Seal Services
  • Parking Lot Repair and Maintenance
  • Game Court Construction and Maintenance
  • Concrete Contractor Services
  • Commercial Fencing

We will try our best to make your job as easy and stress-free as possible.Schedule a free estimate today! We look forward to hearing from you.

parking lot paintparking lot striping

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  • Striping
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Parking Lot Striping: All You Need To Know (2024)


How do you prep for parking lot striping? ›

To prepare for parking lot striping you'll want to make sure cracks and holes are filled, a backup parking lot has been established, dirt and debris are swept away, sprinkler systems are turned off, and an expert is on the job. When the snow melts, you may be left with faded line markings.

How hard is it to stripe a parking lot? ›

Sure, it can be done, but after doing a few stalls, that straight-edge is going to be covered in paint drips that mar the surface every time you move it. You're much better off having the right equipment to do the job right, or hiring a professional to do the parking lot paint striping for you.

How do you quote a parking lot striping job? ›

How Much Does it Cost to Stripe a Parking Lot?
  1. Number of parking stalls: ($4-$5 each)
  2. Number of handicapped stalls: ($25-$30 each)
  3. Number of directional arrows: ($15-$20 each)
  4. Angle of parking stalls: (90° angle is higher cost due to longer lines)
  5. New layout or re-stripe: (Add 20-30% to job cost for new layout)

What kind of paint do you use to stripe a parking lot? ›

Water-based will be what you use exclusively for parking lot line painting. You can paint parking lot areas that are outdoors or in covered spaces with either solvent-based or water-based paints. Keep in mind though that solvent-based paints are a little bit pricier. The good news, though, is that it is more durable.

How do you estimate parking lot striping? ›

Here are some prices to give you a ballpark idea:
  1. 4 inch lines > $0.20 – $0.30 per linear foot.
  2. 6 inch lines > $0.25 – $0.35 per linear foot.
  3. 8 inch lines > $0.35 – $0.45 per linear foot.
  4. 10 inch lines > $0.45 – $0.55 per linear foot.
  5. 12 inch lines > $0.55 – $0.65 per linear foot.
  6. Curb painting > $0.75 per linear foot.
Mar 16, 2022

What is the life expectancy of a parking lot striping? ›

New parking lot line striping gives your parking lot an upgraded look. According to the American Asphalt Association, your striping should be redone about every five years. Of course, its longevity will vary depending on certain factors.

Is there money in line striping? ›

Line striping is one of the very few businesses that has low set-up costs, is pretty easy to do, and is needed by nearly every business, offering a consistent demand. It's also a solid way to work outdoors, set your own hours, and make good money.

How much does it cost to paint stripes on a parking lot? ›

Parking lot striping costs $0.25 to $1 per linear foot, depending on the width of the line. A parking lot striping pricing for 30 to 50 spaces averages $500 but could cost as low as $300. For parking lots with more than 50 spaces or for brand new paint jobs, expect to pay up to $3,000.

What is the angle of a parking lot striping? ›

Straight-in stalls are at 90 degree angles. The minimum requirement for the aisle is 22 feet. Angled stalls that are on 45 to 60-degree angles usually have 16-foot aisles. With parallel parking spaces, this depends on whether the spaces are on a road with two-way or one-way traffic.

What do professionals strip paint with? ›

Caustic or sodium hydroxide liquid chemicals – These strippers can work in 10 minutes or up to several hours, depending on the chemical and thickness of the paint. They work best on carved and detailed surfaces.

Is white or yellow parking lot striping better? ›

If you're using white for parking spot lines, other colors can help designate other important parts of the lot. Yellow can indicate which areas are crosswalks or no-park zones. These distinctions assist with safety and overall traffic flow.

How long does it take for parking lot striping to dry? ›

In most cases, the paint will be dry to the touch in as little as 30 minutes, but you should not allow vehicles onto the lot for at least one hour. The exact timing will depend on the type of paint, the temperature, the condition of the pavement, the wind speed and the relative humidity.

How often should you seal and stripe a parking lot? ›

In general, we recommend striping your lot every 2-3 years. By that time, at least some of your lines will probably have faded. Of course, if your lines begin to fade earlier than that, you can also schedule parking lot servicing to have it striped ahead of schedule.

How to strip parking lot paint? ›

For removing thicker, dried-out paint, paint spills, or line stripes from concrete, we typically use Transgel Paint & Graffiti Remover, which can be applied by brush, broom, or sprayed with an airless paint sprayer. Apply it thickly and leave it on for as long as needed.

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Author: Francesca Jacobs Ret

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Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

Birthday: 1996-12-09

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Job: Technology Architect

Hobby: Snowboarding, Scouting, Foreign language learning, Dowsing, Baton twirling, Sculpting, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.