Lensrentals shows off the most common ways cameras, lenses are damaged and destroyed (2024)

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Comments (141)

Published Oct 18, 2022 | Jeremy Gray


Lensrentals shows off the most common ways cameras, lenses are damaged and destroyed (2)

Lensrentals has seen a lot of broken cameras and lenses over the years. Even if everyone who rents gear is careful – and we're sure that nearly everyone is cautious – some accidents and mistakes are inevitable. In a new blog post, photographer and Lensrentals editor Zach Sutton has outlined some surefire ways to break or otherwise disable cameras and lenses. Of course, these aren't helpful hints to destroy gear, but rather, things to keep in mind to help you keep your gear fully operational.

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Water is a major wreaker of havoc on cameras and lenses. Although, more accurately, it's the stuff in most water that causes the problems. The minerals and dirt in water will frequently cause electrical shorts, quickly destroying the sophisticated electronics inside your camera gear. Saltwater is a huge culprit. Even if you don't submerge your camera in the ocean, shooting in salty, humid air in coastal locations can cause damage over time. As Sutton writes, 'This is why Roger [Cicala] once said he’d never buy used camera gear from a coastal location – the salt in the air will slowly creep its way into the seams and eventually cause damage to the electronics.'

Lensrentals shows off the most common ways cameras, lenses are damaged and destroyed (3)
This image shows salt buildup inside a Sony a7S III that was submerged in the ocean. Even if your gear is in saltwater for a second or two, the damage can be significant.

Another camera destroyer you encounter along the coast is sand. While saltwater most often destroys cameras, sand can cause significant damage to lenses. Even though lens gaskets are helpful, they can't prevent every ingress. If even a grain or two of sand passes a gasket and works its way into your lens, it spells trouble. Burning Man was a few weeks ago, and Lensrentals received gear used at the festival, including a few Canon R5 C cameras. The R5 C features good weather sealing, but 'sand always wins.' As Lensrentals has written about before, Burning Man is bad news for camera gear.

Lensrentals shows off the most common ways cameras, lenses are damaged and destroyed (4)
Headed to Burning Man next year? Have fun. Don't bring your camera. These Canon R5 C bodies were at Burning Man and came back riddled with sand and dust.

Another major culprit is fall damage. If you've ever dropped a camera or lens, you know that the split-second it takes for your gear to hit the ground is the longest split-second ever. Unlike taking your gear into high-risk situations where you encounter water and sand, dropping your gear isn't necessarily a sign of negligence or ignorance. It happens. Being careful will help reduce the likelihood of dropping your gear, but using good straps helps, too. Lensrentals ships all its cameras to renters with straps attached. Sutton adds, 'Sure, camera straps aren’t cool, but they work well at keeping your gear attached to your body.' Agreed, straps aren't cool, but dinged, dented or destroyed cameras and lenses are much less cool.

To read more about common causes of camera and lens damage, read the article at Lensrentals. The topic of gear damage also comes up on the Lensrentals podcast, including in this episode about how to break a lens. If you'd like related reading, check out these Lensrentals articles: Wild bear destroys camera gear, rental camera gear destroyed by the solar eclipse, and a Fujifilm GFX 100 battles salt water.

Images courtesy of Lensrentals and used with permission

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Those creepy pics of wrecked gear in a gearheads‘ magazine do justify a trigger warning. Please consider.


Nov 18, 2022permalink

Jimmy G

It's like reading the Darwin Awards posts, oofah. 5-decades-and-counting of shooting off-trail outdoors in all sorts of weather and environments and I've never once damaged a piece of gear beyond an occasional ding or scratch. Straps are "not cool", ahahahah, no, you may not borrow my gear, ever! Zero sympathy here for folks who've managed to break their tools.



Oct 25, 2022permalink


Back in the 70's I brought my Nikkormat to Greece. The beaches on Crete had very fine sand and the camera (and lens) was never the same after that. I probably should have sent it to a place for professional detailed cleaning, but for some reason I didn't think about doing that.



Oct 24, 2022permalink


maybe Lensrental could commission a Designer to create custom housings to protect gear for these adverse conditions?

A design slimmer than a full waterproof housing but rather dust proof. Incorporate 3d printing so Lensrental could mass produce the housings for a variety of custom lens sizes.

Seems more productive than whining that rental gear gets abused



Oct 23, 2022permalink


If only cameras came with leather cases like they did in the bellows camera days like the Zeiss Ikon Ikona range. Long lenses and zooms sort of stuffed that. The manufacturers' solution was, "Too hard! Let the user sort it out, but hey, we could sell them 'protection filters' at huge markups." ;)


Dec 14, 2022*permalink

Tom Caldwell

Is it possible that some rent because they feel more comfortable in taking a risk with the gear than they would if they owned it?

Seems false economy to me.

As a rule of thumb rented property is less well looked after than owned property.



Oct 21, 2022permalink


There are certain situations where smartphones are now more suitable than traditional cameras and good enough for most jobs.

Not unlikely that soon iPhones will have no port (lightening port) , sapphire glass, and titanium frame, and hence, getting even more robust.


Oct 21, 2022*permalink


And when visiting a restaurant/ public toilet, don't trust hooks on the toilet door. Hanging the camera backpack on the door seemed hygienic. The construction was too weak and the padding in the bag was insuficient to break a fall from 170cm height on hard stone.


Oct 20, 2022permalink

Lensrentals shows off the most common ways cameras, lenses are damaged and destroyed (5)

Graham Meale

Camera straps aren't cool? Oh no, all these years I've been uncool.



Oct 20, 2022permalink


I seen a significant increase in Tinder matches since i threw away the camera strap



Oct 20, 2022permalink

Lensrentals shows off the most common ways cameras, lenses are damaged and destroyed (6)


Never used one, never dropped a camera either.

And I'm not even cool



Oct 22, 2022permalink


I even wear mine across the chest. How uncool it that?
I used to carry a camera with grip and grip strap hung low cowboy style or "Won Hung Lo" style. I thought I looked so cool. Chipped the front element on a rock so gave away that pretentious foolishness.


Dec 14, 2022permalink


Back in the late 1980's, I was taking pics inside a newly discovered cave in Puerto Rico. I slipped and fell onto the muddy floor; my Nikon FM2N took a nose dive into the "mud" as well. Turns out the "mud" wasn't mud; it was hundreds of years of bat guano! I wiped my FM2N with a wet cloth as soon as I got out of the cave. That camera still works flawlessly today (except for the light meter that gave out a few months prior to the cave incident when I dropped it by mistake while covering a college athletic event)!



Oct 20, 2022permalink


I spent a number of years as an archaeologist working in the Peruvian Pacific coastal desert. The cameras I used on excavations included an Exacta VXIIa, Nikon F and F2, and Olympus OM1. I kept may camera in my backpack when not in use and never had any problems with dust, sand or salt. Then again, these were all film cameras with minimal or no electronics, not digital.



Oct 19, 2022permalink


Maybe I missed it, but what happened to the lens at the top of the article? What lens is it?



Oct 19, 2022permalink


people knowing that/ or might trash a camera or lens should just buy a cheap used camera or lens for extreme condition.


Oct 19, 2022permalink

Lensrentals shows off the most common ways cameras, lenses are damaged and destroyed (7)


Lensrentals is being very kind in avoiding calling some of their clients negligent; I don't think I would be so kind myself. These "accidents" were most likely caused by negligent handling in a majority of cases, let's call it what it is, and in the case of the Burning Man Canon R5 C bodies, I'd also add to this good old dishonesty, having most likely rented the equipment because of knowing well what would happen. A 5cents grocery bag could have prevented 90% of the dust on these cameras.



Oct 19, 2022*permalink


There are those that take less care of gear because it's not theirs and those that take more care of gear because it's not theirs. It's a pity we have to endure the former.


Dec 14, 2022permalink

John Koch

In 2013, an alligator ate Florida photographer Mario Aldecoa's camera. Most cameras are too big for a dog to eat, but I can imagine all kinds of mishaps that entangle a pet or its leash with a camera or its strap. There are all kinds of ways a tripod can get knocked over or fall.


Oct 19, 2022permalink


I had a tripod tip over in Oregon by the Rogue river once, and that resulted in a fatality of my camera body and lens...rugged they are not. See for your self - https://www.flickr.com/photos/01alphamale/36520443473/in/dateposted/


Oct 19, 2022permalink


I was on a National Geographic expedition to the Galapagos in 2011. Joel Sartore was the Nat Geo photographer on the trip (BTW - awesome, nice person). Groups were broken out by Manufacturer and I got to spend time with him, Canon users with the Canon group and others with the miscellaneous (Fuji, Olympus, etc.). Joel and I were on a Zodiac, bouncing along the waves when he takes the 200-400mm F4 out and BALANCES it on the Zodiac’s side…. He caught me freaking out, the look on my face must have been amazing. Anyway, he smiles, keeps changing lenses and puts the 200-400mm on the Nikon. I’ll never forget that trip…



Oct 19, 2022*permalink


"National Geographic expedition to the Galapagos ... Groups were broken out by Manufacturer ... Canon users with the Canon group"

Dimwitted I am, I am not getting the point of your sarcasm!

PhaseOne user


Oct 20, 2022permalink


There was absolutely NO sarcasm. The expedition had multiple photographers, one for Canon users, one for Nikon (Joel) and another for the other manufacturers. As I saw it practiced, the objective was for the photographer to assist their group with their equipment, etc. Obviously, Joel would be more familiar with his Nikon group than Canon since he used Nikon equipment….



Oct 21, 2022*permalink


"absolutely NO sarcasm"

If one goes on a National Geographic expedition to the Galapagos should one not ought to know his gear sufficiently as not to need brand-specific instructions? I can see some general instructions like high enough shutter speed to freeze motion or a certain shutter speed to freeze only some motion.


Oct 21, 2022*permalink

Tom Caldwell

Nah - it is just to prevent the brand arguments .... :)



Oct 21, 2022permalink


“If one goes on a National Geographic expedition to the Galapagos should one not ought to know his gear sufficiently as not to need brand-specific instructions?” Yes for you and me but it wasn’t the reality for many in the expedition…. Moreover, I have also been on Tanzania and Antarctica expeditions…. Same issue… guess there’s what one would like to believe and then reality isn’t the same…. Never mind the iPhones and iPads in attendance….



Oct 21, 2022permalink

Lensrentals shows off the most common ways cameras, lenses are damaged and destroyed (8)

Ilia Snopchenko

Such neat fractures on the first shot, almost looks like they were done this way by design.


Oct 19, 2022permalink


wait, why aren't camera straps cool? Nobody told _me_, I've walking around all non-cool for all these decades???



Oct 19, 2022permalink

Lensrentals shows off the most common ways cameras, lenses are damaged and destroyed (9)

Rodrigo Pasiani

Trend is reversed lens hood.



Oct 19, 2022permalink

Lensrentals shows off the most common ways cameras, lenses are damaged and destroyed (10)


camera straps are just fine and cool so long as the camera is slung on your shoulder and the strap is long rather than short and around your neck like a 70s tourist ;) ........ Photo vests worn other than for caving, jungle shoots etc are seriously not cool though - LOL ..
(this is tongue in cheek of course - as they said, there`s nothing less cool than am incredibly expensive fragile mirrorless camera in pieces on the floor)


Oct 20, 2022permalink

Tom Caldwell

Camera straps tend to discourage packing camera in bag as they are a menace to pack when attached. I compromise with a wrist strap that I wear when shooting and when not in use the camera packs much more easily in a padded bag.

Wrist straps are not a complete-safety answer but can be a useful compromise.


Oct 21, 2022permalink

Lensrentals shows off the most common ways cameras, lenses are damaged and destroyed (11)


I use wrist straps on compacts and even small mirrorless but IMO DSLRs need a proper strap



Oct 22, 2022permalink

Lensrentals shows off the most common ways cameras, lenses are damaged and destroyed (12)

Rodrigo Pasiani

I use a neck strap which stays outside the top loader bag.


Oct 22, 2022permalink


Wrists straps were a danger to me. In the bush, skipping over boulders and tree roots, I would occasionally trip. Instinctively, the arm with the expensive gear at its end, shot up in the air leaving the body to take the damage. I would often come back bleeding from somewhere or other, but the gear returned safe and sound... mostly. Now that I carry the gear either in a backpack or on an across the chest sling, I have two arms free and can truly say I haven't fallen since.



Dec 14, 2022permalink

Lensrentals shows off the most common ways cameras, lenses are damaged and destroyed (13)


You may add taking pictures at laser-illuminated events with a hybrid or bridge camera, which may distroy the sensor more or less instantly. I learnt this the hard way with a Sony RX10iii....



Oct 19, 2022permalink


A common water damage problem, that most would not think of , is from capillary action. Put your camera over the ring of condensation left by a glass or can on a table and the camera will suck that up. Of course when this happens and the camera stops working days later, the owner will always say that they did not have the camera out in the rain nor close to water. Could be any water drops on a flat surface .....



Oct 19, 2022permalink


All this damage to cameras and lenses at Burning Man is why I skip that and instead celebrate the Bunion Man festival down in my man-cave.



Oct 19, 2022permalink


I know LR deals a lot with ILC systems. What about bridge cameras and compact zooms?

For example, if someone was to go on a week-long trip to CA beach with an FZ82/FZ300/FZ1000.II/2500/RX10.IV, what is the risk of dust, etc., getting into the lens if they are staying few feet away from the waters?

Are some of those long zooms better than the others in resisting such damage?



Oct 18, 2022permalink

Lensrentals shows off the most common ways cameras, lenses are damaged and destroyed (14)

Rodrigo Pasiani

I'm interested in that too.



Oct 19, 2022permalink

Lensrentals shows off the most common ways cameras, lenses are damaged and destroyed (15)


Higher risk I would imagine if the lens pumps in / out with power on and the body has no weather sealing.


Oct 19, 2022permalink

I own 128 cameras

I made my living shooting video and stills. A buddy of mine had a $10,000 premium if he had to shoot at small particles Sites. This included coal terminals, saw mills, and once he didn’t charge was to shoot a helicopter lift of a huge AC unit on a famous guys villa in the desert.

What did he do with the $10,000? The camera and any lens on sit would go to the manufacturer and have a complete tear down, cleaning and serviced. Essentially, the gear was as good as new.


Oct 19, 2022permalink

I own 128 cameras

I made my living shooting video and stills. A buddy of mine had a $10,000 premium if he had to shoot at small particles Sites. This included coal terminals, saw mills, and once he didn’t charge was to shoot a helicopter lift of a huge AC unit on a famous guys villa in the desert.

What did he do with the $10,000? The camera and any lens on sit would go to the manufacturer and have a complete tear down, cleaning and serviced. Essentially, the gear was as good as new.



Oct 19, 2022permalink

Lensrentals shows off the most common ways cameras, lenses are damaged and destroyed (16)


Once had to make sure a repair sent to Canon would NOT be quoted on. Put the lens mount under a running tape for 10 seconds, put it in a zip-lock bag and straight to a courier satchel, without bubble wrap. Sent it on a Monday, got it back on Wednesday!


Oct 18, 2022permalink

Lensrentals shows off the most common ways cameras, lenses are damaged and destroyed (17)


Rule number one: Never completely submerge your camera/lens in saltwater and send it in to be repaired. Why, because it is useless and a waste of time and money.

Rule number two: Never drop your camera on a hard surface with the lens pointing down, or even up.



Oct 18, 2022permalink


I don’t think orientation is important in Rule 2 - I think “Never drop your camera on a hard surface” is sufficient.

And I’d suggest “completely submerge” is not required in Rule 1; I’d suggest: “Never allow contact between your camera or lens and salt water” - there was a Lens Rentals article where they believed the camera was destroyed by being placed on a puddle of salt water - no immersion involved.



Oct 19, 2022*permalink

RL Photography

One of the few times I ever got Accidental Damage coverage for anything was when I got a Sony A9 (DSLR, not mirrorless) directly from Sony. Sure enough, in the ocean it went with a 24-70/2.8 attached (not covered by policy). Destroyed instantly. $5K gone. Sent the whole mess to Sony. They sent me a brand new camera and the original lens returned as “not economical to repair “.



Oct 19, 2022*permalink


Rule #3 buy weather sealed gear.


Dec 14, 2022permalink

Lensrentals shows off the most common ways cameras, lenses are damaged and destroyed (18)


Bob... would you completely submerge any gear you bought that was weather sealed?


Dec 14, 2022permalink


Definitely not. Weather sealed is far from waterproofed. I use my weather sealed gear in the rain if I have to and I have done so. I don't rinse it under a tap as some do. That's just asking for trouble. If my gear ever got submerged, I would consider it bricked but perhaps it would survive a few more seconds submerged than something that had no weather sealing.


Dec 14, 2022permalink


Famous last words, or thoughts, regarding a camera or lens being put somewhere precariously:
"It'll be fine!"



Oct 18, 2022*permalink

Lensrentals shows off the most common ways cameras, lenses are damaged and destroyed (19)


me putting a round lens on a chair seat which is on a spring to fold upwards when not in use:

"it's heavy enough to keep the seat down"

it was not.



Oct 19, 2022permalink


Not zipping the camera backpack up completely, thinking, "Not a problem, they are designed for this sort of thing", as the 50mm macro pops out and crashes to the rock I was standing on.


Dec 14, 2022*permalink

Lensrentals shows off the most common ways cameras, lenses are damaged and destroyed (20)


Lensrental should put a disclosure into their contract, saying that if the camera has been damage going to Burning Man, the customer must pay for the damage.
You can easily tell by looking at the grains inside the camera if they came from Navada or not.

The pictures of those EOS R5s is what I will call vandalism.

Edit: Same goes from the gear destroyed in the so called Color Runs.



Oct 18, 2022*permalink

Lensrentals shows off the most common ways cameras, lenses are damaged and destroyed (21)


LOL, you can tell the difference between grains of sand but can't spell Nevada?



Oct 18, 2022permalink


@Malikknows - The individual to whom you replied lives in Denmark, and thus it is quite possible they are not a native English speaker.



Oct 18, 2022*permalink

Lensrentals shows off the most common ways cameras, lenses are damaged and destroyed (22)


@TheRealYeats - I’d like to see how Malik does with “Oehlenschlægersgade.”



Oct 19, 2022permalink


I'm renting some gear from them for a trip in Dec. I added the extra insurance (Lenscap+) so that if the gear doesn't make it make it back, it's covered (just in case it ends up at the bottom of the ocean). Lensrentals offers the insurance, and while you shouldn't intentionally damage their gear, people are going to rent gear for extreme outings (not just Burning Man, but also African safaris, Antarctica, etc). Lenrentals knows their business model, it's their responsibility to price appropriately to cover these sorts of damages.


Oct 22, 2022permalink

Lensrentals shows off the most common ways cameras, lenses are damaged and destroyed (23)


@ TheRealYeats Nevada is a name not a language, just like George is a name, and HJVN types fine English it was a mistake by him not his lack of English skill.



Oct 25, 2022permalink


I'm a native English speaker. Nevada, Navada is all the same to me but then I struggle with Woolloomooloo and didgeridoo.


Dec 14, 2022permalink

Lensrentals shows off the most common ways cameras, lenses are damaged and destroyed (24)


"This is why Roger [Cicala] once said he’d never buy used camera gear from a coastal location."

Same goes for cars.



Oct 18, 2022permalink


My parents bought a used car from a friend who lived in the coastal fog belt a short distance from Ocean Beach in San Francisco. It was for my sister. The car ran fine, but after some years it busted out in rust all over like no other car I've ever seen in California.



Oct 18, 2022permalink


Pretty much most of the world then.


Oct 19, 2022permalink


Cold-winter regions that use salt for deicing roads have far worse problems with rust than anywhere else. That applies to most of the U.S.



Oct 19, 2022permalink


@NFE: I live in NYC where they do use salt in the winter even if there's a hint of a snowstorm coming. I have a 2003 Honda and there's not a bit of rust on it and I only get it washed when I get an oil change. But back in the late 80's, I had a 1980 Datsun in which the entire body rusted.


Oct 24, 2022permalink


ZoetMB: Glad to hear that cars are more rust resistant in recent times. I have to admit my info is old.


Oct 30, 2022permalink


I find this super interesting! I dont take too good care about my equipment - its more important to be quick and to get the shot. Also my gear is insured, so I dont care to much. Seeing what realy breaks equipment from a source with a high amount of references is super interesting :)



Oct 18, 2022permalink

Lensrentals shows off the most common ways cameras, lenses are damaged and destroyed (25)


Isn't the R5 the camera that will turn you into a burning man if you use it for too long?



Oct 18, 2022permalink

Lensrentals shows off the most common ways cameras, lenses are damaged and destroyed (26)


Watch out, Canon fanboys will get out their pitch forks!



Oct 18, 2022permalink


No mention of damage to sensors. Worst damage I had was changing lenses at plant height in fields where the grasses were releasing clouds of pollen. Millions of pollen grains all sticky flying about in the air, no amount of vibration or 'wet' cleaning could get it all off.
Not immediately obvious unlike the other forms of damage mentioned but still very serious for image quality.



Oct 18, 2022permalink


Changing lenses in a blizzard is what got me questioning the wisdom of ILCs for myself. Prefer superzooms now.



Oct 18, 2022permalink


If you can't swap lenses in a blizzard, it's not worth having.



Oct 18, 2022permalink


There is another LR article about shutters and sensors damaged by people photographing solar eclipses. Not sure if they have done one about sensors damaged by laser light shows at concerts.



Oct 19, 2022permalink

John Koch

jxh: Fixed-lens super-zooms inhale particles every time one turns on the power and the lens telescopes outward, or with every change in zoom or focus. Tiny particles will defy weather-sealing. A few camera or camcorder models' lenses telescope internally, without any seam exposed, but they must either be very big or have a small sensor. Even then, internal friction or decomposition will eventually produce grit or fragments that will be drawn to the sensor.



Oct 19, 2022permalink


@John Koch
"Fixed-lens super-zooms inhale particles every time one turns on the power and the lens telescopes outward,"

True, but vulnerability is a a *hugely* smaller scale. The lens and sensor is essentially a (fairly well, but not hermetically) sealed chamber compared to having a wide open entry which can be contaminated by even a slight breeze. And the gearing and mechanics is generally outside that chamber area which consists of the sensor and rearmost lens group which, depending on optical design, may not have any relative movement at all.

I bought my first ILC in 1969, I'm not inexperienced in this area. (secondary issue... it's amazing how the process of pulling the lens out of a bag and clicking it into place spooks wildlife)

Add'l: Youtube has videos on sensor cleaning and sensor cleaning kits and services abound for ILCs. Sensor cleaning on fixed lens cameras is as rare changing spark plugs on a Tesla.



Oct 22, 2022*permalink


When mirrorless cameras first came out, I was glad to see the flappy things go but I was horrified that now the sensor is exposed even when changing lenses. My fears seem to have been unfounded. However, if the camera has a mechanical shutter, as most do, why not arrange for it to automatically shut when the lens is being changed?



Dec 14, 2022permalink


If (when) you are clumsy enough to soil the sensor (admittantly, stochastic long-term physics), you are just as likely to damage the shutter....;))
And while the sensor can be cleaned, delicately, that shutter requires even more delicate repair.
(of course, anything damaging the shutter would also damage (not just soil) the sensor....;))
(not sure how a spoiled cup of coffee would rate....;))

'Look, the level slowly sinks!'

"Ain't waterproof, mate, told ya."

Anyway, let's make this an optional security feature then....;))



Dec 14, 2022*permalink


Absolutely no mention of filters providing protection. Good.

And color runs? Who thought throwing colored powder would be safe for humans, let alone camera gear?

Some people are just klutzes and break a lot of things, then blame the product. My former (thank goodness) BIL was like that.



Oct 18, 2022*permalink


The only lens I've ever damaged was a Panasonic Lumix 12-32 pancake kit zoom. I packed it into a full backpack with lots of heavy objects. It was crushed to the point the OIS system no longer works (it hisses) but the lens can still shoot photos.



Oct 18, 2022*permalink


I know it's slow, but an article revealing that salt water or dropping are major causes of damage...who would have guessed? Now, putting this to use, I'd suggest never buying anything made of metal from Florida, and hold your breath when attending events where fine powder is dispersed.



Oct 18, 2022permalink


I never buy anything from Florida. And it has nothing to do with damaged products.



Oct 18, 2022*permalink



"I never buy anything from Florida. And it has nothing to do with damaged products."

Haven't been able to fully give up on my morning orange juice, but otherwise, my sentiments exactly. And my avoidance, especially for costly purchases such as a new car, or for vacationing, also applies to a long list of other states that like Florida are trying to take the U.S. into a voter-suppressed, undemocratic, nasty, repressive, new dark age. I won't subsidize that with any significant spending.



Oct 18, 2022permalink


The lens in the photo looks perfect for sunstars though.



Oct 18, 2022permalink

Lensrentals shows off the most common ways cameras, lenses are damaged and destroyed (27)

Ilia Snopchenko

Indeed. :D
Might be handy for special effects if everything else is in working order (which, in all fairness, is unlikely).


Oct 19, 2022permalink


Same as cars, avoid used cars along the coast or regions that gets snow.

Sand ingress, manufacturers should come up with better designs.

I once dropped my camera because of the strap. I picked it up and it got snagged and causing it to fall from my hand. Expensive lesson.

I just buy things i can easily afford to replace.



Oct 18, 2022*permalink


You are supposed to grab the strap first.
You are *not* supposed to have the strap laying at max 'surface' when putting it down.
That's like allowing a toddler to pull the tablecloth from the dinner table....:))



Oct 18, 2022permalink


Huh? Have you ever tried doing what you suggest? Your lens will get scraped if you are picking up the camera from the strap. Most people pick it up by the grip.

My point is some people have a valid reason for not using a strap. If you never use it, it can get in the way and cause damage in unintended ways.



Oct 18, 2022permalink


In just what way are camera straps not cool?
I am an elder and forget the meaning of cool in the previous century.



Oct 18, 2022permalink

Lensrentals shows off the most common ways cameras, lenses are damaged and destroyed (28)

Cheapo Marx

Being cool doesn't replace an expensive camera stupidly dropped.

I was never cool and I'm not about to start now! :-D



Oct 18, 2022permalink

Lensrentals shows off the most common ways cameras, lenses are damaged and destroyed (29)


I think coolness is only for those with low self esteem.



Oct 18, 2022*permalink

Lensrentals shows off the most common ways cameras, lenses are damaged and destroyed (30)

Olivier GALLEN

They are not cool (i.e. practical) on tripods.


Oct 19, 2022permalink


I have to admit if LensRentals was my business I would qualify where the gear was going to be used. If it was an insane thing like the Burning Man I'd NOT send it.


Oct 18, 2022permalink


I think you have limited control about where your gear is used. If someone is renting a camera somewhere in the US and than travel to the burning man festival, how do you know? And there are more dangerous places where photographers prefer to rent gear instead of using their own cameras. That is part of the business, and I think not a small one. So you have to have a good insurance, that is part of your business.



Oct 18, 2022permalink

Lensrentals shows off the most common ways cameras, lenses are damaged and destroyed (31)


First, how would Lens Rentals know whether a camera was going to Burning Man? Nobody lives there. The people renting will receive their gear in Portland, Oakland, Seattle, Boulder, ... i.e. just about any place but the northern Nevada desert.

Second, it is pretty easy to avoid dust damage at BM. Just keep the camera in the bag in dusty situations. Thousands of cameras have made it to BM and back with no damage. The customers who destroyed those rental cameras were simply negligent.



Oct 18, 2022permalink


The problem isn’t Burning Man itself, its where its held. Could have prepped for the environment beforehand but seems like some of them are confident it would somehow work out. Goin into a tropical jungle? Would it make sense to pray it won’t rain in a place where it rains 60% of the time or just get a rain cover?


Oct 19, 2022*permalink

Lensrentals shows off the most common ways cameras, lenses are damaged and destroyed (32)


I'm sure sand, etc. get in through seals, but I'd bet a lot of it got in by the users opening something in less than ideal circ*mstances: e.g., changing lenses, battery, or SD card. Those are things I generally avoid doing in uncontrolled environments. Carrying more than one body (which I usually do) is particularly effective at minimizing the need to change lenses in the field when conditions are risky...

PS: Underwater bags are NOT a great solution in that they trap potentially moist air in with your camera, and temperature changes can cause condensation when the dew point temperature is reached.



Oct 18, 2022*permalink

Lensrentals shows off the most common ways cameras, lenses are damaged and destroyed (33)


agreed.. i once refused to change lenses on a windy beach . [some rolled their eyes.] due to my concern of sand near my sensor or on the lens mount or the lenses... some messed up some costly lenses

one must always be attuned to developing reality ... changing conditions... and a sensible measure of risk vs reward for the decisions we make.. for our equipment ... and also our very lives .....sometimes



Oct 18, 2022permalink

Lensrentals shows off the most common ways cameras, lenses are damaged and destroyed (34)


I literally just got my A1 back from having the sensor replaced (was at service for almost 4 months) after some sort of contamination from sensor cleaning kept coming back. The last couple of weddings I shot were super windy and by the lake, so I refused to change my lenses until we were inside.



Oct 18, 2022permalink

Mr Bolton

I'm more and more amazed that my X-H1s still work. Probably not a good idea to buy a used camera from me :-D


Oct 18, 2022permalink


Condensation hardly ever happens with stationary air, as in a confined space/volume.
Not saying it can't, but sand flying below zero reminds me of the deep-sand 'streets' on the Kola peninsula.
(possibly the only place on earth that has town-centers where you need 4wd to manage the deep-sand)



Oct 18, 2022*permalink

Lensrentals shows off the most common ways cameras, lenses are damaged and destroyed (35)


Use desiccant strips or even better moisture muncher capsules ;)



Oct 18, 2022permalink

Lensrentals shows off the most common ways cameras, lenses are damaged and destroyed (36)


The condensation problem is mostly for anyone foolish enough to open their underwater bag near the beach (hot, high humidity, air) and then walk into an air-conditioned room with the bag still sealed... that can truly baste your camera.



Oct 18, 2022permalink


Hmm....for such condensation on non-metal surface) to happen that sea-side air has to be either scorching hot, or (even more) near 100% RH anyway....possible, but not likely....
(even less with hotel-operators trying every trick in the book to prevent you from running the AC when not inside, cq no pre-cooling....;))

That said: opening such bags on the beach is counter to the entire concept discussed here....as in opening that same bag under water....;))
(only difference being with vs without Zweckentfremdung...:))

(now trying to remember whether I ever handled a darkload bag (for IR/HIE, in panorama-camera's no less) on the beach (do have some vague memory of profusely sweating inside, just not sure where (else))....I did handle them at -20C, on black skislopes though....:))



Oct 19, 2022permalink



I recently generated mixed feelings about desiccants, at least kitchen-wise.
Wanted to keep my onion-granulate dry, so threw in the first bag of desiccants I found (not likely food-style, probably gear-package-style).
Did it's job well, but re-use/recovery, by microwave, got messy, after 2-3 times....some weird black/brownish goo started to leak from the sachet onto my precious onion granulate....;((

Note to cameras & lenses: don't be that onion-granulate....:))



Oct 19, 2022*permalink

Lensrentals shows off the most common ways cameras, lenses are damaged and destroyed (37)


WJMWJM: I think you're assuming a much more perfect world. People often open their waterproof bags near the beach (as in, perhaps in a sheltered area, but still with high humidity) to do things like changing a lens, battery, or memory card.

One Summer, I made the mistake of opening an underwater bag housing in a parking lot perhaps half a mile from Niagara Falls. Later, when the bag got spray on the outside -- although it didn't leak -- that lowered the temp enough to condense a little puddle in the bottom of the bag. Fortunately, I noticed and was careful not to let the camera touch the little pool... but even most "weather-sealed" cameras are sealed from rain above, not water coming from below, and sitting in a puddle is nearly certain death. Air-conditioned cars and buildings seem less scary, but can cause similar condensation.


Oct 19, 2022permalink

Lensrentals shows off the most common ways cameras, lenses are damaged and destroyed (38)


these are excellent points ... even the most perfectly hermetically bag with air within will contain atmospheric moisture . and it can always potentially condense given certain temp changes...


Oct 19, 2022permalink


Just use those bags for underwater shooting, dive cases are abit overkill but its an option, else you can always use a GoPro or a phone. Use the right tools for the right job. Music festivals? Yeah lugging a dslr sized camera then joining the fray doesn’t seem like a good idea on any level.



Oct 18, 2022*permalink

Lensrentals shows off the most common ways cameras, lenses are damaged and destroyed (39)

The Dancing Babamef

exactly what I was thinking. A dive case costs as much as the camera itself but for a simple camera just keeping a bag over it and perhaps putting a UV_filter on top of it so you don't scratch the element.



Oct 18, 2022permalink

Lensrentals shows off the most common ways cameras, lenses are damaged and destroyed (40)


No matter what anyone may say, my logic tells me that an active cooling system (aka, a fan) will always be a dust intake and a weak link in the weather sealing chain



Oct 18, 2022permalink


The Xplore tablets, in later/active-cooled versions (C5+?), seem to do fine, still maintaining IP65/67?....;))

But indeed, bit silly talking about gaskets when there is a glaringly wide opening....that's not even IP0x....


Oct 18, 2022*permalink


It depends on the design. Check out the description in the review on imaging-resource. Seems like Panasonic engineers thought of that.



Oct 18, 2022permalink

Lensrentals shows off the most common ways cameras, lenses are damaged and destroyed (41)

The Dancing Babamef

the cooling fan in R5C doesn't compromise the weather sealing bud.



Oct 18, 2022permalink

Lensrentals shows off the most common ways cameras, lenses are damaged and destroyed (42)


"the cooling fan in R5C doesn't compromise the weather sealing bud."

...There is literally an image of an R5C internals riddled with sand/dust where the air intake is, right in this very article we're commenting on.



Oct 18, 2022*permalink


Usually you don't have the fan blow air inside the body but blow air over fins attached to the body, so nothing goes inside the camera.



Oct 18, 2022permalink


This is super fine dust, talcum powder like consistency . Wouldn’t be as bad if its coarse.



Oct 18, 2022permalink


When that fan grinds/clogs to a halt, the camera will be impaired/overheating....

Mind you, (automotive) electric fans very well exist as IP68, but these typically don't like mudding/caking much....;))
(while at the same time that is also where IP69 comes in handy, for being high-pressure-waterproof....:))



Oct 18, 2022permalink


There is no photo (or mention) of your point, the fan heat sink as a point of ingress.

That's totally your fascination.


Oct 19, 2022permalink


I am amazed at how often I see people holding ILCs without a strap of some kind. I guess this is a big enough cause of loss that LR felt they should mention what seems a fairly obvious point.



Oct 18, 2022permalink

dr jim

Are you talking about Chris Niccolls by chance? :-)



Oct 18, 2022permalink


Very funny - I've seen him go both ways, and he's a professional!

Don't try this at home, Folks.



Oct 18, 2022permalink

Lensrentals shows off the most common ways cameras, lenses are damaged and destroyed (43)


I too thought of Chris and his poor sample RX100VII that was dropped many times. Haha.


Oct 18, 2022permalink


Yes, Chris waving unleashed cameras around always makes me anxious. As well as a drop, a grab and run theft is always a possibility in busy urban locations. Shooting without a neck or wrist strap is like leaving the keys in your car. *Maybe* nothing bad will ever happen.



Oct 18, 2022permalink


It's different when you don't have to pay for the camera.



Oct 18, 2022permalink


Ok, since this has engaged everyone's attention, what's up with carrying giant zoom/camera combos by the tripod foot only? Tony and Chelsea do this with $12,000 lenses and I am gobsmacked. I saw a guy shooting birds last weekend doing the same thing (admittedly with a 20-year-old Canon 500mm, but it was attached to his $4,000 R5. What gives? Does everyone just have more hand strength than I do?



Oct 18, 2022permalink


Tripod foot is center or near center of gravity for these set ups, it feels more stable I guess.



Oct 18, 2022permalink


Yeah, but it's not very grippy.


Oct 18, 2022permalink


"grab and run theft is always a possibility in busy urban locations."

Neck strap can be a disadvantage there. Just as changes have been made in handbag recommendations for women, to forego the shoulder strap and just use a handstrap

ALSO in those types of areas, I would use, at most a nondescript compact or even a phone. One does not want to draw attention to oneself.



Oct 18, 2022*permalink


My petpeeve of non-ergonomy:

Neckstrap attatched, not being used at all, just swinging around, waiting for a snagging disaster to happen.
(same manure with long key-belts hanging outside of pocket, or, the most maddening style of goofyness, fashion-suspenders hanging down)



Oct 18, 2022permalink


Over the years doing lots of PJ and travel photography, I've taken to using a camera strap cross-body and wearing a vest when possible. And not a "photography vest" but Patagonia, Berne or similar vests. The camera rides tucked inside and it is quickly available when needed. A jacket also works when the weather demands it.

Years ago I tried using an R Strap with the camera riding high on my right hip under a jacket/vest. I really liked it. But concerns about possible damage when using the camera tripod socket as the major point of support made me switch back to the OpTech neoprene straps that I've favored for 40 years.



Oct 18, 2022permalink

Lensrentals shows off the most common ways cameras, lenses are damaged and destroyed (44)


This depends on your urban area, of course. But at least in tourist areas of New York, there are tons of happy visitors with cameras. And I don't feel worried about someone physically mugging me for a camera, though I obviously would not leave one out of sight unattended.

It's like saying people in the country should not own nice cameras, because meth heads will break in and steal them. Sure it happens, but it's not an overwhelming concern.



Oct 19, 2022permalink


@Adam007 " what's up with carrying giant zoom/camera combos by the tripod foot only? Tony and Chelsea do this with $12,000 lenses and I am gobsmacked."

The problem is made worse because those just use the tightness of the screw to hold the camera. Repeated load cycles on a threaded fastener will eventually work it loose (which is why there are castle-nuts on your car axles).

At minimum there should be a secondary lock that prevents the 1/4-20 screw from turning unless the user intentionally activates a release.



Oct 19, 2022*permalink



Reminds me of the warning given to us by Russians west of the Ural, frequently, when we they learned our oldtimer-convoy would drive all the way east-wards.

"Neither car nor driver will make it. Everything there criminal, both roads & people."

Well, they were right about the roads.
Glad I had portal axles.
(though Kaliningrad city streets required just as much slalomming otherwise)

Just been watching the dystopian Russian/German movie 'Garagenvolk' / 'Garagepeople', 2020, about a godforsaken small mining town, north of the arctic cirle.
Chilling dystopian....the ultimate lightness of being (nothing).
Blueprint of current state of affairs in Russian army, day in day out....

Same feeling when we descended the easter-side of the Urals....

'It's life Jim, but not as we know it.'


Oct 20, 2022*permalink


Burning Man? I learned this lesson the first time. After that I take a bag full of disposable cameras. You learn to be more creative and patient.



Oct 18, 2022permalink


I understand accidents happen, but honestly (And this may sound a little sad) but when I rent gear, I sometimes find myself babying it a bit more than I do my personal gear (not that I subject my personal gear to any unecessary or unreasonable conditions in the first place, when avoidable -- like I won't necessarily take my cameras or lenses near salt water or the beach during a sandstorm). I mean I obviously get the insurance every time I rent for a bit of peace of mind but i Know some people who rent (not necessarily from LR) who simply don't care (not that they go out of their way to damage gear, but are perhaps a little less "careful" with the gear and don't necessarily treat it as if it was their own).

Obviously some level of dirtiness is going to happen for certain shooting conditions, like shooting motor cross (auto racing) on dirt tracks if you're by the edge of the track, you're going to encounter a fair amount of dirt/dust probably.



Oct 18, 2022*permalink

Lensrentals shows off the most common ways cameras, lenses are damaged and destroyed (45)

Jacques Cornell

"Headed to Burning Man next year? Have fun. Don't bring your camera."

Or, just put it in a sealed bag made for underwater photography. They can be had for under $100.



Oct 18, 2022permalink


Underwater cases/housings are really the way to go anytime one is likely to encounter fine particles in large quantities.

If you go for some of the cheaper and lighter "soft" cases you may have limited controls but it saves so much hassle when it comes to cleaning the gear that it is a reasonable trade-off.



Oct 18, 2022permalink

Lensrentals shows off the most common ways cameras, lenses are damaged and destroyed (46)

Mortal Lion

I read "underwear photography" and wondered about you



Oct 19, 2022permalink

Lensrentals shows off the most common ways cameras, lenses are damaged and destroyed (47)

Jacques Cornell

I don't do boudoir, and if I tried to do it underwater I'd have an aneurysm.


Oct 19, 2022permalink


„I read "underwear photography" and wondered about you“

You make me wonder about —you— and your Freudians.


Nov 18, 2022permalink

Drew Morris

Or take a OMDS TG-6.


Dec 14, 2022permalink


A good worthy topic of interest.



Oct 18, 2022permalink

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Lensrentals shows off the most common ways cameras, lenses are damaged and destroyed (69)Lensrentals shows off the most common ways cameras, lenses are damaged and destroyed (70)Lensrentals shows off the most common ways cameras, lenses are damaged and destroyed (71)Lensrentals shows off the most common ways cameras, lenses are damaged and destroyed (72)Lensrentals shows off the most common ways cameras, lenses are damaged and destroyed (73)
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Lensrentals shows off the most common ways cameras, lenses are damaged and destroyed (79)

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Lensrentals shows off the most common ways cameras, lenses are damaged and destroyed (80)

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Lensrentals shows off the most common ways cameras, lenses are damaged and destroyed (94)

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Lensrentals shows off the most common ways cameras, lenses are damaged and destroyed (95)

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Lensrentals shows off the most common ways cameras, lenses are damaged and destroyed (99)

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Lensrentals shows off the most common ways cameras, lenses are damaged and destroyed (100)

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Lensrentals shows off the most common ways cameras, lenses are damaged and destroyed (101)

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Lensrentals shows off the most common ways cameras, lenses are damaged and destroyed (2024)
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Name: Arline Emard IV

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Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.