Coffee with MarkZ and Andy Schectman. 09/03/2024
MarkZ Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim
MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context. Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions
Member: Good morning Mark, Mods and RV family
Member: So another 3 day weekend bites the dust.
Member: Hoping Mark has big RV news today .
Meber: What is your feeling on why this never comes to fruition? Are we now waiting for the election. Man this is hard.
MZ: I don’t think we are waiting on the election. I think things are being forced through as we speak.
Member: The Greatest Stall of All-Time...Iraq
Member: I'm super positive that this is our WEEK. I'm feeling "by Friday" for notifications to make appointments. My vibes.
MZ: I would not be surprised if your feelings are accurate.
MZ: “Iraq admitted by the order of the IMF that they have to back up their currency” Currencies with gold to face the fluctuations of currencies. The IMF is pushing Iraq to purchase ore gold.
MZ: For anybody paying attention….We are going to a gold standard. Just like Denmark Central bank told you- “we are preparing for the inevitable creation of a new Gold Standard.”
MZ: It is coming. The Philedelphia office of the Fed penned a similar article saying “The only answer to all of this os to go to a gold backed currency. That is where we are headed.
MZ: Iraq is being pushed by the IMF to do this. The IMF is seeming going counter to the Federal Reserve right now and pushing commodity rich nations to go gold backed. Read the writing on the wall. The fiat world is coming to an end.
MZ: We do not know the timing …but we know it is happening. Some time in the next week or two we could see a massive correction in our markets- which would most likely force this event…..The closer we get to this -the more I think they are going to implode the markets to reset them and make re-pricing easier…. .
MZ I am very curious to see what progress they have made today.
MZ: I have a number of excited Bond people, Group people and Indian Nation People, Prosperity Package People and CMKM people going into today…..They say the next 24-48 hours should be very telling of where we are at in the process…..
Member: I heard Zimbabwe is already gold backed???.
MZ: Zimbabwe has done something in between. When you look at what Zimbabwe, BRICS and CIPS has done….Look at the new MBridge and XRP has done with cross-border payments…..The plan 20 or so years ago was to create a fail-safe system that would occur on its own if the fiat world refused to do the right thing and reset…So a plan was put in place to bypass the SWIFT system ,The Federal Reserve, and Rothschilde banks that refuse to go quietly into this good night….……and we see that happening…
MZ: CIPS is for moving money and an asset backed options that people will naturally want to use when inflation starts running…..Which system do you want to keep your money??? This system was created to be a safety net under the worlds finances…..and alternative for when fiat crashes…..and I very much believe it will look like doomsday or an apocalypse in the financial markets…. And then we will get the official reset. I think that trigger will hit us this month..I could be wrong…but think the trigger hits this month and forces the change….
Member: Personally I wish we all could join BRICS.
Member: Will the RV wipe out debt?
MZ: It is my understanding –yes. If we look at this historically –every time they have gotten off fiat for god backed or commodity backed money…it has wiped out debt. Part of the reason they have to reset is debt has become untenable. This is a worldwide bankruptcy. They have to erase debt before they can reset… get to an even starting point…and start again..
Member: I hear we are waiting on bond folks to get their background check completed?
Member: Heard Bond holders have exchanged their bonds, BUT, they have yet to be ALL receipted in the QFS. Bondholders go through a a series of background checks and have their bonds verified.
Member: Receipted in the QFS means the bonds are assigned a physical serial number based on lot size (gold bar) and gets registered to that bar or asset.
Member: That bond now becomes a 'soliditity of funds' and is ready for disbursem*nt by the QFS. This is what I call logistics of funding.
Member: October 1st all banks must be Basel 3 compliant
Member: October 1st is also the first day of the new US fiscal year…..
Member: A prayer before I go: Dear God, please show Iraq Dinar and VND on Forex later today with wonderful news for us all. in Jesus' name. Amen!
Member: Wishing all the most beautiful day you have ever had!!!
Andy Schectman from Miles Franklin joins the stream today. Please listen to the replay for his opinions and information.